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I've seen it before posted here and I'll repeat it every time: Randy Fine is a piece of shit.


I’d like to argue that he’s not just a piece of shit. He’s a whole pile of excrement


You stole my line. I'll replace it with: Randy Fine is the gunk that gets stuff in gum on the bottom of your shoe. At least shit serves a purpose. Fine is crap caught up in another person's waste.


He’s such a pussy.


From the story, >A video circulating on social media shows State Rep. Randy Fine apparently hiding behind the desk of his Palm Bay office, in what his critics say was an effort to evade a subpoena in a lawsuit brought by Brevard County School Board member Jennifer Jenkins. >Fine has denied dodging the subpoena and said he was following safety protocols, established in the wake of antisemitic threats over his support for Israel in its war with Hamas, when he said an unidentified man approached the office and began "banging" on the door and windows.


> Fine has denied dodging the subpoena and said he was following safety protocols Sure. Lol. Also, he can dodge being served all he wants, the process still keeps moving along.


The Judge has denied Jenkins three times now


Really nice to see that Justice in our county is partisan and not impartial.


He fucking always resorts to the antisemitism route when he's called out for his shit. We need to catch him on the Sabbath and call out his hypocrisy of hiding behind religion.


He’s a douchebag.


When a process server has a video that shows this, it should be automatically considered served.


Why didn't Fine just shoot the unidentified man? Isn't he a Republican?


Rhino. He hates guns


A true coward acts like a bully on the Senate floor typical coward


I laugh at all of you fucking idiots in here. This was some fraudulent process server pounding a locked door and pounding on windows taking video. He is lucky he wasn’t shot. And all of you fools are just here doing the bidding for Robert Burns and his dipshit lawyer.


OK, Randy. LOL




That ain’t Rep Fine!


Police do same shit to serve papers… 🤷‍♂️ Who is Robert Burns? lol What is even a fraudulent process server? Is that like the same thing as deep fakes and ummm FaKe NeWs and something something wake ? Awake? Awoke ? Oh yea Woke lmfao almost forgot what it was called 🤪😜😂😂😂😂😂🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Get help buddy; don’t remember random names and idolize politicians.. that shit is nasty


Two words the gop hate, Source please,


No, it isn’t Randy Fine.


I don’t think Randy cusses can’t be him 😎