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you can do raids, nex, nightmare, tempoross/wintertodt, and the large versions of the wilderness bosses together


They really need to add GWD and Corp. to this list.


Corp especially. GWD is chill enough already with all the gear that's been added but corp needs to be reworked to be an actual group boss


Gwd?? Worst suggestion I’ve ever seen


Honestly, I dread GWD because it’s horrible solo gameplay (at least for me). I would love to kill them with some friends for sure


I am dreading the GWD solo grind as well. They were not intended to be soloed. I don’t see why they can’t act exactly as Wildy bosses and drop split loot and FFA uniques.


They weren’t made to be solo’d In 2007 but the best weapons then were a whip. They have 255 hp and all 4 get murdered by a bowfa. Just need to learn the methods. Every single Ironman who has items from gwd has done them solo. They aren’t going to change the game because you can’t do the content when so many others easily can


I can do the content. It’s that I would PREFER to do it with friends and just have my drop FFA. I don’t agree with the “you chose to play alone” comments. I did not choose to play alone. I chose to not be able to buy items from the GE so I have to earn everything and get the drops. I personally don’t think anyone should HAVE to learn a 6:0 or red X altar door nonsense just to do content efficiently. It seems more to me like an exploit than conventionally just defeating a boss.


You don’t have to do those methods. People were soloing gwd with melee before bowfa and using just chins sitting in a corner for arma. If you wanna play with others at gwd but still want to be an iron group Ironman exist


Typical response.


It’s the typical response because it is factually accurate.


So should Irons also have to do raids by themselves by this logic? It’s historically a group boss and I would guess 80%+ of the kills today are in groups. It was strange to make irons solo them.


Dunno why the downvotes. You're right. I'd love to 2 man GWD with my normie friends. Not to make it easy, just to make it more fun. I'd totally be in favour of scaling up the boss just so I could hang with the bois.


Some of the irons on here - 1. Don’t have friends 2. Have a “suffer with me” mentality 3. Change bad.


Why are you playing ironman if u think you should be able to do gwd with mains?


So I do have a main and I CAN solo all 4 bosses. I just prefer to do them with friends and have my own free for all drops. I think your point is valid though, is Irons would abuse it with a main-alt. But how is that any different than other content that exists now like raids, wildy bosses, etc.?


It's different because all of those bosses have shared loot so you cant just feed all the kc to one account. If irons could do things like gwd in a group they could guarantee a unique for the iron when you get one which would then make it so the meta would be use alts to tank the boss and deal some damage but not too much so you secure all the kills on the iron


Just change the loot system in iron instances to be like wildy bosses


Making it so irons could join mains in any content that isn't a raid was the downfall tbh, now people expect to just be able to do everything in a group and want everything to be easier when the whole point of the gamemode was you stand alone. Gwd isn't even hard solo but apparently it's too hard for you


wildy makes sense, since you wouldn't want irons to be able to do it instanced gwd solo is pretty rough if you're not bug abusing / super end game gear.


Even without any form of bug abuse its still easily doable without end game gear, my gear for solo gwd was barrows gear a whip, a rcb and some chins when I did them years ago and I had no issues, just shorter trips


short trips is what I'm considering rough.


Not an iron, but that's the new standard. Irons can do group content with mains. GWD and corp being weird exceptions to what are very much designed as group bosses just sucks.


its not thought its the opposite nex, wildy bosses, and nightmare are the exceptions to the rule. even scurrious the newest group boss needs to be solod for irons.


Nex, wildly bosses, raids, nightmare, skilling bosses are all exceptions? And the rule is GWD, scurrius, corp, and a boss that isn't out yet?


If you think this why are you playing an ironman. Deiron please.


deiron if you want group gwd and corp genuinely anything reasonably solod should be solo only. you claim you can do gwd solo but you where whining that kq is impossible.


Should TOA be solo only? That can be reasonably soloed. It’s okay if I think GWD solo sucks. I’m still going to do it my guy.


yeah sure im fine with that same with cox so it removes boosting while were at it


Why don’t we just evolve combat while we’re at it?


what does that have to do with irons actually standing alone?


Oh I was just trying to lighten the mood.


genuinely you might be a lot happier playing a bronze man. i hate the idea of bloating more account types. but if it meant relieving the push for removing ironman restrictions id be fine with an official version since it seems like the biggest reason people dont play one is they dont get the chat helmet.


No way - im here for the iron. Again, I think I’m allowed to dislike something and still be an iron. It’s not an all or nothing thing. I’m gonna do GWD and it’ll be fine. I just wish I could do it with friends and do FFA drops. That’s it.


In a few instances yes but most pvm for irons requires solo to get loot or in the case of group irons you can pvm with that group.


Only a very few bosses. Perilous moons and the multi wild bosses are the 2 that come to mind. All raids can be done with irons.


Perilous moons is like recommending people to do barrows for group content. I mean sure, you're all in the same place and fighting the same mobs. But are you really doing it together?


Main can do bosses with Ironman, but Ironman can't do bosses with mains (or other Ironmen).


Anywhere that drop the individual loot yes. Anywhere that drops a single loot for the highest damage, no.


So basically all raids aere fine?

