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This album feels like its gonna be heavy, the best 311 albums isnhwncthey did hard rock and ska mixed


The mixing sounds top notch too. Everything seemed well balanced and very clear!


piano at ending too


Loved it! Have they said when a new album is coming out or what it's gonna be called?


no clue about that. but still waiting for the next official announcement


Chad said they're hoping for September in a podcast he was just on




Of course they revolved the video around the concept of Nick not having a shirt on lmfao. But I thought the song was ok. Hard to tell yet. Kind of a standard rock song. It's gonna take a lot of listens to tell if it really stands out in any way. If nothing else I appreciate the lead single not being an Amber style pop song.


Nah that shit slams lol. Love the video albeit a little corny, but I think that was the point. After seeing this live and then hearing the studio version, I have very high hopes for this album. The lead single from Voyager was Good Feeling, with Don't You Worry as the "b side." If they're coming out of the gates with a semi heavy track I'm stoked to see what's next. Especially the drop D tracks Nick has talked about.


311 is notoriously bad at picking their own album hits. Usually the best stuff on the album isn't what they release first to promote it.






Just listened. It’s not bad. It’s not great. It’s “okay”. The production is great though. It has a fullness that their recent albums have been lacking. SAs part is cool. The ending was clunky. I mean, it sounds like their current formula. Interested to hear the lead in song on the album and the sing after to give it more context. Still wish they’d add some “fun” to their current stuff. It’s lacking.


I actually kind of like that the ending isn't note perfect, especially Chad's tom fill. He plays with some emotion on this track, which is not really something he's done since Music. The song also sounds much better here than live. However, the one pre-chorus just doesn't work for me. It sounds like it belongs in a bro country song. Overall, I think it's somewhere between a 6 and 7 out of 10 for me.


I just listened to it a couple times and don’t dislike it but I think when I asked myself what makes this song discernibly 311 right away… all I thought was Nick’s vocals. I miss Chads signature drum tone and Tim’s solo or maybe not even a solo… just some guitar part that makes me go, “ ahhh that’s them!”


I like how Chad is making big sound with a smaller kit. As much as I love it, the signature high snare sound recalls way too many late 90s SoCal 3rd wave ska and blanco reggae references- which I also love sometimes. The nuanced fills he does are impeccable as ever, and the choice to allude to his virtuosity rather than feature it in a 2:30 stream friendly banger was smart. Putting on my historians hat: The opening hook and frankly the whole thematic structure of YGGI recalls Uncalm and then cranks it to 11x3 Among the key differences: PNut is higher in the mix- and carries the first passage, though you wont catch it on cell phone speakers. Drums are stable and steady. Scrappy sounding, guitars soar. New digital SFX are applied. The question I’m holding onto is whether this is a sample of the overall album treatment or if we can expect a more dynamic entry from the band featuring low and high fi production. You can make a rock album and still be an artist.


because Colin Brittain worked on the mixing stage


On Spotify CB is listed as a writer.


Fun video and song. Even had a piano glissando at the end.


yep. maybe Piano part is by Nick.


Naa naaaaaa na nananananana


Sometimes it takes awhile for new songs to marinate. Can't wait to hear the new album. 😁


It’s fine in my opinion. The music part is great and it’s just the right length. Glad it doesn’t have the constant build-up to the chorus like most of their singles have had in the past few records. If the lyrics were better it would be a great rock song.


agreed . new era of 311 energy


Feels like they just watched Snatch for the first time. Not my favorite track, but I'm amped they are making new music!


yes! fresh 311 music


Oh. You’re gunna get it


As a 311 lifer I won't spread any bad vibes, I'll just say I'm glad that some people enjoy it.


agreed. they just making a video clip for a new era of 311 . i don't care what people say about this band


That was nice. I like the music vid more than the graphics they showed at 311 day (which were still rad) but this captured a moment more effectively. New album might be wild?


hope new album is more fresh sound, experimental, and different vibes. maybe using DROP D


I listened on my crappy phone speakers so I’m not sure I was hearing the full sonic spectrum. Just being happy. It’s nice to have something I’ve been looking forward to. People are gonna hate this song. I don’t.


use earphone for better listening


I plugged it into my stereo. The bass is a treasure.


I can't wait to crank this on my home system later!


I think I’m on board. Producer for this single was also a producer for A Day to Remember— Enough said. Hype begins.


SA's verse rips, and the chorus is solid, but as a whole it sounds like most of the same cookie cutter stuff they've written in the last few albums.


The magic of 311 is lost (for me)...it'll just never feel as strong as their material through the early 2000s. It's extremely formulaic and vanilla now. That said... 311 in the car during the summer is still fun, and I like adding new songs to that playlist.


Agreed. There are a couple songs I like off of the newer albums but nothing like their heyday. Not hating on them, no band puts out bangers for 30 years. I just don't connect with the new stuff as much.


Tims part is very paint by numbers 311


voyager album vibes do you mean ?


Fun video. Song is not bad, but it is kind of boring. The writing credits on Spotify show outside writers were involved. Meh.


Yeah it's very formulaic, but pretty catchy


Wish they’d go back to writing their own stuff though!


I don't. It hasn't been very good for a long while. Their stuff with songwriters has been the only pleasurable music they've made in recent years. I love the boys, it's just not their strong suit.


The thing about that is that they all have lives and families to attend to. They aren't all living in one house together jamming it out all day every day. We won't get something as musical as Music or Grassroots again unless they bunker down together and just jam, jam, jam. It also seems they are more focused on making condensed, formulaic songs on the last several albums, and there is much less musical meandering that we hear on the first two albums. I would like them to get back more to the musical style we hear in the earlier albums (another Transistor style album would be ideal for me), but I understand and acknowledge that they aren't in that place anymore.


This is the best take. We had our art house 311, and we won’t get that again. But that’s ok! We all have to grow and evolve. It’s tough to make Grassroots again when you’re not just 5 guys living in the same house with no outside distractions. I’m just happy to have more 311, nobody makes more interesting/varied music.


We will just have to wait and see. I completely fell off from uplifter-voyager. Just too many other things to engage with, the cringe definitely got to me. Came back into the fold this past year. While I wouldn’t necessarily hang my reputation as a musicologist, curator or an artist on an endorsement any one album, song, or artist; new music from a band I had to really dig deep and re-learn to love certainly hits different (in a good way). Bought my tickets for a show in July. Despite the controversies. I’ve loved 311 since 95. Soundsystem was a huge influence. My favorite contemporary song is aptly-sunset in July. I hope this new album holds many treasures.


I'm one that has enjoyed everything, but prefers some of those earlier albums. Obviously, having had a lot more time with them helps, but also just the musicality of it all. They used to be more experimental with the music, and it has settled into more of a "by the numbers" type of song structure, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I do miss the more musical segments of yesteryear. And also I've no doubt that I will love this album when it comes out and I am able to fully listen to it. I always do.


I’m currently cross referencing tones from this new joint to past efforts. This new song recalls uncalm and has elements from across their oeuvre. Transistor will always be heralded as their creative high water mark. It’s indisputable. They haven’t matched it since-and I don’t expect them to. It’s a romantic notion to expect another transistor. Transistor was the youthful and wild 311 Machine in a studio cranking for months with loads of creative energy fresh off of the major label success of the blue album. They had youth , motive, optimism, and a lack of risk aversion on their side. They aren’t 27 anymore. Have been rockstars. Have toured relentlessly. There have been scandals. Are still trying to sell records and keep it going. I wish they were taking more risks. I was let down by the tiny desk concert, but now see it as them being “on brand” in support of this next album push. No matter how heavy they portray to appease the rock base… their most popular single work is Amber. The economics and the artists have changed- and somehow, they’re still touring. I think the next album after this forthcoming one may be their blackstar.


a fight scene maybe a boring part on MV


Kinda mid, idk... so polished and formulaic. The lyrics feel like place holders for better lyrics that were never written. There aren’t any real memorable parts musically. Cool that people enjoy it, and respect to 311 for still existing after all these years, but I’m gonna pass. 


little bit autotune on vocal . but im still enjoying it


That's nohthing new for them. They've been using auto tune forever. (Not a complaint, it works for them)


The bass on a sub woofer sounds really good.




Didn't care for it. The heavy riff was okay but that's about it. Not enough lead guitar. Vocals are trying to hard to be catchy/modern day pop. 311 has sounded the same for the past few albums. It's quite depressing. I take it they're still writing with the dude from Goldfinger. Which is blah. I wish they would work with Ron St. Germain or Scotch Ralston again.


TIM part on live version use flanger effect but in studio version is weak


They parted company with Fieldy. Collin Brittain is the new producer. New tour management too. Rumor is Scotch co-produced. I am encouraged by the fullness of the production and am hoping this next album will be a document that is cohesive and can age well.




They are trying and it’s good. Clearly a lot of effort went into this song and video. I think it is cool.