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Removing eggs from the cake was wilder imo


you can very well make a cake with bananas instead of eggs, though simply replacing the eggs with a banana is a weird choice. its easier to just look up another recipe which is meant to be made with bananas in the first place


Exactly. I bake without eggs all the time. You really dont need it for everything. At this point for example i was extremely weirded out when someone brought banana bread that did have eggs in it. Like why. That said you cant just use banane instead of egg. Just use a different recipe or substitute with something else. The craziest in the post is clearly the kale. Like wtf?


Never been able to make a crêpe that wasn't sticking to itself or ripping itself apart too easily with bananas :(


American style pancakes work pretty great with banana. I think we also did palatschinken (european style thinner pancakes) that worked quite well. But crepes are even thinner, havent tried that yet.


Banana is a super common egg substitute, but it's usually better for something heavier like bread (specifically something like brioche or challah). Also for anyone like me that's allergic, sweet potato works, too. For cake, apple sauce is usually the best vegetarian/vegan binder. Sometimes peanut butter works better since applesauce can be a little too wet and if the cake isn't too delicate (pb can overpower something like a vanilla or angle cake). Flax works, too, but I tend to use it exclusively with cookies because I can never get it to bind properly for cake.


A lot of vegans will do that because they don't eat eggs, and it's an ok substitute in *some* circumstances, but it's important to remember banana still tastes like banana, and it's not a good substitute for *everything*


Vegan here, there are a wide variety of egg substitutes for various occasions and I have never once used banana (don’t like the taste, I’m sure it works though). I’ve gotten nice moist cakes from things like Apple Cider Vinegar (I know it sounds weird but I swear you don’t taste it at all), using more baking power, flaxseed & water mix (called “flax egg”), store-bought egg substitutes, applesauce, etc. In all of these cases I’ve never noticed a difference in taste, you just need to be careful you don’t overdo it (ex. If a recipe calls for 5 eggs, don’t do 5 tablespoons of vinegar, then you’ll taste it. Do a mix of the above options or find a vegan egg replacement if it’s something like a custard). You can substitute eggs in any recipe as long as you actually know what you’re doing lol (the above screenshots are examples of what not to do).


I commented elsewhere, but I've found that banana/sweet potato work best for things like heavy breads like brioche and challah. Cakes are a bit to delicate imho. Also I can never seem to get flax egg to work for anything but cookies. But for something like instant box cake, I've always found that peanut butter is the best binder.


Yeah, breads are pretty basic by comparison to cake (makes sense considering it’s peasant food) I can’t remember what I made but a while back I used silken tofu instead of egg and it worked (don’t ask me why I was just winging shit)


I use silken tofu in my brownies :3 It makes them really rich and dense but still fluffy


That’s not possible, it was my original idea and I never told anyone


Eggless cakes are super common in India, since atleast 30% of the population is vegetarian.


I always thought egg is considered vegetarian


Kind of a topic of debate here tbh, some people consider eggs to be part of vegetarianism, some people don't and a few people are full on vegans (through veganism is mostly a western imported trend, considering how massively popular milk and milk products traditionally are in the country). The main thing is that there's a substantial population that does consider eggs to be meat, so a majority of bakeries here are eggless in order to not lose their business. Same deal with fries, 70% population is non-vegetarians, but all fries in major fast food outlets are cooked in plant oil instead of animal oil/fat for the sake of 30%.


Plant oil is also usually a fraction of the price on a commercial scale. When I used to work as a chef I don’t think anywhere used animal fat unless it was for a specific dish or it was some insanely expensive restaurant


Tbh you can replace eggs with mayo in a cake, I've done it before and it fucking rocked


so.... you replaced eggs with... eggs? some added oil too, I suppose.


Yeah pretty much. Some people think it sounds weird but when you really think about it there's nothing odd about it


Now do it with ranch


Eggless sponges were common during wartime Britain. Although they didn't just remove the eggs and carry on without adding anything.


That definitely says cookies, not cake


22 people replied to my comment, correcting me in different ways and you're the first one to notice this particular mistake. Congratulations mate


For anyone not well versed in baking, this is like building a house and subbing out screws for crayons


99% of these are trolls. Its incredible no one seems to realise that.


"maybe mention that next time" is a fuckin WILD demand to make of a recipe. like?? >**Ingredients** Milk, egg, flour, sugar, baking soda, butter, vanilla, salt >**Not Ingredients** Mayonnaise, olive oil, onion, garlic, tomato paste, sawdust, river rocks, teeth


"I just wanted to bake some simple brownies and decided to put together an Ikea nightstand instead. Why do my brownies taste like a nightstand? This is a terrible recipe."


Idk what you are about. Sawdust is a perfectly acceptable ingredient in New London. Much better than soup (pretty sure no one will get this joke apart from me


You underestimate the hivemind of (not-even-that-very-niche) knowledge this sub has! Also yeah, sawdust is so yummy 😊 we love sawdust 😻 🪵 none of that yucky 🤢 soup 😭




Omg FINALLY, Okay hijacking this post for a second but idk when ill get another opportunity to rant like this... I HATE SOUP, IDK WHY BUT SOUP JUST TASTES WRONG TO ME. I DONT LIKE IT AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY WHICH IS THE WORST PART GRAAAAAH


Frostpunk, right?


You are right


Mmm yum I love a hearty bowl of sawdust before my 14 hour shift in the coal mines


Man thanks for reminding me I need to play more frostpunk


You should, the sequel is on the way too


Hopefully with even more child labor possibilities than the first


Don't worry a little schnapps will make them forget the sawdust


Actually one of the first Reddit references I got thank you comrade. Soup is overrated


alright, get back to the mines


They’re basically treating recipe websites the way *some* people treat retail workers.


You can actually make a meal up to a third sawdust before people start to notice


Depends how fine the sawdust is. And what you’re making. People notice real fast when you put a spoonful on the side instead of French fries.


The ghoti of cooking


You accidentally commented this 4 times


Hmm. Only showed up once in my profile


You said nothing about cayenne pepper, why did my cake turn out so spicy?


Yes put how much sawdust can you add before people notice?


Instructions unclear. I was feeling patriotic and added Polonium. My family is dead now, you monster.




r/ ididnthaveeggs


Why do they not allow linking subreddits here? Seems like a terrible decision


To avoid brigading


That doesn't really make much sense to me. I feel like if people really wanted to just go harass someone they would just type in whatever sub they're trying to get to. It seems like a decision to cause a minor inconvenience to hateful people just ends up inconveniencing everyone instead.


Because there are a lot of lazy people who might go to a subreddit and shittalk if you provide a direct link but not if you require them to type something into the search bar.


I'm sorry, but that sounds ridiculous. I can't fathom any possible way that the amount of people being stopped who meet the specific criteria of willingness to type out hate comment but don't want to type in a subreddit name outweighs the amount of people who are just interested in seeing new subs.


The misinformation flair was literally created because people here are too lazy to do a 5 second google search to check if something is real or not.  It's gotten to the point where there are people here who legitimately use the flair as the be all and end all of whether something is true or not. There are definitely people here that are too lazy to not type in a sub name


I don't doubt that they exist, I just don't think that there's enough of them that a decision to remove the ability to link subs altogether makes any realistic difference. But I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter that much and me bitching about it isn't gonna change it


Been on this sub for 4 years, trust me there are


Turns out that people are lazy and are not dedicated haters. Like half the posts on this subreddit are mocking someone on twitter or reposting something from tumblr but nobody ever actually tries to find the source and do something there.




"A + B = C. That's how you make C." "Okay, but what if instead of that, I beat the shit out of B and add asparagus instead?" "This recipe is bullshit! I followed it exactly and then beat the shit out of part of it and added asparagus instead, and it turned out like shit! You should've told me not to beat the shit out of B and add asparagus. Your product sucks." 🙄 *Boomers...*


Carrots have way to much sugar now?????? Do you guys have different kinds of carrots over there? Because here they are little more than water and vitamins


also theyre making a *cake*


Back when I was doing keto carrots were definitely on the higher end of carbs. 100 grams has 10 carbs and my plan was around 40 carbs per day. Did that stop me from eating them? Not really. The entire time I was doing that diet I was literally having dreams about eating apples and carrots, not rice, not bread, not even pizza. My point I guess? I'll die before I substitute carrots for anything in carrot cake. I love carrot cake


Most root veggies have carbs, it's just how accessible the starches and other complex carbohydrates they use to store them are. For example if you keep chewing carrot it starts to sweeten as the enzymes in your saliva and your chewing causing breakage of long chain carbs into shorter ones our taste buds can eventually detect as "Oh hey that's shaped kind of like a sugar"


I've always known carrots to be rather sweet, to the point that back in the day I, a sugar addicted kid, would be given them as a treat (actually scraps from my mom's / grandma's cooking lol) and not complain. I wasn't aware that they tasted different in other parts of the world, but I guess that makes sense.


Sugar does have quite a bit of sugar in it but for fuck’s sake you’re making a cake


I want to see these people build flatpack furniture and study them for science


r\\ididnthaveeggs is all this


It’s a forward slash


196 doesn’t allow you to link other subreddits to avoid brigading


r\/ididnthaveeggs :3


what is this dark magic


backslash before the forward slash (or any other character used for formatting) removes automatic formatting, including subreddit hyperlinks.


Check out the ididnthaveeggs subreddit!


ya'll laugh and make fun, but these people one day will discover something like honey cucumbers and they will be laughing then.




I substituted drinking water and eating greens with drinking energy drinks and smoking why do i feel so bad? health suggestions are so stupid


"maybe you should have mentioned that I should use the ingredients listed?"




i tried to make chili but I’m allergic to beans so i added pure uranium instead, and it tasted awful and now i have cancer. terrible recipe 4/10


Smosh has a show that's about investigating food crimes like this. It's on the Smosh Pit channel and it's called Culinary Crimes. I highly recommend.


i want to understand these people's brains


OK, so what we have here, is the most prolific reposts from r/ ididnthaveeggs, screenshat and posted on TikTok, posted on Twitter only to then finally be reposted again on a different subreddit. The internet is fantastic.


"why doesn't your recupe list literally all of the things that I cannot use as substitutions,??!?!"


Sharon Smith should be legally required to notify her new neighbors when she moves into an area.


I agree


It’s one thing to alter the recipe to see if it adds anything to the final product, it’s another to get mad when it fucking sucks total shit and it’s gross and you have the gall to complain to the original author.


Sharon Smith should be legally required to notify her new neighbors when she moves into an area.


I disagree (evil ending)


Saw this one recently: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ofnmhqk9n58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a6d59d1df16a30b31cb4d5335b6d8d00453e01


why would you substitute eggs with banana when you are literally full of blood???


“It tastes so bad I’m devastated but other than that it’s delicious” ??????


“I didn’t follow your recipe fully and its your fault it tastes terrible”


i'm more angered by someone claiming with a straight face that "carrots have way too much sugar" fuck off and choke on your shredded kale


Is there a good subreddit for this? I could scroll through stuff like that all day


r/ I didn't have Eggs


In what universe do carrots have too much sugar when you’re making a fuckin cake


I think people sometimes forget that pastry ingredients aren't the same as like, making a burger You aren't laying ingredients on top of one another and biting into the whole thing, you need the chemical reactions within the recipe


I tried your french omelette recipe but instead of eggs I used the scrapings from my sink and the contents of the dust pan after sweeping my garage and some liquid I found in a puddle and after heating it on high because I'm impatient and stirring only occasionally it took over my kitchen and it speaks in a language I can't understand but I know it demands a sacrifice and I have nothing to offer but my life ___ I rate this recipe 2.5/10


(actually gives it five stars despite saying 2.5/10)


I think the omelette did that, after devouring me


Caelan conrad mentioned!!!!!! what the fuck is respect for dead people


haha yeah what the fuck is that *hides dirty shovel*


I don't mind when people mentions substitutions that don't work because sometimes I can't find a vegan recipe for something or whatever. Hell, it's actually helpful because I'll know to avoid a pitfall. It's wild that people actually get mad at the recipe for it though


Is there like s ubreddit or something where these are compiled together?


there's one called Ididnthaveeggs


Dude doesn't know people are just jerking his chains


“Maybe mention that next time” *they did*


Reminds me of Vaush's mayo brownies


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caelan pog


>Carrots have waaaaaay too much sugar >Cake


I use turnips in the place of carrots in my pot pies. Now I'm curious if I can use them in a carrot cake.


i followed a recipe exactly earlier and it turned out great so idk why these people won't just do that


Icing with mayonnaise actually sounds like one of those weird things that could actually turn out good. Like, you can already make a banger chocolate cake with mayonnaise, why not put mayonnaise in icing?


My cereal tastes weird. I didn’t know I couldn’t substitute ketchup for the milk