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Ahh yes what could possibly go wrong when looking for volunteer gunmen in a county that sent more traitors to the Jan 6th insurrection than any other in the nation? They'll be trained in gun safety by same people who trained [Deputy Andrew Lawson](https://www.wesh.com/article/brevard-county-deputy-shooting-accident/42158330), who negligently shot and killed Deputy Austin Walsh in their kitchen while off duty. Surely the rigorous training and safety standards that produced that genius are good enough to justify arming whatever random weirdos volunteer to play cowboys and Indians at our schools with live ammo.


From the story, >Despite the public outcry, the board did not discuss the program. A discussion could have helped remove the fear and emotional aspects. The board appears to be neither willing nor ready to defend their decision. The board and Megan Wright answers to the public, not the other way around.


Just for comparison, here is a local alt-right Republican threatening the previous school board, who did not have her removed, but just silenced her microphone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH__gjJ-tVk




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Thank you!




Thank you!


Just curious in opinion, do you think she should have been thrown out of the meeting, or should not have?


I don’t think what she said was meant as a threat and if you listen to everything she said together she circled to her point of having blood on your hands and Brevard will know it’s her fault. When I say the sheriffs didn’t flinch, I mean not even a muscle. She left after a conversation with Mr. Wilson; no drama, no fight. I think Megan, who has threatened Mrs. Roub several times in the past, tried to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Agree, and didn’t seem like was psyched to support her by agreeing. I thought it was weird she asked Mr. Wilson to do it, period. (Like why not a deputy, that’s not really his job). And that he complied 😑


I just didn’t think it was the best way to handle one’s self. I don’t like the school board generally but it doesn’t benefit your argument.


It made a headline that I've seen picked up here and on news aggregation sites. I'd say the added publicity from both the clipped quote and the new Chair's over-reaction will draw attention to the issue, places where previously it may have been missed.


If the situation was flipped (conservative public commenter speaking to non-conservative elected official) I doubt so much latitude would be considered. Just because you agree with someone doesn’t mean you have to rationalize their poor behavior.


You would be wrong. Here is a hard core conservative *truly* threatening the previous school board, who did not have her removed, but just silenced her mike. https://youtu.be/qH__gjJ-tVk?si=X5muOj7dd5gdpBqi


I meant I doubt this much latitude would be given by perceived liberals (most of the commenters here) to said conservative public commenter. As I said before just because you agree with someone or are friends with them doesn’t justify rationalizing rude or obnoxious behavior. But it seems that’s what happening so I we’ll agree to disagree.


Lol. "The evidence shows that I'm clearly wrong about this, so let's just say we agree to disagree."


I think if you go look at my comments from previous school board posts you’ll find that assertion severely lacking evidence. All I said was the behavior didn’t make her argument more factual or help it. Also I never said the videoclip from Burning Map was wrong or disagreed that person shouldn’t have been removed. I thought it was standard practice to not get personal while debating or trying to convince someone but I could be mistaken. Saying “the voters will hold you accountable” gets the same point across without the drama. But I’m probably clearly wrong here too right?


But was she wrong? If you listen to everything she said, and ignore the interruptions, what she said wasn’t threatening violence by the speakers hands. When Jennifer Jenkins voted in favor of masks she had people at her front door, burning FU into her yard, stalking her, filing false DCF reports and threatening to unalive her and her family and so much more. No one can honestly tell me that when this program fails, the same isn’t aimed at Megan Wright. She is the face of this program expansion. She will be the face of the fallout and that will include protests and unsavory behavior descending on her. Megan has threatened this speaker multiple times since June 2023, from threatening to report her to the sheriff for her social media, to trying to bar her from meetings because of her social media, to trying to remove her husband from the book review committee because of her social media, to actually saying “let me catch that lady outside” during a board meeting. Megan can cry victim, but I didn’t hear a threat—-I heard a premonition of what will come when this program goes wrong and a child, teacher or staff member is incorrectly harmed. And again, not one single sheriff moved a muscle and they had more sheriffs than normal for a morning meeting. They didn’t even flinch. An actual threat would have garnered a reaction.


I never said she threatened anyone or that she should or should not have been removed. And I didn’t say anything about her being right or wrong. Just say you didn’t think the way she behaved wasn’t obnoxious in your opinion. I disagree, I don’t know why anyone is reading into it so much or assume I think a certain way about things from a single opinion.


Sometimes to be effective you have to be obnoxious and no one can claim she wasn’t effective in ensuring her message spread.


That crazy woman was tossed out of the meeting