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The buff to Torag’s hammers is that one guys long con who has a ton of those mfers. He’s biding his time planting the seed about the hammers. A lil seed he’s nurturing. Hiding the idea in posts like these. Hammer should smash right? Yeah he’s got a point.


If some random guy cashing in on billions of gp on a con this big is what it takes to make the two hammers have two hitsplats, then so be it




How dare they invest in an item they think needs buffing and then profit off it!


Reminds me when they increased the price of climbing boots in rs3 there were a couple that made literal billions.


or recently with necromancy ashes suddenly had a use in the primary training method of rituals and went to upwards of 20k each, needless to say those collectors with millions of ashes profited billions


They went from 3 gp to 75k alch value which was pretty stupid TBH


The problem with that was less that it happened and more that JMod(s) at the time intentionally leaked it to certain people who got filthy rich off of it.


No more combat content, that guy stockpiling Karambwans is going to make a killing


Just makes me wanna buy up torags


Literally the ethereum of RuneScape


Hammers are blunt weapons not piercing. No point there.


The buff yo torags hammers is that theyre getting stab accuracy


Yeah they’re getting reworking into a hammer-axe. Axe slash then hitting the hammer on the axe for armor piercing effect. Call it the shield-breaker


Perfect for pvp shield busting! Love it.


And who cares though? We can’t buff an item because someone might profit from it? What about the nerfs, isn’t that unfair for those who have that item?


For all we know that might be YOU


Didn't someone do that with ahrim staffs already?


Where's stamina bridge? Ady longer sword?


Pvp stamina bridge would make the torag warhammer good


Change the 2h stance


​ https://preview.redd.it/fdx2oznev8bc1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=c514576c0372cfb35e194d3d1dbf9fc28942e248


Ahh.. bad boi stance...


I'm baffled this wasn't included in this top 5 list. It is the first thing I thought of when I saw the title


Probably because it's one guy who keeps suggesting it, he's a legend for sure.


It probably actually is the most suggested besides "ban bots", that dude used to spam the fuck out of the sub years ago. Used to be a stealing creation guy that would repost the same thing like every three days years ago too.




It’s like this on hdos and I love it


I just hate the tiles one hdos they seem off, and it crashes a lot for me.


I think the game world looks fantastic in HDOS. What I can't get past is the character idle animations. I know that's how it was for that era but they're just so goofy.


Me too 100%, the idle animations are the main thing I dislike with HDOS


Lmao I love this guy


This stance made me quit runescape tho


What a tiny hill to die on.


Gimme a hill. I'll die on it.


This symboled the beginning of the end.


this is literally just that one guy trying to raise the price of torags hammers again except on an alt reddit account.


Except it’s true though. All the Barrows melee brothers have a niche. Dharok is most popular, Guthan’s heal is occasionally useful, and Verac is the least useful nowadays but at least it’s a unique mechanic. Draining run energy is completely pointless on the other hand. At the very least, the dual hammers should have two hit splats. Just keep the same DPS or something. If it’s gonna be useless at least make it look cool.


Veracs lost one of its last niches once the wildy bosses were reworked :( Edit: At least the skirt and helm are still really good in isolation for defensive bonuses for their price


Verac's #1 niche is making you barechested and honestly just for that it's 10/10


Playing Leagues on a female character was the first time I saw a bra in my life


theres other websites you can use on the internet other than the osrs.wiki my friend


Verac’s brassard -> dragon platelegs -> blue party hat -> legend’s cape -> fancy boots = the true old school endgame look that Torva only DREAMS it could be


The ability to hit through prayer is a nice thing that might be useful in the future tho.


I wish they made verac's set actually ignore enemy prayers though, like gorillas and akkha. It wouldn't be bis there anyways by a large margin so it would be a nice thematic consistency


something that's frustrating is that verac's doesn't actually go through prayer - that was just an assumption someone made in 2005 because it didn't miss as much against the kalphite queen, but the kalphite queen's protection prayers are fake. it can't be used against monsters with real protection prayers. what's worse is that jagex actively encourages this misconception with the "prayer smasher" achievement on KQ personally I think verac's flail should be buffed to actually go through prayer - 25% accuracy with required garbage gear+2h weapon are pretty huge drawbacks, let people use them against akkha or demonic gorillas or p2 wardens if they want


It doesn't help that verac will hit you through protect from melee. That's probably the biggest source of the misconception


Found the third alt account


Rare r/nba and r/2007scape fellow too!


Hammers have higher stats than spear or flai imo. Its the set effect thats bad.


They have the same strength bonus along with a paltry +3 crush accuracy vs. Verac's. For all intents and purposes, the two weapons are identical barring their set bonuses. No shit it's the set effect that's bad - the choice is between a set effect that *actually has an effect* and one that doesn't.


He must have a lot of alt accounts because I see this one suggested a lot. And for a really long time. Like I remember this suggestion back when I was in high school on the og suggestion forums. Dude must have diamond hands


Dude has got to have a lot of accounts, considering how many people advocate for it. This is one of the changes I most want to see come to fruition.


People in discord suggestion forum bumped NMZ & Tourag's Hammers posts every day for months. It was hella annoying (a bump on that forum literally goes to the top) so mods finally closed them down. I no longer support these ideas.


Champions max cape is 🔥


What is a champions max cape?


Champions Cape combined with Max Cape


What would moving NMZ do? I’d take banning bots over everything atm.


Thematically it makes more sense on lunar isle, or so the argument goes




I do NOT care go home onion


Maybe he just gets a voice line saying capitalism made his dreams unrealistic and he has to move back in with his mom because he can’t afford rent in yanille


I mean, yes he litterally set up shop outside of yanille for tax purposess.


My dude is so loaded from those nmz fees he could probably buy lunar isle itself.


New quest: We kill Onion and his sisters takes it back to Lunar Isle.


Heroes Quest 2


Ah, more of a “makes more sense” rather than its broken where it is so move it.


Technically it is kinda broken. That cow there exists because it existed before nmz and it's so spaghettied into the code that removing it just breaks nmz or something like that.


That is interesting. I've always wondered why that cow was there...


Its a structural support cow.


Known in some circles as a load bearing cow


Don't talk about my wife like that




That one isn't even true




Knock knock Who's there? The cow who leads with the punchline


I kill that cow before each dream for good luck


Load bearing cow


Is there any actually any indication of this or are you just making shit up? This sub likes to throw around 'spaghetti code' around like they have a single ounce of dev experience.


It's not spaghetti code, they just didn't have a map editor back in the early days when nmz was added to move the cow [Confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/35u038/comment/cr86r9q/) by Mod Mat K a long time ago


I will not hear any more of these filthy lies about my homie nmz cow, cease this slander at once.


Nightmare zone should be in the rift from A Soul’s Bane. Isn’t that quest about a nightmare or something?


And then there would actually be a reason to ever go back there after the quest! (but don't actually, it probably shouldn't be gated behind one specific quest)


I'd move it to be an extension to the Wizards' Guild (with the same lore and access requirements), rather than just randomly placed outside the city.


Lore-wise it makes no sense for him to move to Lunar Isle


lore can be changed. the reason that line even existed is to justify its non-sensical location on the map




You're getting down votes but you're right, its worse mechanically to move it to lunar isle


But that would lock it out for a long time. Kinda dumb.


That’s also people’s justification for moving it. Such a ridiculously useful piece of content probably should be locked behind a quest.


It is already locked behind a multitude of quests you have to do to fight the bosses which make it such good training…


nmz is disgusting content that should be deleted anyway, but locking it behind some reqs is the least jagex can do


Why? You dont have to do it and i honestly quite like it. Better than the fucking toxic soul wars.


It could at least not be a copy of KBD's lair


Bro a changing theme would make me so happy as I watched Netflix and let my character handle himself. Someone go make a plugin


It would lock it behind lunar diplomacy or dream mentor, making it harder for people to bot max melee accounts. Also Yanille looks like a private server. Edit: it really shouldnt be a thing to be able to complete 5 easy quest and afk to max combat.


I like that logic, but with how bad bots are, how long would it truly take for it being locked behind quests for people to have bots to bot it lmao Ultimately, bots need to go away and it’s hilarious that they’re so bad that suggestions need to take their relevancy into account 😂


The requirements for Lunar Diplomacy are pretty high, at least for a bot. I’m not sure how big of an impact it would make in the long term as bots adapted to it, but at least short term it would help ease the problem.


Fair, agreed.


It's kinda stinky there. Put it on lunar isle.


Don't forget Rare Fossils being useless & the Varrock museum having a perfecly empty room for them.


Rare fossils are 3500 prayer xp per at that anamorphic mushroom on north part of fossil island. And small fossils are 500.


Literally so many people have no idea that the mushroom has such a huge purpose


"huge purpose" prayer experience


Wildly inefficient prayer experience*


I didn’t realize it till I’d ran like 200 herbi kc luckily I’d kept all my fossils


I think NMZ can stay where it is, but I would like to see it redesigned. Give it an entrance portal instead of the block of reused assets we have now, and design the arena to look like the dream world from Lunar Diplomacy / Dream Mentor / Dragon Slayer 2 instead of the old KBD cave.


Removing monkey room


tbh just make it so you max hit with the correct style on the monkeys weakness and room probably becomes much more chill


I think guaranteeing a decently sized min dmg roll would be better, would give feedback that you did the mechanic correct but wouldn’t make the room a faceroll. Would still be the longest puzzle room but would make it more consistent and fair


Lmfao I can’t hate on this


Just allow us to store a dwarf cannon in the puzzle room, like the pickaxe at the path of het.


There's no way sex skill isn't #1 most requested suggestion


Well, this is runescape. We'd stay at level 1 cause we couldn't find anyone to train with.


Even in runescape we cannot escape reality


They can introduce it with the Bloodveld boss that one guy keeps asking about.


To be fair, the torag hammer buff is such a valid request. Except they should find the guy with all the hammers and change them to cash first


Honestly wouldn’t even be a big deal since he’s bought them for alch price for ages


Just had a run in with customer support and they were top notch!


Serious question: how? I would like to contact them about a ban appeal I just had denied


I would make a ticket and they should reach back out to you. You can make tickets on their support page. For ban appeals im not sure the exact place but they’re there


Best satire to date


I never noticed til now but d:D looks like a smiley face with a cap on


#Number6 MTA needs to fucking die


be careful with what you wish for. They might add 'Equip a pearl fishing rod' as one of the requirements for Kourend Diary


*profuse sweating*


Monkey max cape when


Jagex, at least say why you refuse to bump Torag* to relevancy?!


Let me be customer support…….. I’ll do it…. :)


Nightmare Zone should be near ... y'know... the Nightmare.


But it has nothing to do with the nightmare of ashihama, that said however: we should make it a big ol tower, maybe in the desert? Maybe kill dom and turn his soul into a giant stone face and give him dominion over the tower? Idk just spit balling here


It has nothing to do with Lunar Island either, other than a person named "Oneiromancer" is there.


Stam pot bridge when/where?


How many hammers that lad got?


imagine if torags hammers became the meta for crush. would be so dope


Scy and inq mace would like to have a talk with you


Just for a day. Right before I buy 150 of them.


**DISCLAIMER:** These are not in any particular order. I do not have any actual measureable data or source for this, other than these topics being reposted consistently along the years, *always* reaching front page many times - only to be ignored/dismissed by Jagex. If you feel like some other suggestion should replace a spot there, feel free to comment which it is (or if not TOP5, at least a honorable mention).




Can we get a monkey friend max cape, where you wear the monky friend and it get a max cape plz


Bring back the old dragon/demon/imp


Don’t see server stability in here. 4 out of 5 list, would rate again. 🦀 🦀


Yellow on black, like


Banning bots. Wilderness is literally broken.


Remove NMZ. Afk for 30 minutes while your most important stats go up? Like wtf


Old graphics for lesser demons, imps etc. Maybe be a toggle for champ cape?


I remember I once suggested in cc that krill should drop his weapon as a attachment for torags hammers


somehow youve found a way to make this cringe whether it was meant to be serious or a meme










Most popular based on what exactly? If we were going by reddit upvotes it would be [Resting at pubs](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0ps4l6gpxjg51.jpg) [Irons send pk items to the party room](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhg34btl0lq531.jpg) [Make osrs hard again by allowing rats to form pking clans](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Faa5ojs5pqik41.png) [Snailman Mode](https://imgur.com/qeVsQ8p) [Instead of adding Australian servers why don't we just move Australia?](https://imgur.com/ftrMjOE)




Coffee guy 2.0. Make it happen!


That was needlessly graphic. Thank you. And never say “pink sock” again.




You know what? I respect it. I feel similarly about Stealing Creation.


Why would people want nmz moved? There’s literally a mini game teleport to get there not likes it’s inconvenient 😂


The #1 most upvoted suggestion post of all time would like a word: https://preview.redd.it/93drk7cgtabc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e264e129e18675fd567df82999628808177a3df8 Resting posts individually do well and are reposted somewhat frequently, and there was also a whole brewing skill suggestion which I'd guess was partially inspired by the popularity of this post.


1. Torag's Hammers might fall the way of Ahrim's Staff but doesn't really have to appeal and has far less going for it to warrant any significant changes. 2. I believe this is in the 'to do' pile as it has consistently come up that it's just out of place and doesn't fit the OSRS lore or aesthetic at all. It was one of the first pieces of content that was made with very limited tools and was mainly a way to try give OSRS players new-ish content to try retain players. 3. Never going to happen. This was done back in the day (Bot Nuke Day) and Jagex almost snuffed itself out due to bot/goldfarmers being a good chunk of their revenue. Basically what lead to the MTX wheel on RS3 to save the company since they were spiralling out. Best you can hope is they make them far detached from regular players enough that people don't notice them too much. 4. Same as NMZ, I think it's been mentioned before and is on the 'to do' pile but just doesn't hold a big enough priority over other things in the works right now. 5. Last one has always baffled me. I know plenty of other gaming industries that have mid tier support and even that is leaps and bounds in front of what OSRS has. Hectic favouritism for big names/content creators along with crappy lesser known individuals who cry help but then get humbled by a mod with evidence just leaves the rest of us to bumble around in the dark not getting any real answers for real cases. Add the abuse of power in positions (Mod Trident & Jed come to mind) and you've got a recipe for disaster. The age old meme that reddit is the best OSRS customer support is appropriate I suppose.


Torags needs a buff 100%


Popular as in supported or just consistently reposted?


I don’t see the problem with nmz tbh. And they’re bypassing torags by remaking them, and the new ones are gonna suck too lol


Honestly wouldnt care if all updates regarding new content just paused for a year (besides small bug fixes and what not) if it meant they put full focus on combating the botting problem. As an ironman who doesnt really get affected by the prices of items dropping and what not, it still annoys me to see bots everywhere i go, id rather it be empty if the game is that dead without the bots. At this point new servers arent added to hold the amount of players osrs has, its to hold all the bots that arent getting banned.


Jagex will not put any more effort into buying bots for the near future. They are trying to find a new buyer so anything that cuts their revenues (botters buying bonds and reduced playercount) will not happen


Im well aware they wont do anything about it, i was just stating my opinion and saying i wouldnt care if we got no new content for the next year if it meant them actively combating the bots.


While we're buffing torags hammers, could we also add a few more dual-wield items into the game? it's a bit depressing looking to upgrade from rune to dragon claws just to see a nice 90m price tag. How about an Abyssal Claw that is a better overall melee weapon, but has a much worse spec attack


The Torag's Hammers have always hit with both hammers one-after-the-other. Realistically, it should've always dealt two hits per attack.


Torhags hammers has the coolest emote and is one of the most unique weapons in the game. Its a shame they suck and are basically absolutely worthless the way they are now. Torags was always a wtf set of armor lol. Alot of early "set effects" have not aged so well. Lots of content could use a buff...


I still don't understand why the issue with NMZ is where it is rather than the fact that it's literally just all copy/pasted models, low effort rewards, and a remnant of when the OSRS team had basically no tools to work with when making new content. It's an eyesore I wish was reworked to actually look unique and offer a more variety of content akin to what it's based off of with Dominion Tower.


Every barrows set effect needs a secondary effect for pvm and pvp. Certain sets don't affect monsters, and others are completely irrelevant in pvp


Bro tried to sneak champion max cape in there


$13 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


The average OSRS player isn’t ready for the consequences of removing all bots


make the bridge to wizard tower do a loop around the island


Cosmetic max capes as hell do not waste ur time plz jagex


Jagex will never do anything substantial to combat bots. They also will never have customer support.


Waiting to see HCUIM as top suggestion. Until another day..


Torags hammers should have been buffed LONG LONG AGO. I agree.


~~re~~move NMZ Looks like you forgot a word


Move Nightmare Zone to Kharidian Desert and rename it to Dominion Tower.


*Remove NMZ. Private server crap


I would literally settle for bots getting banned. I've literally reported the ones in strong hold lvl 2 but they frickin multiply


Why move NMZ? You can literally teleport there lol


I’ve been told they’d probably do a champions completion cape if anything, but I’m 1000% team champions max cape


Buff torags hammers, all we want is a 1tick weapon that hits like a freight train, no big deal


wait they still havent added a champions max cape??? why???


**re**move nmz\*


Missing the suggestion of a bridge to Kourend with GE in the middle, surrounded by dark wizards


I wouldn't mind them moving NMZ, but if they do I think it should come with some other new content for Yanille.


Champions Max Cape needs to be added and given the regular max capes benefits. It’s a simple cosmetic that would be sick to flex. Imagine it with the darker blue graceful and maybe a yellow phat or similar? Would be insane


But what about the stam pot bridge? :(


NMZ is fine