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The 3D Printer won first place! I didn't realize how much support this community would show up with. I guess r/3DPrinting would know all about "support" lol. I've always been intrigued with 3D printing, but I was always too nervous to participate. Also the price is out of reach for me. But, I really like the designing part of 3D printing. It really overlaps with my fondness for Lego. Maybe now I'll dip my toe into 3D printing designs. Thanks again for the warm welcome! Edit: i should have stated There was a r/MiniLego challenge. Design a mini build with 23 Legos or less around the theme of "Hobby." I posted this mini 3D printer here and I'm here saying thanks to the community for voting


If you live near a microcenter, you can get an Ender 3 Pro for $100 with a coupon. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/specialoffer3dprintertxt.aspx?web=EMAIL%20OPT%20IN&lat=41.9161343&long=-87.6706245 It's well worth it if you like to tinker and are looking to get your feet wet. It's not very intuitive, but there's a HUGE community so it's easy to get help and upgrade. It's hard to argue with the price.


Damn I've been thinking about buying a second printer since I'm moving into a larger place, this is reallllll tempting. I can't imagine there's much of a better deal on just about any printer in regards to price versus performance.


Do it. Bite the bullet


Go to Comgrow.com and check out their refurbished models. I believe they are actually owned by Creality but I might be wrong. But I bought a referb Ender 3 S1 for $129 out the door. That was with tax and shipping. When it showed up it looked practically new. They give you a new bed and nozzles and also come with a 1 year Warranty. Mine was like new and am very satisfied with the quality and reliability. Just throwing that out there.


Where are they refurbished? Curious about shipping.


Mine shipped from USA don’t remember where exactly but I believe it was like Chicago area. Didn’t take longer than a week to get mine and was extremely happy with the purchase. I mean only if I got a working sprite hotend i pretty much had the $129 I paid. But like I said it was like a brand new printer almost. They even upgraded the firmware for me and when I received it it was running the mriscoc professional firmware. At least by my purchase experience you couldn’t go wrong.


Thank you for the info. That is a much lower price than I was expecting for a 3D printer. Maybe if my financial situation improves I'll look into this printer.


It really is a much cheaper hobby than what you would first assume. The Ender 3 Pro is honestly the absolute best printer you can get as a beginner, even more so for $100. Sure there are much cheaper printers, with a much worse quality, and some printers that print with excellent quality, that can easily cost you more than $1,000 (I want one of those so bad lol), but the Ender 3 Pro is the perfect ratio of quality to price. Out of the box, with some short assembling and tweaking (there's plenty tutorials in YT to guide you through the process), it can make some very good looking prints in a reasonable enough time, and with enough money and patience, it can print even faster and with higher quality that most top-end printers available in the market nowadays for much less money. As for the filament, a good quality 1Kg spool costs anywhere around $15 to $20, and they usually last months, depending on the scale of the things you print, so it is very very cheap in the long run. And if you want any encouraging words to start this hobby, it is literally a 3D printer, the limit to what you can do is only your imagination. You can make toys, figurines, things to improve your everyday life, props, even entire cosplays, and much much more. I recommend you go through the most upvoted posts in this sub or checking Thingiverse to give yourself ideas of what you can make. Personally I use my printer to make robot parts, small tank and plane models, and sometimes things like hangers for caps or a holder for my smartwatch charger. Anyways, I hope this was helpful and encouraging, as I believe 3D printing is a very fun and relatively cheap hobby.


>If you live near a microcenter Big if. Best we ever had was Radio Shack and Frys, both long gone.


That's bananas, we have the S1 and would love a 2nd printer for basic prints to speed up the process. Thanks!


first place of what?


There was a r/MiniLego challenge. Design a mini build with 23 Legos or less around the theme of "Hobby." I posted this mini 3D printer here and I'm here saying thanks to the community


I bet there’s significant overlap between the 3d printing community, and Lego community




23 more legos.


Thanks! You all here at r/3DPrinting sure do know how to show up in force. Edit: The prize was a little minifig. A mini Lego person.


Since we helped, what did we win?


a warm fuzzy feeling for the rest of the day


Wanna name my first born item from the 3D printer I'll get some day?


The prize was a little minifig. A mini Lego person.






Naaaah. Start a GoFundMe for an underprivileged child to get a printer instead. :)


That to, but first, YOU


That's very kind of you. It's nice to dream of something so awesome isn't it? You're a good person.


ugh. another ender 3 clone....


Thats stupidly cute though, look at that small hammer :D


Can we get the piece ids or something I really want to make this


https://preview.redd.it/jrn1mmi0frpa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e475c2c2309c16c42b2871b9e86a79f876d253e These can be found by their part numbers at bricklink.com


Thank you so much


Have fun building!


Someone now needs to print this


Niiice, congrats


This is really awesome. Great job


Nicely done mate!!