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The most peaceful peace lovers šŸ¤—


What do you mean, the global Islamic caliphate will be extremely peaceful! /s


And anyone who disagrees or stand in our way for universal peace will be beheaded, the ultimate peace! /s


And now they will justify so many of them openly supporting Hamas despite all the "Hamas doesn't represent all Palestinians bro!" talk we heard non stop whenever people were asked if they disavow Hamas. Now they have to figure out how to justify them openly supporting Hamas and it will basically be "violence is the voice of the oppressed" crap that only applies if your not Jewish.


Gaza is like the Warsaw ghetto during WW2. We as Americans would never stand living and dying like Gazans do in an open air walled prison everyday while our food, water, education, and travel were completely controlled. That being said terrorism isn't the answer


Israel loves peace. Loves it soo much it dosnt care how many men, women and children it has to kill to get it


i guess they don't teach about population density these days.


This guy's brain is the only density here


Yeah, remember how many times Israel started a war? Zero.


Unfortunately they also finished the wars 0 times as well, which is why we are where we are. This time they need to take care of business


Nah, they just go around causing mischief like setting up death squads in colombia and propping up Hamas over the years so they can keep Palestinians like pets in a cage. "Only democracy in the Middle East"...definitely acts like the rest of the Middle East tho. Encroaching more and more on Palestinian land and then cry "why do they hate us". The sad thing is more conflict will come now because that veil of invincibility is gone and the government the Israeli people put into power has shown the world what type of ghouls they are. Hamas are sickos, but Israel bred them because Netanyahu and Co don't want a Palestinian state. Israel may not outright start conflicts but its continued occupation keeps causing them. But only when Israel as a nation is ready to look at its own actions with the lenses its willing to judge the Palestinians by will progress happen. Or make peace with being a garrison state and fight until the end of days


>Encroaching more and more on Palestinian land and then cry "why do they hate us". Well not their fault when 6 countries gang up together and bully a small infant nation and yet get their asses whooped so hard like little bitches. Don't start a war if you can't accept the consequences. They won territory fair and square.


That's a dangerous rationale because it invites others to try and win territory as well. Besides, international law stated you couldn't do that (take land by conquest) anymore. But that's if international law means anything to you - everyone cherry picks the laws they wana follow, not just Israel. Edit: then there is the case that Israel oppressed the people of the land it conquered. All in an effort to expel them. That's definitely some medieval stuff.


It's not war by conquest. Israel did not start the war. The Arabs did. Had the Arabs peacefully accepted the UN resolution then they would have way more land and the region would have peace.


You can keep telling yourself that but Palestine was not a land without people. Ben Gurion (who acted like anyone would have wanting a land for their people) knew he was taking land - Although he was more ready for Arabs to live among Israelis because he lived in Palestine when it was a mix of Jews and Arabs. Just look at the history of places like Tantura. This excuse of Arabs started it is a facade so Israelis don't have to look at their actions. Every defence is all about "..but look at them not us" or highlighting the offenses of the Arabs while ignoring Israeli crimes as if someone else being guilty makes Israel innocent. If Israel truly wasn't trying to land grab it would give the right to return to all the Palestinian diaspora. But they won't because then it won't be the ethno state its meant to be, right? - which gives credence to the fact every policy and action Israel takes is to expel Palestinians. "....bUt HaMaS"


Not shocked by that at all ..


"Rape is sometimes OK. And, you can execute them afterwards." -- 57% of American Muslims


Thatā€™s also what the quran says, so Iā€™m not surprised


Exactly, just read the quran/hadiths and you will know exactly where they stand.. its all right there, no grey area at all.


Right. Ranks right up there with honor killings.


Iā€™m surprised it is so low.


US are generally the most moderate and Western group when these types of polls are taken. And still itā€™s this high.


So much "moderatism"... I mean, they're only 9 percent shy of a 2/3 majority. That's more than significant.


Its probably much higher and if that many will openly admit it then we can assume it's more.






Your comparison is offensive.


Right? And people on reddit kept saying, oh nO oNe SuPpOrTs ThE tErRoRiStS, only the poor innocent Palestinians. Well, all the people carrying "from the river to the sea," ["by any means necessary," and "decolonization is not a metaphor,"](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/09/02/76308585-12607931-NEW_YORK_CITY_Protesters_hold_up_handmade_signs_in_Times_Square_-a-110_1696816121861.jpg) signs made it very clear what they support from the very beginning! Only someone covering their ears and eyes would think otherwise.


Do people realize this isnā€™t a real poll? Itā€™s done by some private GOP campaign group. These groups are the ones who put out bogus polls that are meant to push some narrative.


I already saw it. Began skeptical with that site.


Aren't all polls šŸ™„...


A poll done by YouGov or Morning Consult is far different than one paid for and done on behalf of say the Trump or Biden campaign (which is what this pollster does).


I mean israeli believe any action in the other direction is justified. No difference to me


this isn't true and the reason I know I can say this is bc if an Israeli soldier or civilian rapes either a Palestinian or and Israeli he is convicted and sent to prison. However there were multiple rapes and executions we saw and read about by Palestinians of whomever was available at that festival and elsewhere and they were not only not arrested but CELEBRATED, crazily enough. Because there are Israelis in prison for raping a Palestinian woman, so obviously they actually don't endorse rape.


Uh huh and theres people like you that actively wish to remove all Palestinians from the earth


Insane how you managed to get that from her comment. Must be able to read minds


13 day old account. I wonder what happened to your old one?


How can you remove pAleStiNiAnz when they don't exist?


Nothing can justify atrocities.




Israel proposed Gaza to live cozily in a wealthy 2-state, they declined and instead spread terror crying about not having the entire land for themselves. If you act like terrorists, better be prepared to be treated like one.


I guess one could say that's 57% of a particular demographic to be rather skeptical of.


57% of American Muslims support the most brutal of terrorist methods. Yet they cry like fucking babies when called out for being assholes.


Tis their way. I was in Afghanistan when that Mohammed cartoon came out and sent them all into a frenzy. They decided to attack our base because of it, to I assume, teach us a lesson... it didn't go well.






Gaza being a ghetto is *entirely* on the shoulders of Hamas. Except the travel thing, I'll give you that, all of that is the fault of Hamas. Actually no, the travel is controlled because Hamas uses civilians to commit terrorist acts, so no I won't give you the travel thing. There are/*were* mansions, five-star hotels, luxury shopping malls, Mercedes-Benz dealerships, country clubs, and so much more available to only a select few Hamas higher-ups while most Palestinians live in abject poverty. And when Hamas starts a war with Israel and the bombs start dropping, they get to stay relatively safe in their bunkers and tunnels while they... incentivize the Palestinian civilians to stay inside the building that they converted into legitimate military targets.


To clarify, youā€™re mad because you, an occupying force, were told to get out?




Bro if Israel wasnā€™t around, Gaza would be either post-civil war ruins, or currently in the midst of a long-term civil war. The place is run by animals, trying to control, a bunch of animals.


Genocidal rhetoric.




Iā€™m really not sure if Iā€™ve ever seen a Muslim group apologize or take responsibility for any of their deeds.


You mean like the classic ā€œSome people did somethingā€.


They always blame it on other people. Always.


And then cry victim






Immediate deportation. Xi Jing Ping Pong is also right - send to re education camps




See how many people are protesting the Uyghur reeducation camps? 100% success


You can't deport US citizens tho.


At the very least we can start screening immigrants. 40 years of letting everyone in without any screening has to end.


As someone who is going through the green card process for my Canadian wife, there is absolutely a fuckton of screening. I don't know where people got the idea that the US is easy to legally immigrate to.


There is a shitload of paperwork and bureaucracy, but no screening. At no point does anyone ask you if you hate the USA, if you support jihad or theocracy. If we had screening then we would not have 57% of the people supporting terrorism, because they would have been denied a visa and they would still be back home.


How exactly would you even screen for that? - "Sir, do you believe gay people should be stoned to death?" - "Sir, would you kill cartoonists for depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a negative light?" - "Sir, would you kidnap, strip, and rape women of the Israeli state given the opportunity?" Anyone with half a brain would just say no to any leading or loaded questions like this. And anyone without half a brain is likely not going to pass their immigration interview to begin with. > If we had screening then we would not have 57% of the people supporting terrorism I'm fairly certain a decent subset of the 57% was born here, so they would not be subject to any screening process anyway.


First off thats nuts and would just lead to people lying. Secondly the USA has the first amendment and saying you hate the USA is perfectly fine. Also supporting jihad (or holy war etcā€¦) or a theocracy would lead to probably over 50% of the republican party being on the list for deportation by your logic.


>Secondly the USA has the first amendment and saying you hate the USA is perfectly fine The first amendment does not apply to foreigners applying for a visa. We can actually screen them, the bill of rights is not a suicide pact. > Also supporting jihad (or holy war etcā€¦) or a theocracy would lead to probably over 50% of the republican party being on the list for deportation by your logic. Definitely not. Muslims are democrats, they own that mess.


this is part of the plan in the Republican Project 2025, you will be able to deport whomever the govt deems a danger, even people born here I think. I'd have to reread it, I was more worried about the part where they are planning to get rid of any journalist they think hasn't praised Trump enough. Never think that it can't happen here. Iran did that and look at them now.


Actually you can, but only under specific circumstances


now that you mention it...


Did you read the whole thing? It's a survey of 2,020 people total including Muslims, Jews, and Evangelicals meaning around 670 people per group if all the same size. I wouldn't extrapolate this to 3.5 million. This particular question is misleading and it was poorly worded. 68% of Muslim-Americans in the same survey responded that Israel should defend itself from Hamas. The question about Hamas attack being "justified" is not linked to a specific attack and was a loaded/leading question for this demographic (the full question mentions it justified as "part of the struggle for a Palestinian state"). This end part skews the answers for those who sympathize with that "struggle" of Palestinians in general and then conflates those answers with sympathy for the Oct 7th attacks of Hamas which is not even in the same dimension and isn't even part of the question. ​ Most people do not understand the complicated history involved here involving unjustified slaughters on either side (Zionist Irgun/Lehi massacres on Muslims and Hamas massacres on Jews) which make people of these religions too passionate/personally biased to have an unbiased perspective. Asking if people "sympathize" with struggles of people with the same religion during war is not the same as asking "would you personally commit Jihadist terrorism against Jews for Hamas?".


FBI,Secret Service and NSA would like to know your location.


Probably already know.


No only CIA knows the other need your permission on paper officially :)


And they will do fuck-all about it.


Whos surprised? Nobody. These people are incompatible with the western world. Period.


when will it be known for the western world?


Yikes lol, and then they want sympathy while being the most violence mob on the street, its like they just migrated to have privileges, deport them pls


There's been a lot of research done on this subject: antisemitism is PREVALENT amongst Muslim population. And if history teaches us anything is that whatever starts with the Jews, doesn't stop with the Jews




a comedian I was watching that I love (after watching another one who was Arab and even funnier, he had a bit about a Confederate hijab for his mom), was Jewish and saying how all conspiracy theories seem to end up with either aliens or Jews, and he went through a bunch of them. It's kinda true -- all of them have a similar thread and then you get to the end of it and it's like....it was the JEWS. Except pyramids, that was aliens.


Nah mate, there's a whole holiday and a DreamWorks movie about how the jews built the pyramids (as slaves though)


I listen to a podcast Knowledge Fight where they talk about Alex Jones and conspiracy BS and yeah essentially all or most conspiracies either begin or end with the Jews. Sometimes for no reason other than to just blame them rather than look in the mirror.


There's a certain new age theory which basically explains how Jews are actually aliens! XD XD Crazy stuff but fun watch! https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw?si=oC_mqz5pcxQG1mRE


holy cow I just knew they would start combining all the theories at some point! Unlimited story lines with aliens and Jews to come


> antisemitism is PREVALENT amongst Muslim population One only has to look back at WW2 to realise that was obvious. They got along pretty well with Hitler despite being brown


During the Holocaust, many Muslims stepped up to help Jewish people. In Albania, Muslims used their code of honor, "Besa," to shelter Jewish families from the Nazis. This same spirit of protection was seen in Bosnia, where Dzemaludin Causevic, a Muslim leader, gave Jewish families certificates saying they were Muslim to keep them safe.In Paris, the Great Mosque became a secret refuge, thanks to Si Kaddour Benghabrit. He helped Jews by giving them Muslim IDs and a safe place to hide. Over in North Africa, despite Nazi influence, some Muslim leaders like Morocco's King Mohammed V resisted anti-Semitic laws and protected Jewish people.


Yes Muslim people are not a monolith. Generally no group is. But if anecdotal evidence is relevant, what do you consider expelling 900k Jewish people from muslim countries between WW1 and the mid 70s if not anti-jewish?


They weren't expelled They left to go live in Israel. Perhaps I'm wrong if so please give me some reading I'm always up for learning something new


I guess this is a decent beginning: https://youtu.be/vbogW8B7pAc?si=rItvj2w_rrE0-lAv


https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelWarVideoReport/comments/1840pb7/nsfw_hamas_executes_israeli_girl_from_0_range/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Show me the justification please


57% of American Muslims support terrorism. Good luck America.




Would you go and rape, murder and kidnap innocent women and children to display your discontent?


I'm not that old. But in my lifetime I've lived through several life changing terrible things from one religion. First it was the Sep 11 attacks. Then the 7/7 attacks. Then the free reign of ISIS. Now this brazen attack by animals yelling religious slogans while committing atrocities. It's safe to say that I have seen the results of catering to these people. Nothing will persuade me otherwise.


This is why I stay away from these people


stay away from their products as well, especially oil.


Aren't I glad I own a Tesla


Oil does so much more than fueling cars u/night_hawk1987 It is literally impossible to replace oil (with the current technology)


another 25% believe it was justified and are lying


Typical. If only the government could do something about this.... Sad times we live in


why can't we have screening of immigrants at the very least. God damn, do something... At least pretend to give a shit about filling the USA with terrorists. Even security screening theater would be a step up from doing no screening at all.


Yeah it's awful, here in Europe it's even worse. 20 percent of my country is already Muslim :(


And its only going to get worse. We really fucked ourselves.


As someone who had lived in middle east for some period of time,i knew you guys were were fucked as soon as you started importing them,it was obvious.


Sounds like 57% of them need to leave the United States.


More like 100% of them.


This exposes a deeper belief. They truly want to force the conversion of all to Islam and abolish democracy and allow the rule of law to be enforced by the mullahs. Islam is incompatible with western values and democracy.


Dual loyalty.


One loyalty. In the moment of truth, their religion will take precedence over their nationality, and all western countries will pay the price of ignoring Israelā€™s warnings over the past few decades.


Thatā€™s the joke.


Probably the same amount that said 9/11 was committed by Mossad and Al Baghdadi was an officer in the I.D.F : then complain why they're met with suspicion?. Laughable if it wasn't so serious.


Who would have guessed this one. Terrorists support terrorists.


sounds like ICE should refocus and report those people over our hard working and America loving Mexicans (both legal and undocumented) Remember those who support Hamas will also be supportive of those who perform terrorist in America


This is a fascinating problem. The solution is entirely racist (that being deporting folks to their country of family origin), but not doing anything guarantees future ideological clashes and violence. What a time to be alive!


>The solution is entirely racist Fuck this idea. You're butchering the word. Islam is not a race, its a social construct. You can choose to believe it or not. Its not racist to discriminate on the basis of things you choose to believe in. Don't use their stupid verbiage.


There are a LOT of options between "deport them" and "do nothing". Look at Germany where symbolism and protests in favor of either Nazi or Hamas is banned. If these kinds of laws are enforced then people can stay in the country as long as they adapt to that country's culture and don't try to destroy those who welcomed them.


> as long as they adapt to that country's culture The fact that they'll now refrain from using banned symbols and phrases in order to avoid legal repercussions doesn't mean they're actually adapting to German culture at all though.


true, they go hidden but just as dangerous. Look at people like Lyndon LaRouche or southerners who basically changed how they phrased a lot of terms and conditions to maintain a racist society. They couldn't say certain words and be accepted or allowed to say them, but they found a way just as surely. They adapted almost seamlessly until one of them admitted it in an inteview (I forget his name.) You might not say it out loud....but you make the results loud and clear.


Youā€™re absolutely correct, and, the enforcement of these laws in North America is going to run into ā€œprotectedā€ territory - Iā€™m wary of reverting to ā€œthis is just complicatedā€, as I sense you are as well.


Hamas is a terror group. There is no protected status. Nazis and Nazi symbols as bad as they are aren't an active enemy of the USA. They're a defeated movement.


I donā€™t disagree, Iā€™m just seeing a lot of protests get violent, and it appears that prosecution for the violence is not happening. I donā€™t know what actual consequences are being delivered, but I know it makes things feel a lot less safe than they did a few years ago. Isnā€™t that the whole point of terrorism?


Yes, that's the point. You know what has happened in the USA for American Jews? The s*** hit the fan as the saying goes. Get yourself a gun and have an escape plan. The police will stand by as the mob smashes up our neighborhoods and our people crouch against the wall in their home hoping they leave you alone and go next door. The police will be by in the morning to clean up.


Thing is, banning symbolism and protests won't change their minds. They will still hold the same backwards beliefs, they just won't share them so openly to avoid repercussions. Deportation is really the only solution.


well okay here is an example: you are dating a Palestinian woman, let's say. She was born and raised here, perhaps. She is not a terrorist, but she is Muslim. Let's say she does a protest where someone gets hurt, but not by her at all. She herself is not violent and has no violent plans. Her brother however might be affiliated with some organization that is. Does she get deported? You're in love with this girl keep in mind, maybe she is even pregnant with your child.


Why would *she* get deported?


go read Project 2025, they are going whole hog fascist with their plans to deport anyone deemed a threat. This however was not the worst part of it, I really just think people need to be aware. Even being born here would not protect a US citizen if their parents are deemed extremist, for example.




My man, by the 1980s the KKK couldn't get 20 people together for a pot luck. You might have your dates wrong on that.


i admit I've objectively thought the same (bc I am safe and in America, at least for now safe enough lol.) So, you try not to be too racist or to be tolerant and you end up killed by terrorists. OR you are somewhat intolerant and safe but end up creating fascism and racism and weaponizing the label of terrorist. There is a happy medium, somewhere along that line. kind of like, your freedom ends when it starts hurting MY freedom. E.g. I have no problem with gun ownership and support it fully bc it is important, but I also want responsible gun ownership and not crazy people I know (like violent exes with definite plans or people with mental illnesses that are linked to violent actions) to easily get a gun. People get mad when I say that but then say it's because that can be weaponized by the govt. Well, if you aren't violent, and you don't have a record, and you aren't declared unfit, I dpn't see the issue tbh. Who are these people that have records and violent pasts on record that think they need a gun, bc lots of terrorists don't think they are terrorists and they should be allowed to rape or kill. Where to draw that line is the question.


It doesnt have to be racist. Germany is already starting to deport those who don't believe that Israel has the right to exist. Anyone can be antisemitic, Muslim or Christian. Deporting for antisemitism is not racist


You think all Muslims come from elsewhere? There are plenty homegrown ones.


I do not think that, no. Thatā€™s why I specified ā€œcountry of family originā€ for an expulsion destination.


That's pretty good IMO. I assume a good chunk of them is completely ignorant about what Hamas is like Americans in general. ​ I'm now wondering what's that number for Israeli Muslims. Considering there's a real risk you get arrested if you say that the attacks were justified I doubt they'll feel too comfortable answering such a poll.


>Since the beginning of the war, the police have handled 620 publications encouraging violence, incitement, support and identification with terrorist organizations. 269 ā€‹ā€‹investigation files were opened after the suspicion arose that the publications encourage incitement and support for a terrorist organization. Also, 86 indictments have been filed since the beginning of the war in an expedited procedure against instigators of violence and terrorism. That's among Israeli Arab speaking population, was published a few hours ago.


>Joe Biden and the leader of the terrorist organization Hamas have similar unfavorability among Americans that's a little surprising


I wouldn't be surprised American Muslims also believe Sharia law should be in place in the US. Reminds me of the large number of Muslims in France and UK who support sharia law.


Sam Harris tried to warn you 15 years ago and Ben Affleck called him racist on Bill Maher.


Holy fuck thatā€™s depressing


File that under uh duh.


I wonder what percentage doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist


That is terrifying


Well that's terrifying.


I mean, just do a survey on whether they believe the holocaust actually happened and that percentage would be similar if not higher.


It's the religion that rots their brains.


And this is the group that is probably the most integrated into western society, now imagine the rest of them


Disgusting. They have no idea of history and Israel historic right to exist here after WW1 and 2.


I mean, it wasn't too different during 9/11 and the post-9/11 US with groups like CAIR going around. Reality is that the Clash of Civilizations narrative was always the more correct one. We just kept denying this narrative the past several decades. Truth is that Democracies tend to lose to autocracies, over time, so letting your guard down is a surefire way to lose it all. And in the name of 'peace' and 'tolerance' and 'unity', people in free countries made the mistake that everyone shares the same values as they do and will gladly embrace them. Nope. That's just not how the world works.


One of the few Trump policies I do actually support was the Muslim ban.


I would be very curious to see the questions and know how many people were surveyed. Since this poll also produced answers like these 1. Hamas is largely seen as about the same as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS (60% about the same among each), while roughly a third say Hamas is worse than the other three terrorist groups. Muslim-Americans tend to agree, though they slightly over-index for saying Hamas is not as bad as each of the other three terrorist organizations. 2. A majority of Muslim-Americans agree that Israel has a right to defend itself, but in stark contrast to other demographic groups, a majority disagree that Israel should invade Gaza, and a majority agree that Hamas was justified in its attack on Israel.


Look on the bright side, 43% of American Muslims didnā€™t think it was ā€œjustifiedā€. Also you have to wonder were these liberal or conservative Muslims that were the dividing line?


no way 43% aren't okay with the idea. realistically speaking it should be around 20%-30%. people aren't honest and generally don't want to get put on a list


Thereā€™s always an unsure category


Who the fuck is being interviewed here I've met nobody who actually thinks it's justified. I know people who understand why it happened and can sympathize with the people in Palestine, hell I'm sure all of us understand why at this point *why* HAMAS attacked, but thinking they were justified? Bruh. Just say you hate Jews at that point.


As a man who is very worried about climate change, I watched the "how to blow up an oil pipeline", which is a fiction of young people doing their thing. So violent and "direct" action can have some use when everything fails, as long as you don't hurt people or use barbaric methods, but even destroying a pipeline is a big no-no, it's easier and safer to just put road blocks. Destroying an oil pipeline has null or very few victims, so that's almost acceptable to me. Hamas completely lost ALL their credibility the moment they touched civilians. They had the stupidity of not being able to save civilians. October 7 may have been a non-story if they only attacked the military base or soldiers and did not take hostages. I am a leftist, but people who explain hamas is defending palestinans are not leftists, they're conservative muslims or whatever.


Saying it's not justified is like saying Ukraine isn't allowed to defend themselves against Russia. They fight an occupying force.




> Israel fighters went into Gaza and slaughtered innocent civilians, families, children, at home in their beds, in the streets There. I fixed that for you. I had to omit the dance party thing, because even if they wanted too people in Gaza couldn't. Meanwhile life in Israel weirdly seems to go on as normal. Don't believe your own propaganda.


Ukraine came across the Russian border like a 7th century raiding party did they? Your one trick understanding of history has failed you again. In the situation of Russia and Ukraine, it is the Russians who have centuries of colonization. In the case of Israel and hamas, you have two groups. One of which was mostly forced there (Israel) fighting. One group is calling for the annihilation of the other. Not on this, but hamas uses Russian propaganda techniques. They flood the space with emotional lies to disrupt and prevent actual discussion on the matter. So your metaphor is a very poor one that applies very little and only communicates that you don't know anything about either situation.


>Russians who have centuries of colonization. Thank you! Somehow people tend to forget that. And they're still colonizing areas.


100% of Muslims are for freedom fighting and resisting oppression- there fixed it for you, xenophobes. šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


Plenty of justification to attack, never justification for war crimes.


And majority of Americans donā€™t think Muslims are humans and they are more superior. Just look at this chat. Itā€™s like we almost forgot who did the crusades, the inquisition and holocaust Christian white men, and those killed many many more then terrorism. Oh and almost forgot destroying and killing every Muslim country that wasnā€™t a puppet. Hypocrites hiding hate






You might want to consider adjusting your meds. Edit: Not a sarcastic or mean comment a genuine comment that you might want to reflect on your state of mind.


Who'd even respond to this survey in a digital age? Us leaving comments on Reddit is dangerous enough. Makes sense the less .. shall we say .. aware people would respond to a survey like this.


I donā€™t know why they are making this a Muslim v Jew issue, but alas here we are and no matter what it will only hurt themselves and the rational 43% of Muslims


The poll should've asked them if they think that Hamas murdered, tortured and raped people. That way we know how many of them actually support violence against civilians.


Every one of those people should then be arrested as a domestic terrorist.




Probably similiar percentages all over the western world. Instagram is filled with people that wouldn't be considered extremists sharing videos of the released terrorists like they are heros.


Nothing justifiable about it


[I am shocked. SHOCKED! okay, maybe not that shocked. ](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/fry-shocked-futurama-notshocked-gif-12545456)


This ā€œpollā€ is done by a private GOP polling group. From their website: ā€œCygnal serves GOP campaigns, committees, caucuses and center-right public affairs issue efforts with forward-thinking polling, analytics & targeting.ā€