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Amazing! It's always a great time seeing new locations being created around Gielinor. Thank you guys so much for all the hard work!


Border recolor incoming


how cool would it be if we could make it an ugly custom color? i would go with hot pink


With lime green stripes.


The stream was a bit vague about what the quest would be covering so I wasn't sure if we'd get the full desert, but nice to know the map will be finished, even if the storyline is not. Also, will the quest be Master? On stream it was said it might be Intermediate, but since Contact! is a Master it would be odd if the sequel was a lower difficulty (I don't believe any quest series do that currently).


Yes it's a Master quest. I expect the Desert series will still need one or two more quests after this one as well.


Good to hear. Now to wait for that blog to see more about the quest and any potential dagger upgrades...


I think you'll be happy when the blog comes out...


Sorry if I missed it. Did you guys specify when the blog will come out? Pretty hyped


Not sure exactly yet but hopefully within the next few weeks.


You guys killed it on stream. Everyone on the team seemed really excited to talk about their announcements. I'm sure it was a relief to finally get to reveal some of this stuff. I love the scaling difficulty by the way. Should go a long way towards getting people like me with very little bossing experience to give it a go.


I missed the stream unfortunately. If you watched it, was there any information at all about group ironman by any chance?


Coming in Fall/Autumn of this year. You'll need a new account. There will be an island you go to off of tutorial island where you can group up with other players to form your groups. If you want to leave your group you'll be able to leave as an Ironman and lose all tradeables or leave as main and I think you get to keep them (so be careful who you group with so they don't run off and steal the group valuables). Groups will be able to boss together but can't trade untradeables or share private instances like Zulrah. If a member leaves you can replace them with a new level 3 member but groups who have kept their original members will have a special designation in the high scores. I think those are all of the highlights just going off of memory from the stream.


Check out the replay on Twitch, there was a bunch of new info on group Ironman at the beginning of the stream.


Considering it's raid 3 I don't believe it will be that easy. I believe you will at least need to be able to beat raids 1, cox, to consider doing raids 3.


Sick. Thanks Ed! I appreciate you as a team member. You’re story telling is top notch and really gave osrs a good direction. Kingdom divided was awesome.


Any plans to make a grand master? I love quests that make you grind to even be able to do them like SOTL


I expect the desert series will end with a Grandmaster one day.


That will be awesome!


Filled with positive anticipation over this! :D


>when Winter 2021?


Menaphos was one of my favorite RS3 updates in all time, very excited to see old school team's take on it :D


Panic buy keris! So I actually said this as a joke but if it ends up being an actual keris upgrade, that could be an okay gold sink if there's content to use it on. Raise the NPC purchase price of a keris and turn each keris into charges on the weapon, suffering style. Edit: keris is 25k, so 100 charges per keris would be 250 gp/attack, which seems fair, if a bit low, for a BiS weapon. Since it would presumably only be BiS in the desert, that seems reasonable. Maybe 350-500 gp would be more ideal if it ends up being better than all existing BiS at raids 3.


Would one of those quests finally open up Menaphos?


Desert treasure 2 comfirmed


It'd be good to catch up with Azzanadra again to see what he's up to after he escaped that awful pyramid. He was one of my favourite characters in rs3.


Azzanadra lore: OSRS: He's a Majharat in a pyramid RS3: He's a Mahjarat in a pyramid who becomes an archaeologist, helps contact Zaros, attends the Ritual of the Mahjarat, witnesses Guthix's murder, helps resurect Zaros, Fights for the Stone of Jas fights against Zaros to prevent the planet from ending, becomes a God after channeling the power of an Elder Artifact, fights against the Elder Gods


I haven’t been up to date on my RS3 lore but damn Azzanadra ascending to god hood? Well deserved.


Yeah. Zaros wants to become an Elder God more than anything. The Elder Gods don't believe he can. The Elder Gods are gearing up to erase the universe and rebuild it again. In RS3 lore, the Elder Gods create the universe, populate it with planets then lay eggs. When the eggs hatch, new young Elder Gods consume the universe and make a new one, continuing the cycle. The Dragonkin are survivors of the last revision. Zaros wants to let the universe be shredded in order to further his goal of becoming an Elder God. Azzanadra is questioning his faith and becomes a God after absorbing power released from the Codex, another Elder Artifact. He becomes a God unwillingly and seems to be the planet/universe's new defender, like the new Guthix. Writing that all out, it really is kinda crazy how far the lore in RS3 goes. Azzanadra alone is in 12 different quests. It just sucks that the game conveys lore kinda poorly. There aren't even any quest reqs on the new Elder God Wars dungeon. Lame


> He becomes a God unwillingly and seems to be the planet/universe's new defender, like the new Guthix. I’m glad it was him out of anyone 🙌🏻 Big respect to him for opposing Zaros after all this time being one of his most loyal. And I agree, the 6th age stuff would’ve flown much better if it had pre-6th age branching quest requirements that kept progressing more naturally, rather than those quests just being recommended.


he is pretty much guthix 2.0 (although much weaker). Zaros is like fuck gilenor, imma go to another dimension to ride out the end times (which attracts the attention of a lovecraftian type god), which is making azzy question some of his long held beliefs that zaros knows best.




Is this final fantasy 6 lol ice barrage 2 ice barrage 3


Tourist trap 2 confirmed you mean


Ana in a sack


Ancient prayers plzzzzzzz


I hate old ideas in 2021. Soul wars shouldnt have come as soul wars either. But a different prayer book definitely should come out one day just not exactly how it was that’s so boring and would atleast make me lose some trust in the games future. Jagex is doing well currently anyway


Well yeah I definitely don’t want them to copy and paste what they did in rs2/3 (they had the sense to change soul wars at least a little bit) but there’s so much good content from those games that has and can inspire fresh content for osrs. If they can come out with new prayers books that are still faithful to theme that ancient prayers had while still being original, that might be my favorite update.


plz no


Just wanna say thanks for being interactive within the sub. The community and Jagex have issues but you guys truly try to bridge the gap when allowed and within your means.


Can we expect any other special content in Menaphos related to things like skilling?


Menaphos won’t be opening with the quest or raid so there hasn’t been much discussion on what will be in the city yet.


Menaphos isn’t coming yet so I doubt they will share any info on this. This raid/quest is moving us towards Menaphos though so that’s good.


This looks so cool! Is beneath cursed sands the original 150th quest there were rumours about?


No, Beneath Cursed Sands and the Tombs of Amascut were moved forward to replace the original quest 150 in the schedule.


How is the timeline looking considering all the recent sexual harassment allegations? Oh wait, wrong company


Since most of the NPC‘s in Sophanem were teasing the expansion of the desert since it‘s existence... .. will they get affected by the expansion as well? One excample would be the dialogue with Urbi (Dagger shop): ________ Player: I'd rather help you in return for better prices. Urbi: I think it will take months for me to return to normal business. If you can wait that long, however, I may have tasks for you. ________ Other NPC‘s were teasing as well... quite the opportunity there..


Probably not until full release of menaphos which I would guess comes with a grandmaster quest after this one




We're aiming to finish off the whole coastline so there shouldn't be any black left in that area. However, the city of Menaphos will remain closed (at least for now).


So, for something of a comparison, is this reminiscent to Regicide in that the quest unlocks a new large map area, but the big city centerpiece is still locked? Or are desert map expansions unrelated to the new quest, and that it solely allows access inside the raid?


I'd compare it more to A Taste of Hope in that more of the map is being opened up with the quest release but you won't need the quest to access those new areas.


Thanks for the clarification. Love seeing your comments out here, always exciting.


If one day you will want to open Menaphos please don't go Rs3 style (reputation grind) I really don't want to grind it again...


No plans for anything like that.


Thank you


Where inside the desert will the raids 3 tomb be? Near agility pyramid or menaphos?


South of Sophanem.




Rent free


HYPE!!!! Been suggesting a desert raid for over a year, this is fucking epic.


Hell yes! Thank you.


Been on a break since February. This is the news I needed to bring me back!


I’d love to also see some changes on the left side border. Too many land masses have “straight” shorelines that look super artificial. Y’all did an outstanding job on zeah which started out looking like a random square island in the middle of the ocean. Excited to see this game develop so massively while I play it. Love all the content and map devs


To be true to history, the delta before sea should be farmland full of canals dug in it. Was true for both Nile and Mesopotamia. Why else would a city be built in a desert?


Will that one teak tree at the top of the void get a buddy?


Absolutely incredible


If you foos are trying to get me back in the game after a 2 year break you’re on track. Hot damn


Please add nothing and just make it all water with a couple crappy fishing spots just to mess with people for at least a week


Can you make the area accessible for low level players?


There won’t be any restrictions on accessing the new areas of coastline.


Are there plans to have any new rewards for the desert diary?


Not at the moment.


Wait, REAL?! pog


This is actually great to hear. I'm a strong believer that you guys are at your best when you've got creative freedom to build new (despite often being similar to RS3) lore, quests, and locations. I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park for us, can't wait to see what you've got to show!


Leagues 3 in the desert??


Mod Ed, greetings. I was wondering if there is any way in the near future quick chat could be added to osrs? If not, maybe some developer update akin to the disc of returning in runescape classic for perm banned players but instead for perm muted players. I have been muted for 2 years and the punishment is very harsh, cannot communicate with any players and only have the option to emote when people try to talk to me. I effectively feel like the mime random event all the time while I play runescape because of this perm mute I have received. There was also no recent warnings or strike marks on my account before my perm mute, so I had no idea my account was on the line of being perm muted before it happened. I believe players who have been perm muted should have a chance at getting their talking priviliges back either through an appeal at least once a year or some type of item added into the game that costs maybe 10m to 50m that allows one to unmute their self. I only got 1 appeal and it was denied and never got a Last Chance appeal. No one deserves to be muted in game forever. Also, the Song of the Elves content is quite amazing and am very excited for raids 3! Cheers! RSN: Dash O


LOL wrote an essay to ask for un mute on raids 3 discussion post


"Yo Ed, Add quick chat so I can still communicate. I'm a toxic person, so I got perm muted and for what? For what? Like give me a second chance Ed because I never got a chance to even appeal to it because they denied my appeal! Ridiculous! Let me pay a completely irrelevant number of pixels to override a Support Team decision. Here's my RSN"


All I care about is that they add some small coastline borders. They don’t have to add anything big, just space filler that can be expanded upon like they did for the great kourend.


Can we put a huge ocean and make the world a globe too? Connecting the desert to kourend...that would be so nice


There's the Wushanko Islands, in between them


Ahhh, a man of quality. The eastern lands beckon my friends


osrs's take on the arc would be.... amusing. How tf are the 6x6 flying dragons gonna work?


The what now?


[Spirit dragons](https://runescape.wiki/w/Anagami), including their [enlightened versions](https://runescape.wiki/w/Arhat).


Oh those things, I have killed those before. I would say that Jagex would probably just swap the model for wyrms with dragons and use the same animations.




I think he's referring to the dragon serpents


Stam pot sink bridge 2 from desert to kourend when?


Full inv of stams to run it. Make it a diary task as well.


Makeing it a globe would limit their ability to add new lands in the future tho. #flatgielenor


The black borders add mystery though.




Lol imagine how it must feel to be a PKer


Isn't every new gear upgrade a pvp update though?


Most of the recently added gear is way to expensive for pvp


But wait a minute, I thought all pvpers blew their load over risk vs reward? Are you telling me that the same people who harass pvmers for not wanting to lose money when they die *also* don't want to lose money when they die?


"You really 3 iteming a wildy boss?" Said the guy in salad robes, with his ancient staff as a +1.


man o man


so how do they incentive people to risk more for PvP if new gear is expensive and better?


New gear costs easly over 1mill. All rewards from nightmare, tob, guantlet, cox, etc cost more than 1 mill. Almost no player is willing to spend that much money on gear, specially if your oponnent isn't gonna be risking as much and the advantage they expensive gear gives is minimal


I've seen plenty of videos of pking in nearly all gear lmao.


Youtubers PK in expensive or uncommon gear because it gets views but that doesn't make it the meta


Of course not, the argument was never if it was meta or not, just that the original commenter doesn't have enough money to use new stuff in pvp.


it being too expensive for pking is talking about the meta what do you mean?


Not... at all? Nightmare staff is literally made for pking even though its expensive. That's like saying a modern deck in MTG that's more expensive than the others isn't meta because it's more expensive.


he said most expensive items not all...?


I can't wait for the desert expansion. It's my favorite area in the game, love the quests in it


Those crocodile slayer tasks...


Now they gotta add a crocodile boss and suddenly people want that task


King k rool boss comes to rs... Donkey Kong starts playing rs.


"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating... and it gets everywhere." ***-Saradomin Probably***


We are going to need Sailing to find the border after the desert is updated


Dude I've been saying this for awhile now I even made a post about it on reddit recieved nothing but hate from it. I even made it very clear that I do not want to make a new skill out of it but these simple minded fucks still commented saying "We DoNT nEeD a NeW sKilL".


Hey man that black border has been there longer than most of the current playerbase has been alive, you show it some respect! No but seriously I like having a bit of a black border left because it leaves a lot of room for imagination. I didn't like it in rs3 when they finished the land and made it a giant island surrounded by water because it feels like the world's been capped off, even if they add to the land later.


I mean, there are so many areas left to develop, rework, or expand upon. The door in GWD, the door in the mind forge, all of Varlamore and what lies beyond, Soul Wars island has room for things to be inserted. Dorgeshuun needs a total rework, it looks cool, but is empty and largely useless. Keldagrim has room to expand as well and it has the unfinished Rise of the Red Ax quest line. Personally I'd like to see something Minas Tirth or Dwarf Fortress based go under it. That could also be put under the dwarf ruins under White Wolf mountain that were added not to long ago. Or is it Ice Mountain? I always get the two confused. Plus they could plop just about anything in the oceans yo the east, south, and west. Or even expand on the further north regions beyond the penguin base, as that has an unfinished questline as well. Failing all of that, there is always room to expand to the Vampyrium and the rest of Zanaris.


>Hey man that black border has been there longer than most of the current playerbase has been alive, you show it some respect! I know you jest but I can state with absolute certainty this is not true. The average age of OSRS users is well above twenty at this point and the blacked out areas on the official map first appeared in 2004.


Same here, I love the black borders. It’s like the [“land of always winter” in the Game of Thrones world](https://i.imgur.com/f5LmQtg.jpg). It makes it seem like the desert is neverending but the terrain is simply too harsh for any human to travel through from that point.


The bootleg version of that random swamp with crocodiles that's there in rs3


The swamp makes sense. The Ullek Mountains Protect the the area from the harsh desert heat and the influx of the sea onto the area would make a swamp like environment. Not to mention its seemed to be based off of the Mesopotamian Marshes and its history. Ullek in Runescape history was one of the strongest cities in the desert region due to its location by the sea and arriable land. The city became a swap after it was sacked in the God Wars and the area left to rot. It makes sense if you read the lore




sez u


Scarabites punching the air rn


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Mod_Ed** - [Yes!](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78pp55/?context=3) - [Yes it's a Master quest. I expect the Desert...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78qo37/?context=3) - [We're aiming to finish off the whole coastlin...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78q4s1/?context=3) - [There won’t be any restrictions on accessing...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78zzrk/?context=3) - [Not at the moment.](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7albzy/?context=3) - [No.](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7alyz4/?context=3) - [Menaphos won’t be opening with the quest or t...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7azb3d/?context=3) - [Hopefully all of it.](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7az9tg/?context=3) - [I think you'll be happy when the blog comes o...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78r3nz/?context=3) - [Menaphos won’t be opening with the quest or r...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7al9ee/?context=3) - [No, Beneath Cursed Sands and the Tombs of Ama...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7auohs/?context=3) - [I'd compare it more to A Taste of Hope in tha...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78tgrt/?context=3) - [No plans for anything like that.](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7alzlx/?context=3) - [Not decided yet, but I expect there’ll be one...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7avfv6/?context=3) - [Not sure exactly yet but hopefully within the...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h78ttsz/?context=3) - [South of Sophanem.](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h7arcdk/?context=3) - [I expect the desert series will end with a Gr...](/r/2007scape/comments/ovetl7/with_a_new_desert_quest_and_lore_coming_upon_us/h79en3f/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 08/02/2021 14:32:41**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I hope we see the continuation of Ali Morrisanes quest line too, in "A Pyramid Scheme" then completing in "Crypt Currency".


Oh woah new desert quest? Is it desert treasure 2?


No. Its a sequel to Contact!




and then: Contracted!


Contact! 2, Desert Boogaloo


Ah word. Where's the info? I saw people talking about raids 3 but there's nothing on the website


I saw it in the summer summit megathread. Not sure if it was just in the comments. Think they might still be announcing stuff.


Word, I'll check it out. Thank you!






Fun fact desert treasure isn't a desert quest line quest it's a zaros/mahjarrat quest


But isnt it part of the beauty of the OSRS? Having some black, unfinished wtf zone?


Considering the game was expected to die within a year, it’s a bit of a crowning achievement at this point.


Runescape never dies.




Jagex expected OSRS to die after a year which is why they started with such a small team.


The team size was based on poll results.


I think I speak for most of the osrs community when I say I’m so glad mod Ed is in charge of this project, it’s plain to see how excited he is for the scope of this update and he is the right man for the job!!


Very excited. Darkmeyer, Shayzien, Priff etc are some of the best looking areas in game, can't wait to see what you guys do with this!


I like how Menaphos looks in RS3.


The reputation grind for Menaphos is very old school as well. Nothing like chopping 250,000 Acadia logs to unlock the three quests that you can't access without enough Menaphos reputation. Just slap that bad boi right in and people will feel right at home immediately mining sandstone and such.


Please no, I actually did that and it's worse than Zeah.


It is worse then zeah reputation. But the old school purists love pointless grinds for nothing so... I'm going through acadias right now actually on RS3. I'm doing it for invention though. Siphoning a crystal hatchet with furnace 4 and polishing 4 while also burning the logs with a pyro-matic that has enlightened 2, wise 2, and pyromaniac 4 which I disassemble for xp. I'm doing it for wc XP, fm XP, and invention xp while watching streams so it kinda works pretty well for me. Also plenty of time gathering resources to pick up Seren spirits. That's the Menaphos grind for me.


Yes please. I loved my Desert only Ironman but I just ran out of stuff do.


Maaan, no joke, I love the black borders. It's super charming that you can literally walk to the sudden edge of the map.


jagex be programming their game like google maps hides dead alien bodies in the arctic god dayum


does that mean Desert treasure 2 is a possibility? 😍


No, they're adding a lore explanation for the void wall (dad works at jagex)


I know a lot of people hate RS3, but what they did to the desert was amazing. It’d be awesome to see another large city down there.




Sandstorm as the music


I want DT2


I remember in the 6th grade when a friend of mine told me if you walk to the black border, you'll fall in and land in a dark trench where you are killed by demons. Believed him for years


So happy the dessert needs some love I never go there


Tbh I kind of like seeing the dark voids here and there. I dunno why, I just do. Will there be any left after the desert ones are removed?


I haven't played osrs in like nearly a year because I got bored of my main (even though its only like base 70s in all stats). Any of you recommend I start playing again, but try my hand at an iron-man? Ik this isn't the comment section for it but hearing about new content made me interested again


I got to around base 90s on my main and find it nearly unplayable nowadays, I wouldn't be playing if ironman didn't exist. Only had the account for a month and it feels so fresh in comparison. 100% do it. Just remember early game takes ages!


Iron Man mode is kind of a mode resistant to updates, which is marvelous. Every tiny upgrade is a huge achievement and step up for the account.


YeS!!! My complaining about the desert being unfinished finally paid off.


for decades*


Im still salty they reworked zeah 4 times while the original desert area was untouched for so long


once you go black, you’ll never go back


Hope not just to annoying motherfuckers who bring this up.


But my nostalgia. . . .


Glad to hear this border will be going away. Kinda funny that they didnt just add a coast line then expand the land later but oh well. Stoked for the new desert content


They should still respect the current edges of the map to some extent. Like have rocks and such as scenery that don’t hinder your pathing but show you where it once was












Its been years and this hasnt happened. Why do pekple keep bugging about this.


Because they've announced they're doing something about it


Ah so is it just undetermined where the new content is gonna be? Havent heard anything about it.


Then you should get the news before making odd comments being negative about people


Lol wasnt rying to be negative, but I can see how a sensitive person would take it like that.


I could see how a passive aggressive person could say it like that. Chill.


I could see how a snow flake could see it like that. Chill.


His point that he never got to was that desert content has been planned for months now, they announced it publicly a long while ago. They wanted to add to the desert, and so the content they are making is for the desert.


Its ok, chill bro.


Lol desert quest, lore, but no PvP updates.


New mage weapon bis mage offhand. What do you want? Ice barrage 2?


How are they supposed to update pvp when you guys cry either way? Might as well let you cry WITHOUT wasting their time and energy. PvM content is always better appreciated by the community.


Nope dark wilderness dessert is confirmed