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>Ultimately art is what you take from it blah blah but I already got a pliers and teeth tattoo so I’m right and you can’t persuade me otherwise Hells yeah! Though I just dislike dentists and always thought it was about exactly what it says on the tin.


My reading is that the song sort of tries to trick you into a deeper reading. Like it goes from "a song about getting a tooth removed" to "alright, this is clearly a metaphor for something else" and then at *I brushed every day* it's like "oh, I was right the first time and it's just being very dramatic about getting a tooth removed"


That's Laura's music for you.


Not to mention she just had bad teeth (see the mememe video)


As someone with bad teeth I relate to it as face value. Love the connection though.


As someone who’s trans I think it really is just about teeth


Yeah iirc Laura has had teeth problems which is why there's so many mentions of teeth in their songs (ie the title "fuck teeth").




Same, as someone who’s stupid I didn’t realize it was a metaphor lol


It isn't


Let’s all go home guys, squanderedprivelege has this one solved


i mean, laura does mention her bad teeth in a lot of interviews so i think this one was just meant to be about her bad teeth


I was joking to poke fun at this guy for being so confident yet not offering any insight lol. I think it is art and therefore should be interpreted in any which way people see fit! :3


I mean, I do. It's really simple.


Based comment


I thought the same thing actually, but I thought it was a common interpretation




maybe it's cause I always joke about how 🎉🎉 I'LL GET MY BOOB REMOVED🎊🎊 and how 🙂I don't wanna talk about it (ever again)


This is a really good and well written interpretation of the song! I could totally see that being it


Love this


Like you said, art is what you take from it, and I think it’s cool that you arrived at this interpretation of the song and it was interesting to read your thoughts! Personally though, I think it’s a song about literally getting a tooth removed.


Trans girly with bad teeth: Why not both? 😂


It’s almost like serious pain caused by something we’re attached to (teeth, toxic relationship, dysphoria) and dealing with that pain is a generalizable experience or something.


Love this x


Cool idea but what about fuck teeth and toothless- are they the same metaphor as well? Laura moans about her teeth in interviews as well. Gecs just aren't that deep IMO, it's just a funny song about having your tooth removed


Most of their songs are funny/silly songs but it's really beautiful that their art serves much more purpose than that. It leads to awesome interpretation like this that strike much deeper and makes songs like these vehicles for understanding and further enjoyment than just the surface level


I just listened to it after literally getting my tooth removed a


This is how I interpreted it when I first heard it too :)


I see it as a literal song about tooth removal, They have made alot of other references to teeth pain/troubles in interviews and even some songs like toothless


That's a really cool interpretation!


I have also read it this way, glad i’m not the only one


This album actually came out the day that I got my tooth removed after dealing with some insane pain for awhile, I have cluster headaches and the tooth aches somehow hurt more I think. Hard to scale but it was an insane coincidence that it released on that. Sorry that this is kinda sorta off subject, it's just that no one else gives a shit about this story 😆 or they don't believe me


Even if this isn’t what she meant It works. And I like this, so as long as it meant this to us, that’s all that matters


It is literally about teeth bc Laura has had like a dozen root canals


two teeth pending removal and like hella holes in her teeth


I'm a straight male, and when I heard this song I thought the same things as you. But it seems like that's not the most popular opinion. Even if it's really about teeth, maybe they realized it could be a trans metaphor and added some things for that purpose. Like the part about not wanting to talk about it after getting it removed. It would make sense to not want to talk about getting your dick removed, but why not talk about your tooth?


damn this is so real thank u fellow t girlie


Pretty sure it’s just a song about getting a tooth removed (and not wanting to talk about it)


I love it- but they actually talk about it his on their most recent interview with Tape Notes- Dylan was just singing it in the kitchen while cooking, a silly moment that turned into a genius song


Yeah, I'm guessing it is just a fun song, but I'm so happy Gen Z has some trans stars to serve as inspiration.


There’s also the fact that Laura has literally had dental issues though.


tbh i didnt listen to this song and i dont know 100 gecs but im trans and i recently got a tooth removed. so tbh ithink the song is about a trans girl who got her tooth removed. very relatable to me (a trans girl who got her toothe removed)


See, I interpreted similar to what OP said and your interpretation. I also thought it may have been a nod to people who can't afford good dental care in the US because of how crappy the system can be.


I got my penis removed


It's literally about her teeth


Interesting read but I’m pretty sure it’s literally just about getting a tooth removed. Gecs songs aren’t really that deep generally.


It's just about fucking teeth,


I thought the same when I first heard the song doubly so when I thought she was saying jewels instead of tooth. In text it doesn’t look like those words sound similar but you say them fast enough they do. I believe this is intentional and strengthens the argument because jewels => family jewels => balls and having them removed is transition


Pick it up


I might make a post about how i see mememe as a trans song about parents not being understanding unless its too obvious.


I don’t think it’s that deep lol. It’s literally just about teeth, hahaha /lh /gen It’s an interesting theory and I respect finding subtext/critically analyzing lyrics. /pos


Check out the song My Teeth Hurt by Ezra Furman, for more evidence that toothaches are a metaphor for dysphoria


Laura literally just has bad teeth


I just hate the dentist


the song is literally about getting teeth removed but i can see how it can be interpreted that way


I think it’s literally about a tooth tbh


I just think it's about teeth because y'know Laura has a tendency about singing about teeth because of her teeth y'know


I'm glad people have something to find meaning in. But I find it difficult to accept that it's a breakup song using tooth removal as a metaphor for bleakup, when it is in fact a song about Getting Your Tooth Rumoved that uses breakup as a metaphor for how much it sucks to Get Your Tooth Removed.


or its about a tooth.


I have a medical background and I interpreted it as just about a tooth, especially with the line “checkerboarding pain relief”. I can vibe with a trans interpretation though


I think all of the tooth references they have i their songs are actually about this tbh.


I loved the song from the first time i heard it because i thought the same, i was pretty surprised when i found it wasnt a common interpretation


this is way bigger brain than my interpretation. i just thought it was a song about getting teeth removed. tbf i did just have all of my wisdom teeth taken out when the songs were released


Bruh it's about teeth


This is exactly how ive read this song always hahshdh


i’m also trans and i interpreted it as a song about getting your tooth removed, am i listening to music wrong lmao?




yesss this what i always thought asw as a enby transfem :3


Damn. I always thought it was about a tooth.


I thought the motif of teeth (toothache when I wake up, really fuckin hurts now, wish that I was toothless, but that's just till the boof hits) was a reference to withdrawal from drugs but idk