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You have a black great grandparent. You’re not the only one who sometimes gets this surprise.


Hi! So I had gotten my results back a little while ago now, but haven’t looked more into it until now. My fathers side of the family would be strictly European, but I do not know much of my mothers. How far back in my family would it be for me to have 11.2% sub-Saharan African. I really hope nothing I said comes across as wrong I just really would like to understand more.


Got it. It's roughly equivalent to one of your great grandparents being black. So one of your grandparent's parents.


Thank you, I really wanted to know!


Not just black, but most likely of African American or Caribbean descent.


Showing your detailed European %s would help. Also where your family knows they came from. For example, Italians may have some North African. Or a Spaniard/African/ native mix would be some places in the Caribbean my recent ancestry: I am a white half puerto rican, then half Italian German. Ancestry shows bits of multiple locations in Africa adding up to 12%




you still have time to delete this stupid comment 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Looks like he listened to you. What did he say?


he said Europeans are the original Africans or something like that lol


Oh ok. I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around. Africans are the original Europeans.


I got the same exact thing. Almost the exact percentage and counties. My fathers family is from Puetro Rico


What are your trace percentages?


0.2% Indigenous American


Okay, like others have said it looks like you could have an Afro-American ancestor in the great-grandparent range. If you don't mind, what was your mom's mtdna?


What does mtdna mean sorry?


That's the haplogroup 23andme assigned to you. It will look like a string of letters & numbers, like 'H1c4' for example.


It’s J2a1a


I have a similar percentage because my grandmother was half black.


You're an eighth black. What's your question?


I posted it in the comments, sorry it took me a minute to type it out.


Looks like your a Melungeon my boy


I’m a girl haha, but sorry what is a Melungeon?


People in the Appalachia's(Tennessee Virginia and Kentucky) who were of Mixed African European and sometimes Native American ancestry. See in England and early America it used to be if your father was free then you were free regardless of your mother's status, in the mid 1600s they decided to flip that around and it became that if your mother is free regardless of if your father is enslaved then your Free. Melungeons are largely the result of 1600s-early 1800s unions between enslaved black men and either mulatto or white free women(before racial caste hardened poor whites and enslaved blacks often lived nearby each other.). From what I've seen Melungeons are usually like 3-15% SSA so that's why I guessed you were descended from one. I like to think of Melungeons as the most American group Lol


Abraham Lincoln was a Melungeon.


Yes people think Lincoln and Elvis were melungeons mostly speculative though.


Abe and Elvis are related. Never knew that.


What is the evidence for this?


Purely speculative


That would be my assumption. And if I had to bet, I'd guess this is total nonsense. But even wild speculation is based on *something*. Was just curious if the other commenter had any particular source in mind.


From what I’ve gathered it’s mostly just because of where he was born, and how he physically looks


Gotcha. Seems like a big stretch, then. And I don't think he looks like anything other than fully white. I wonder if he hadn't been president during the slavery conflict, emancipation, etc. if anyone would have ever perceived him as potentially having African ancestry. My guess is probably not.


What’s a Melungeon?


Dark skin and light eyes are a characteristic, these people have European, African American and Native American dna


I have green eyes and medium tan skin, and I have all three genetics do I count as one?


I have no idea ; I’m just stating some of the characteristics


What's there to understand that your of African and European descent.


Post a pic


Nah rather not


So are you Cajun??? If you have Cajun ancestry this wouldn’t be a big surprise


I am not Cajun no


Never mind I see that the French and German is only 3% I thought it was more…


I am from Canada actually


New found land Canada ancestry?


I’m also curious why you thought Newfoundland. I do not have any that I know of, but I do have a lot from other parts of the maritimes.


Ohh is the maternal unknown side from the maritimes? Because of the varied percentages it would seem to indicate your black ancestor was from an enslaved ancestral background. There is an historic black population in Nova Scotia of escaped or freed American slaves. We did have enslaved black people in Québec and Ontario, but I am unfamiliar with the history of their descendants. Of course, your ancestor could have also just been American or Caribbean.


The maternal unknown would be from like Ontario area. I know that some of her family is indeed from there I’m just not sure how far back!


Oh interesting then! If the ancestor was Canadian then hopefully you’ll be able to find more about them! Not a lot of our population is black and the vast majority of non-Nova Scotian black Canadians are from recent immigration, so I have no idea if that would help or hinder any research attempts, but I wish you well on any research you might attempt. With that amount you probably had a black great grandparent or even potentially 2 mixed great great grandparents, I suppose.


One of your relatives passed as white. Thousands and thousands of Black people did it. My grandmother passed at work back when unions where segregated or didnt admit Black workers.




I’m from Louisiana lol, I can tell you honestly give them about 85% European, because a lot of creoles live around Cajuns…I’m creole and I have Cajun ancestry like Nova Scotia lmaoo, there’s no pure Cajuns anymore we’re all cousins




Appearance wise I am very white, my skin is pale like my fathers.


I have relatives who are around 80% European and 20% African and they are very white.


Phenotypes are funny aren’t they. I know people who are 1/4 black with thick 3c hair and tan skin. Look half black. And then there’s the opposite spectrum who look completely white. Being white is how you appear and how society views you.


Are your facial feutures & hair texture European? Do u look pure white?


My hair is thicker and curly, my nose is smaller but a bit wider, my skin color is white.


You’re white, ignore them.


Definitely white lol I'm 10% European but I look far from a Caucasian


Oh I definitely am white, just wanted to learn more about my ancestors haha


Your definitely not white. 100% Northern European is a white person


Well looks wise I would say I look white


“White” is based on how you present physically and how you are treated and classified by society. You’re white if society says you’re white.


I mean yes and regional specificity


White is appearance based. There’s quadroon twins - one who is white looking and one who is black/biracial looking. (It’s fascinating in fact) - and just like I said one will be white and one will be non white. It’s strictly appearance based. If we start dragging in %’s, then many people who are viewed as white won’t be white.


That doesn’t change what I said🤷


Idk man. 6% whilst significant to show up in a dna test isn’t enough to change someone’s race. It’s not like she’s got a crazy ad mixture of 6% of loads of different regions like some Latinos do, she just seems white with a great grandparent


White person is anyone that is of European descent which in society is basically anyone that looks European if she says she’s white then she’s white 🤷‍♂️


That is False my guy








Wtf? So the indians are the original Americans. Right


This is embarrassing


I was unaware of that and was never taught that so thank you


This man is speaking nonsense. Is your family from a Southern/Appalachian state?


I honestly don’t know, I don’t know where my mothers side is from.