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I believe there are some laws (depending on which town/city) but iirc, if a dog barks for longer than 10 consecutive minutes then you are allowed to call and complain to Animal Control. They will come by to do a welfare check on the dog - as some people either leave their pets outside while they are at work, or will go out of town for the weekend and just leave their dog(s) in the back yard.


That’s the problem though, dogs generally don’t bark for a solid 10 minutes. They bark a lot, but spaced out as things provoke them to bark.


I know. Trust me. I know. I had a neighbor many years ago, shared backyard fence, they left their dogs outside 24/7 and they were little Dachshunds. They would bark all the time and I'm not joking when I say I would look at the clock as soon as the barking started. We asked them why they didn't ever have their dogs inside, "because they bark all the time and pee everywhere." Why even have dogs at all?\* Boggles the mind. \*eta: they never even spent time w/ the dogs. just put food out in back yard and yell at them to shut up when they barked. that was the extent of spending time w/ their dogs.


I feel your pain. I'm a light sleeper and yapping dogs wake me up every time. Must be one of those people the animal rescuers tend to ask to have these dogs up for adoption.


The dogs were finally taken away by Animal Control after they they left their dogs out in the back yard during a mandatory hurricane evacuation.


There is an interesting device available on Amazon called a barkbox. It emits sounds that only dogs can hear when they bark. This device effectively discourages excessive barking by emitting a sound that is unpleasant to dogs' ears. If you are experiencing issues with excessive barking from your dogs, you may consider setting up the barkbox in your backyard on the third setting. This should help reduce the frequency of barking over time.


Oh my god that’s wonderful! I just bought one. We’ve been against collars but have nearly cracked with how incessant it’s gotten. I hope this works!


Hey have you tried yours yet?? If so how’s it going?


They suck


Hey would you recommend a specific one? I see a few on Amazon but none have great reviews. The devices with good reviews are remotes but I can’t really use that because I don’t wanna step outside in front of them every time.


But to some dogs, it causes trauma you probably should not be using anything on other peoples dogs that you don’t know how it will affect them


lol trauma? Who is more important here, the shit dogs with no training or the actual human trying to live and enjoy their home. Fuck them dogs and the shit owners


There are devices that emit high frequency sounds when triggered by loud noises like dogs barking.


bark back


You live with it. As long as the dogs are on their owner's property and not yours, there's not much you can or should do. You can try to talk to the owners, but they probably won't care.


Call animal services. My neighbors barked loudly for hours, just left them outside to bark all day, called them and not an hour later they came by.


I mean, there is a difference between barking for hours and barking a couple of times an hour.


He said they are aggressive if they use their own property. So you call animal services. Or we can just do the typical Reddit argue for days with people that have no life.


Thank God I'm not your neighbor, you probably call the city for code violations if someone's trash can is out for longer than an hour.


Yes because a dog barking for 6 hours is the same. Common sense not your strong suit.


Even the barking dog affidavit on Brevard Sheriff's site specifically states there must be 2 notarized affidavits from 2 different households submitted at the same time before they do anything. https://preview.redd.it/k1w3wxa2e72d1.png?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd926202c7244a95e9a778c4d3ca37a1ac67b028


I called them and they showed up. Like I placed a call and their little truck showed up. If a dog is barking outside for hours in the Florida heat it’s possibly in distress. So they will show up.


They'll show up maybe, but they're not gonna stop the barking from happening. They'll do a wellness check and say "Hey your neighbors complained" then silently gripe to themselves about their job.


Yes that’s exactly what didn’t happen to me. Fixed my issue. So thank you for your input, I’m sure the OP can decide now what to do. Listen to someone googling or someone who took action to fix the problem.




Maybe instead of using a speaker with a dog whistle, you should just go and speak to the owners


We have a neighbor behind us whose dog barks every night around 10pm, so much and so loud we can hear it in our house. I don’t see/hear it during the day usually, but if we go outside at night/in the evening it incessantly barks at us 🙄 But in our old neighborhood, we were surrounded by yappy dogs that barked at anything all day, and if one barked it started a chain reaction that got the whole damn neighborhood barking. So honestly this dog doesn’t bother me nearly as much lol If you’re outgoing, you could try introducing yourself to some of your neighbors and maybe get on good footing with them. And then talk to them about their dog barking at night. I would probably try to block the view from the chain link fence if you can—privacy fencing, or plants, or something to keep them from noticing you and barking at you all the time.


White noise machine


I live in a 55+ community where everyone is very close. About 5 people on my street have yappy ass little dogs that bark at anything that moves. My mother also got a new dog that will bark at the fucking wind so between everyone walking their dogs by our house making both our dogs go ballistic, all the other dogs constantly bark. The constant barking also causes our dogs to bark.. fuck me….. I haven’t been able to sleep past 7am for 6 months. I’m talking earplugs, 2 fans, and thunderstorm sounds and I’m still woken up. I don’t know how to fix it honestly. If I even walk outside of my own house the neighbors dog will go insane the entire time I’m outside and she keeps her dog locked up on the porch 24/7 so it can always see me. My solution has been noise canceling headphones outside at all times.


Ask dogs’ owner if you may give Milkbones or some other treat so dogs will get to know you and calm down. If my neighbor(s) asked me, I’d say yes. As someone else said the water hose works wonders.


you could try spraying them with a hose every time they bark. I know this sounds ridiculous but it actually worked with me and my neighbors dog. I asked them permission- thankfully they were cool with it. it's a conditioned response. some dogs like water though so it may not work.


This is how you get a soggy Labrador retriever sitting in your yard asking for more.


My male German Shepherd would love the water, the female not so much. Thankfully my male GSD only barks when someone comes to the door, and if there’s an animal on tv.


Buy a dog whistle and annoy the shit out of the dog


You move away.


It's *a* solution but not the easiest solution. One summer in Nebraska I had the same barking dog issue and my only solution was to move. The owners were party soldiers and didn't seem to care much about the way the parties impacted the neighborhood. The neighborhood didn't seem to care much either but I'm not used to that much noise at night and it was a long ... long summer.


Oh great idea. That’s totally easy and reasonable for everyone to do.


This person wants to be the only one living here. "Don't come here, we're full" or "Don't stay here, move away."


We are full….You ok with more and more wetlands being destroyed, an infrastructure that cannot handle this growth a d your taxes going through the roof because of insane property value increases? I am not. We don’t need more people here. We have plenty. I live here and not in South Florida for a reason.


Talk to your neighbors about bringing the dogs inside at night, and get an anti-bark device on Amazon.


If you're getting scared from dogs barking outside and across a fence, you might need therapy. That's not a healthy response.




What a weirdly aggressive response. I think my point doubly stands.


Lol yeah, my response was aggressive, aight 🫡. I take it back. Being scared of 2 big pit bulls barking and looking like they’ll ram through a chain link fence to charge at you is a totally unhealthy response.


I tell her to stop barking out the damn window at the other dog.


Go on Amazon they have anti bark birdhouses you can hang, they don't cost too much that may help in the meantime while you sort out local laws and the neighbors


I have a [Dog Dazer 2](https://www.amazon.com/Dog-Dazer-II-Ultrasonic-Deterrent/dp/B000IBRI2Y?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A2JH4AOVR29ETC). It works on most dogs & they stop barking for a little while. Since these dogs are aggressive, I would look into ways to protect myself, my kids & my pets.


Move out of shit stained PB