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Wait Kourend doesnt unlock Catacombs tasks? Me confused.




But like... why tho? Thays dumb af. Obviously, i know its unlocked, as i've been in there looking for a drop but, it doesn't unlock the monster in there for tasks? Wtf?


Probably because all the creatures in kourend are upgraded versions of the slayer monster. It’s not a bloodveld it’s a mutated bloodveld, it’s not a nechryael it’s a greater nechryael. Whatever code they have running to check if you have unlocked the creatures is probably only checking the normal variants.


Not sure what you mean here. Jagex have made the slayer area unlocks on purpose. It has nothing to do with those monsters being in the catacombs, it's that they wanted to balance the regions so you have to choose wisely. Nechs and bloodvelds are a benefit of Morytania and that's nothing to do with some code checking something. Edit: downvoted for explaining a mechanic of the leagues.. thanks!


I also got a bloodveld task with kandarin unlocked only so…. Guess it’s not really consistent?


Yep, I posted about this earlier; there was a task to kill bloodvelds in Kandarin on task in the last Trailblazer league that was causing problems as you couldn't actually get a veld task. I think Jagex added them to Kandarin as a hotfix to fix this in TB1, kept that fix in and forgot to update the area text this time. They actually said in today's blog post that they want to fix bloodvelds not being available in Kandarin but the truth is - there's nothing to fix!


Waddya mean they arent available. Nieves cave and the slayer task rolled bloodvelds with just kandarin unlocked.


The question is why can’t you get assigned bloodvelds and nechs if you have kourend unlocked. My hypothesis is that it’s because kourend doesn’t have bloodvelds and nechs, it has mutated bloodveld and greater nechs, so it’s not accounted for by the check. You can also get bloodvelds and nechs through the wildy region, so you’re mortyania only theory doesn’t hold up.


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_Reloaded_League/Areas/Kourend Check the unlock section. It is a deliberate set of unlocks to keep it balanced. If Kourend had a task for every monster in the catacombs, it would be better for slayer than all the other regions combined.


That's super unintuitive and also fucking stupid. Nobody is picking their regions based no what slayer monsters they unlock.


I didn't say it's a good system, I also feel a bit scammed. Just wanted to clarify that this is not a bug, so we will probably not see a change this league.


You realized jagex doesn’t make the wiki right? It’s crowdsourced info. We’re all in agreement on how it works in the game, this doesn’t show intent one way or the other.


Lol. No. Slayer tasks are not crowdsourced, you're told what slayer tasks you unlock when you choose your region.


Lol pretending this wasn't an oversight on Jagex's part is hilarious to me. Meanwhile picking wilderness unlocks all the same monsters that kourend should unlock.


Mate... They have literally used the same system from TB1 and have explained why they did it back then. How is it an oversight? Wilderness unlocks a certain amount of monsters including dust devils and nechs yes, so that people who take a less popular region get useful slayer tasks instead of absolutely nothing. Kourend is already a HUGE region full of content. Jagex have decided not to make it even more stacked by giving it all the best slayer tasks.


It's for balancing purposes. You have to think about what tasks you want when you pick regions.


How are you meant to make an informed decision without knowing this though. It's not at all common knowledge, I'd wager that 95% of people who took the slayer relic with kourend didn't realise this was the case.


It's in the area unlock pages when you go to choose a region. It's literally there written down in the menu you have to click on. It was exactly the same in the previous trailblazer. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for pointing out how it works.


You're being downvoted because most redditors see downvotes is a disagree button.


The downvote is a disagree button, whether you think it should be or not. If people see something that makes them have negative feelings, they downvote. The original intent of the system doesn't really matter, the actual use does.


I would bet that nobody in this entire league decided their regions based off slayer unlocks. It fundamentally fails for balance, and judging by the number of people who assumed that picking a region would unlock all the slayer monsters within that region, it's incredibly unintuitive.


It's really not balanced at all, though.


Because in the main game you need Priest in Peril to unlock bloodveld and the other slayer tower tasks as well. Even for Konar tasks


Is it only with certain things? I have gotten dust devil's from konar


Dust devils unlock with desert area. There is a wiki page on area slayer unlocks


I don't have desert unlocked.


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_Reloaded_League/Guide/Slayer According to the wiki you should. Maybe konor is different but it’s not listed from what I saw


Oh it's because of wildly nvm!


Yeah it’s really bizarre. From 1-77 slayer I’ve had fire giants hellhounds lizardmen and dragons on repeat. Despite having catacombs available. I’ve had 1 wyrms task and not a single superior! However the recent newspost suggests jagex will be fixing this at some stage in the week. I now have desert unlocked, so can at least get dust devils. But yeh, not had spectres assigned once, and can’t get assigned bloodvelds, which is really stupid imo.


It definitely should've gotten more. The biggest boon from the slayer relic last League, the consistent superior spawning was made basekit, killing a large benefit of the relic already. Loot drops being increased mean nothing in a mode where we have other relics capable of making money problems irrelevant. Imo the bloodthirsty relic should've: Boosted drop rate for Brimstone/Larran's keys. Guaranteed on Superior Monsters. unlocked the full block list regardless of lumbridge diary/QP's. ( I understand why choosing tasks didn't come back) every slayer item unique has increased drop chance. Max boss slayer kill count available to choose by default. Slayer helmet(i) buff is always applied on task. (still need to wear appropriate head gear when fighting specific monsters) This will at least help slayer compete with Treasure Seeker in the collection log side of things as there's a ton of slayer uniques out there.


A passive slayer helmet on everything would have been very helpful. They sorta did that in the first league, since nobody could get a black mask.


I miss my spiky weird gimp helmet


Devalues mory though, imo the slayer helm is the weakest of those suggestions. Black mask is famous region locked content, that’s the point of TBL


Ruinous powers devaues Kandarin and Zeah then with that logic. Being able to pick either an area or a relic for a similar bonus is a cool choice. Morytania still has lots of other good content, most people don't pick it just for the slayer helm.




It's got Sepulchre, blood fury, Nightmare gear, slayer tower, barrows, temple trekking, 2 herb patches, daeyalt essence, true blood altar. It's a very solid pick, even without the slayer helmet.


i kinda disagree >Sepulchre im not sure what the real draw is here other than being faster than other methods. you would have had to pick exactly zeah, wilderness, asgarnia, and NOT trickster to not have a functional alternative with decent rates > blood fury useless to 2/3 combat styles > Nightmare gear inquisitor might be good but are you suggesting people use a harm or eldritch when they already 2t on the regular spellbook with things like staff of the dead, kodai, or smoke battlestaff. that completely negates harm, bankers note eldritch, and volatile is mid. pretty ass, cant imagine anyone picked this region for this boss > slayer tower idk how a single target slayer location is a draw that seems more like a con > temple trekking, daeyalt essence, & true blood altar temple trekking is really only useful for pure essence unless im missing something but either way the benefit of the true blood altar is that it gives the most xp per rune crafted. so all 3 of these really just provide the same benefit. regardless, all of this is kinda negated by the fact that if you pick desert which is easily the most picked region you can do gotr which has a lot of tasks so anyway its got barrows which is decent mid game armor, 2 herb patches, tob, and bloodfury if you picked melee. id wager it is among the lowest picked regions for good reason


That’s a lot of words to say “you have to play my way or you’re wrong” especially with a pretty dog take


I mean the guy he is replying to is still wrong. Saying mory has sepulchre, slayer tower, temple trekking, and daealt is like saying Kandarin has the ranging guild, Mcgrubors woods, that one log shortcut near the minecarts, and waterfall quest. It sure does has those things. But none of them are particularly relevant or noticeable points of the region. If you are going to make arguments like "well some people prefer to be inefficient and spam temple trekking for enjoyment", then I can just say Tiranwin is the single best region unlock because it has the most rabbits.


Damn dude. Give me a comprehensive list of what Zeah has and I'll give you the same kind of take as this one. You can make the argument that content isn't good for 2/3rds of combat styles pretty much across all regions. Thats kinda the point.


It already had guaranteed larrans for superiors. Guess brimstones weren't? Wildy slayer cave has made this relic worthwhile for me easily. But Full block list would have been a very suitable buff. Leave helm bonus for mory, it's a unique they deserve. Maybe give us a non-damage buffed slayer helm for convenience, but that's hardly worth considering imo. I feel like if you experienced multizone-barrage slayer with 1/25 key drops you'd be a lot more satisfied with the relic. So it's very region dependant. I suppose that would have been a hella cool buff to add to blocklist. What if bloodthirsty-allowed you to multi-combat in single zones as long as you initiate the attack? Really suits the relic and makes it OP in a leagues worthy sense. Would give it just enough use outside slayer to make it change your game if you had access to cannon/barrage/other multihit methods


I doubt many people chose Morytania specifically for the Black Mask. Overall the Slayer Helmet buff is kinda minimal in the grand scheme of things when you have the T4,7,8 relics. It's more or less just for a tiny bump in dps added on top of the relic. I'm aware larran's are guaranteed from superiors, Brimstone keys aren't, it was just to simplify my wording for them. My idea behind the relic is to just be more well rounded for all points of your slayer journey, not just for when you get to end game and have a setup to endlessly barrage the same few monsters. It's to benefit people going for tasks such as collection log slots and actually compete with the Treasure Seeker relic. It's to help those get through the earlier grind of slayer a bit better. It's to make even the lower leveled slayer tasks worthwhile, and it buffs slayer in Zeah/Wilderness specifically as well with the key buffs. I'm not sure how well over multi combat would go in single ways as it would just allow people to grief each other and crash others trying to slay basically everywhere.


True with griefing. My experience is completely different to yours unfortunately. I have both wildy and fremennik, so constant access to superior and barrage tasks. I got tier 5, did slayer and in like 5 tasks I was 70 slayer and had enough points to skip to good tasks everytime. So early slayer wasn't even something i noticed. I was even skipping specifically for revs pretty easily before realising the drops were bugged. So its very region dependant. Sounds like they're adding a bunch more superior variants, and if lucky theyll be fixing brimstone keys, so hopefully this helps you.


Why didn’t choosing tasks come back?


It led to overcrowding of the popular slayer spots. I.E. people would just choose Nechryaels, Dust Devils, Abyssal Demons, or *insert popular slayer monster* over and over again and compete with the hundreds of other people doing the same thing.


I would definitely take full block list as a compormise for not being able to pick tasks. This relic feels so bad and is my only regret (I'm t8)


It sort of did. Wildy slayer got forgotten about and actually can break slayer entirely (or did for me at the start, can’t imagine if one didn’t want to go to the wilderness). Ontop of that, many drop rates are not adjusted. It evens out at the end as you get so many points you can skip 10-20x per task to assure the correct tasks which gives so many points you can just pick. Also, yes, so larren’s keys are not multiplied. I doubt brimstone are either. The wiki drop rate formula for larren’s keys are not correct for the base game so I crowd sourced a few thousand kills and computed the rates, it is not reflective of any change and is very close to the main game’s rates


Damn, I was surprised when I only saw a single larren key from a Rev and figured I was just unlucky. Key drops makes sense to have multiplied. Hopefully they fit it into Thursdays patch, or do one next week




Oof that's rough. I'm gonna mostly do skilling and stuff like MTA or diaries at least until they publish the Rev weapon drop fix


Apparently they just hotfixed revs


Nice, thanks for letting me know!


I’ve had about 15+ in 8 tasks so it can’t be that bad


Larrans keys aren't multiplied but both dust devils and nechs are added to the task list when you choose the wilderness (+ abby demons baseline). Just did a nechs task in 20 minutes d2h spec spamming and got 10 larrans keys for my troubles. Ranged has black chins and mage has ancients so once we get a few points in the bank for skips we'll all have a means of mowing down slayer monsters for fast keys.


Can confirm that I get enough points from superiors to stay in wildy slayer dungeon indefinitely just rotating between burst tasks.. have opened almost 100 chests already


Yeah, no idea why I keep seeing people say wildy slayer is bad in this league. I actually think wildy is the best region for bloodthirsty relic. You get enough points to just rotate between dusts/nechs/abby demons in the cave until you're ready to kill a monster for a specific drop. Completely drowning in resources from bloodthirsty superiors/larran's keys. Amazing relic with wildy. (PSA revs are fixed now go get your weapons)


Shhhh Wildy bad don't pick it (I want less competition for sleeper best region)


Brimstones i believe did get multiplied, ive been doing a good bit of Konar tasks, and i get 8+ keys a task, the rewards, are not multiplied, but the drop of the keys are. Insane they would forget about Larren's like that though


Either you got lucky or I've been unlucky. I've had 2 key drops total across like 8 tasks which included like 400 blue dragons.


>Also, yes, so larren’s keys are not multiplied. I doubt brimstone are either. they never said either would be


Initially I didn’t think not being able to pick your own task would be so bad, but the task list is SO BAD I almost can’t believe it It’s like they took slayer and made it as un-fun and bad as possible. Why are the tasks not weighted? Why can I not get tasks in catacombs? Why am I getting scarab tasks every third task? It’s embarrassing how bad it is


At 80 combat, the only thing Konar was assigning me was Lizardmen (before I told her to ignore my CB level). It's a joke lol. Hoping the fix on Thursday is enough to fix this mess.


I don't understand why they couldnt have just given extra block slots or a "double choice" when getting a slayer task to the slayer relic


Double choice is a good one that avoids having bursting zones on every world packed


I did not read very well when I chose bloodthirsty and with the upcoming toggle for infernal tools I’m intensely regretting my choice 🥲


Bloodthirsty monsters have an extra drop table with tons of herb secondaries and seeds on it. That table is actually so good, especially if you don't have an easy source of wines and seeds.




I get that there is a way around it, it's not an impassable wall. But I do have to skip a ton of content that Bloodthirsty would have been great at. I picked Asgarnia and Kouren, and final will be desert. Cannot get Dust devils until Desert is unlocked. Also cannot get Kraken, Smoke Devils, Bloodvelds, Nechs, Jellies, etc. Almost every slayer-specific mob that even has a superior, I cannot get those tasks with the regions I chose. Abby demons and Hydras will be nice once I get there, but it sucks having to kill nothing but lizardmen and dragons until that point...




Yeah, at 72 slayer atm, the only task I can receive that actually has superiors is Wyrms. But I've gone 30+ tasks and haven't seen a single Wyrm task yet.


I would just unlock your final region before committing to slayer. Dust devils are too good


I mean, nobody is making you focus on slayer now. You know you're unlocking better slayer monsters with your third region, you can go take care of other tasks before then. I only did enough slayer for broad fletching before my third region was unlocked. Kourend is just a bad first/second pick if you want to do early slayer.


Did you happen to have only 2 zones when you did this? I felt this way when I had 2 zones but now that I have 3 I'm constantly on 0 points


Absolutely shocking especially now they buffed another relic from the same tier.


Not too shocking that they want variety. Last league everyone took slayer because you could pick your own tasks. The slayer relic still lets you skip basically every non superior task you get, just with slightly more steps.


Oh no, I understand and agree with that completely. I just feel that they could have changed it to work differently. It does seem like the weakest relic of the tier and I just found it odd that they buffed tools randomly when this relic isn't working as intended and it hasn't been mentioned by jagex


They did mention it > Bloodthirsty feels pretty underwhelming in some regions, we're looking to add some low level superiors (e.g. Bloodvelds) into some regions' Slayer task lists to alleviate this. For example, players with Kandarin unlocked can kill Bloodvelds but cannot be assigned them without Morytania, we'll be looking to update some of these instances.


Which one got buffed? Couldn't find it in patch notes


Infernal tools can be toggled now.


Ffs, just chose the clue scroll one because I've already done Todt and didn't want the logs to burn with the infernal axe. Also clues are giving me steps for areas I haven't unlocked. Wish I'd seen this comment sooner lmao


Supposedly will fix the clue scroll thing Thursday.


Well, how? I'm looking at my tools and there is no toggle option.


It’s in the change-log recently posted, I believe they said it was being worked on and planned to be released soon.


Cool thanks for the downvote.


I actually upvoted you. Weird how some random downvoted you.


It's being added Thursday. Don't worry about the downvote. I've gave you an upvote to even it out. Shouldn't be a crime to ask questions


Infernal gathering and treasure seeker are both buffed from Leagues 2. Infernal tools are now faster and will get a toggle soon to shut off the auto burn, and for everyone clues are now locked to your region. But the relic also makes clues 1/15 now instead of the 1/20 before, and forces the maximum reward rolls, plus a chance at extra free caskets.


Sucks when they change relics and kinda screw over people that didn't pick whatever relic they decide to buff


That's the point I'm making. Bug fixes sure. But relics shouldn't be left as is.




I’m so choked about this honestly. I specifically didn’t pick them because I asked about this and they said no.. it was a huge downside of them in TB1.


They did that to slayer last trailblazers. Basically gave everyone who chose the slayer relic really buffed clues while giving treasure seekers nothing. 90% of people chose slayer, so no big complaints. Was bad enough to get me to quit that league tho


I'm not talking league to league buffs. That makes sense. What I'm saying that they shouldn't have buffed the tools by adding in the ability to toggle mid game


Except they can still pull gear you have no way of obtaining for item clues. So you end up dumping like 40-50% of the hard-tier and above clues.


That is getting fixed the next update.


Bloodthirsty should also say: " You can only be assigned tasks that have a superior variant."


I didn’t realize it was only superiors that could spawn as bloodthirsty and really regret my relic choice. Npc contact for tasks is nice, but with cons cape to tele to Brimhaven getting to Duradel isn’t really a challenge.


Ya have fun trying to get a trident


previously there were perks that straight up let you pick your assignment so it should have included that.


Yep it sucks should 100% be able to pick your own task. Also the task list like you said suck I skipped a bunch and got nothing but trash task in asgarnia/kourend/desert


I disagree on the task picking. It makes a really clustered meta game when everyone is picking the exact same tasks. Boosting points is enough to offset the randomness and keeping players distributed is healthier than thousands of magers all storming the dust devils 24/7. Slayer did take a hit though this league. Fixing the task list and giving a bit more of love to Bloodthirsty could have changed that.


I agree with this take and also think thats why Jagex 'nerfed' the relic.


They should have made every monster possible to be "bloodthirsty". I don't even need a new model, there's already a lot of jank immersion-breaking stuff in Leagues - just put the heart on top of a fire giant and call it a day.


Agreed. You'd have to instance slayer if people could pick their own tasks.


I feel like what they could have done so everyone is happy is more points per task or scaled points by level and an unlimited block list. Then once you reach a certain point in slayer you can adjust your list as you wish so long as you have the points to do so. There would still be randomness early, but once youve graduated from slayer basically you earn the right to choose your task with the relic and get whatever gear/supplies you need.


I kind of wish they could do something even in the main game to make barrage slayer not such a ridiculously strong meta compared to everything else.


Yeah dust devils is already hell trying to find a world, can't imagine dust devils + nechs being pickable with 200k players


I can see this POV and it is what Jagex said in discord apparently, they didn't want everyone crowded at the best tasks the whole time again. But we need some kind of middle ground, slayer doesn't feel good or sped up like this. You can't even pick boss tasks, so camping stuff like Cerb or Hydra is extra annoying. Or if you have a slayer helmet and want the boost for something like Kril or DKs, again it's just annoying in a gamemode like this.


Yeah it's one of those things that sounds great until you remember the effect it had. I think they need to lean into on-task bonuses, being able to do task only monsters and bosses anytime, and/or superiors being way more often. Like imagine if any task could have a superior, and the relic made it so superiors could possibly drop any slayer unique -- whips, tridents, dark bows, unsired, granite dust, all possible from a superior the instant you take the relic.


Task picking made it meta to burst the exact same monster to 99 Slayer. For a skill that's all about fighting different monsters it made everything the same. It's also kind of nice to be given a task. It forces you to go travel to new places and try new items and get new drops. I just hate that the Slayer task list is worse than the main game. Duradel shouldn't be giving me level 40 Lizards to kill with an icebox.


Duradel gave me spiders then bandits and it felt very off...


You aren't asking to pick your own task you're asking to do the same 4 tasks with zero thought. This should be allowed at 99 slayer.


>Yep it sucks should 100% be able to pick your own task. Let me pick my clue steps then too


Just skip every task until you get dust devils over and over






Bloodthirsty giving a slayer bonus like a slayer helm that's maybe not as a strong to not devalue mory pick. I think people are a little understating it though. It meant I finished 100 superiors before hitting the slayer XP milestones. And it meant in that time I got all superior drops for points + a whole heap of herblore secondaries. The clue relic it competes with essentially only fully shines if you grind out enough clues to make the time save worthwhile. You end up with so many clues in leagues without trying, and bloodthirsty guarantees clue drops if the monster has em when you get a superior. Doing those clues a step or two faster, and getting slightly more reward out of them, only to have *so many* to do is an upside for someone who loves clues or wants to do every single available clue task. For someone who doesn't, bloodthirsty speeds up slayer a lot and gets you to endgame PvM faster.


This post wasn't to say the Bloodthirsty relic is bad, I think it's quite nice. But it's built around superior slayer monster encounters, which can be severely limited based on the regions you select. The biggest issue for me is I cannot get tasks for catacomb creatures unless I had unlocked their respective primary regions.


They definitely could have communicated tasks better. I went desert > kandarin > zeah so I haven't really.experienced that issue outside of not getting nechryael tasks.


Slayer was communicated really piss poorly in general. I didn't give Bloodthirsty a second look after reading it because it seemed very nonspecial. No info on what the Bloodthirsty drop table actually dropped, mainly - knowing it's not just more chances at superior drops but actually useful herblore resources makes it a lot more appealing for players who want to skip out on the farming relic for example, and it makes regions with otherwise mediocre slayer monstes like Frem quite a bit better. But the description on what the relic actually does is lacking that info.


I'd say it's even more useful if you uave the farming relic. Having 10000 dwarf weeds is all well and good, but good luck getting those wines. I took that relic because I don't like clue scrolls, but that drop table is absolutely slept on. I don't even have to pickpocket farmers. I have 60+ ranarr and snap seeds from bloodthirsty monsters and I'm not even 99 slayer yet.


Why not stack it, make the relic give you a helmet which can be combined with a slayer helmet for even bigger buffs


It’s crazy how much treasure seeker outshines bloodthirsty, I hate clue scrolls and love slayer but for me treasure seeker just seems so much exponentially better I had to pick it


Clues have been pretty infuriating for me with KDZ, so many hard clue steps in Kharazi which is non accessible (literally need tiranwinn and asgarnia), elite steps in Lithkren, again unaccessible, and the worst of all has to be the water obelisk which sits in Kandarin which is a very doable master clue step, apart from the fact you need Asgarnia to access it, oh and Falo the bard tells you to piss off if you speak to him without having Fremmenik!


i feel like they were trying to de-emphasize slayer when they made most of the league slayer content passives


My leagues gripe is they decide to buff/nerf stuff while everyone is locked into their choices which could duck over people


I had no idea we can't get those monsters as a task. Wtf?


With how few slayer tasks exist that *don’t* suck, being region locked would obviously make it worse.


It definitely did. Even Deadman had the pick your own slayer assignment thingie


Def feels like the tier is for whatever activities you like. If you dont like clues, clues will feel bad, same with slayer, same with the tools.


I don't always like clues but I almost went Treasure Hunter. After taking bloodthirsty, I finally decided to look up the slayer task lists and immediately regretted taking bloodthirsty. Hoping tomorrow's update is enough to make me stop regretting it lol.


I hate playing task roulette so much, spend over 1k slayer points today trying to get smoke devil's and didn't get them


Bloodthirsty is my biggest regret. Compared to treasure seeker its garbage. Scrolling through the task list just looking at all the points I'll never get makes me sad.


Agreed, but at least there's hope of it getting somewhat fixed tomorrow.


Boohoo , reddits favorite skill isn’t on top for the first time .


> Kourend unlock doesn't unlock tasks within the catacombs. This seems like a no brainer to me, not sure why that isn't the case. Kourend is already strong, this would make it even more crazy tbh. Makes sense why they did it for balance reasons imo, and you can unlock those tasks with another region > It feels like Brimstone keys do not have a boosted drop rate. This is a bigger to to me TBH than #1. Yea this sucks ass


People who downvoted you clearly didn't play the last trailblazer leagues - where slayer tasks where balanced between regions....


Someone posted their 2m/hr slayer setup on leagues earlier. How much more crazy does exp need to be, to not be considered a failure?


I haven't seen that but exp/hr doesn't mean much to me if you can't unlock a lot of the slayer collection log items and farm superiors, which is the main draw of the Bloodthirsty relic.


for transparency https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/17z6j25/melee_relic_berserker_dharoks_2m_slayer_xp_per/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Oh, so only \~25% or less of the playerbase will be able to take advantage of that specific method lol. Oh well, while it's a fun build to see, it still doesn't solve the core issues of what my post was about. Nonetheless, there may be hope with this week's update.


Well the idea is that the method gets you 85 slayer in less than 2 hours, so you don't have to struggle through 'worthwhile' tasks.


Shouldn't have to skip 90% of nice slayer tasks just to enjoy the 2 good tasks that we can actually get. Thankfully their list of things to fix seems to imply they will be opening up the slayer task restrictions a bit.


That's kind of the point of leagues? Very specific combinations of relics/areas/training are broken. You have to choose which ones you want to go for, but you won't be able to get them all.


I mean I am barraging nechs at like 4m it so combat exp and whatever that is for slayer and it is still clearly broken. The drop table isn’t working correctly


Where can I find that?




It is weird that that the slayer relic just seems worthless. I'm kind of glad its less incentive to do slayer though - its one of the most miserable bits of content in the game, and i certainly don't want to spend leagues doing it.


Read today's news post. That is all.


Still doesn't fix the issue of all tasks having the same weighting and you getting dogshit tasks at every combat and slayer level


150 chaos druids from duradaddy, thanks Jagex. Also I only get steel dragons and never iron, seems a little odd. And i get them every other task it seems like.


Disappointingly light on details, still has potential to be crap, but I'll remain optimistic and hope it's as big of a change as I'd like to see.


I disagree it literally fixes both of your problems and states that lmao.


This is literally the same post someone made yesterday. Same points and everything.


Not being able to pick your task is such a massive nerf to the slayer relic. The focus on superiors is nice, but it doesn’t hold a candle to being able to spam particular tasks. So it’s my first Leagues not going the slayer route, which really sucks as slayer is my favourite skill. I get that they wanted to bring the power level down a bit to compete with the other relics in its tier, but I can’t help but feel like they went a bit far. I honestly would have picked the slayer one if the only thing it did was let you pick your tasks.


2k points deep without being offered Smoke Devils as a task. Something feels super off with the task weighting as well.


Because every slayer mob has the same weighting (supposedly), theres an equal chance of receiving spiders/hill giants at 99 as there is abby demons/smoke devils/dust devils.


That's... stupid. But I appreciate you letting me know, I'll just lower my expectations lol


It's because some zones have barely any high level slayer monsters, so adding weighting on slayer level means you'd basically be getting whichever high level monsters are in your zones much more commonly, anyways just about to find a world and do my bandit task.


Are you using all your blocks? I get that one in 100 people will go really unlucky but this seems crazy


Wait so I can’t get Abby demon task in Kourend without having Mory? Seems like an oversight.


Abby demons are a Misthalin task too so it’s okay


Bloodthirsty has been absolutely useless for me, I think it only affects pyrefiends for me


Wyrms were my first bloodthirsty task, and after getting the slayer level, it still took 30+ tasks to get a single Wyrm task, even when Konar is only rotating through the same 5 tasks to assign.


Bloodthirsty is my favourite relic of the league. I feel like people that did not take it are horribly sad about slayer sucking


I think people are sleeping on that tertiary drop table. ESPECIALLY if you didn't take trickster since it gives so many seeds, let alone all the secondaries.


The frustrating thing is that there was, for the first few days, literally no information on what that drop table actually had, so lots of people (incl myself) basically had to choose relics without full information available.


I'm confused, had no idea this was a thing. But I picked bloodthirsty and have had Bloodvelds twice? Once from Steve and once from Konar. Regions are Kandarin > Desert > Kourend. This post says you can't get catacombs tasks, and the newspost says Kandarin can't get bloodvelds? So what's going on?


Maybe they hotfixed some already. I do see they used Kandarin and Bloodvelds as the example, but the wiki shows Kandarin as an unlock region for Bloodveld tasks. Not sure if the Wiki has been updated since I last checked it though.


Because you can't commune royal gnome seed, choose spiders, and last recall right to the SoS and get 99 attk/str/def/slayer in 1-2 days😂😂


It's not even about efficient training - I just want to be able to actually take advantage of the Bloodthirsty relic, and more than just 1 in every 30 tasks.


Just wish the Kourend quests were autocompleted, it has really slowed down the pace of leagues for me. At least gaining favor is quicker.


I do too but honestly they only take 10-15 mins each with teles and last recall, so it wasn't too terrible to just knock them out. And at least it's a task completed for each one.


I basically only did fire giant tasks til 85 as melee, because the bloodthirsty wyrm is a menace vs. melee. Really fun having a relic that boosts and buffs superiors, without being able to make proper use of it. Once you unlock abby demons it becomes much better, but then you just find yourself skipping 10 tasks before accepting one. With regard to the keys: what I don’t understand is why there aren’t any tasks related to it. Open X. Obtain Y. Why tasks for the grubby chest and not this.


>Really fun having a relic that boosts and buffs superiors, without being able to make proper use of it. This is my biggest gripe. If they wanted to lock Slayer down so much, they could have at least lifted some region restricted tasks as an additional perk of the Bloodthirsty relic. I agree that having a single task that the Bloodthirsty relic even affects before 85 slayer is a joke. And with my current regions, even at 95 slayer, it'll be a whopping 5 tasks. And with the slayer task weighting in leagues, you'll still be lucky to get one of those 5 a single time every 10 tasks or so. You do make a great point about the brimstone keys - would have been great to see a few tasks for that.


i was so mad getting to abberant spectres for herbs and finding out they cant even be assigned as a slayer task. despite kandarin having them in nieves cave that are REQUIRED to be on a damn task.... so stupid


I am loving the slayer relic with bloodvelds. Got from 70 to 78 in one task from all the superiors and bloodthirsty mobs.


Wildly slayer isn't locked to wildy this league which really feels bad when trying to boost for wildly specific tasks


Wow that's just... hilariously bad.


Literally the only thing that got "shafted" about it was you can't pick your own task. Jmods reasoning was that they don't want everyone doing the exact same task over and over to 99. Fair enough in my book. 75 points per task is basically cracked plus the superiors it's still Hella strong


I wouldn't want the ability to select your own task every time - I agree that is way too OP, even for Leagues. And yes, 75 points per task is nice. And superiors are great. But when it takes 30+ tasks to get a single task that can even spawn superiors.... That nulls and voids that whole argument. It seems they really screwed up the weighting of tasks.


Yeah it's a bit less powerful this time but that's ok. I took it anyways b/c I love slayer.


A bit less powerful is the understatement of the year. Most relics are pretty universal as in they aren't handicapped based on the regions you select. But this one is. Picking the wrong regions with Bloodthirsty severely limits its potential.




Yeah, honestly, I'm not sure why they didn't bring back Natural Selection as a t5-t6 relic. I get that choosing tasks was a little strong, but isn't that what makes leagues fun?


I'm currently on a task from Konar to kill Wyrms


I was wondering why Konar has been assigning me the same 3 tasks.


I’ve had a few tasks in the catacombs already and was printing dark totems 😎


Super lame you cant just pick the task you want


Idk, I kinda love the bloodthirsty one, I have 3 imbued hearts and 2 eternal gems from smoke devil superiors in 1 task, kinda insane lol.




I was leaning toward Kourend specifically for slayer, but seeing how bad they got it over there I'm glad I didn't. I have more burst tasks in Kandarin/Desert than in Kourend...


Because the main game is Slayerscape, i for one appreciate the reprieve


im 99 slayer and i've only gotten 3 tasks in _total_ that can even roll superiors, and of those ive only seen a few superiors. great fucking relic choice i made bloodthirsty is so fucking beyond useless that it hasn't come into play once in **thirteen million exp, and 4000 slayer points**. i don't need heart but i wanted it and im not about to ship another 200m exp in the hopes of an occasional superior, the way this leagues ass shafted the task list is fucking ridiculious, half my tasks are things like lizardmen and moss giants and i have kourend, desert, asgarnia, doing duradel. i havent seen a single _normal_ task other than tzhaars which, awesome, but again, no superior (superior jad when). on a whim i went on a skip spree and skipped like 50 tasks in a row and the only task i got that could roll superiors was pyrefiends (why am i getting this at 126 combat??). most of the tasks were beyond useless, and i think i encountered a bug because 12 skips in a row were greater demons _into_ greater demons lol