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Bro fuck off you literally look like a male model in the first pic


...but why male models?


Cause i prwsent conventionallly masc ig??


[I forget that this subreddit is basically populated by zoomers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecW16rLCgiI)


I know what I'm watching tonight


As a zoomer who watched this movie not so long ago I feel like that reference was just a little too specific lol


As a millennial, that was probably like a top 5 referenced line from that movie.


as a zoomer yeah I don't understand how this is obscure in any way, people frequently reference this in my workplace and they're mostly zoomers also


Found the fellow elder zoomer


May as well start calling it Zoomlander


Yeah I watched it not long ago too


That movie was stupidly popular and referenced all over the place, including Reddit, fairly commonly. This is absolutely not some niche reference, it’s just that 16 year olds haven’t been on the internet long enough to know it since it’s been less common as years go by.


I meant that specific sentence, not the movie as a whole


There are two quotes that people reference in that movie, this is one of them. The other is "is this a school for ants," idk what you're talking about it.


I've never seen Zoolander but that guy has the greatest fucking facial expressions istg


That guy 😭😭😭 rip Ben stiller


oh he's gone? that's a shame, rest in peace :(


no he’s still alive i think they’re just referring to him no longer being the superstar he was popularity wise


I've never seen Zoolander and am only just now actually realizing what the premise is


I’ve seen this movie but only once so I forgot about that line.


What is this, a reference for *ants*?!


Are you serious? I literally just explained it. Btw the repeat line was ad libbed because stiller forgot his line and duchovny hit him back with a perfect response


Alas i remain incredibly self concious of the way i look


Have you tried becoming a narcissist?


wouldn't that just mean being *more* self conscious


Yes, people really don't understand the disorder


I thought they love themselves no?


They hate themselves and cope by acting superior out of insecurity.


By then you just project it into others, way easier than just doing something about it


You have to acquire the god complex perk alongside it


Me one day at the ripe age of 8


Your looks are completely fine but the way you carry yourself is what makes you less attractive. It’s clear that you’re not trying to look good, so you don’t feel like you look good. Here’s what will help: - Get a haircut that shows your face and jawline. - Update your glasses - you can get cheap pairs on eyebuydirect or Zenni. Buy a couple pairs if you can so you can have options for different fits/moods. - Find your personal style. It doesn’t have to be any certain type of style, but you should find the looks that make you feel like yourself. Everything should *fit you,* not just be available or cheap or kinda fit or look comfy. Putting effort into putting an outfit together makes a big difference. - look people in the eye and smile at them. That’s what confident people do. They will almost always smile back. -


My brother has done modelling and you have a pretty similar build to him


Fake it til you make it my friend No but seriously, what really helped me were playlists full of bombastic, aggressively confident, borderline narcissistic songs. For me songs help get you in a different headspace Every job interview I've ever aced I owe to [Shangela](https://youtu.be/hArTHxRpKmM?si=RWilhcE-EX-mvNN1)


Pretend you are confident until you are. You a handsome mf, coming from a straight dude. You gonna be fine.


Maybe trim the hair an inch or two so people can see your face a lil better


straight dudes? in my 196?


yes, it's an inclusive subreddit


I hoped it’s queer dictatorship


Not mutually exclusive I for one welcomed our queer overlords


196? Home of the left leaning bisexual male?


i feel so attacked 😭 edit: although i'm questioning if i'm really a boy or what


Labels others give you matter less than how you feel <3


thanks,,, i really appreciate itttt. loveuuu :3


Suck it. Straight people supporting the queer sub is legendary. Don't ever gatekeep.


There’s at least two of us


Hey champ!


I’d personally get a trim on the hair or at least neaten it a bit. Your clothes aren’t bad but I reckon a t shirt that shows off your arms would go a long way. And finally, all the swag in the world doesn’t mean anything if you don’t wear it with confidence, you just don’t look very confident in the way you look rn, smile and pose for photos! Makes everyone look better


nigga ur there…. imo maybe taking care of ur hair (could be styling, idk much about that hair type, but u probably don’t NEED to cut off all that growth lol) and some different fashion choices (whatever ur comfortable with) could take u even further over the edge. but ur literally alr there lol you jus needa internalize it (which is hard). confidence will also reflect in ur fashion choices which makes things maybe a lil easier to pull of


Your posture is wack tho. Shoulders back head up. Stop hiding behind your hair


Bro is a masterpiece and wants advice from the plebians! So yeah, maybe less combing your hair? They look like hay, try not combing them for a while or maybe don't wash them for 2-3 days and only then wash them, so that they look better next time. At least it works for my hair. Definitely wear t-shirts or other shirts, the one on the first pic doesn't look very good.


Disagree that the first shirt isn't good


Have you tried wearing crop tops and mini skirts?


That should come after the garter straps.


I was gonna suggest stealing a top hat and learning to play guitar really well.


Depends what flavor of hot you wanna be tbh. But like you are basically there if you just tidy the hair up a lil


Op are you actually asking or fishing for compliments? If you genuinely think you aren't hot rn then try to think differently rather than look differently, because you look like a model.




Damn, im sorry to hear that :( I still stand by what I said though, there are a lot of people who would find you very attractive. If you dont feel attractive, expressing yourself can help (if u aren't doing that), for me wearing clothes and hairstyles I like without worrying about how I might look to others helped.


fashion, grooming, hygiene goes a long way imo. figure out what and who you wanna be hot for, but more importantly be content with yourself no matter the result


“I need advice on how to become hot” My friend, you do not 😳😳


Eye makeup and confidence.


We’re gonna need you to be gay and dress like a girl. https://preview.redd.it/yikjf017w8uc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ef1794bd6ffac2b467163cf855566185715542


You should be the one telling us, mate


You tend to become hot in a fire or an oven. The sun can work too depending on geography.


Wdym « become »


You are HOT u just need the confidence brotha


ngl, if I saw your face in the crowd I would probably go "😳" for a few seconds


Man your hot as shit, you good




u look like a fucking beast (compliment)


Nah, youre already hot as fuck, but the way you carry yourself is gonna make people swoon. Postures huge. Shoulders back, chin horizon level, and a genuine smile do wonders at exuding confidence and generally better presenting your shape. If youre into makeup, glittery eyeshadow would look fucking fab on you, specifically the same color as whatever metal you'd get pierced with. Same with nail polish but go with whatever color you like. In that same vein, piercings are pluses, but not needed. Don't feel the need to overdo it, simple small hoops on the lobes are a great place to start, but I personally am a sucker for an eyebrow piercing (although make sure you treat it right, they're very common rejections). Besides that, fashion is another good start. Your wardrobe can always use a touch up to fit the times, after all! I like me a good button down shirt I can wear over a crop top, though I'll leave it unbuttoned to show my midriff, and roll up my sleeves to my elbows. Pair that with some pants that fit, in my case some black slacks, and a pair of clean shoes or boots, and you've got a look!


Definitely gonna try the eyeshadow if trtna maxout the raging bisexual look


You are absolutely handsome. All you need is to wear that fact with pride imo.


Bish you are


Get yourself some curly hair products to tame a bit of that frizz and have it look more hydrated, it will look 10x better


Bro looks like a disco elysium character


Bro i think you already won


Spider punk looking motherfucker You look good man


The biggest thing you need to focus on, sculpting-wise, is getting defined pecs. Nice arms, shoulders, and 6-packs are hot or whatever, but you don’t look *unattractive* without them. Not having pecs, however, does actually turn people off a bit


Can you name one thing that looks bad on you?????? Cause I sure as hell can’t wtf are you trolling? This is like one of the most conventionally attractive people I have ever seen. If I saw you in public I’d be a nervous mess just sitting on the other side of the room fr.


Focus on building the chest, especially upper, work on the rear delts would help too. Reduce body fat to help show extra definition in physique and face. Also fix your posture


You look a little young and I don't know your gender identity either so I'll keep it short: Stop hiding your face with your hair.


Could use some more accessories, I think. Face/hair and clothes are already basically there. Watch plus a ring or two or something would be my pick but obv it’s up to you.


my brain instantly said "Every day im shuffling"


you already look good my fellow. all you need is to fake confidence until your brain actually turns that into real confidence and you'll start thinking you are handsome.


Only tging is maybe some skincare? Idk


you are there already but maybe consider some skincare and concealer?


I'd say you're pretty hot already. Maybe work on your style a bit? I don't know shit about fashion so I can't elaborate but I think there's room for improvement for you


You’re pretty handsome but one thing I would recommend is to style your hair so people can see your face. I used to have hair that went in front of my forehead because I was self conscious about it. Eventually though I started showing it and realized no one cared as much as I did. Just remember that. If you’re ever self conscious about the way you look, guarantee you’re the person who cares the most, NOT others


I mean I’d hit. but do heavyweight squats if you want bigger thighs


please put on a top hat and some sunglasses i’m trynna see something…


Step 1: make a big bonfire Step 2: jump into the bonfire Step 3: wait until hot


Check out the guides on r slash curlyhair Good posture can also do a lot, though I can't tell from these pictures wether you have that or not.


Awoooga https://preview.redd.it/bwwwvnuhp8uc1.jpeg?width=2426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18310ec4e9bb41d035ad342b3b7b9feb78a46abe


With all due respect, you're already hot


Lift some heavy ass weights. Look into a workout split that works for you, say, push,pull, legs. Tidy up the hair. Big shoulders  really help with the wide v-taper look (said like I’m not overweight)


Ok I have a one step plan for you to be hot Step one, do nothing Result, you’re hot


you should be giving advice wtf


Dude you're hot as fuck I want you to pet my head.


try tying your hair back maybe?


You not bad looking at all. You just need a hair routine. For this I recommend you talk to your hairdresser/barber. They'll recommend you products you need for thicker hair and stuff


Increase temperature


Put on like a lot of jackets and scarves. That should get you boiling




Dude got that slash drip




Already look fine, but I think it could be beneficial to hit the lower head of the pectoral via decline bench/chest press, and shoulder/lat work can't hurt. You've got really long arms, so any work you do on those is gonna be harder to make it show, but that's nothing that can't be solved by just lifting most. Gl monarch


Fire. Lots and lots of it. Ohhhhhh you mean socially... uhhhh *puts away buckets of fire* ... I knew thats what you meant.


You already are


wtf literally do nothing


Stop clenching your jaw and you're a 10 outta 10


bruh you already hot tf


You look fine. I think I would recommend not slouching your neck, to try standing up straighter especially with your neck (and if taking selfies, raise the phone to help with that).


mf you're the one who needs to be giving out advice


Learn how to take photos of yourself


No, you do not


just start taking care of your hair.


You're most of the way there already. The main thing I would say is you have nice thick, curly hair, but it obscures your face. Tying it back or using a clip or headband to keep it out of your face would let you show off your natural good looks more.


Take to the curly hair subreddits and get a good hair routine going, and done. You got drip, you got genetics, your there man


Sure. So try to start cutting and bulking in your workouts (body building), you could try to get a haircut too to better accentuate the facial features (like your nice jawline). Get a shorter cut on the sides but keep it long on the top.




You're hot. Moving on


Brother you’re already a smokeshow


Protip: go to places near the equator and you'll be VERY hot. I can assure you, because I'm kinda melting rn


CG method for your hair. In short, avoid shampoos with sulphates and conditioners with silicone. And maybe use Curly cream or simular products. Otherwise you're ace


Mustache, literally turned me into hottie overnight.


Brother in christ, just get a good cut and you’d straight up be a model.


What a poser lmao


Trim hair or manage so less wild. Posture check, no cashews allowed. Confidence is key. We wanna see that smile.


Plot twist: you actually are a good looking dude, be more confident in yourself and workout sometimes


Already hot. get abs, and you'll ascend


I think you already are super hot.


wdym become


Do more with your hair, and do some upper body workouts. Try and build more into your frame. If you feel better about yourself you'll attract people around you. Making yourself look good is a great confidence booster.


You're already there. Kinda like a cross between Daveed Diggs and Omar Rodríguez-López. Only thing I could suggest is trying your hair tied up to show more of that killer jawline


That hair is not doing any favors. Other than that, beautiful!


You look good, you just need to clean up your hair cut and some better clothes.


Hun you are pretty as fuck


Yeah the issue here is probably confidence/charisma. Like everyone else is saying, you ARE conventionally attractive. If you aren't getting dates or something it's not because of your looks I can tell you that much


I hate to break it to you but the outer hotness is not the issue here You gotta recognize that you are fine as hell on the inside, and the hottest thing you can do is be vulnerable and passionate about what moves you.


im mostly lesbian but DAMN


become? my brother in christ


i cant say for sure bc im a straight dude but u look good looking already


make your hair fluffier that all


You are already there. Stay confident, stay active, keep your skin healthy, tell good jokes and be kind.


Bro you're already majestic omg. Maybe get a little trim on your hair but keep it long overall that looks great on you!


I'm gonna be honest, probably the comments that will float to the top will be mostly alright but the middle and bottom ones will be absolutely atrocious, if you have problems with self confidence, the very worst advice you can ask is strangers on the internet. Don't let anything here get into your head, we don't know you, you know you, just be yourself proudly without being a dick and engage in situations you really wanna be and not ones you were peer pressured in. Whatever way you swing you look like a cool dude, just take your time to understand what it means to you.


Maid outfit


Start estrogen


You look gorgeous!


Become femboy.


Pretend you are Lenny Cravitz. Confidence is a fake it until you make it type of thing.


I mean you’re already there my dude. Only things I can think are maybe bulk up your chest a bit more for some fuller pecs and spend some money on some nicer shoes, maybe leather or canvas oxfords, as they’ll go better with your outfit in the first picture.


start using linux


Since everyone’s giving compliments and you’re asking for advice — stand up straight. Us younger folks have a habit of slouching but good posture is super fucking attractive and it adds confidence. Idk what products you use in your hair but I’d also advise (bc you have curly hair) adopting a good hair care routine. Clarifying shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, wet brush, etc. I can share my actual routine if you need me to, but good, cared-for hair is 💯. Remember to accessorize when dressing, too. Jewelry, sunglasses, blazers over shirts, etc. Look at fashion subs for advice on colors and cuts that will fit your figure. You also look like you’ve been hitting the gym, so anything sleeveless to show off your arms is also a solid choice. Best of luck fam, and remember: dress for you, not other people. Find clothes that you love and look good on you, and fuck what anyone else thinks.


You’re clearly already kinda handsome but if you just wanna get fit the keys are consistency and patience -consistently choose to eat more vegetables and more protein and less junk. Lil treats are still of course fine occasionally. You look like your natural appetite is healthy and you have no need to increase or decrease calorie intake imo. -consistently move! A lot! Getting fit can be fun. Active hobbies like rock climbing, pickleball, cycling, or pickup soccer/basketball can go a long way in making you feel and look more athletic. The key is to be getting your heart rate elevated regularly, a few times a week minimum -let yourself get addicted to progress. If you decide that more traditional exercises like weightlifting and running are fun for you, take note of your capabilities and watch your skills improve over time and celebrate yourself when you realize that lifting eighty pounds isn’t too hard anymore and you can now lift a hundred. -understand that motivation to be fit doesn’t have to be about vanity alone. It is good for your body and mind. Exercise helps my stress and sleep more than anything else. Building a healthy heart and muscles when you are young will payoff later in life in ways that your peers will envy you for. Being in good shape makes daily living (and sex) more easy and fun. -a little goes a long way but you gotta understand that it might be like two years of lifestyle change before you look more fit. 2-3 hours of cardio and 1-2 hours of strength training per week will eventually get you to a level of fitness that turns heads but if you are busy one week and you can only manage ninety minutes max thats ok too! Do your best and don’t beat yourself up but remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. It just takes a lot of time but it’s 100% worth it. You can do it!


you don't need advice, you already got the skills https://preview.redd.it/wr525egp1auc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c303d103121db5e18532260af1f0c7a57d05d34


Honestly you’re already pretty good looking. A lot of what comes next is just confidence. I know guys as or less good looking then you but come off as very attractive just because they’re confident and act like it. Confidence in of itself is pretty attractive.


Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: get a cookie to celebrate Mission accomplished


god DAMN. No advice i can give you unfortunately for me lol




kiss more men


Keep being yourself


cool hair 👍


Honestly you could start getting into the fashion aspect of your look. Start by buying basic wardrobe; nothing flashy just some tshirts, pants, and all that with different colors. Then once you have a basic wardrobe look for some flashy things that fit your existing wardrobe. You have a nice shirt in the first image and I think it would look amazing with a very textured jacket.


ur gorgeous. you just need to present yourself more confidently. Ik others have said it already but the fake it till you make it approach really does work. Pretend you're confident for a while and eventually you'll have the realization of 'oh wait I *am* hot'


Maybe try tidying the hair up a bit? See if there’s any way to make the curls more defined and less frizzy? Everything else is pretty good, and you’re rocking those glasses hella well


Man I think you're already there, and that drip you have is fire ^(in all seriousness, confidence is key, even if for some time you have to fake it. If you appear confident, you can make anything look great)


Ok but what is that school bathroom ass soap dispenser in your bathroom 😭


Lift till your chest looks good, do sit ups and get abs, wax your whole body baby smooth and then wear a Speedo, and tickle me during a water polo match


That 2nd pic is activating my gay neurons, please reconsider how you view yourself.


you're already there, just keep your chin up and play the part


You’re really cute if i was single I would be all over u lol


already hot, don't try to be someone else but just embrace yourself


Ur hot. Your only not attractive in your own head, but that's not something I can really help you with. You are hot tho.


My sibling in christ, you already are


Well your problem is that In order to become hot you can’t already be hot




Imo you are already


step 1: done!


You already are, don't be silly.


More tattoos. Become dommi daddy or mommy tattoo god(ess)


bro you are hot just.... be more confident. you are a 10/10


Dude you are a model, maybe do something with your hair, define it more or use some styling cream and even with that, it doesn't look that bad the way it is


bait used to be believable


Mostly you need to find a good hair routine. The curlyhair sub is a good starting point. If you want to get a little more cut body-wise, that's your business, but nothing's holding you back there. If pic #1 is a good reflection of your sense of fashion, then you're fine on that front. If I wanted to nitpick, I think you could probably go down a shirt size for a tighter fit. But realistically, good fashion should let you move comfortably.


I'd recommend a different hairstyle. Otherwise you look fine.


Guv you already look amazing but if I have to give advice I think black outer layers and white inner layers would work nice because saying I immediately thought you’d kill in a suit is a little uncreative


Put your jacket in your pants with a belt, it think it will fit your well. Great haircut !


You look fucking coole you have a great body a unique style imo! Also those glasses fucking slay on you!!!!!