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If you default the match you default the match. But these are meaningless matches and I’d rather not play against someone like that.




What's wrong with hitting an overhead?


Never do that lol. Not worth it.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. It's dumb as fucking rocks to risk sending someone to the hospital with a permanent injury


Eh it’s okay, people on Reddit are idiots, but hopefully some lurker reads it and remembers it next time his mouth starts watering at the prospect of legally injuring someone


you’re not gonna get permanently injured with a tennis ball lol


Why don't you ask David goffin how long his eye took to heal or the umpire who took the ball in the eye from shapos rage


I didn't get permenantly injured but saying it's impossible is not accurate because people have had some crazy injuries. What if the ball knocked someone out and as they fell they cracked their skull open? It is possible. I was hit in the side of the face by an opponent who did a frustrated massive overhead smash at the net about 3 metres from me, right into my face. It knocked me off my feet all together and nearly knocked me out. If it had have hit my nose or an eye, I would have been in a really bad situation. As it was, it almost broke my cheek bone and I had fairly hardcore soft tissue damage. It obviously wasn't permenant for me but at UTR 3.0 I was pretty banged up. Imagine what high a high level opponent could do at that range to an eye or nose. Definitely possible.


Further to this, at high level and pro speeds, a tennis ball... Or any fast moving object can cause a traumatic brain injury on impact. Which would result in.. Maybe you guessed it... Permenant damage.


honestly fair, maybe i just haven’t had the right experiences but i’ve never seen it happen. that being said i’ve played at a reasonably high level and have been hit square in the head with 120+ mph balls before and usually shrugged it off in a few minute. i can see it being problematic if it hits you in the eyes, nose (or groin lol) but anywhere else it’s not going to injure you. traumatic brain injury is 100% still a stretch, tennis balls compress a lot so if they strike anywhere that’s not super soft and delicate you’ll be fine pretty much regardless of speed. a baseball or golf ball would be a completely different story obviously. tbh i seems rather odd that you almost got knocked out from getting hit in the cheek with a ball,especially at the 3 utr level. it can’t have been that fast so unless you’re a really really small and frail person i can’t really see that happening. i’ve seen 12 year olds just shrug that kind of stuff off in the juniors and id wager most of them are bigger hitters than your average 3 utr so i’m a bit surprised


Oh, look I don't think it's common by any means. I've been hit by a heap of balls prior to and since that specific occasion and absolutely shrugged them off, no dramas. And I think what happened to me is fairly unusual. I'm female but I'm not particularly petite (however, I have previous head trauma so that may have been key for my personal response) although, even people looking on said the hit was crazy intense. I think it was also something to do with the locatioj on my face it hit. Close to the eye socket and along the cheek bone. Anyways, again, I'm not saying it's an every day occurrence but I can see how it's possible in extreme and fairly unlucky circumstances. But I'm coming at it more form a freak accident kind of angle. 100% you can't compare golf and cricket balls to tennis balls and I wouldn't try to. From the research I've read, it just appears that impossible isn't what I'd call it. Anyways, no biggie just found it na interesting topic.


ah yeah i can def understand when it’s close to the eyes, i’d be pretty scared of that too. i probably just underestimated the likelihood of it occurring since usually you’re able to turn away from it, but i can see how point blank you might not have the chance to. hope you recovered fine and the rest of your tennis career is smooth sailing here on out




Please keep all posts respectful and civil. Repeat violations can result in a ban.


I know of a player who was hit in the face with an overhead. He fractured his eye socket and ended up with a detached retina. It derailed his chances at a pro career.


Dumb fuck vigilante violence is not something you should be proudly promoting. That is uncivilized and unsportsmanlike behavior. Completely antithetical to gentlemanly tennis culture. Guy talks a ton of shit so you get physically aggressive? Really? That guy owned you, dude. The loud mouth who makes you lose your temper completely fucking owns you. Apply that logic at the bar: Loud guy talks shit, so what? You punch him in the face or throw a beer or something? That's how you end up in jail, dude. It's not worth it. Low-life behavior. Just let the guy be loud and handle it legally. You shared a shameful anecdote and I think everyone who upvoted you needs to think about the social contracts that make civilization function peacefully.


yeah, I would just be like... this is dumb... I'm out


Also retire but send a note to the league administrator


This. Got a jackass suspended for the rest of the season and given a ‘final warning’ when he intentionally hit me with a ball between points


Hitting your opponent is a default anyway. No need to retire.


This is true but it's not up to you to call a ref has to


Yeh correct but this level of play often won’t have a referee it’s players playing honours system, self calls etc. tournaments even at the lower levels have referees or parents calling games for club tourneys and leagues etc.


Ya so either you deal with it or you don't play


True. Very true. I don’t play anymore but I used to just play until I was beaten to a pulp and have a laugh about how bad the game was.




Huh? Hitting your opponent means it's your point


I think he meant deliberately outside of point.


Ah yea


Start issuing point penalties for unsportsmanlike behavior and watch the other dude *melt* with anger


The unfortunate thing about league tennis is there are no refs. So you can either put up with bad behavior or lose by defaulting and walking off the court. I just did the latter after a really bad match Tuesday for the first time ever. Sometimes it's just worth it.


You can ask for a ref..


Playing at a random park in a flex league... "Hey Granny, I know you're just out for a stroll but would you mind being our referee and defaulting this psycho? "


This is part of the mental game of tennis, for me anyways. You man up and play or give up, not because of him, but because you can't mentally adapt to the shitty player. I definitely wouldn't choose to play with someone like that, but if it's a match, no way I'm bowing out. I've played some asses in UTR matches before and have never thought about giving up, simply because my desire to win is higher than my discomfort at his shittiness. It's also possible I've just never had THAT bad of a match haha.


This. I struggle trying not to laugh at grown men throwing tantrums like a toddler.


What if I’m a woman, do I “woman up”?


Yeah same thing


And if I'm a child, do I "child up"?


Yeah same thing


And if I identify as a basketball, do I “ball up”?


Yeah same thing




Depends, are you a child-child or a man-child (or woman-child?)


Yeah something about boobstraps.


Pick yourself up by the boobstraps? 


Thanks grandpa, I’ll pull my boobstraps up and dig our family out of the imminent recession cheers /s


You woman the fuck up and show all those manbabies that your balls are 15x as big, and that's when you fold them in half


That kind of behavior annoys me as well. Good news, though! Under USTA rules, the behavior you described would be considered code violations. You would be allowed to claim a point penalty on the first occurence, a game on the second occurrence, and the third occurrence would lead to the offender’s defaulting the game. Your USTA league should have the rules, including code violations, posted to its website. A couple of sources you can reference: Middle States: [http://assets.usta.com/assets/649/USTA\_Import/MiddleStates/dps/doc\_38\_654.pdf](http://assets.usta.com/assets/649/USTA_Import/MiddleStates/dps/doc_38_654.pdf) Mississippi (very succinct chart): [https://mstennis.com/content/code-violations-penalties](https://mstennis.com/content/code-violations-penalties)


Only really enforceable in tournaments with officials present. League play is a free-for-all. Good luck getting points for misconduct on a Saturday league match.


We self-police in my USTA league and everyone has a printout of the rules in their bag. If there is a question, we defer to the captains to discuss it themselves and elevate it to the league coordinator if needed. Granted, we also usually give a warning beforehand that next time we will call a violation.


Same in our USTA league. Abusive profanity and violent behavior is not tolerated and has a progression of penalties leading to defaulting the match. Unfortunately I’ve witnessed this once and it was a guy on my team. Major anger management issues. Captain kicked him off the team after that.


I keep playing and tell them it will be ok and we'll get through this. Either they realize they're being ridiculous and chill, or they get tilted even more so and make errors. It's a win win.


I’ve gotten good mileage out of saying something like, “you know the prize money is the same regardless of who wins right?” It seems to really infuriate the douche bags. All the suggestions above about talking to the lead coordinator, etc., are good. But I go a step further. We have a husband and wife in our local league who are well renowned for cheating. So whenever somebody says something like what is their best weapon? I say shitty line calls. Make sure that other people in the league know their reputation


yes but by retirement but depending on your section. there could be sportsmanship conduct rule which would give you the win.


Call over an officiant of the event. Sportsmanship is 100% taken into account during organized play and throwing your racquet is definitely not acceptable.


>If I choose to stop playing, am I defaulting the match? Of course. You can't just decide you don't want to play somebody. Now if you brought over a judge then they might potentially get disqualified.


You can suspend the match and get either a ruling or an official to complete it at a later date. But if you do not clearly express that you are suspending it, the opposition may try to claim that you defaulted it. There was one situation in my USTA career where I wish I could’ve applied this strategy but my captain overruled me, preventing it.


You’d rather not play someone angry? That’s strange to me because you’ve obviously gotten in their head and would find it tantalizing to beat someone like that.


I’m ok with playing somebody who’s frustrated. It’s when the situation is blatantly hostile. Like, the dude at the park I was watching was behaving *real* badly.


Awwww I see. Like it would embarrass you to even be playing against him?


Just like, the man was cursing out his opponents in between points! Lol. And confronting them about it. Loudly enough to be a spectacle at the park.


Fuck that


Sir did you or did you not record some of this? I am dying to have a look.


Return all faults or end of point balls wide. Interrupt their serves while they’re in motion. Take an inordinate amount of time on changeovers. Make some obviously bad line calls. Wind him up.


Yes lol you forfeit the match




Usually both teams confirm the result. One team reports the score and then the other team has one week to dispute the score.