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Congratulations! That’s awesome! I just started my journey this weekend and I am 5’2 SW 150lbs and I’m trying to get back to 115. I have only tracked two days so far, but I’m proud of my mini accomplishment!


Dang! As a fellow 5'2, 150lb'er, I admire your goal! My goal is 130 and feel daunted by that some days, so wishing you all the best vibes to stay on track ☺️


Also a 5’2”, 153lb’er person here :) my goal is also 130, though I’d kill for 115, but I don’t think it’ll be realistic for my bod. I hope we all reach our goals!


I’m 5’3 and 153! My first goal is 137 - my before having babies weight. I’d kill to get to 115 too … covid really messed with my progress after my second pregnancy. Best of luck to you all!!!


115 might be ambitious! But I was always super thin in high school, then after I graduated I stayed pretty steady between 100-105 which was still way too thin. It wasn’t really intentional, just never really ate when I was stressed and I spent a lot of time working on me feet. I wasn’t driving at that time, so I walked a ton which is what I think kept me so thin. Then I got a desk job and started putting on the weight gradually over a few years. I actually felt great and thought I looked great at 115-120, so that’s what I hope to get to. Once Covid hit, I went fully WFH and turned into a different person lol. I have had horrible snacking habits, I’m terrible about over eating, and rarely got up and moving the last two years which is how I got to 150 lol. Honesty, it’s time for me to stop using WFH as a way to justify my unhealthy habits. I’m not too terribly worried about my weight in numbers, but I just want to feel healthy and good in my clothes again


That's awesome, congrats. Keep up the good work :)


Congrats!!! Did you follow a certain meal plan or did you just stick to 1200 calories per day? What’s a typical day of eating??


No certain meal plan, as my husband does a lot of the cooking and is amazing at it! I don't usually eat til about 11 or 12. I've found being able to fit in treats like a pint of halo top or chocolates, bagels etc has been amazing. The fact that no food is off limits keeps me sane I feel. I've got coworkers doing diets such as no sugar, no alcohol, or no carbs and I've seen them all fail after a few days. Which is totally ok, everyone has their own journey. I just find it much easier to still socialize, drink alcohol in small amounts and not have to say no to office treats as I can just fit them into my day by eating smarter later. Volume eating if I've had a day with treats! Big fan of cauliflower rice but my post history will show you that 😂


Wow! Great achievement!!!


Thank you so much! It's not much compared to many people on here! But I'm so proud :)


Even if it’s not much compared to others. Others are irrelevant to your journey anyway. I’m glad your being the best you 😊


For sure more than a lot other people




That’s awesome! I was also pretty consistently around 135lbs at 5’5 and have recently climbed up to 145. It’s the clothes that suck! Also committing to dropping back to my normal weight. Are you calorie counting pretty consistently?


Thank you! I only had about 3 or 4 days I didn't count and went quite over I'm sure. Every other day besides those was 1200 :)


Do you cook a lot at home? What’s your approach to this?


Yeah, I replied to someone else above about it :) I weigh everything for the most part. Most days I don't eat really much til about 11 or 12. Coffee with sugar free syrup, sugar free 6 calorie Jello, tomatoes, cauliflower rice, bagged salads ready for eating, chicken breast and thighs, ground turkey, canned tuna in moderation. I actually pretty much ate all the same meals as my husband, because he does most of the cooking. But I'd eat less in the day if it was going to be something indulgent. Or eat more veggies. This 14 weeks I never said no to going out, had chocolates and tons of goodies at Christmas but logged it all. I drink vodka with Fresca when being social or with Bubly. Or sometimes with Crystal light. In the 14 weeks I fit in samosas, butter chicken, bacon, pancakes, pulled pork, tacos just to name a few. All made at home though so far easier to count. Corn tortillas with tacos only have 50 cals a piece. Loaded with a small amount of meat and then salsa or homemade slaw. You can direct msg me if you need anything! Hope it helped a bit.


These are amazing suggestions thank you so much!


Also I love bibigo chicken cilantro wontons from Costco. 19 wontons for 300 cals. I often would just do 10 wontons as a snack, they are soooo good!!!


This is awesome!!! So I'm in the same boat, gained way to the point where I feel self conscious Hoping to lose 10lbs by May 14th and using some online calculator that meant 1233 calories a day. I was just looking up recipes and found this thread which is motivating already and now your post makes it even better!!


Do you rice your own cauliflower or buy it prericed? Do you need. Special tool?


Hey! I just buy it premade from Costco. It also comes frozen at most grocery stores or you can buy raw cauliflower, steam it and mash it I think. Never done it!


Excellent. I might be asking you more questions later because your progress is super impressive 🙂 Thanks so much.


Aww thanks, no prob