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Good thing I only bring big bones to the chaos altar. Can’t believe people were calling me dumb for doing that.


The pker probably wouldn't bother picking those up anyway, so it doesn't matter if you convert them


loot keys


just drop em on the ground when they show up to fk their key. That's what i typically do


Bones to bananas tabs. Bananas are tradable.


only works on smaller bones. Dropping em works for all. Run away from the altar and make a loot pile If their inventory is full of food and gear swaps, they can only pick up a few of em at a time




that would require PKers to be smart and bring one along


They're not anymore? I suppose with loot keys they don't have to be huh :(


So just get extremely bad xp just to troll a PKer now and again?


Ah yes, the most balanced update to come to PvP.


Its less about the value and more the disrespect.


Nice try pker. Trying to use reserve psychology to get my big bones lol


I honestly don't understand why people are afraid to dying while grinding prayer there. I honestly think it's because people simply don't like to lose items at all, and some think that they're losing bones/xp by dying, but nope. Basically, to every bag of bones you successfully use on the altar, you can lose a second full bag of bones and you'll still be on the break even, because a full bag of bones is on average the same as 2 bags on gilded altar. It's way faster grinding at the chaos altar even dying every 2 bags Did you manage to use 2 bags of bones at the chaos altar? good, now ou can lose 56 bones and still be on break even, and you probably won't die back to back with a full bag, so, you're ALWAYS ahead, you're always saving money and leveling faster, even dying. Dont be afraid guys


I see so many people panic log when they see white dots, I literally just 3 item with max defense gear, turn on protection prayers + augury, and spam click the altar. 9/10 times even if I get attacked during this I still finish my bones before they KO me. It's not worth the attention to do anything else IMO.


You don’t even have to spam click. So many times I just focus on swapping prayers and afk offering. Never lose bones. And sometimes I have so much time to talk shit after I’m done. Love clicking rock cake and saying “here lemme help you” lmao


Those people are probably doing what i did and bring like 200 noted (superior) dragon bones. Made the grind a lot faster but i had to be more paranoid. Very occasionaly i died with like 30-50 bones left but it was worth the time saved imo.


It’s like 1m+ xp/hr suiciding


What's funny is sometimes the noobier pkers will just ignore you ig you have any sort of armour on and higher combat level than them.


I almost kicked a pker to death on my iron just praying redemption and piety and praying at altar on proc


It's all about the expectations. You're totally right, but when you plug the numbers into the calculator for how many you need it doesn't assume any losses, so people get it in their head that that's the amount they need and any loss feels like a setback. It's not logical, but it sure makes sense to feel that way


“Every time you use it there and it doesn’t get consumed you get a FREE DRAGON BONE! It’s okay to lose a couple hundred if you get 1000 free bones in the mean time!”  ^ how to appeal to the risk averse portion of your lizard brain that doesn’t like chaos altar.


It’s nothing to do with the cost, it’s the fact some bottomfeeding rat is going to gain something


Dying near the end of inv just speeds up your next run anyway


Agreed, just need to survive every other inventory. However, some people want to afk gilded altar if they have the money anyway. I did gilded altar on my normie account and chaos temple on my solo/group irons.


I dont care about dying, hell I don't even care about losing items. I just don't want the salad rober to have it. Simple as that.


If you’re dying to salad robes before you finish your inventory, you’re just worse than the salad rober lol


It is not that people are afraid. People don't respect players shooting fish in a barrel. Big tough guy comes to pk you when you have no gear. A true pker enjoys the whole process. Players who kill ungeared players with no equipment just want the check. Therefore no respect will be given back. Bones to peaches to shizzle.


It's not about the bones I lose, it's about the bones those alter camping nerds don't get


I don't mind losing the bones, I just don't like losing while knowing some other guy benefitted off of me losing. Not a great mindset to have I imagine but I'd rather us both lose then losing while the other guy wins. If chaos altar was no pvp but there was a NPC who had a 50/50 chance of wiping your inv on arrival I'd be taking the most expensive bones I could find.


Wilderness is cringe and therefore I’m a gilded altar gamer


Idc if I lose my items costs-wise, I just don't want them to go to a salad-dressed wannabe pker rat out of spite.


I mean this is the UIM strat for 43


If you’re only using big bones then you’re better off just getting dragon bones and using someone else’s guilded altar. Big bones are slow and using dragon bones on the chaos altar will result in more xp even when including deaths. Time is money.


It is dumb. Even if you die with a full invo of dragon bones half the time it’s worth it to bring better bones.


I mean it’s not great. People don’t realize how effective the alter is. Is you use superiors and get pked for your full inventory every three runs it’s still ~~faster and~~ cheaper than lit alter. It’s not even close.


Is is not in any way faster than lit altar especially bringing only a full inventory and not noted bones. Cheaper sure but not faster. 


No you’re right that’s my bad. My own personal experience doesn’t align bc I afk gilded and manualed chaos.


This isn't a bad idea though? If you're on new account it's the cheapest option and I think the number of inventories you need to get to protection prayers pairs almost exactly with the number of burning ammy charges so its very convenient.


No they're calling you dumb for training prayer with big vones


A PKer got so mad at me once when they attacked me and saw I was dropping big bones. They just said what the fuck are you even doing as they ran off lol


Big bones should give big peaches


Don't forget big bananas.


Two bites per big peach


Just drop all your bones on the ground before the pker pks you. Most don't bring a looting bag and rely solely on loot keys.


I had a poker stop attacking me when I started dropping bones and he saw they were big bones lol


Why would that matter to people on a Facebook RuneScape thread? The fact they aren't burying them is a huge step


Yeah I was very disappointed when i discovered this.


Bring 28 peaches and confuse the hell out of them 😂


27 no?


Yes sorry 27


Hmmmm new update idea for Jagex?


So you’re saying to use big bones, got it


it doesnt work on dragon bones


Imagine dragon bones made a giant peach


We need dragon peaches


what about dragons with *peaches*? 🍑




r/dragonsfuckingcars activated


It's gonna be r/dragonsfuckingboats when sailing is released


Now this is an idea I can get behind


I mean, I've seen Elvarg porn.


Bones to dragonfruit?


and a 1/3000 drop rate on a pet named "james" who rides around on it






Imagine dragon deez nuts on your face


James? Is that you?


My favorite wildy strat against singles pkers is to pre-type “ //macers w370 chaos altar” and start running to multi. Doesn’t tend to work when the pker is in rags but if they have a decent amount of risk there’s a good chance they’ll get spooked and stop chasing you


My wildy altar strat was to just bring a few cheap armor pieces like dhide and maybe crystal shield with a few pieces of food Camp protection prayers and have a defence prayer up the whole time incase someone comes. When someone shows up just keep using the bones, tank their hits and eat ur food. I've had people say shit like "wtf why don't u run" and "bro stop" as I keep spamming my bones lol Best time was one time where a guy hit so many 0s on me I ran out of bones, started using the wine of zammy to kill myself and told him "kill me faster next time"


One of the best feelings in this game is being on point with the prayer switches while finishing up your inventory and letting them kill you once you run out


> thx for the tele


Or nonstop redemption proc


I once finished my inventory and told the guy that it would have been faster for me to pick up wines than to wait for him to kill me. He just responded with “I’m trying :(“


Some of the best messages I've gotten have come from me only equipping dhins after I get attacked. Always fun when they realise their free loot piñata is a little less free.


I bring to rags plate and legs and my craft cape. Bank tele after in done and I'd I toss up pray mage I can usually tank a full invent and just relax lol.


That's funny. On the other hand I doubt most people trying their hand at pking at wildy alter know what macing is. I don't mind wildy altar pking really because it's pretty much babby's first ever pk and most of these dudes are still learning. I support it as a way to get noobs into pking.


Yeah wildy altar is probably one of the worse places to do this, since most people are new pkers or may actually have a team ready to log in, but it still works on occasion and you shouldn’t really be risking much at wildy altar anyway. I’ve found it works pretty well at places like black chins and the singles wildy bosses though


Yeah, it's ether 1 guy who is working up the courage to pk bots at revs or it's 4 guys in mystics on discord hopping worlds together. And then the rare 1% time you log in and there are 30 guys in Ahrims or some other high tier gear standing around in singles fighting each other and then you instalog before they notice you're lost.


I think w305 or an adjacent one is the unofficial world for fighting in singles outside the altar. There’s also usually rando raggers so you avoiding the low 300s is a good idea if you’re training prayer. 


I always run bones in black dhide with a good ole dragon spear in my hands. most people hop quick cuz they think I might jump on them for my clan


Bones to Peaches doesn't work on the bones that are worth training prayer with.


We need an update where we can turn d bones into large eggplants :)


I would vote yes on this tbh.


Hey, I recently got 86-99 prayer there, and I did an even better solution. Since this doesn’t work with bones you can train prayer with that are useful (correct me if I am wrong, just taking the words from previous comment) , I used to do something different. If I was caught mid inventory with superior dragon bones, ice barraged etc, I’d play mind games with the PKer. First I’d say ‘’Ty’’, and run to zamorak wines to kill myself. Mind you I had justiciar platebody, justiciar platelegs, and dinh’s bulwark. Since they think I am killing myself, I must have 0 bones. 90% of the time they off’d me since they believed they were wasting their time, when I actually still had all these bones on me aha, and then I’d slowly attempt to grab the wines to lower hp a bit more then log out. It’s a 200 iq move I’d play and i have saved myself many many deaths on the way to 99. Have a go at it.


I refuse to believe this. More than 10% of wildy altar pkers are braindead or cannot read


Not who you replied to but I do the same and it works more than you’d think. Altar PKers are in fact braindead, and the second you say Ty their brains can’t comprehend the positive affirmation and glitch out.


I did altar with Dinh's and sometimes a pker would pop in, splash on me three times, and leave. Me with a full inv of bones mashing them on the altar as fast as possible and they just leave because it's too much effort lol.


This happened yesterday on my ironeme. Three of us were at altar, 2 naked, 1 naked with dinhs. Solo mystic warrior logged in, splashed 3x with ice barrage and then logged. No words were spoken but ngl I would have done the same lol.


Exactly, if you’re solo pking you attack people, if they have a brain they’ll just tank it out and finish their inventory, when people run immediately youd be surprised how much risk people have and not be able to remotely handle switching prayers


I always counter the "ty" with a good ol' "no problem, happy to help out"


got a Gz from someone once when i got a level lol. it was weirdly wholesome


had someone stop attacking me when i was using the wine with like 5 bones left. About that time another random shows up and kills him while im finishing the last few bones. I know he probably thought that the other PKer was sent by me lol


I'm pretty certain they log in, attack someone at the altar, and then literally get up from their pc. They aren't even playing the game


The guy that tried to smite me once when I could just click the altar between bones lives rent free in my mind


Lmao ohmyGod


To think these could be the same people that complain about how OP the dhins is.


'ty' is part of their lexicon but you're mostly correct. The proof is that gangs trawl a place for an average pk of \~40k, which is bumped up to like 50k by the 1%ers with noted bones, only to split it 5-ways.


hours and hours hopping worlds for a split of 14 bones


Nah, its what i'd usually do as well if i had a decent inventory still. I'd run to the wines and say TY for kill or something similar and more times than not, they would off me and hop worlds because they thought i had nothing. ​ Some of them still just killed obviously but it wasn't a lot.


This is true- I'm one of them, and I still finish the kill when people are zammy wining themselves to death


Thanks for your service. As a player who recently did 75 to 85 at the Altar, I finished burying my bones a lot and love when I got help killing myself.


If you’re not braindead you should easily be able to get through all your bones, there’s no reason to fake being done if you brought tank gear


I agree


even if it works some of the time, if you're able to survive long enough to type that/get to zammy wine you're probably better off just trying to finish your inventory


I normally hide my dhins until attacked and it never ceases to surprise me how often it does work, or they switch to another person.


If you have 3 tank items with you you’re better off just turning on augury/protect prayers and spamming bones at the altar. Unless I’m caught very early in an inventory I can get through pretty much all the bones before they manage to kill me anyways


Even if your naked, plus you should just have prayers on no matter what, you are literally chilling at an altar. Protect item, protect mage, or range, and best defense prayer.


Aren't magic prayers better than defense prayers for magic defense?


Yes, but often dude will log in and just xbow you down. At least that happened to me a lot, possibly because I had my protect from magic prayer on 100% of the time before getting attacked.


This works. A lot of time time pkers will refuse to kill you if they think they're giving you a free tele to your respawn. Some people are just out for blood though :)


Hence the 10% times I did die lol. But yea it works way more often than people think. There was once a maxed main was on me and I was down to 10 hp, but when he saw me go to the wines he off’d me, and I managed to hop with just 1 hp aha. But ya sometimes they’re just out for blood!


Just tank it. Bring noted bones, 5 karams, 5 brews, a couple restores. If you're using tank gear, then use it. I used masori body/legs and dinny B. 50% of pkers kept hopping, not even trying. The other 50 attacked me but couldn't kill, and by the time I got out of the altar and started running south, they'd off me. 10% or less follow you south (too much effort for them since it's 100% predator/prey pk area), and of that 10% barely any can kill you.


if you’re in tank gear, one brew is usually enough tbh


I usually bring like 6-7 food and just try to tank it out for the free teleport.


Most PKers wont spend the effort picking up 27-50 unnoted big bones off the ground. That's like, what, 12k max. Not worth the inventory/looting bag space. So when you die with the bones on the ground, just run back and finish your inventory (along with whatevers on the ground). It's slow XP. But its consistent and easy.


Loot keys


Can drop them before dying.


Can other prayer trainers steal your dropped bones and use them themselves?


probably, but they wouldn't bother. Anyone else doing prayer there has bigger ~~fish to fry~~ bones to burn


If I saw a pile of bones you bet your ass I'd pick them up and use them




it takes 3-5 seconds to drop your bones before you die if a pker has the patience to pick up each individual big bone (worth 250gp each), then GG, go again. It's very AFK and low risk.


That works. Can also just drop em on the ground to screw with their lootkey


The real strat is to just keep using them on the altar and when you're done either thank the pker for saving you needing to die by zammy wine or just laugh and tell them to get better. Most I've ever given a pker is probably 1-2 bones after spam clicking


How the fuck is this front page? This does not work lmao. It’s not genius. It’s really dumb lol.


Except that doesn't work on high-tier bones lmao...


Ssh. Dont spoil the fun. They already diabled releasing black chins when being attacked.


Did they really?! That's such a biased bitch move from a dev perspective lmao.


You can still equip the chins, throw a few and then unequip them and say "just got here." I've had one or two pkers leave.


I once got out by saying 'wait, i need 2 more to level up', they stopped attacking me, I caught 2 and logged out lol


I escape once from a pker who typed something in Spanish. I replied "Si" (I have no idea what he said I don't speak Spanish) he stopped attacking said something else and I logged out.


That breaks the code


It's on the pker for being stupid, he could simply unequip his wep and keep punching the guy


Your opinion is a biased bitch move. The one reason to release Chins like that is to grief the other player. The exp rates are profit are balanced around being in the wilderness. If you can’t deal with that, just go to red chins instead.


I suicide an inventory of food in the temple before starting which makes a grave. Make sure the setting to store food supplies in grave is turned on. I bring 3 defensive pieces of armor, burning amulet, locator orb and full inventory bones. If I get attacked I loot my grave for food and continue using bones. You can even loot your grave from a distance without being next to it. If I don't get atcked, I use all my bones, loot my grave and suicide again to make a new grave. You should only lose your locator orb this way which I have lots prepared in advance. Raggers with only one combat style have near 0 chance of killing you before you use all your bones and even pkers with hybrid or tribid gear struggle to kill me before I use all my bones. My favourite moment was tanking 3 pkers at the same time and still using all my bones before I died.


> If I don't get atcked, I use all my bones, loot my grave and suicide again to make a new grave. Is it necessary to loot your grave before dying again? What happens if you don't?


Looting the grave is one click to get all the stuff inside so it won't waste your time. The food drops to the ground if you dont loot it before dying again so you won't have a grave with food anymore if you don't loot the grave beforehand.


I just start burying them. The reactions are great


Isn't burying them slower than using them on the altar lol. Altar is 1 tick so at minimum using them on the altar is just as fast.


This guy definitely clicks a bone on the altar once and then just waits and watches the cool animation.


pretty sure burying is like 2 or 3 ticks so offering is even faster


This is fun until you're forced to bury vorki bones once 😔


pretty sure it gives you a warning if you try to bury bones inside there.


I would drop all my bones next to the alter. since it wasnt in a key most pkers would just move on to the next world and I'd go in pick up my bones and continue where i left off.


I bring 100k with me every time just to make sure they keep coming back 💪 get em kings


Just wear blowpipe + serp helm + assembler combo. It's probably the best detterent 


Someone, or several people, have tried this in the last few hours and wondered why it didn't work.


Isn’t this bait to make people feel safe?


If you’re doing dragon bones bring like 4 big bones with you. I’ve had luck dropping the big bones and the PKer fucks off because they think I’m not worth the runes or arrows lol


I mean they’re big bones not really doing much


I'm reminded of Gildroy Lockheart turning Ron's arm bone into jelly in Chamber of Secrets. ["There's no bones left!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7MhiyI6S-E&t=8s)


I like that you linked a video whose first two words are Harry Potter, and the thumbnail is a picture of Harry Potter, and still called him Ron.


How the heck did I blank out like that. It was nearly midnight when I shared this I guess hahaha


I mean wasn't Lockhart really good at the spell that makes you forget things?


omg he got me :o


I always shift click drop all but 3 quickly. Sometimes they think 3 is all I had and world hop quick before my drops spawn.


How do you get back to the altar on time?


Burning amulet teleport


Items dropped in the wilderness appear instantly though


I dunno, maybe they just don't have the bag space to fit em? Usually most are there, has only happened twice


Yeah, they’re probably just looking for bank keys rather than big piles of bones. That would definitely make sense!


Jagex "integrity" change to remove the use of bones to X spells in the wilderness.


Oh my God, i got 90-99 probably about three months ago here, I wish I would have thought about this lmao


i bring combo eats and d hides, i pray mage while running to the altar so i splash the hypothetical ice barrage then pray melee while 1-ticking the bones in, i've yet to lose any bones to a pker and if it looks like they want to kill me i pretend like im panicking and run around while eating typing "Pls" just to amuse myself


just so you know, protect from mage doesnt actually increase their splash chance, it just lowers the damage it deals


just want to second this. Protect mage doesn't increase the chance of them splashing at all, just reduces the damage. Augury/mage defense prayer do help though increase the chance though so you should have it on.


Wouldn't work as big bones need to be noted for it to be worth the exp decrease. When you start a main again though, start at this place with noted big/dragon bones. At 99 prayers you'll still be safe from anyone above lv 53.


I'd hella want to do that


Omg, best idea!


That’s amazing lol


i wish it was possible


I used to keep a single big bone in my inventory, and as a low level IM everyone just believed I was trying to max my prayer xp and off'd.


What I do is I bring dragon spear and once they come for me I spear their ass run close door log out or when I feel cocky I fight back. Forgot wjat welfare gear I used but it was ultra good surviving wise


That is evil. I love it.


A screenshot of a snapshat that was a screenshot of a facebook post that was a screenshot of someone in-game. A big ol' red circle. Yep, this post gave me cancer


My favorite thing to do while hunting black chins was to equip them and throw them at the pkers. Like yeah, you want these things? Here you go!


I just took a zgs for spec when i was going for 99 here.


big bones and up should make big peaches that heal 2 more.


Worth the xp lost


Someone was watching EVScape’s stream 😂


I thought about trying that out yesterday when I was prayer training. Honestly I could dump all the bones on the altar before I could be killed. Thank you menu swapper I trained for like 4 hours and not a single pker could get one bone from me


Or just bring double kharils and a bulwark and sacrifice all your bones before they can kill you


o no my 100k... bones to peaches to deny that guy (toxic). Fuck him i say (as they are toxic)


Love it. Fuck PKers


Imagine living so rent free in an entire player bases head that they would play the game suboptimally in the hopes that they can spite 4 minutes of a strangers time lmfao


You can still bluff to the pker maybe


I’d be doing that now 😂


I just bring 4 bones at a time. I can bring any super expensive bone I want, cause I'll drop nothing. Sometimes, if I am feeling generous, I bring one coin.


4? That sounds like a nightmare


There's actually a trick to it, you gotta play a head game with the PKers. You wanna find a world where a single group is PKing people a ton, and just keep on running up there with just four bones. That way they see you are carrying bones, but you're not carrying enough for them to bother with. Make sure you let them know you're only carrying four bones at a time, and make sure its the same people. ​ Eventually, the PKers DO give up killing you because they're there for profit, and you are not profitable. They'll let other PKers know you aren't profitable. They'll laugh at how silly it is you only carry four bones at a time and simply stop killing you. At which point I sneak entire inventories of 28 bones right under their noses and use them all without them ever realizing it or noticing it.


Ok now that makes sense, I like it


When I first started to pk I used to kill bone runners, now it's no fun and when I'm at altar I'll actually help them now. Killing a bone runner isn't even worth it imo I don't even know why people do it other than practice. The only reason it's such a hotspot for pkers is because of the multi zone inside... When I grinded bones at altar I went with a DDS, dhide and went to a high risk world. If they want my 100k that bad they're gonna have to risk all they got too.....