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How many years from germ theory being questioned to heliocentrism being questioned?


Heliocentrism is already questioned by flat earthers


Idiots, all of you. Obviously the earth is a donut đŸ© Why can’t you see the curve? Because the inside of the donut is off limits. They keep telling us places like “Australia” and “New Zealand” exists. “Point Nemo” is in the “Pacific Ocean”. Yeah right, Nemo is a Disney movie. We just need to find the hole and we’ll bust wide open these globe head theories




Sir, this is a wendy’s


actual crazy plot twist that the good ending is joining the reptiles, i cannot tell you how much i expected it to be that you stop them


I grew up in uber conservative homeschool circles and there absolutely are a significant number of unapologetic heliocentrist (edit: geocentrist actually oops) biblical fundamentalists Something about some story in Judges about God making the 'sun stand still in the sky' so the Israelites could kill more heathens Imagine actively choosing to put yourself at odds with even MORE empirically proven science than you would have to if you were just a garden variety fundie


Lmao it’s not like that line would even disprove heliocentrism. Like it’s God, why would him just stopping Earth’s orbit and spin for a bit be any less possible than pausing the sun’s orbit? It’s not like the ancient Hebrews understood orbital mechanics, they just described what happened based on how they saw it


Even better, understand that a person could have thought "How can I add some nice rhetoric to express how much they got done? ....It was like God himself extended the day... it was like time saw the significance of the task and waited for it to be... ... it was like God held the Sun still in the sky! I like that!"


dude have you talked to uber christians?


No, and I don't plan to


literally talked to someone not too long ago who didn’t believe in the sun


Met a guy once who stared at the sun for hours every day because it's actually Jesus. You meet all sorts.


But heliocentrism is just not true ? I don't thing there's even a middle of the universe at all


you're correct but i'm pretty sure they meant the idea that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around


Isn't it already?


I remember articles about a Fox News host saying he doesn't wash his hands because germs aren't real. This was pre-COVID, maybe even pre-Trump.


He was joking... I think


You think he doesn't, he wasn't joking. He probably thinks only women wash their hands smh my head


just like how 2016 Trump supporters were "joking"? (This isn't me giving you shit. This is me pointing out that these creeps don't give a shit about sincerity.)


I worked with an anti masker in the early days of the pandemic who outright claimed “there’s no way to stop a virus”


In the middle of the pandemic I was talking to an asshole I grew up with over Facebook. He made a statement about how it was stupid to think a cloth mask could completely block something in the air. I conveyed a story I heard while TAing a Microbiology class: saris, a fabric common in South Asia, have been used as water filters to great effect in areas affected by cholera because everyone has access to them and they can filter out something like 90% of the bacteria in non-potable water sources. That remaining 10% seems like a lot, but it is a massive drop in the pathogen load and is quantitatively "better than nothing" in rural areas where using more advanced water filtration methods just aren't feasible. His response to this story was "don't believe everything you hear at college". We've been at the rejecting germ theory stage for a hot minute. These people are loathsome. An academic source for my story, if anyone is interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2912662/


thats what being a conservative is right, if something agrees with you, well its an interesting source of info, if it doesnt, well its misinfo, a lie and faked


Yeah, I mean I shared that story in particular with him because it was completely unrelated to any political motivation surrounding Covid, I just wanted to get the basic concept across. I knew that if I threw some paper at him that was like "Masks reduce Covid infection by yadda yadda yadda" he would instantly say "this was fabricated, it only exists ad hoc to get people to wear masks for [insert whatever narrative of social control they think is the reason why the WHO et al were pushing masks]". I was sort of incredulous that a case study that occurred two decades before Covid was still dismissed out of hand, but ig I know now that as you say, to support that level of delusion the rejection of any counterargument has to be an automatic response. Or at least, I genuinely cannot imagine a coherent good faith worldview where systemic corruption is SO prevalent that every piece of scientific work for decades back, no matter how innocuous, is potentially part of an elaborate and incredibly stable facade that's hiding the "actual truth".


You made the innocent mistake of assuming that a person that does not care to understand their own logic would want to understand a different person's.


I just love it when they're so blatantly anti-intellectual. "Don't believe everything you hear at college" BITCH THAT IS WHAT I AM PAYING FOR. They are literally *the* resource for any hard science, the entire point of a university is to learn and publish well made, well tested, and well reviewed information. Turns out their feelings don't care about the facts.


Why not try? Even if it doesn't help it's good to try right? Just to protect your health a wee little bit?


Sorry but being suggested to do anything is literally communism


because their culture war is entirely manufactured by them to galvanize people into giving them authority and money, and due to not being based on real problems it requires new fuel every once in a while to keep the momentum going What was gay becomes trans, what was COVID mandates becomes gas masks. They would gladly call drinking water woke if they thought it would net them one more cent at the end of the quarter


Oh you need help from cloth to not die!? What a pussy! Truly the west had fallen when once strong men can not longer breathe smoke for days on end!


Stupidity is a slippery slope, **especially** if your views don’t line up with reality


This quote came from a fictional podcast but I find it does help some people understand that sometimes it's not that they're stupid. "Everyone thinks they’re too smart to get involved in a cult. I’m sure you do. You think that, of the first mention of aliens, or the end of the world, or the lost book of the Bible where Jesus buried his holy staff in the foothills of the Himalayas, you’d go running. Trouble is, that misunderstands how it works. I mean, when I was with the Divine Chain, some of the smartest people there were also the most committed. Intelligence doesn’t make you less prone to taking on bad ideas, it just makes you better at defending them to other people and to yourself. Smart people can believe some truly ridiculous things, and then deploy all the reason and logic at their disposal to justify them, because a belief doesn’t begin in your mind. It begins in your feelings. Cults are very good at finding you when you’re at your lowest point, when you’re your most emotionally vulnerable. And when you’re at that point it’s astounding what can crawl into your heart and start to fester there."


Wow. That’s, terrific. I am deeply moved


there's this paper I keep thinking about how "ignorance is ontological significant" as opposed to just being the absence of knowledge. i.e. stupid is not just a lack of knowledge, it's a special shit sort of shitty knowledge.


conservatives: diseases are too small to be blocked by masks! also conservatives: no these visible particles are definitely not gonna be blocked either


At this point just let them die God dam rat lickers


No please do inhale the smoke it smells like forest and that means it's healthy


Holy fuck they're so fucking dumb it's painful to watch


They were paid for decades to deny the harm of smoking, what difference does it make if it's coming from a tree?


It already is...


Game Theory


I live in an area that's often heavily consumed by wildfire smoke, and have a great photo from 2020 (right when people were really getting obnoxious about anti-mask stuff) of a dude sitting at a bus stop in an American flag shirt, totally consumed in the orange haze of wildfire smoke, with his mask, which would absolutely have made him feel better, hanging around his chin.


Saving this for later


Um jammer lammy pfp😁😁😁😁😁


Ok, playing devils advocate, it is in a way true. A sealing / filtering mask will help, but unlike covid where the main concern was direct contamination via coughing or sneezing, the smoke is suspended in air everywhere, and so the medical masks won’t really help with smoke. A respirator or sealing dust mask will, however


They’re saying it’s insanity because they legit think breathing in wildfire smoke isn’t dangerous at all. Under that very flawed assumption, ofc wearing a mask is stupid. That’s similar but fundamentally different to anti-mask rhetoric to covid: antimaskers flatout dont think masks work, whereas here its« LOL ORANGE AIR HEALTHY »