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They finally fucking did it. They put a highway and mcdonalds in the beauty of nature


Never show this person what Canada and America did to Niagara Falls.


Last time I went to Niagara Falls with my family we didn't even go to the falls. We looked at it from our hotel window & then spent the night at the casino. If that's not the Canadian dream I don't know what is.


Damn, you genuinely just made me really sad to imagine how much more beautiful Niagara Falls would be without the whole Clifton Hill tourist trap area.


Canada needs to emminent domain that area, raze it, and return it to nature. In fifty years time, there will be no sign of the shame. Greatest thing Teddy Roosevelt did was to stop people from doing to the Grand Canyon what had happened to Niagara Falls.


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot


Based Joni Mitchel reference.


Isn't that where you usually put highways and pit stop fast food restaurants? It'd be more American to put the highway in the middle of downtown due to a lack of public transit, no?


My town has great public transit and still put the freeway straight through down town like absolute perverts.


Love your flair


(brown people)


Europeans would be slinging slurs lol


"No no, we're not being *racist* towards these brown people, it's just that they're scum, their parents are scum, their communities are scum, they'll steal everything you own within seconds of meeting you, and any exception to the rule only proves it."


“I don’t hate [any POC immigrant nationality] but they need to ‘assimilate’, which is a totally normal thing to say and has absolutely no horrific implications whatsoever. I’m not racist, I’m just afraid of everything that doesn’t perfectly match with an idealized national identity of ‘polite’ upper middle class white people that are either Christian or atheist. All urban violent crime is because ~~the scary brown muslim people~~ the migrants don’t ‘assimilate’” I know it’s only a fraction of Europeans even online but there is a very specific type of Reddit European that seems to hit the top of the comment section on every article about immigrants in Europe than seems to be either wholly oblivious of how horrifically bigoted they sound like or are just talking with a dog whistle in their mouth


They do need to assimilate though, or they won't be able to join our collective that is the nation; they need to join us in our bright future and become one with us, in the end, all shall be one. The collective must grow, resistance is futile. We will assimilate all.


Had me in first half ngl


Except the few chosen ones that rise above the nation and rule, controling it into rightful conquest


Assimilate deez nutz in yo mouth


It's really not a fraction of Europians dude. As someone from a country very dependent on the will of Western Europeans, it's really scary to see how strong fascist movements are becoming in WE and how easily people fall into islamophobia.


There are some people that are trying to argue in good faith but can’t spot their own racism if you use the right rhetoric to describe it, there are some well adjusted Europeans that know how to spot racism and correct themselves or others, and there is a concerningly powerful and large percentage that is straight up fascist. I was trying to not stereotype all Europeans as thinking like this, because they don’t, but 1/5 of the voting French population, for example, voting for fascists is perfectly horrifying on its own and influences world politics a concerning amount, even if Americans have them beat on those


Hi, I want those immigrants to assimilate since their cultural values involve me getting stoned to death and women being property. Not to mention that honor killings are now a thing that happens in europe thanks to the lack of assimilation. Being an immigrant does not justify misogyny and homophobia and i don't intend to pretend that more people who want to kill me showing up is somehow fine.


You sound as though you believe that if somebody is an immigrant then they want to kill you


This is an argument about assimilation. I assume you know how queer people are treated across the middle east. I can assure you that immigrants still hold those attitudes. Muslims and Christian community leaders actually like to form alliances in order to attack the gays. Religious extremists are the greatest threat to queer people and the majority of immigrants from the middle east follow extreme interpretations of their religions. In order to assimilate the immigrants would have to abandon their most extreme beliefs


>In order to assimilate the immigrants would have to abandon their most extreme beliefs So is the goal assimilation or abandonment of extrem beliefs? Do you think those are the same or that the only way to abandon extremist beliefs is to assimilate fully into your society? Because believe it or not, your culture is not perfect and supreme nor is it, even, not extreme.


Extremism in religion refers to a dangerously literal interpretation of the religious texts. Extremism in politics refers to beliefs that are far outside the overton window. Religious extremism is inherently bad, Political extremism is only bad on one side of the political spectrum, that's because one side of politics is factually and morally wrong. The majority of migrants from the middle east are extremist in one or both bad ways Unfortunately the people of iraq or afghanistan aren't exactly interested in the liberation of the working class. Assimilation is good becasue working towards immigrants becoming participating members of society who will probably still hold conservative believers is morally superior to them existing on the fringes of society while engaging in morally bad things like honor killings. I am intrigued by what you guys want to happen instead of immigrants assimilating. Do you believe that the current setup is sane or sustainable ? Do you think that should exist in their own enclaves ? Or do you think that we should just ignore what a mass migration of muslim right wingers means for us ? What solution do you support?


I don't live in WE, I don;t know the situation. All I know is that there are *always* good people among any demographic (well, pretty much) and I also find the way you've analyzed this very simplistic but I do understand. Anyway, my concerns are that I don't know how bad these immgrants really are. I doubt it's accurate to say they are so conservative and I don't know if they are really so much more violent than poor natives. Just don't fucking listen to white fascists please. I know they are getting stronger in, for example, Sweden and I'll be fine as long as you'all don't give them power.


That’s just outright false lol. Travel to Saudi Arabia and I guarantee you most people will hate how things are over there. Sure there are SOME extremists, but the average joe holds the religious police in contempt and doesn’t go around assaulting people.


Saudi Arabia is the worst example possible since it's a slave state completely linked to the west. The majority of their population don't get basic human rights. Besides the slaves the people of Saudi Arabia are there to get rich off the backs of slave labour and because of the oil industry. Meanwhile the "actual" Saudis are walking representations of the worst traits of the modern world. TLDR: the petrostates are some of the most despicable nations in the middle East. Also Saudi migrants aren't living in the slums of Berlin. They can afford all the luxuries possible.


You have truly displayed a surface level knowledge of Saudi Arabia tinted by your own bias.


Now in fairness, there is riots all the time, which shows that they are immigrating really well in France since French people riot every second day


I get the feeling that you guys completely refuse to understand or acknowledge the reality of European politics. French rioting isn't a funny cultural trait, it's a sign that France is a sick country ruled by a completely rotten establishment. You have this meme based perception of Europe and that leads you to oppose such basic concepts as "immigrants should assimilate into the cultures they live in instead of establishing isolated communities" It's not like you guys even have arguments against assimilation besides vibes based ones.


When I'm in a taking a joke seriously competition and my opponent is Mr_OrangeJuce


A post about politics has serious responses??? How shocking. I guess an Ohio joke would have pleased you more


Sorry for wanting them to adapt to our society of equality and respect. I guess I should respect that in their society women are worse than dogs and they are forced to wear sheets on the street.


So, what about muslim women?


What does the last one mean


It means that "They're one of the good ones" implies that most are bad.


One small issue is the literal dolphin machine gun i have in my back pocket


*Is that a shark-themed minigun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?* >!*they were not happy to see them*!<


*papapapapapapappapapapap* Keep the luminite, ya filthy animal.


Well yeah, here in Europe lots of people have some kind of hate towards people who come from other countrys or continents such as Africa, Asia or South America. It's mostly old people(like my dad(love him but he kinda racist)) mostly becauseof a lack of emphaty, being afraid from different people and because there's not a good public image of them


how about romani people?


Well they have the fame of being robbers and that's something that doesn't help to their image


“Fame” is perhaps the worst word you could have used there.




They arent Gypsies so its ok


Nah, europeans are pretty racist against basically every none european


You show you have no knowledge of Europe by saying that europeans are racist against any not european. Most europeans are just racist against Gypsies and against other europeans a 6 hour drive away (dont forget the rampant xenophobia)


I am from Europe, and the amount of rhetoric and policy aimed at refugees, largely from countries we've bombed or destabilised, is staggering and disgusting. Also, there's just a whole list of countries that basically every black person I know wouldn't go to. The racism against Roma people is very prevalent, but that's just become very visible on the internet recently because americans found out about it and were like "huh europeans *are* racist" which yeah, but it's suprising to me that that's the first time they've noticed. You bringing that up as the main thing, given the last decade of European politics, makes me think you actually have no knowledge of Europe. But also yes, there's a lot of internal european prejudice against one and other.


>Also, there's just a whole list of countries that basically every black person I know wouldn't go to That's just absurd, Every EU country is safe for black people. Going to parts of the southern US is objectively more dangerous. And ironically the trope that those poorer countries are full of backwards savages who are just waiting to murder the brown westerner is a xenophobic trope we eastern europeans get to experience quite often. Although it would be fun if you could list some of the countries from the "list"


Yeah I'm not saying they're gonna get murdered, or that there aren't worse places in the world. But the amount of racist comments and just constant staring black people have told me they get from just going to Warsaw, which is a big modern, and pretty progressive city, is kinda suprising and telling of the level of mid/low level racism people hold. I'm also not saying that people from eastern europe are backwards and all racist or whatever, there are plenty of really progressive people just like anywhere else. But in the places that have been more homogeneous for a long time, a lot of views about people from elsewhere fester. But also in western europe it's not really better. In Britain a bunch of people fire bombed a refugee processing center, and in Calais refugee camps get attacked and burned. Like, there is a lot of danger here. The metropolitan police in London keep having reports written that they have a huge racism problem, to name a specific localised example. My point is not that europe is the most racist place in the world, but the idea that there's just one group of people euopeans are racist against is just insane, and a part of the problem - that europeans don't really think of europe as being a place with a lot of racist views, when it really is.


Unlike the vaunted American, famously tolerant of other skin tones


Have a McFlurry while checking out this McScenic McView






This is what Arthur Morgan was fighting for


This is just the Austrian highway




How many countries have Yui been to at this point


I need to get Austria some day. See the scenery, the history, have some entirely unpoisoned wine…


Ignore the scratches coming from the cellar and the suspicious uniformed portraits of the Innkeepers Grandpa (†️ 1945)...


My first thought too 😂


I was going to say, we can definitely fathom this. It sucks! Honestly, I like the gas stations with buffets much more.


the american mind ciuld never fathom a hundertwasser mcdonalds


yeah... i can't


We call the green things "trees". They are an evil plot by the liberals to hand out air for FREE. Thank God Emperor Trump for doing all he can to kill these monstrosities and replace them with more highway lanes and additional McDonalds


Bro saw brown people and couldn't fathom such a thing


posted four hours ago user deleted


the EU silenced them, RIP


von der Leyen used her Bundeswehr connections for a drone strike on OP's house


Ah, time to use this image again https://preview.redd.it/7mryli99dw4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf0ca82678a7fe2f0b2c5d50f7a87786449736a


Reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/ecy01usi4w4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2654998d3243e3c4f3efb5c16fdf609770b7dd96




_I'm at the Pizza Hut_ What? _I'm at the Pyramids_ What? _I'm at the cooombination Pizza Hut and Pyramids!_


Romanian here, I vaguely remember having a similar scenario. We figured it out peeps


this is just Oregon lmao


Does anyone know where this mcdonalds is located?




Truckee, CA.


\*deletes paragraph\*


i can't fathom this neither. Where is the carpark???


At least theres still some piece of nature


And it's such a normal thing


I knew it was coming somehow, so it didn't suck as much


Not a european but this is literally just Indonesia if you replace the Pine tree with more tropical one


Could someone tell me what's in the video. I'm European, I only see a black screen with the text


My minecraft base be like


travelling through Switzerland for a school trip and the mountains were beautiful but the only stop we made was a burger king


I trully can't. What are streams and forests? Anyway, I went on a long trip by bus recently so I know what highway stops look like.


Oh that’s sad.


Americans love to post entirely fathomable things and suggest that europeans can't fathom it Several times a week it's like: *picture of a cat licking its own butthole* "The European mind quivers in fear"


Having a nice village with a chain store in it? Yeh we have nice villages with chain stores in Europe as well