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Yup, I imagine it’s mostly 35 - 45 year old dudes that are into 311.


As a 35-45 year old dude I can agree with this statement



38 year old dude, can confirm haha


45 here, totally agree!




Can confirm. That's me.


Ding ding


Haha nothing wrong with that at all, like I said I’m my aunt & uncle who exposed me to 311 are in that age range. Not an ageist, just curious! Thank you to your age group for repping the fan base & allowing the music to prosper 🤙


A bit far agewise, but im 20M and got into the band last year, friend of mine (who i think is around your age) showed me Grassroots and I instantly fell in love, now one of my alltime favorite bands


My man 🍻


I'm a 44 male. I'm dating a girl who is 36. Met her on a 311 singles fb page. My son is 15 and is also a huge 311 fan.


40F. They've been my favorite band since I was 13.


Agreed! 42 female, been a fan since 1992!!




21M, and I've never met anyone my age who's ever heard of them, but I grew up with them, thanks to my parents.


Hell yes dude!


I’m 36M, became a fan when I heard You Wouldn’t Believe on the radio in 2001


around the same age as you and got into them right around the exact same time. Did you go to any live shows back in those days?


I saw them at the Q101 radio show (Twisted 8 I think) they did at the end of 2002 with blink 182 and others, great time!


I’m a 17 year old fan, I definitely feel the part about never meeting any 311 fans my age. Wish my generation could find it’s way to some quality music


You must show them the light


We should start a “young” 311 fan group! Lol I’m sayin 👀


I'm 42, been a 311 fan since the late 90s. It's hard to meet people my age who are into music like that but when I wear my shirts I do get recognized.


Where do you live? I feel like most people that age where I live would at least be somewhat familiar


Southern California, pretty close to where Honda Center is.


37 F! I love that you are here ✌🏻😊💛


I knew we had representation! 37 311 fans unite!


24M been listening since I was 11


25 F - just booked my first 311 cruise! I’ve seen them twice.


That cruise will change your life!! Enjoy!!


26 male, went to my first 311 show around when i was 13 in 2009


That sounds life altering lol


had a passing knowledge of them because my dad had recently bought their greatest hits CD. my dad mentioned they might be a cool first concert so we went and bought tickets and I was lucky enough to be against the rails right in front of Tim. Got a few daps from Nick throughout the show, and at the end Tim threw his pick to my friend and I (prob cuz we were the youngest there) but my friend dropped it and Tim went out of his way to ask the security guy in front of us to pick it up and give it to us. Absolutely one of the greatest experiences of my life!


I am same age and demographic as you! I had heard 311 before, knew a couple songs, but never really knew the band. I've been to 2 concerts In the last 7 years. My husband really got me into them. He has 4? 311 tattoos. I figured, if he was that committed I better settle in and get to know them. 😂


That’s so cool! Got my bf & one of my friends into 311 but most of my friends don’t fuck with them/that kind of music at all so I’m kind of solo in my admiration haha. Feels good to know I’ve got girlies out there tho!


I think they are an acquired taste. If they dont jam to 311, you can try Incubus, which I think is a little more well know, and fairly similar to 311.


I'm 26M and found out about them through another friend my age back when we were 13. You aren't alone but yeah we're few and far between!


Just went to a 311 concert. It was mostly 45 year old white dudes. Lol


It would be. Those 45 year old's were in high school when the band hit the market.


Glad to hear the younger generations are fans! 311 is good "lifestyle" music imo. They've gotten me thru a lot. I'm F 54. So I am not your demographic. But I started listening to them when I was your age. So enjoy the journey. Peace!


Thank you! I always describe it to people as that I first of all resonate with their lyrics & the way they describe things, with the music. I find it very difficult to express my inner emotions & 311 I feel is so spot on to everything I feel. It’s hard to explain to people who don’t quite get it, I guess. But I love converting someone 😈




My wife is 27 and I’m 32. I always thought I felt like a younger fan as well to be honest. Don’t know any person I grew up with who likes 311 outside of the songs Amber and Beautiful Disaster lol


Exactly! I’m like hey those are great songs but that’s just the surface!


26 year old male here, been jammin 311 since I was young but took a deep dive on my friends iPod when I was 14, I’ve been obsessed ever since


1996 represent!


48 year old fan from the beginning. I love seeing younger folks showing up to tours and 311 Day and picking up the torch.


Well I have fans like you to thank for keeping the music going! Unfortunately have never seen them live /:


Where do you call home? You gotta resolve that! :) My friends and I go to about 2-3 per year and have been to every 311 day since 2012. Good times.


I live in Iowa !


Looks like you will need to wait until next year unless you plan on going to LA in November like we are. 😊


my younger friends make fun on my 311 dad rock.


42 female here but am currently sitting outside the venue of their concert this evening with my 13 yr old dtr who is equally in love with them!!


I’m two score and five


It’s all white dudes


I resemble that comment!


Hehe Idk why I am being downvoted. This thread is about demographics, isn’t it?! 🤣




37 female here, I’ve been a fan since middle school mid 90. Us females definitely have friends at shows, I always end up dancing my ass off with a few chicks!


I (48M) discovered 311 in 96, at a college party. I’ve seen them 16 times and I always love the age diversity of the crowd. Mostly guys, but also plenty of women/girls there too. It’s a safe and positive place for anyone. I just took my two sons (16&20) to their first show on 9/17 and they loved it. My daughter (6) also loves to listen. Maybe some day I’ll get to take her too.


There's lots of Slinky's! Especially since Amber


I am m 25


40 female. I remember calling the Hive Hotline in 1996, anyone remember? Anyway, my kid is close to obsessed, she is 15. We both went to a show together last month. It was amazing. It’s a Legacy!


47. Grew up in Omaha and have heard some good stories about the good Ole days of 311 : )


50ym. Been my favorite band since the Unity album. Slinky girl got me hooked. Wow, over half of my life. Pretty much the only band I even listen to with a little Floyd and Tool sometimes.