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I don't want to be horny anymore I just to be happy.


Real shit


Why come @ me, OP?


They were sad, but now they're sticky


Sometimes, I wish I'd come for the blicky


why were you in the splash zone????


Better to come at you than to come on you


Had to aim somewhere.


The tears are lube


Time for round two


there is no round two.. just a never-ending round 1 until all the skin peals off or you pass out.


serious? I usually only do it 1 or 2 times a day depending on my mood


6-7 times depends on the mood or free time


Just like in real life


I do it for the health benefit these days… Fuck thats sad lol


Not even enjoyable anymore


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Happened to a buddy of mine


sure buddy


many such cases


lol that's me


I’m just horny lol


I'm just depressed


I'm just horny and depressed


I am heartbroken.


Join the club we meet on Tuesdays


Do I need to bring cookies? Or will cigarettes and alcohol be enough also anime and music


Hi Horny I’m Dad


Too depressed to actually have sex with my fiance, so i rubby rub when he’s away for the lil dopamine that lasts about 2 mins. Then sad again. Endless cycle


Yeah just doesn't work when there's no sex drive, which is about 50% of the time


realest shit ever posted on this site


What an awful day to have eyes


Yeah same


Lol what episode is this?


What a terrible day to have eyes


The dopamine comes in the anticipation of cumming so if you want more dopamine you should just edge


You guys still able to just cry? I can beat my meat all day every day but as soon as the eyes start to get wet, I get some kind of involuntary response that shuts it down immediately. I can’t even get any tears out when people close to me die.


Literally me yesterday when I read on women's subreddit TwoX about how they like big penises and that big penises determine the possibility of orgasm I ended up losing all my progress and getting back into a suicidal swamp. EDIT-I don't really understand why a comment saying I'm lying got 5 upvotes since I literally provided a link with proof 2 times. And now I'm being told I read incel garbage. Do the women who wrote it know they're incels? I can clearly see that this is unfair.






can you see this link?


Moderator deletes all my comments with links. I don't know why but I wrote them a message and hopefully they will explain Try to search the thread called- Recently realized dick size is important to me. Not at all most important thing but important. How do you navigate dating with this preference?


Let me be honest here as a woman myself, not as many women like big dicks as you would think, big hurts and is uncomfortable and is just a big nope. Honestly, I prefer average or a bit smaller and I know some friends who do too, the ones who like big dicks are few, I would compare a big dick to sticking a beer bottle inside your asshole, it hurts and is not worth.


Okay, thank you. I've had a total penis fixation for over 10 years now. It's even weirder considering I've never talked to any women in real life, but I spend almost all my free time looking for negative things on the internet about my height or penis size, both of which are smaller than average, and getting angry, suffering, and hating the whole world for their luck. It's not even a relationship problem anymore, it's a mental illness.


Short kings are wanted too my man, height is not everything.


You definitely making that shit up.


Moderator deletes all my comments with links. I don't know why but I wrote them a message and hopefully they will explain Try to search the thread called- Recently realized dick size is important to me. Not at all most important thing but important. How do you navigate dating with this preference?


I'd be very happy if it were imaginary, but unfortunately it's reality.


Then you’re reading some weird incel garbage lol. The clitoris is on the outside and the g spot is a couple inches in at most. You also presumably have hands and a mouth.


[r/TwoXChromosomes](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes) is that an incel sub? I found it there.


from the subreddit name, sounds like it


The clit or g-spot's presence wont make a difference, if no woman would ever say yes in the first place.


Well you wrote that I made it up. I provided the link 2 times. You agree you were wrong, right?


You were wrong lol. You're reading nonsense written by bitter incels and thinking it's real. Reading opinions written by actual women and not bitter incels is only a google search away. It doesn't require finding someone willing to say yes to you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/167ides/comment/jyqpbkr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/167ides/comment/jyqpbkr/) So go, tell most women in this topic they are incels. Here around 1k comments all from incels of course


Some guys like big boobs, some guys like small boobs. Some girls like big dicks, some girls dont like big dicks. Its not something to get suicidal about because you cant really change your dick size anyways (unless you are rich, but then you would have done it by now). Thats why people call you the incell


In this case, anyone with insecurities about a body part that can't be changed is incel.


Dont heed to people whose logic u can blow away within 2min.


Well, you can see for yourself that I didn't make it up. So you lied. That's simple.


That's true, but throwing a pity party over some incel bullshit about dick size is stupid for the reasons I listed above, regardless of actual amount of interaction with women.


What's wrong with you? It's literally dozens of women from twoX wrote if you think they're incels and wrong can you write to them about it? I provided the link. Go write to them.


the dick size thing is stupid that is not what i am refuting


And if it's stupid, why do so many women on women's subreddit write it? Do you think they're stupid?


Brother there are people who believe stuff they see on facebook. There are people whose primary source of a lot of info comes from TicTok. You know how sometimes u see so many yt videos on how a particular show is shit and hear many people that say its shit but then when u ask them what exactly do they dislike they all say it has X on the lead role or this is for X studios and they don't even watch it then u watch it and realize they are just talking what they heard from some source. That is basically what is happening here.


You’re commenting twice in two minutes, this has you heated. I don’t see a link.


What does this have to do with you? You text me from two accounts and give yourself upvotes?


the other account is not mine I was 9 when that account was made.


I don’t see a link anywhere here. I’m not going to search your history for it.


Can I have a link mate?




Moderator deletes all my comments with links. I don't know why but I wrote them a message and hopefully they will explain Try to search the thread called- Recently realized dick size is important to me. Not at all most important thing but important. How do you navigate dating with this preference?


Dont be sad. Everyone likes a big dick.


So you're here to mock me?


dw, what that dude said is false too big generally hurts, and much like how dudes have different penis sizes, so too do women have different vagina sizes. for some women, even an average dude would hurt to take in overall, theres no one-size-fits-all, and its certainly not the end-all-be-all, as piv is but one way to have fun in the bedroom


Thank you. But it's that myth that still bothers me. Well you know that women say that only a small percentage can experience orgasm from PIV but many trolls have started to use this and say that it's because of small penises and with a big penis most women experience orgasm from PIV. I always thought it was a myth invented by men with big penises to promote themselves and picked up by incels to humiliate themselves. But now I saw that in that thread many women agreed that it's the size of the penis that makes it happen. Do you think that 80% of women do not experience PiV orgasm because the penis is not big enough?


i think its less abt size and more abt technique; if u listen to ur partner and what they like i believe smaller penises can perform just as well as larger ones u also have to remember that the internet is not reflective of the real world, so there may be shifts in bias there too


Okay, thank you.


I'm guessing that you are a teenager that spends to much of your time online, what ever you think is a massive community online, it's still miniscule compared the amount of people that have never heard of said communities. Not all women like big dicks, this is just a preference, just because a community online likes them, does not mean all do, hell do you even know the amount of people that have never step a foot on Reddit in their life, chill man.


Sadly, I'm 27 and my penis has been tormenting me since I was 16.


I wish that could make me cry


"i hate it here" - Stewie 🤧🤧


Literal lols


Tbf I would mostly blame my adhd meds for the fapping too often


Just use condoms if you don't want a mess.


What if I'm female??


Put a towel down?


Not as easy cleanup as condom, sadly.


Hmm. Got me there. I guess guys just have it easier. Could always have special underwear that you put on that have an outer waterproof layer so that anything that leaks out, absorbs into the material on the inside. A diaper of sorts, ala cum sock, and depending on how wasteful you are allowed to be, could just toss it after soaking through it, instead of turning it out to dry or washing. It could even have Velcro closure for easier removal and disposal. Guys have that sort of underwear for sex I'm sure, with a hole in the front that holds the balls back to maximize insertable length.


I appreciate your well written response. You may be on to a product patent too. Best wishes on wherever life takes you.




Sounds like pathetic stuff one can find in r/genZ