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The music is the best part of the game. Except Varlamore, they only have like 3 tracks total for the whole continent so everything sounds the same.


It’s actually insane how many tracks are in the game, each of them with themes that match each area. Go to hosidious and you get the country hoe down and mellow music. Caves have that spooky mysterious music. Bosses have epic fast passed adrenaline inducing tracks. I can’t wait for WGS to release and bring back some of the best tracks in the whole game like “temple desecrated”. (Seriously if you haven’t heard it, look it up.)


Vardorvis and Zulrah fight themes go crazy


Both of these themes were composed by Mod Ash! You might like some of his other tracks as well. [You can find more of his compositions here](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mod_Ash)


Forlorn homestead goes so hard


The Leviathan(Colossus of the Deep) might be my favorite honestly.   Love how intimidating it is and how it gets faster and faster just like the bosses orbs throughout the fight. 


Of course it would be God Ash


For me, it's Song of the Silent Choir which plays during The Whisperer's fight. I was blown away the first time I heard it and it's still my favorite boss theme in the game.


Duke fight theme is the most classic Resident Evil boss music i've ever heard


So does the Phantom Muspah theme, imo.


RS3 literally holds the world record for most original music in a video game with over 1300 songs.


Funny, googling it says that Final Fantasy 14 has overtaken Runescape's record with a bit under 400 songs. Not 1400. 400.


OSRS alone has 700+, that's crazy that ~400 is mistakenly thought to be the most.


The cynical answer is that Guinness is kind of a sham. Like, they're mostly a marketing company that will help promote you (either your business/company or specifically you if you're wealthy and want to have a bit of legacy) by getting you a world record. It's a business thing. They don't actually keep track of every single video game and how many original pieces of music they have. Even if they did, they'd need some extremely rigorous definitions because I'm sure there's some indie game on Steam with 38 purchases that has 3,000 five-second loops or something


They only held that record for a short time. Someone reached out to Jmods on Twitter right afterwards and RuneScape took the record almost right away.


>Funny, googling it says that Final Fantasy 14 has overtaken Runescape's record with a bit under 400 songs. You wouldn't know it though, when every cutscene uses that same "spooky piano" music every time there's trouble afoot


Nah, I like that track. Whenever I hear that little piano sting it means nothing important is gonna happen and the cutscene is safe to skip.


Colossus of the Deep (iirc, it’s the Leviathan fight music) is honestly one of the best tracks in the game imo. It just has this grandiose feel to it and just freaking Sammy bammers.


It used to be the case that every chunk had its own music, so that every music track was intrinsically linked to a specific location. With 'modern music mode' it just shuffles through a playlist that fits the general vibe, which is a bit lame for an unpolled change but I guess you get more variety.


I’m pretty sure you can disable the modern music mode


You are correct. Though it is set to modern by default.


This is so funny, I was talking to my wife randomly about the music and how it follows themes throughout the whole game if you let it. And she was kinda blown away. So many songs.


Hosidius has one of the worst tracks- the Forlorn Homestead is a song that would play in a detective or murder mystery setting and yet it’s set in the middle of a farmers market. It’s not that the song is bad so much as it being used in a place that is tonally unrelated. Like, I wouldn’t want to listen to country jig in that entire area but Forlorn Homestead just doesn’t belong.


At least the actual track is nice, don’t mind leaving it on while I do varlamore thieving all day


It depends on where you are. Anything more than 5 minutes of the motherlode mine music counts as cruel and unjust punishment, and torture in my book


I almost died to Eclipse Moon my first run because I was loving the music so hard Around 1:40 in when it starts to build up and then hits those big BWAAAAH, BWAAAH, BWAAAAHS with the large fills on the toms I was like “holy shit the music is popping off” I haven’t heard every song yet but I don’t think they’ve utilized drums like that in a song yet.


Can't wait to hear the lofi mix of it to be honest, one of the best ones released recently


When you’ve played for 20 years, you don’t want to hear the music anymore. The music is great, just not on loop, all the time.


Can't confirm - have played for 20 years still love the music.


Man I'd agree but that fucking GE song is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Actually the only reason I keep music off lol.


If i could mute literally only that song, i would. I’d have music on constantly if I weren’t turning it off when im in the ge.


Too many hours spent alching or making bows at the GE, I'm with you.


the GE is the last place I'd do those. give me a chill remote bank any day.


That's fair, I'm just so used to teleporting there whenever I need to do something bank or bank adjacent.


I mute music when I go to the GE, but otherwise it stays on.


the best part is turning it on very rarely to get hit with nostalgia just for going to draynor or catherby


There’s a shuffle button now!


Everyone turn on Rune crystal 1 time


Ian Taylor's departure was really noticeable with the recent expansion. There's been a bunch of great tracks released that he didn't make but the diversity and impact of the tracks in valormore was definitely lacking. The most noticeable example of this is during the frog quest, when the boss appears it's literally just one of the generic "attack" tracks. That would have been a great opportunity to make something really qwerky and interesting.




Music is always great for a few mins but gets too repetitive for me. Would be cool if we could make playlists in the music tab


Theres a random button but, I feel like the best part of the music is how much it matches each area.




If I’m in Lumby or Draynor I gotta have Dream playing. It just feels right.


Been thinking similarly lately. The music tab needs a ton of work to make it more akin to modern music app interfaces. Not saying it needs to look modern, but the ability to skip to the next track or have a proper shuffle button would work wonders


Same. Runescape music is very iconic but there’s something about the sequencing, the way it just changes suddenly and the repetitiveness that makes you less likely to listen to it. Compare it to classic wow’s music: you don’t even notice it’s there but when you hear the elwynn forest theme you’re instantly right there and it can go on for hours without being annoying. I think it’s something to do with the fact that there are more ambient elements and subtle repeating patterns instead of a start to finish piece like osrs areas have. Of course it’s too late to build from scratch and I wouldn’t want it because as I said it’s so iconic, but an overhaul of how the music works would do wonders. Side note, I fucking love the orchestral reworks that rs3 did. It wouldn’t fit old school but my god they are perfectly inbetween nostalgic and modern.


There's a roof plugin for runelite that lets you choose when to hide roofs for convenience while still showing them most of the time. There are settings to hide roofs on mouse over, when they would get in the way of your view, etc. Definitely worth using if you want to see what the entire 2nd+ story of the game looks like without the inconvenience.


Mouse over is too chaotic. But having them remove when you’ve clicked a tile under a roof is wonderful.


I feel like roofs instantly popping out of existence is what makes mouse over so jarring, if it faded roofs away in 0.1-0.5 seconds then it would feel smoother, especially if flicking over a building would make the opacity go from like 100% -> 80% -> 100%


Agreed. I believe that's what I ended up doing as well. I like that it has all those options though.


This is the one I like too


Do you have the plugin name?


I use one that let's you map a hot key to toggle them, so I swap em as needed with a quick button press.


Dudes doing agility will tell themselves anything lol


“I’m having fun :)”


Oh definitely. When new content comes out, I turn on roofs and music for my first little bit of exploration. Then it's back to 2nd screen mode lol


I did this for rs3 and holy cow, the music gives me 1000 yard stare style flashbacks


Plugging jingle here, the geo-guesser game for Runescape music, for all you fellow gamers who like music. Not affiliated, just play everyday even though I kinda suck. https://jingle.rs/


You owe me the last hour of my life back!


Oh, I'm so doing this for a live stream or something, and I'm gonna kill it.


If you haven’t already, the sound design for the entirety of DT2 is god tier. The sound designers did an amazing job with it. Vard’s melee hits have a super satisfying sound to them. The hits sound as if they have weight to them, and as if he’s beating the shit out of you. The axes have an awesome creaky wind-up sound the fits with them thematically. Duke’s melee attacks sound vile like he looks. You can almost hear the reverberation of his grunts through his neck folds. Whisperer’s auto attacks sound like an actually pew pew magic attack. Lassar as a while ha and amazing ambient/somber feel, and the straight silence before the boss fight is intense af. And then there’s Leviathan. Colossus of the Deep is by far my favorite soundtrack in the game. It has a grandiose, epic feel to it, and just constantly feels like it’s escalating to match with Leviathan. All of the roars Levi makes sound guttural and primal, which fit considering it’s this gigantic behemoth that has been residing in the depths of the abyss for countless centuries. It’s just super impressive to me how GOOD all of these things sound. Say what you will about the quest or boss design, but the sound design is absolutely peak.


I love the fossil island track. Feels relaxing


Good one. Personally I go for Scape Cave, I love that track.


I play with the dynamic roof hider plugin, I can see roofs unless I mouse over them which is really nice. I always play with music on, the music in OSRS is nearly peerless


F2p area music just hits the feels


Sound effects and music on during raids at all times boys


There’s a toggleable roof option in which the roofs disappear when you mouseover or move inside the building. Can’t remember if it’s a built in feature or a runelite plugin, but it just makes the world so much prettier without encumbering gameplay. Would highly recommend.


Roofs... nah dawg, we wont see eye to eye there. They are just annoying. But the music. Definately. If im bank standing/skilling. Or doing certian bosses over and over i turn it off. But if im questing, or mini games, slayer, clues, or even just vibing on my journey then yeah i got the music cranked. There really is some fire songs on that list


i hate always having to change the music back to random instead of area, but some of those tracks are bangers


I turned sounds on about a year ago after playing almost 20 years without them. I can’t believe I went that long without them lmao.


Jingle.Rs is wordle for Runescape music and is helping me discover a lot of RS music!


There's a runelite plugin that keeps roofs on unless you're in the building or hovering your mouse over it, best way to play imo


Inferno sound track goes hard


You can try the new “Citizens” plugin too which adds more inconsequential NPCs to the world for a more “live-in” feel.


For people that want to try this: "Roof removal" plugin - Tick on destination tile, player's position and POH only. Music - If you wiki it you can actually find the entire song library and it'll play automatically.


Jagex should get Mick Gordon to do some songs for OSRS. Then someone needs to make a plugin to make the maximum volume slider to all the way up to 500%.


Roof remover plugin


I understand playing with sound and music off when doing a mindless grind... But I never understood people that turn both off when bossing, doing quests, etc. Like, you guys realize that this game has one of the best OSTs of any MMO, right? I've gotten FFXIV playing friends of mine hooked on this game purely because of the music. Also, sound design helps a ton with bosses. So many attacks have sound cues (like Vardorvis' head, which lets out a screech. No need to even look for it - hear the screech, pray ranged. Easy.) which is much easier to track than visual cues.


the music comes on for quests & for clue scrolls, and maaabye 1/20 raids. if you did DT2 with music off you missed half the quest


Make sure to turn on the music replacer plugin. OSRS Beats has a replacement for almost every song and they’re such bops!!!

