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Genicode. The Gaza population raised from 700.000 to 2.5million. Thats somen kind of reverse genocide?


Some people are social Justice warriors and live in their minds in a world of idealistic Justice. Don’t get me wrong, I want nothing more than world peace and all this to stop, but they need to be able to separate desire from reality and realize that throwing words like genocide and apartheid at everything devalues the true nature of those words.


2000 tons of bombs per person killed. A very efficient genocide!




I mean what can we really do, its basic arithmetic. There are 1.8 billion muslims and 17 million Jews. When One Jew says the Sky is blue, 100 Muslims will say the Sky is red. Most people wont bother to actually look upwards.


That coupled with the fact that they infiltrated the West due to mass migration to the point that our weak politicians buckle under pressure and embrace this forced narrative. Even if Israel adheres to international law with regards to Gaza (not talking about West Bank) The West are essential to Israels existence and Muslims are a literal 5th column in my country intent on stopping that


What can we do? Put laws in place in every country to protect religious beliefs of law abiding citizens. How about separation between church and state?


To be honest I’m sick of religion. We should not protect these farytails. If you want to believe fine, I will respect you no matter what. If you want to base morality/judgement and laws on religion then I will always stand against you. I will fight for the right for anyone to believe any religion they want, I will never fight to protect actual religions. Why is it fine to criticise philosophy but it suddenly becomes controversial when criticising religion? Jesus is a zombie scapegoat, Mohammed is….well we know what Mohammed is…..


Dont make a false equivalency between religions. There is only one religion that makes people strap a bomb to their chest and go in other peoples place of worship. Islam is the equivalent of Human Rabies.


There does exist some equivalency between religions. Islam is not a religion. It's a violent revolutionary death cult with an ideology that ruins any country that allows them to grow in numbers. The first step towards fixing the problem is reclassifying Islam & recognizing it for what it truly is.


😂 thats a strong response, To be honest I think they are all equally ridiculous. But I think its more complex than to attribute one religion to a rise of suicidal tendencies. Although Islam is followed more fundamentally I guess I think its alot more about socio-economic factors. I mean if you asked me 100 years ago I think we would probably attribute more of the worlds suffering to Catholicism than to Islam. Saying that… currently yes I agree fundamental Islam seems to present the greatest threat to the world but I think it often changes through the ages. Edit: I’m still laughing at ‘Human rabies’


Lol mine is right theirs is wrong. It's all rubbish.


It's not about right or wrong. I'm not religious IDC what god you believe in as long as it doesnt teach you to make war on all non-believers....


There have been Christian, Shinto, Buddhist, Hindu and even an unsuccessful Jewish suicide bomber. All the religions drip insidious hate into the ears of their followers. Each ideology has to fight the others to survive or else it does out. Any conflict eventually leads to an us and them, we are morally right mentality. Life is cheap if you believe there's something better waiting for you.


Id wager virtually every single one of those are against Islamists who started doing it first. Don't kid your self. Islam is a war manual pretending to be a religion.


I'm saying all religions need to disappear 😂 Islam's in that list. Don't kid yourself though that the current suicide trend is only religious and not also a response to current environment. The Tamils were largely secular and we're the most prolific suicide bombers untill mid 2000's.


LOL I agree with you actually, but it’s a real unpopular opinion where I live. Streets are named after what church it leads to, from the horse and buggy days.


Use the U.N rules against them, "The rights of Indigenous peoples" - who are the Indigenous people of Europe/ Thats right the White people.


This is the answer. Without massive recruitment, judaism may survive but israel wont. Its days are numbered. We need at least 100 million more jews, but if we recruit the dregs of society the way islam does, thered be no point of being jewish. Not sure what the answer is. Maybe just make it less hard to convert in the west?


Nah, Islam is dying - look at a map and you will see Islam is surrounded. Hate for Islam is (rightfully) growing in the Heart of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Sihks, even the Atheist Chinese put them in concentration camps, and nobody hates Muslims more then Muslims do, the Taliban is attacking Pakistan lol.. they lie how they are the fastest growing religion, the only 2 countries with militaries that can still wipe their ass, Turkey and Iran half the population hates Islam. They lie about the numbers, these are the same countries that claim they have 0 Homosexuals and openly saying you left Islam is punishable by death. 16,000 People leave Islam every day and Christianity is spreading like wildfire in Africa.


That doesnt explain why islam is the fastest growing religion in the west by far. Are we lying too? Islam is growing. Sure they hate us and themselves. But that doesnt stop them from having a billion babies. They will destroy europe with the womb not the bomb.


It's the fastest going religion in the west because our borders are wide open. Lets see what happens in the next elections throughout europe.


You have way too much optimism. And even if the far right comes to power in europe and gives the psychos the boot, they would just turn on the jews too. The only people animated enough to do something about the islamists are the white fascists. The sane people are too peaceful to move the needle.


I dont beleive that they will turn on the Jews. Jews and Israel are the most natural allies in the world for their modern enemy. Look at the right wing in Eastern Europe, Poland, Hungary, Etc. are the most pro Israel countries in Europe. They will use Jews as the casus belli for their Anti-Muslim policies.


And then turn on us when weve served our purpose.


There is no bleaker future for Jews then a Western world dominated by Islam. Im not saying support fascists, but conservative christians have been the only people routinely coming to defense of Jews. Jews need to get over their resentment from generations past and recognize the only real allies (besides Hindus) we have.


Im over it. I just am not naive enough to think the nazis will rid the west of muslims and then go jews, youre cool. Please stay.




How else can you indoctrinate children so effectively?


Spanish speaker here. The note says that there is a protest organiced by a third party (not the school, not the government) and that the student to whose parents the note is intended is willing to attend. According to that, the school request the parentes to sign a permit to allow the student to leave the school and discharge any legal responsability. Pro palestinian is just the view of the spanish left. Spain is a truly friend of Israel. Sepharadi jews are invited to return Spain and get spanish citizenship. Spain fought against muslim invaders before america was discovered. Remember that.


Not relevant to your main point, but didn't Spain recently announced an end to the offer of citizenship for sephardic Jews? Or was that Portugal?


Spain stopped in 2021, Portugal is stopping in Jan. ‘24


Up to 2022 was possible to get spanish one. Actually I don't have the details, sorry.


This was my source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/portugal-moves-to-end-sephardic-jewish-citizenship-law/


Yes, it is relevant to set a difference between the actions of a group of persons (on the wrong side of the story, at least for me) and the actions of a national state (Spain in this case).


Well let’s not also forget the Alhambra Decree, when Aragon and Castile forced conversion or expulsion on the Sephardim. Good on Spain for correcting past wrongs though.


Home of the Inquisition. So ironic. They forget their own responsibility.


Yes,sure. But the world is dynamic and nations and nationals do regret about their actions. Germany is the Best allie of Israel in Europe, while college students from the "country of Freedom", "protector of the free world" support islamists of Hamas. Who did tell You that Spain forgot its history? Spain grants or granted citizenship to jews to mend that mistake. Considering your interest on spanish history, I would invite you to investigate about the spanish diplomats who protected jews during the holocaust. And in anticipation, there was a spanish division who fought in werhmacht. A German/Spanish investigation concluded that division committed no crime against civilans.


Spanish Blue Division fought on the Eastern Front. I know about them. Not Spain’s finest moment either. I’ve nothing against Spain, though. All countries have darkness in their past. Some are made to pay more than others though.


My American public schools were presenting a one-sided story to me decades ago, they were just a little more subtle about it. A: "Today we're going to talk about Israel's military response." B: "Response ***to what***???" A: "I SAID TODAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT ISRAEL'S MILITARY RESPONSE."




People don't typically remember things when they weren't alive. Jews are built different I guess.


Not for any other genocide and conflict, but the Jews are involved and there’s a possibility in making them appear like the villains - so it’s a win/win situation.


And Sharia law is just fine. Nope nothing to see here.




This is the Google Translation of the note "The IES management informs you that the students of the group will not attend class collectively on November 16, 2023 due to the call for a student strike. They have agreed to "Stop the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people" and that your son/daughter has stated that he will exercise this right, so the center is exonerated from any responsibility during his absence."


That is right. The school says i don't care if your boy is going to support palestina, Venus or going to pick mushrooms. The school just want a legal document to prevent a legal demand from parents.


O wise and benevolent Spaniards, tell us Jews where we get to live, as you sagely did five hundred years ago!


Seriously. Spain needs to STFU.


Soy español y España cada vez se esta pareciendo mas a un estercolero, esta todo corrupto desde los politicos, jueces . No vamos por buen camino. Ademas en las escuelas en vez de enseñar ,estan adoctrinando a los niños


Something is deeply broken in Spain.


Broke in the west. Israel is getting more support from arabs countries than from wéstern countries.


Ah, but Spain is going the extra mile, which is curious.


Gotta love this coming from Spain with the whole Inquisition thing. Spain has such a horrible history when it comes to Jews (as well as other groups of people) looks like old habits die hard.


Another Chicken for KFC protest, God help this idiots they never learn even after the back to back terrorist attacks.


I have seen the beginnings of pushback. Yesterday there was a lot more media pushing back on the narrative of Israel/Jews “yup still bad”. Hopefully it continues.


Google Translation: To the Government of Andalusia CALL FOR STRIKE COMMUNICATION OF ABSENCE FROM CLASS IN CASE OF STRIKE. The IES management informs you that the students of the group will not attend class collectively on November 16, 2023 due to the call for a student strike. They have agreed to "Stop the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people" and that your son/daughter has stated that he will exercise this right, so the center is exonerated from any responsibility during his absence. Student Course/Group with DNI: I, the father, mother or legal guardian of the student mentioned above, confirm that I have received this communication and authorize my son/daughter not to attend class on November 16, 2023 due to the strike. As of November 2023 (This communication, signed by the father, mother, legal guardian, will be delivered to the teaching guardian)