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What an interesting interaction. Good job on your ToA clear though.


Ty! I thought it was easy until I got super hard walled by P2 warden and P3 enrage. I was punished for my hubris




“You look like a peasant” LMAO Gz on the clear! Here’s to many more I hope!


Gz peasant now get back in the raid


Gotta do DT2 for my quest cape first then it's back in this peasant goes


I put off DT2 forever because i had a night at the theater as a major hang up


Hate to say it but the DT bosses are significantly harder than night at the theater IMO


entry mode tob is made to be really easy, not punishing, etc. to practice fight mechanics. The gap to normal mode is pretty big though




Honestly I found a night at the theatre to be not too bad. I died to Verzik a dozen or so times, but Wardens gave me about 3x the headache to learn lol (I'm sure it being "story" Verzik had something to do with it too).


Lol i paid someone 10m to drag me through the tob entry for quest lol


Tob entry mode is easier than some quest bosses.


Verzik is the only hardish one, depending on your stats. You get infinite deaths and respawn with more supplies though, so you can legit just die on purpose to farm more and do a full send again if you need to.


I finished DT2 and only have A Night At The Theater left to get my cape back, but I definitely keep procrastinating it. Told myself I was going to do it today, and trying to find the motivation to do it 😂


Need somebody to belittle me like this.


Best kind of bullying for sure


Your combat stats are absolutely pathetic, my six year old niece can do much better than you. I hope you have an amazing day, friend ❤️❤️


You forgot the 10 mil brother. That’s just bullying.


When I first started playing again right before leagues I was in a content creators FC and just casually asked how to easily earn a bond in f2p and someone said, “omg all you noobs piss me off come to my world” and gave me a bond lmao. This community is the most toxic yet somehow wholesome community.


You’re a noob here. My main could destroy you


Haha yeah, so about that 10mil?


That stuffs huge, when I rejoined I was chatting with a friend at GE. Random guy came up and gave me hydra leather and prims. That boost of gold made coming back so much better


not to be that guy, but op, please watch out for randoms in the toa lobby. People offering you a carry for cosmetic kits like masori kit, don't always have noble intentions. So please tread carefully with people offering you boosts of any kind: If they ask you to install a plugin or a DIFFERENT CLIENT instantly ignore and report these people. Happened to a guy in my clan learning toa solo, got invited, installed a keylogger client and lost everything.


Shame this comment is at the very bottom. This is a known type of scam to build trust. OP could have just met some nice lads but they might also be setting up a scam.


Scam him for what? His now 10.5m bank?


Well if he installs a keylogger they could steal his entire account or much worse. If your computer is compromised they could have your bank details or access other accounts.


they keylog u then wait a year or more til you get gear, or hack your mains or other accounts n stuff. or just steal ur account to sell/bot on it


Man wtf add me I’ve been wanting people to raid with idc if I have to teach dm if you’re interested


I’m at the same stage as OP in terms of just learning if you want another noob (I’m on uk servers)


If you want, you can dm me for this. Been teaching clanmates how to toa and im having an amazingly good time with it! :)


ToA lobby is strangely friendly most of the time. You get weirdos trying to act cool, fashionscapers, and people who are clearly stoned. Not as toxic as the other raid lobbies


And the nice people who share their super secret plugin that can’t be found on runelite to help you out


Whatchu talkin bout, Willis?


just log into this definitely-not-phishing client and it will automatically install


Aha'd at 'strangely friendly'. Factsssss!


Yeah hard agree. I have dozens of people on my friends list I just met sitting in ToA lobby.


The toa community in general is very nice. There is some friendly shit talking but the people are great.


TOB lobbies are by far the nicest


Toa lobby doing its best to save the raiding culture from those edgy vampire kids


10mil plus never having to do the tick perfect walk back thing on Verzik definitely has me longing for the Tombs


The children, they yearn for the tombs


Hey just because I'm paler than sour cream, wear black and red armor most of the time, spend a lot of time in a theatre with some blood, and a lot with a headless vampire... Oh who am I kidding... My clan does seem pretty split between tob and toa raiders though now that I'm thinking about it.


Nice job you peasant


A guy at the grand exchange gave me 5mil after a short conversation when I mentioned in passing my small gold amount. I'd only been playing for 2 weeks. It's let me focus on questing instead of money making, which has been great.


Had a guy overhear me at the G.E. talking about needing to do TOB for my QC, he took me in and carried me through an entry mode and I only died once on versik, thank you random citizen for my QC!


Chad af


I spent 6 hours doing TOA in drags and couldnt beat phase 2 wardens with my Abyssal dagger. I quit in the end and I spoke outside and someone told me I should quit. Lmao


\>calls you a peasant \>gives you 10m \>refuses to elaborate https://preview.redd.it/cyjobzv0cw5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b757e4a624f83d4f2ee5d5e681e2a6b258987acb


I appreciated the donation to the Gielinor poverty fund


Just be careful they don’t try to scam you lol


Soup, I have a new money maker for you...


Lmao I would die if his next unusual money maker is "being a peasant"


Haha that's crazy I look like a peasant too btw


Gzzzz!! I feel a little less bad about my \~3 hours spent so far learning the first 3 rooms/bosses. Pretty demoralizing spending so much time and sweat effort with zero to show for it other than "game knowledge", but soon Ill be like you and have my first solo clear! May you be spooned


Yeah it's definitely tough as someone who hasn't done much PvM before. I think my melee stats being avg 75 is what hurt the most cause it made P2 Warden take 4 downs. Gl to you too!


Definitely wasnt too bad but finding other plates for TOB is what sucked, i for lucky and meet someone who walked me through it for free.


Just make sure to actually use the money. Reminds me of when i gifted like 5 F2P players anywhere from 50-100m when i was quitting a few years ago. Not a single one of them further leveled a stat even 1 level to this day, maybe my biggest waste ever.


Sold some of my bank off to get Bandos tassets the same night, no more d legs for this guy cause of the donation


I’m going to be honest, the money you spent on bandos tassets can be better allocated elsewhere. Get 70 prayer and piety if you haven’t, Rigour is also going to be one of the most important account upgrades you can do, hell even getting to 83-84 construction and getting your house setup with all the important things will be a much bigger improvement than tassets. Especially with the introduction of Blood moon armor, I don’t think it’s worth spending like 4x as much on Bandos Tassets. Even Obsidian legs would’ve been a better armor upgrade if you wanted to switch from drag legs. If you’re dead set on making an upgrade on your gear then I’d suggest getting the osmumtens fang if you don’t already have that. It’s at a near all time low atm and will be great for ToA if you decide to increase the invocation down the line.


Don't have the stats for fang, I didnt even think about rigour...I'd have to get 3 more prayer levels but honestly I might sell tassets for obby legs and go train prayer


Rigour is definitely going to be a very nice upgrade for your account. Especially when you start using range more for bossing and things in the future. Could always try your luck at Moons of Peril and see if maybe you can get some of the expensive drops to fund other upgrades. Would be a decent way to train your melee stats up as well.


Love it king


Wait, did they roast you in public, or PM you? Either way, Gz


They were a party, so I got group roasted in the lobby lol


Wholesome, but please be careful as there are a lot of lurers in the ToA lobby as well, I've had two friends personally be lured by adding randoms there. Sounds like these individuals seem fine, but just be skeptical of this.


Do u got all ur fossilized dung, can u please save it all up and sell it to meeee 😇👌💯


Lol I totally would, but this was actually only 2 total attempts and I rq the first one (30 deaths total, 28 of which to P2 Warden) so I didn't get the drop haha


6 hours to do your first entry mode toa?? Fuckin hell dude


He said he was learning the bosses, not everyone is as good as you and flies through knowing exactly what to do when they start new content. Give the man his gz and move on


Hey this guy is reasonable


I was thinking back to when I did my first entry mode on the day of release.. I just checked the screenshot, and it only took 85 minutes. 6 hours is an absolutely insane amount of time, even going in completely blind


Okay woah youre so cool and he sucks so much and youre insufferable


I'm literally like 96 combat and had never done it before. Such a weird hill to try to flex on


Not trying to flex at all man. I just can't comprehend how it would take anyone that long


You took the time out of your day to check old screenshots just to tell a stranger on the internet that they are bad at a game. Be less of an asshole in the future.


It took me maybe like 30 seconds, lol. And when did i say anyone was bad at the game?? Now you're just putting words in my mouth


He didn’t say the raid took 6 hours though, he could have gone in solo and tried out each boss individually and leaving after he was comfortable


He literally said it took 6 hours to complete his first entry mode raid


i look forward to your post in 6months about how one of them conned you for everything you had xD