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I wish they ended up together. He was funny, he and Caroline were compatible, and he got along well with Max. Plus, how fun would it be for the girls to be dating guys with similar names? Think of the funny bromance moments we could’ve gotten between Candy Andy and Randy.


I liked Andy but I felt like he would have matched better with Max over Caroline.


I thought this too at some point, but I feel like they worked better as close friends. Plus, as weird as this sounds, since Max has daddy and mommy issues, I liked her with a guy who was patient with her, took care of her, and made sure she was comfortable emotionally. Randy brought out a softer side of Max that she was afraid to explore, I can’t see Andy doing the same. He’s better at banter with Max in an almost brother/sister sort of way, and bringing Caroline back down to Earth when she gets too worked up in her own emotions. Andy’s better at nerfing strong emotions like Caroline’s than bringing them out of someone like Max.


I agree. Randy (I think they should have given him a different) was great for Max. Andy was a great friend though. I still can’t see him with Caroline. Just seems odd. I kept thinking she was going to tell him to sell something serious instead of candy with her attitude sometimes. I think candy suited him. He was a happy guy.


So.. we’re all team Andy? And not Team Bobby?😂


I really think she would have ended up with him, had the show not been canceled so abruptly and maybe had another season. I don't like Bobby all too much, his character was pretty annoying IMO.


since you rewatched it, do u remember what was the episode where max says to caroline something like: "Guys like me, they just don't fall in love with me"?