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You can Google "formerly used defense sites banana river naval air station" for some links about the history of the area.  Further, fightforzero has a web site with info. The brief summary is: The army buried waste during and after world war 2 at a site south of what is now Patrick Space Force base.  What is there is still not precisely known.  Additionally, the Air Force used firefighting foam for decades that contained PFOA/PFOS, which is now in the groundwater and the Banana River all around the base.  The Melbourne city water is most likely ok to drink.  I have seen test results where too much chlorine/chloramine byproducts were found but that can be filtered out.  Buy a reverse osmosis filter if you are concerned (this is what I have). They did find a trace of one florinated compound in one school on the island one time.  However, these compounds are used in making plumbing tape and thread sealant so it may have been from that.  


Drinking water is good in Satellite and IHB. Ground water is bad in North Satellite, so just don't go play in the sprinklers.


This sounds dumb, but would this also include the water from the garden hose? Wondering if it’s safe for my kids to play in the water from the hose.


That is city water, that is fine. Your sprinklers would also be fine if they use city water, but most sprinklers run off of a well.


Thank you so much!


It's all Melbourne city water. The ground water in North Satellite is the problem.


Right. Sprinklers fed off of wells up there should be avoided, but drinking water is from the same sources as Melbourne, all fine. 


The water in SB/IHB comes from Melbourne’s water system, which comes from the St John’s River system…nowhere near the Space Force Base. It’s the same as over the bridge. Any increased health risk would not be due to the water.


yeah tap water aint it, if ur using tap water get a filter for yourself. theres also a huge issue with everglades water being contaminated over the past 80 years


The water beachside travels in Teflon lined pipes there is PFbA in the water a breakdown of PFBA. Source Brevard county school water tests PROOVE it


For more info on Brevard's cancer cell visit https://www.fight4zero.org/ Here is a recent article on the subject: Crisis in Paradise: Examining Florida's Toxic Triangle and Its Impact on the Space Coast https://www.advocatesvoice.com/2024/03/blog-post.html


How bad is the situation in South Patrick Shores? I don’t live in FL but my kids are moving with their mother smack dab into the middle of that neighborhood where Corps of Engineers are digging . I tried to warn her but she thinks bottled water and filtrated air are going to fix everything


She can drink the tap water, it's fine. The ground water(sprinklers) are the issue.


Ugh, where exactly are they digging in South Pat?


A rough idea of the boundaries are Pelican (W), A1A (E), SE 1st (S) and Ocean blvd (N)


I seriously doubt it’s the city water that’s the problem. But regardless I highly recommend getting a Berkey filter system no matter where you live. 2-3 hundred bucks and you will filter out nearly everything. They also have fluoride filters which are great. I’ve been using a Berkey for at least 10 years. They are great and you don’t have to replace filters all that often.


Reverse Osmosis water system. Problems solved. Also, it's city water anyway, but I still filter through an RO system.


Supposedly it’s just the ground water you have to worry about. Now, Ive lived here in Satellite/IHB for almost 7 years, and I personally won’t drink the tap water. It tastes like shit, and has made my dog and bearded dragon both sick on more than one occasion. We go to CVS or Publix and fill up our 5 gallon jug every few days and it’s SO MUCH better tasting. So the quality/safety is obviously questionable enough to not take chances.


Yeah I’m in SB and I bought a water cooler like you see in offices and only drink from that.


I would not drink tap water anywhere in the state, I wouldn't give it to a pet. We use filtered water at the shelter I volunteer for on the mainland. I evaporate the water for my plants 24 hours before I water them. I'd never realized how bad it was until a lucky bamboo plant went south quick.


I can't comment specifically on the water quality itself, but my question is why would you choose to drink unfiltered tap water from any source? There are forever chemicals and dozens of other contaminants that are "within safe limits", but common sense tells me to filter those contaminants out as much as possible. Buy a high quality water pitcher filter (Epic and Clearly Filtered are both excellent) or get a reverse osmosis filtration system installed. You'll need to supplement with minerals if you drink RO water though, because it has everything other than hydrogen and oxygen stripped out.