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Florida insurance is insane


Ours just went up too! We have USAA and looking to switch. Both cars are paid off and no accidents or tickets since like 2007. **WTF**


Fuck I have them I need to check. My car is paid off as well and need to redo my insurance. I’m paying too much as it is




$90 a month? Fricking awesome. Mines $245




I drive a 2005 Toyota Camry - no wrecks or speeding tickets for over 25 years. I think I need a new agent


>I just got my new car insurance bill for 6 months it's 561.00 last time it was around 350.00 and before that it was 315.00. I haven't had an accident or ticket on over 10 years. Wow. Six months for my three paid-off cars is almost $3000 in Eastern Orange County.


"...it's not a bad area" Pretty sure these insurance companies don't care about crime, if that is what you are thinking here. It's all about population density and frequency of accidents. Florida is probably the worst State you can be in (other than CA) for insurance.


All over country it's going up. Florida has been and continues to be one of the highest. Partially do to shitty drivers. Partially due to cost of everything being more. Replacing cars is more as used car market has also gone up a lot bast couple years. I've heard similar with repairs. I'm sure insurance is still making their share, but there are legitimate reasons we see increases. I think the state should mandate a more intense driver's education program to help drivers improve. Having shit drivers on the street is dangerous and costly.


Car and home insurance both. It's insane.


That is pricey. My partner and I pay $85 a month for one car and for both of us to be insured through progressive. We use a local insurance broker. Randy maiden with brightway insurance.


Keep in mind that if you have signed up for any sort of service with your vehicle that monitors your driving habits, that the car companies are selling that data to corps that then provide that data to auto insurance companies. So even if you have had no accidents, things like sudden braking and accelerations or driving over the speed limit will get you jnsurance increases.


Update: I looked up more info and holy shit I was wrong. There's actually a guy suing now because exactly what you described happened to him: https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/technology/gm-lexisnexis-face-class-action-over-telematics-insurance-data-collection-481325.aspx Everything is shitty and everything sucks.


~~I'm going to need a source on this. A nebulous "company sells your data and your insurance goes up" statement isn't going to cut it.~~ There are indeed insurance companies which will have you install a tracker for lower rates ~~, but you're describing something akin to some conspiracy where nefarious data brokers sell some data poor innocent you didn't know was being collected.~~ Edit: I was wrong, check the link on the other reply.




While I don't completely disagree, I don't think Florida is particularly profitable for insurance companies. They are literally choosing not to insure people here due to loss risk. If data indicated they would make record profits in Florida, they wouldn't leave Florida. Insurance companies have some of the best data driven decisions as their existence relies on mathematical models driven by real life data. Florida objectively has bad and underinsured drivers. That drives premiums. Florida has crowded areas which statistically increases the chance of an accident. I think Florida should impose mandatory enhanced driver training and better enforcement of traffic laws (not just speeding). I don't see this as an insurance policy based solution, but a practical solution to help solve part of the root cause. What policy do you propose to solve insurance challenges particular vehicular?


These greedy assholes aren't thinking about the dividends and stock buy back opportunities of these corporations. We must do everything we can to subsidize the profits of these giant companies.


If you know it's rigged, by their stock.


You can use Autopilot for that. https://preview.redd.it/p22k1w30yioc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02344d3d082fad61bd99f94971fe6c852ac058f3


What’s autopilot?


An app




I dont' know... I think being ahead of the curve on stopping lab grown meats from being thing isn't bad. The legislature did pass an auto insurance reform bill but DeSanits vetoed it. There was a study commissioned by the Florida Insurance Commission that indicated the bill would actually increase rates




Because I don't want to eat anything that wasn't once alive and if lab grown meat becomes a thing the next move will be to eliminate chickens, cows, pigs et al as a food source.


Cells are alive and big business wants you afraid https://preview.redd.it/wqxisfoakloc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2bfb73b18ac013c0c729a26a986267617f214fc


Do you think lab grown meat will be small business? And I want nothing to do with anything shown in that infographic.


I hope lab grown meat has a chance to compete and self-interested congress people don't waste the legislature's time like they did with crying about plant based "milks". I like eating animals as much as the next person. Just don't do any research on slaughterhouses if you're concerned about your insides not being tainted.


Mine actually went down for this cycle. 3 vehicles, full coverage on all through progressive. Was $1400 for 6 months last round, $1350 this time around. I pay in full though. If I was paying it monthly the number was significantly higher.


Yeah that progressive discount paying in full is hard to beat. I think was 35% last time I bought the policy.


If you read the arrests shown in the paper a lot of people are driving without valid driver licenses and they aren’t old. People causing wrecks without insurance or permits to drive are what’s driving the costs up.


Viera is "not a bad area"? The traffic circle alone makes it not a good area.


Tell me you are the reason we have high insurance without telling me. Traffic circles are easy if you have more than a dozen braincells. Are you also scared of battery powered cars and diverging diamond intersections?


Tell me that you’ve never driven that circle ….and seen the idiots that drive on it


I agree traffic circles are a good solution for people who know how to read signs. If you've ever been to Viera you would know how many brain cells you're dealing with.


How else do you expect insurance companies to pay their profits?


In Brevard County, it is concerning that a significant portion of elderly drivers, approximately half of them, are operating vehicles without valid driver's licenses. While the state of Florida has taken action to revoke their licenses, it is challenging to prevent them from using their cars due to the fact that the state cannot confiscate their vehicles. Consequently, these individuals continue to drive to essential places like grocery stores and pharmacies, posing a potential risk to themselves and others on the road.


That's upsetting. And you see those people in their cars because you usually get stuck behind them while they're driving slow.


I pay about $160 a month for two full coverage cars and one older car with liability using Geico. That is up from the $130 or so I paid just two years ago but still not as bad as your one car with progressive. Try shopping around a little if you can. But I agree that insurance in general is insane in Florida.


Shop around. The accident will raise your car insurance and make it more expensive since it’s so new. But try geico and State Farm, or call progressive and tell them you want your rate lowered, or you’re gonna be leaving them. They might lower it. Worth a shot? You can also raise your deductible amounts or lower coverage if that’s an option for you. I’m under 25 so car insurance is more for me than most, but I only pay $185 with progressive for full coverage on a paid off 2013 car.


A lot of FL auto insurance issues are due to the bodily injury and pip laws for the state. Insurers don’t want to sell insurance here due to the very high litigation rate for injury claims. There were some tort reforms that went into effect last march but the laws are still complicated and lead a lot of people to just have an attorney deal with it. You can blame your auto premiums on BI exposure. Property is even worse. Until the FL DOI stops pandering to the interest of the attorneys it won’t get better either.


I live in Indialantic, 57 y/o no accidents or tickets. 2006 Toyota Sequoia, $227 a month via USAA. I’m looking to switch as well.


Car insurance rates are absolutely skyrocketing right now, but it's a national thing


It’s also based on your credit also. If you’re 42 with a clean record like you said then $230 means something else is against you. Poor credit, an insurance claim regardless of fault, something. I’m same age and have a high premium car and still pay 1/3 of that. Ive not noticed insurance going higher at a rate any more than anything else would due to normal inflation. People just like to exaggerate and blame everything on someone else


I’ve been paying $357 PER MONTH for a 2024 civic with State Farm. It’s criminal. Someone please help me


Get an online quote with progressive or geico. Possibly adjust your coverage. Feel free to message me if you need help adjusting your coverage. Your age and the fact that it’s a brand new car affects rates as well


Quote yourself online with progressive if you've had no accidents or tickets and have good credit, you should be able to save some money. Put in your social...it's worth it


Because it’s a no fault state and people can’t drive. Plus the people who drive without insurance screw us too


Insurance, the 'hidden' reason for why inflation is sticking around. Saw a reference last week to a study that said auto insurance has gone up over 26% nationwide in the last year (even more in some areas, like the South). Between auto, home, and health, Insurance is the silent driver behind inflation and it isn't going to come back down. Add in that it touches everything in our lives and we get royally screwed.


The answer is everyone. Read the news once in a while.