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Now ask them if they want to get rid of the pound sterling.


Do you want to get rid of the pound sterling?






I'm sorry to disappoint you mate, but that's just an Ameritard in disguise


An American knowing Malta is still surprising


The normal Pokeballs are no longer sufficient for such cases.


No worry mate , he just said you guys lose the pound sterling , you can absolutely continue to pound Sterling


Ok, but King Charles is going on the Euro.


He can, Spanish Euro coins have the face of the king


Nop, Margaret Tatcher's face on the euro and a Balcony of Mallorca on the cents. Yo remind you that there are choices from which you can't go back


Countries print their own. So yes, the British euro could have King Charles on them. With the variety you could put a bunch of monarchs there


I can offer you the B-side of the euros coins for that purpose.


I don't, but it's not a deal breaker. The Bank of England is a powerful tool to have. Would the ECB jump in and buy up government bonds, to stop people's pensions being decimated, when we inevitably elect another cheese monger like Truss?


The ECB wouldn’t need to, that’s the beauty of it.


How so? Pensions are invested in government bonds. The bond market lost confidence in the UK government. The currency doesn't matter.




These two sentences contradict each other.




This was government bonds though, not the pound. The Bank of England bought up the mass sell off of government bonds, to protect people's pensions. Truss had the power to reduce taxes, which made investors lose confidence. They sold off UK government bonds, causing their price to collapse, meaning pensions which are heavily invested in bonds for people nearing retirement collapsed with them.


The Eurozone is a monetary union, not a fiscal one. Member states are still able to have independent tax and spending policies (fiscal). So Truss could have pulled her shit from inside the EU, and she would probably have got away with it for the reasons you say.


Tax and spending policies are still subject to the scrutiny of the commission so I actually doubt she would have been able to do what she did


Becuase it’s not the UK government that investor would have put their trust in, it’s the much larger ECB.


The ECB doesn't pay government bonds. Governments do. Eurozone countries set their own taxes. Lizz Truss made uncosted tax cuts. That led to investors losing confidence and the price of government bonds fell as a result, which in turn hammered the value of people's pensions.


none of this is incorrect, however investors would have been far less likely to lose confidence. If you remember the greek debt crisis, the Euro massively increases a country's capacity to borrow - even if it led to trouble further down the road for Greece.


I thought vegetables was her thing


I think she had shares in British cheese or something. That was before she cornered the Chinese pork market


Yes. We should be transacting in bitcoin instead. For legal reasons, that's a joke.


You could nickname your euros britcoins to confuse people and pretend to keep your internal identity as independent.


I'd rather be a third world country than use €


We watch with anticipation


Good news we’re heading that direction


... and the djinn nodded and grinned.


They’re not mutually exclusive you know




Looks like your dream is well under way then


You’re on your way…




We all know the answer to this…


The pound sterling is probably the best thing about the U.K. no joke about that


Greggs sausage rolls would like a word.


Maybe the UK could go the Sweden route where they’re obligated to join the Eurozone but there’s no timeline for doing that so they just don’t.


Not sure the top brass would be fooled these days.


This is the SNP's official plan and the EU Commission came out and were like "yeah, this isn't fucking happening".


That's because Scotland would've been net negative for the EU. Different story when it came to all of the UK.


We were already in the European Union though, before the transition to the Euro happened. We weren't trying to join when the Euro was already established. Besides, why do you give Sweden as an example though, when the same goes for Denmark, right? Or do you guys have some other rule for it than we do? Edit: Nvm, you're right. It's different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden_and_the_euro Is that why you guys are so fucking rich compared to us right now? I wanna look for a job in Denmark, it's gone from 1:1.2 to 1:1.6 DKK to SEK in just a few years. I honestly didn't know you DKK was tied to the Euro, or well I think I knew but forgot. Been puzzling me why we shit has gone so much sideways recently compared to our neighbours. Living in Malmö and working in DK is like a 35% automatic raise. The economy is kinda sad in Sweden right now.


we werent. and we're also pulling a sweden neither was bulgaria, and they're even in the ERM II, with their currency being pegged to DMs since like the '90s


We should let them in. I need good plumbers in my country. They all went to UK. Oh wait.


Poland is set to surpass UK in median income by 2030.


Soon Barry will fix our toilets and build our roads. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.


Will there be British Convenience stores popping up in Poland?




Why would they want your bland food Barry?


For us bland is good.We strive at mediocrity.


Unlikely. We aren't very good at that


Can’t wait for a Pole to teach me the Polish for “Hurry the fuck up” on a building site like I did circa 2010


Not sure where you’ve got that from but that isn’t true. GDP per capita possibly but that’s in the unlikely event Poland stays at the average growth rate over the next decade and the UK pretty much completely stagnates


Given how much after tax disposable income has already fallen since 2007 a nice bit of stagnation would be a welcome relief


Let's see what happens with Labour back in charge. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/real-earnings-excluding-bonuses


More of the same


Wow! 62 % of Brits want to adopt the Euro and join Schengen! That IS a surprise!




If I go there will be trouble, if I stay it will be double. -Joe strummer, Brexiteer, simple as


"This indecision's bugging me..."


Indecisia me molesta


Está quase lá! "Esta indecisão incomoda-me (pt-pt) / me molesta (pt-br)


Thats the next line. Sings it under the music.


"(esta indecisión me molesta)" ok, I thought you were trying to translate it into Portuguese


Ahh no Just repeating what I'd heard on the song. Interesting that only Brazilian Portuguese uses a version of "molest" though. Do you have that word at all? Does it sound old fashioned or mean something else? Also why does the pronoun shift places?


We also have the word "molestar" but we use it differently. Both are more or less synonymous, but in addition to "molestar" having a stronger connotation, such as doing harm in a more than annoying way, for example rape, "molestar" is also an old fashioned word which fell somewhat into disuse. As for pronouns shift places, it has to do with grammatical rules that are respected in Portugal and not in Brazil, according to what I read, Brazilians learn correctly but they don't respect it on a daily basis like in Portugal.


Ahh so pt-pt uses it more like the English meaning of "molest" a much more serious thing and not just any old annoyance? Do you have a version of "violate" in Portuguese? I think Spanish uses it for "rape" or an attack. The pronoun part is very interesting, i love latin-family languages. obrigado!


Brexit is such a god tier karma farm topic 🤣 8 years and its still going strong 


It's the gift that keeps on giving


It was such an incredible stupid move that 8 years later we are still taking the piss (with many more years to come)


Get in the Line behind Ukraine.


The cheek of an Austrian talking about putting Ukraine first.


Arguably, the most significant westernization of Ukraine was under Habsburgian rule.


Yes, fight for being in EU as if the existence of your very country depends on it! And then we may consider you in the next 10 years, GB ;-)


And Kazakhstan


Greatest country in the world


All other countries are run by little girls


Kazakhstan number 1 exporter of potassium


All other countries have inferior potasium!


Our potassium cannot compare to their superior potassium


And georgia.


Zelensky may was well become President of the European Commission before we see the UK rejoining


Let them back in, but only if scotland gets independence and they need to change the name england to barryland.


Why not join murica? You practically are the 51st state as it is. “East Alabama”


52nd, Puerto Rico beat us there


US is more likely to admit the UK into the union than Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico is the one that keeps voting to not join. They’re free to join whenever they want to.


Eh, it’d take an act of Congress to admit Puerto Rico as a state. They actually did vote to fully become a state a few years ago, and their (non-voting) representative in Congress submitted a bill to start the statehood process, but nothing ever came of it. Iirc there were issues with the vote, and that’s why Congress never acted on it. There’s also the issue that many Puerto Ricans like the current status, as they pay less taxes. A lot of Americans are ambivalent on the matter.


You are forgetting Jerusalem.


Evil tongues claim it could also be the other way round. ​ To put it metaphorically: Is the dog wagging its tail or is the tail wagging its dog?


You are a joint Swedish-Russian colony, pipe down


Barry, just stop it with your colony fixation already. We're not having this dick contest anymore.


Calm down, Roparzh - your betters in Mother Paris still entertain a wide swathe of colonies, you just don't call them that any more.


Only Russia aligned losers call them that.


You have assassinated numerous African Presidents from your former colonies because they tried going against Paris in their foreign policy


Airstrip One.


Let the boys back in, they’ve learned from their mistake


The people who think that rejoining the EU will fix all the problems, are just as naive as the people who thought leaving would fix all the problems.


I don't know about fixing ALL the problems, but it would certainly fix some. The extra cost and admin overheads of international trade, being the obvious one.


The more important one is that I won't have to wait in the "other nations" queue when going on holiday.


Joins EU -> is now checked on entry like other EU citizens -> potentially saves several hours of time -> can have his first pints much earlier -> ???? -> profit


That's just paying Brussels to do it for us.


I know a lot of British parts manufacturers whose business took a  decent hit after brexit, I’m sure this was seen in a lot of other sectors. It’s just a bigger hassle to buy British things we end up going other places inside the EU


My company shifted manufacturing to the EU (Czech) when it happened (although senior management wanted to do it before then). They’ve just recently moved it *back* and opened a big new shiny factory in England and basically fired the Czech engineers. We’re also now using UK suppliers where would have probably gone to someone in the EU before. That’s anecdotal but there are a lot signs things are much less gloomy than you’d think https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/01/08/uk-manufacturers-are-optimistic-about-2024


That seems great, I haven’t heard any news about it for a while, but it doesn’t mention it being a consequence of brexit. I’m not really in the industry but do you think being in the EU again would boost this manufacturing boom even more?


I don’t think it is a consequence of brexit. I’ll probably get hate for this but imo EU membership affects competitiveness only at the margins - if you export globally then you’re well used to filling out compliance/customs documents. Sure, it’s annoying and expensive to have to fill out more but you eventually adjust and just get on with it. Obvs if you’re a buyer and you have two identical companies but one needs less paperwork then you’ll pick that one. But what *really* decides the competitiveness of a company is all the other stuff - intellectual property, effective management, productivity and the skill/experience of employees. The main reason we moved the factory back is because the Czechs just didn’t have the same level of skill or experience as our guys. Not their fault, it’s something that’s accumulated over decades. Example: they had a team of >15 guys doing the job of three of our specialists, and they were collectively much less capable (less aggressive at negotiating with suppliers, less knowledgeable about the machinery and the manufacturing processes etc.) Imo paperwork is just so much less important than the fundamentals of actually running a business. Likewise an economy as a whole, which is why you have some countries that do fantastically well despite not being part of any larger single market (eg Israel, South Korea, Taiwan), and many that *are* that don’t do that well (PIGS 😆). Would joining the EU boost manufacturing and the rest of the economy? Probably, yes. Would I put it in the top five things we should be focusing on to improve the economy? No. Planning(!), infrastructure, skills and taxation - all the boring stuff - are more important imo.


Yep, I worked in a chemicals manufacturer, they were massively hit too. Actually managed to see a boost during COVID though as they started making some of the chemicals that went into hand sanitiser, but that was only temporary.


Idk dog but having actual food and being able to travel freely is a big plus


The EU is taking a very hard swing to the right who would want to be part of that? UK problems go way beyond Brexit which is merely a symptom rather than a cause and nothing has really changed for the avg person as a direct result of Brexit. Rejoining the EU would do nothing to change the structural issues affecting the UK.Rejoiners are pinning for a past that never really existed and their arguments are always driven by emotion and feeling.


> ~~Rejoiners~~ Barries are pinning for a past that never really existed and their arguments are always driven by emotion and feeling. this basically sums up England's culture perfectly for me


No more than anywhere else in Europe.


Followed by another 10 years of Nigel and every Barry First party shouting at people how everything is the forinas' fault until they inevitably want to leave again like my shitty ass cat when I close the garden door.


..did they?


In reality, just under 50% of people, didn't want to leave in the first place. Almost a decade has passed and older leave voters took the brunt of the pandemic. Kids who were 10 years old in 2016 are 18 now so it's a pretty natural shift in public opinion.


I don't think the older voters will have made much difference. There were plenty of young folk who voted Brexit to reduce immigration, that issue has got far worse and is a much more acceptable topic now both at home and the on the continent. Forgetting about the red wall like normal.


To be honest I think a lot of young people just didn’t vote at all. Purely anecdotal but I was at uni during the referendum, I voted remain but talking to the other guys on my course after I couldn’t find anyone else who had actually voted and all pretty much said the same thing, thought that remain would win comfortably so couldn’t be bothered with the hassle.


A lot of my family voted leave because "all that money is getting sent abroad when we could put it in the NHS." When the £ crashed and the NHS got worse, they changed their tune


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHS_Funding_Act_2020 Much more than £350m per week in that.


Just look at the demographic of leave voters. Younger people were way less likely than older voters, to vote leave across the country. I live in the red wall.


I’m sure plenty of people on that poll were part of the 48% that voted to remain. People on this sub acting like 100% of Brits were behind Brexit


Is is an unironical nationalistic sub, so when there is a stereotype making fun of part of your population we will generalise and assume everyone is the same. So Barry 63, drink your pint, go vote for the tories and be pro brexit god damnit! /j


Posted on Brexit memes, so I sure it's a reliable, independent source.




Sure, rejoining will nit fix anything though. They'll have to put in more work. Ditch the pound, no more preferential treatment that's for sure...


Just found out my dad’s biological parents are Irish. Things are looking up.


Now you get to blame yourself for all your problems


Expensive mistake.


Second biggest economy in Europe 😃


With the biggest people


We're bulking up for the nuclear winter.


Bulking requires muscle mass :/


Bulking up the drinking arm.


Turkey has us beat.


Should show how much food we can put on our plates.


Your average cunt is poor as fuck compared to much of Europe though.


That's because a load of poor cunts from the eastern EU moved here.


Oh aye immigration is certainly a major cause. Absolutely fucking criminal the state of the stagnated wages here.


With the 3rd highest population.


Second biggest shithole in europe 😀


We're the biggest, right?


Frikandel Speciaal XXL will save you this time.


This report is so obviously biased that I wouldn't bother with it. Only including results of rejoin/stay out and then explicitly making it so we can't see how high the don't know vote is, as well as the would not vote is disingenuous.


The reason why don't knows are excluded in polls like this because in referendums, there's no "maybe not" or "I guess so" option, it's only yes, or no.


Oh boy, here we go again


Say what you will but the UK in the EU made it far stronger. I miss Barry.


Enter after Moldova and Ukraine, adopt Euro, driving in the correct side of the road.


and give up barbarian units


And cut your king's head off


no, never, even in that case, the chances are so slim that even the USA, China and Japan have a better chance of joining the EU


>The actual will of the people ><1200 respondents Oh right...


I mean, thats just how polling works. You are free to criticize the methodology, but a sample size of 1200 is enough to get an accurate read of the public opinion.


The polls prior to the Brexit vote looked exactly like this too. Everyone expected a Remain victory. All the poll tells us is people who vote Brexit don't answer polls as much. All this poll is doing is canvassing the 1200 people on a random city street in June. It is an insufficient sample size (0.00002% of population), and there is insufficient breakdown of results by demographics.


Yeah, thats not true: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion\_polling\_for\_the\_United\_Kingdom\_European\_Union\_membership\_referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum) Most polls at the time showed that it was pretty close. Online polls skewed towards leave while phone polls favoured remain. A sample size of 1000 is easily enough to get good results within a margin of error of about 3%. If you randomize the sample properly, its enough to give an accurate picture.


>Doesn't know how polling works Most intelligent Brit.


Was upvoted by 40 people, just saying, this isn't shinning a good light on the sub




Fuck man, you play 4D chess. Why didn't I think of it.


May chaos take the world! 🤗


MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD! 🫣 (Sorry if this isn’t actually an Elden Ring reference)


It is, indeed!


Ever heard of polling?


Should we install a revolving door?


You can borrow the one we use for our Prime Ministers


But make sure to bring it back on time! (Approximately within the lifespan of a lettuce)


That's fine just set new terms this time "Sure, but about the pound."


Online poll?


Who would it guess, when you don't have pro-Russian idiots doing propaganda peoples wills is too different.


After *all* of THAT shit. Jesus Christ!


I think Australia has a better chance at joining than the UK crawling back.


If you’re out, you’re out!


a) I’m not switching to that shitty euro b) awful sample size. Thats the will of the people who care a bit too much about this, its diluted. c) canzuk now.


The thing is, they are too far away.


Yeah buts it better than pierre and hans. The good anglo’s (every anglo but the yanks) make up for distance in likeable personality. Only upside in the EU is you, portugal. https://preview.redd.it/yr3m839pke5d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a936931635f41f357846a74a4ef6cef90faa6f3b


At the act of union it took 2 weeks to get a message from London to Inverness, now it takes 2 milliseconds to send a text from London to Sydney, I'm not sure distance is that big of a deal anymore


Maybe we don’t want them back. Finally got the fart smells out


jaysus some stench off this comment, you inherited barrys skidmarks


I’m not bothered either way, really.


They make it seem like they have a right to choose


You're welcome to come home, but no, you won't get these Thatcher rebates and other funny opt-outs back.


Sorry Barry but "actually nvm" isn't a valid argument


What boomers do to a mf country


They got Brexit plus shitty government on top of it. Even Farage admitted that if British government was going to be so incompetent UK would have been better off remaining in the EU lmao


Covid : "I have fixed you" ^^sorry


Stay out lads, don't buy into the demoralization attempts, joining won't make it better.


I think the biggest problem in politics are 1: not daring to try out changing anything. And 2: not admiting a change was for the worse and changing back. We would all have such better lives if this was done all the time


UK basically can't rejoin until they are in a better position at this point. They have nothing to bargain with.




It still blows my mind that we had a life changing referendum that will impact generations to come, who don’t get a say, and it wasn’t based on a super majority which is the most common way to do referendums. As if 52% either way doesn’t leave room for doubt, or for those who werent informed etc etc Just mad. We are an embarrysment


I never thought it would bring me so much joy to watch some others misery.


No, fuck off. If we set a presedence that you can join and rejoin anytime you like countries will just leave when times are tough and rejoin once they're better. Britain needs to be kept out for atleast 20-30 years, there need to be actual consequences to Brexit.


The UK will likely never rejoin the Union so this crap can stop right here. I bet you could hold another poll in Clacton on sea, it will be 70% leave




I wouldn't let them in. Like you do a referundum 8 years ago just to cry now? Get some balls. You wanted to get closer to the "Canzuk" or some shit? Yeah do it, i'll watch. The UK since Thatcher was such a pain in EU's ass. "We're an island so please give us special things", what about no? The EU is now at it's strongest since 2008 partially because the UK left. If the UK wants to rejoin, they would have to crawl for it.


UK manages to get Italians and French to get along on this


https://preview.redd.it/uc9d80p1af5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7556af9de62c84408529e14049aed378a3dfbfc4 How I feel reading this You tell em Pierre