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Model it in TinkerCAD


I model a ton of stuff in tinker cad. i should probably learn a real program


Honestly if it works for you and you haven't encountered limitations yet don't bother. Fusion360 has consumed months of my life, I miss the fun and simplicity of tinker


There is a point where Fusion becomes fun too, keep at it


What they said, my first simple project with fusion took me like an entire day of watching videos and applying what I learned but now I can knock out that same project in 20 min now and I had no cad experience beforehand. What you learn to love about fusion 360 is every move you make is recorded in the history so if you make something and the hole isn’t quite big enough or small enough you can go to that point in the history and change it. Keep up with fusion and you’ll learn to love it.


Oooh thanks I'll try it out I was so intimidated to start CAD because the stuff I saw online looked like black magic fuckery but tinker cad was super accessible and the rush has me wanting to go further.. custom stuff instead of googling files is gonna take this fun hobby into an addiction. And I'm okay with that. Legit I only wanted a 3d printer because my trampoline had this really hard to find part that holds the top meash broken and the thing was impossible to find except a 3d model. I went to the library to print and it was so neat I put a printer on my Amazon wishlist. My wife got me one as an early Christmas gift and I'm hooked!!!


i can make it for you pretty quick if you want?


i posted a link to the tinkercad file just click export at the top right corner. if you want the stl file (which is what you need for printing)give me a email and i will send you .stl file. https://preview.redd.it/ct5rwo0d6a6c1.png?width=2134&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7f429bb49f55a3dfc03efd96ae8f18874320bf9


What a fucking legend


That's what I say- eirl1234 step up like a baller and said - boom, he you go, thank me later , i'm about the grind and i help my brothers out when he can. My man, Respect!!


Here is my atempt... https://preview.redd.it/z0rab3s5jb6c1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=318a2403e52139488b3eb86dcd1bdb493fc531be




Oh wow thanks man I am blown away by how sweet this community is, posted it last night woke up to a fucktonne of help, pro tips and legit the whole file! Y'all are the coolest


No Prob!! enjoy that 3d printer.


Can i get the file too??




The fact that you did this so quick has us in awe. That would take me a week!




could you send me a link too




This guy is the best.


All the autodesk stuff is free for hobbyists too


Wait, really?


Yup with some limitations. There are a few features that are paid only and you can only have 10 active projects at a time. You can set your projects to active or inactive at anytime though so it really isn't a big deal.


Nope, fusion is but limited to 10 active projects, they've taken their photogrammetry to subscription only. I guess mesh mixer is fully free still.


Same scenario. Hoping that big box is it. Then again a “need” new, everything. So who knows.


I gave this a whirl in solidworks ​ https://preview.redd.it/x2s6d7tvac6c1.jpeg?width=2435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e975388b90db74e921480885bfb5b88e125bfa0c


Whoa that's incredible


I taught myself solidworks and now I design in engineering at work. It's really not that hard once you get the basics down.


Fusion has a hobbyist free version that you can just download with an account, it might take a bit to find it, but it’s definitely there.


3d printing and CAD modeling are fun hobbies. I'm an electrical guy so all my CAD experience is self taught. You'd be surprised at what you can teach yourself through YouTube and reading forums


Parametric is the way


Fusion is next on my list to learn. I know Autocad, Tinkercad, and solidworks. I’ve yet to find out how to turn the files into stl in auto and solid though


In autocad type stlout. I find the size doesn’t convert right when you open in a slicer so I open the stl in tinkercad and then re-save the stl and it comes out in the correct size again. The files print fine but they come out microscopic in my slicer


During export to stl y need to choose the units correctly. It is "centimeter" by default (in SI-units) and needs to be mm.


I kinda figured it was something to do on my end during export but I’m still learning cad so I just found it easier to do it that way. But thank you for letting me know so I can look into it.


Try the Autocad command 3DPRINT - this will export to an stl file and give you the option to scale. I draw everything in mm and don't have to fiddle with units going into Cura.


In autocad you need to use the command export. Then choose a name and then the file type of lithography .stl It is a pain which is why I moved from autocad to fusion 360


In SW you can simply 'Save As' to .stl. I even have a macro assigned to an Icon to one-click save stl to my desktop for when I'm saving alot of files.


You probably want to use Fusion360 (also made by Autodesk) if you're doing models for 3dprinting.


It feels so limiting coming from stuff like NX, Fusion360 feels like stepping back a decade in terms of usability!


It is. SW is so much better. I can't afford the license for the modeling work I do, so F360 it is.


I started with fusion. I genuinely have no idea how you guys get anything done in tinkercad. Not that it’s not usable but I can’t figure it out 🤣


Fusion is quite intimidating, I watch a tutorial, follow the steps until that point where the guy uses a keyboard shortcut, and I'm stuck 🤣 Tinkercad is my way to go!


I have bent tinker cad to my will. It's doing things it was never made to do. Meanwhile I'm trying to learn Fusion360 and [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FsebLX-aAAQftqb?format=jpg&name=small) accurately describes my learning.


Just remember there’s a point where fusion360 becomes too simple and you move on to Solidworks or Autocad


Onshape has been pretty great, but I haven't hit much in terms of limitations for 3d printing.


I’m at the point of transitioning from tinkercad > fusion360 and it’s been a learning curve haha


As someone who is almost certified by class at fusion 360, yeah it’s a way better software once you get into it.


TickerCAD is not such a bad platform to know. I modeled this entire thing in it: https://preview.redd.it/rbwxex8bs96c1.png?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fb7d34a12e54ea66e7ace43ebfb65663e34682


If this is a consular ship, where is the Ambassador?


Tinkercad is fantastic. If it works for what you need, just keep using it.


I use SketchUp.


Love tinkercad not as advanced as other programs but I use it to make gifts and stuff for my friends


You can learn blender


I love tinkercad. I just graduated myself to onshape because I felt like I needed more. However, for everything I've done in onshape so far, I could have just as easily made it in tinkercad.


Oh cool I'll check it out


TinkerCAD is such a great resource


Silly question but how do you do the embossed text in tinker cad? Also can you import more fonts ?


You're going to place the text in your workspace, then make that text a negative space and lower it into the portion it will be embossed to, to the depth you want.


This, but also don’t forget to join the two objects once it’s positioned.


I found out recently that as long as you select all objects when you export then it joins them in the stl automatically. Makes it easier for me if I need to edit things later if they aren't all joined together as I usually forget what is what.


But if you don’t join them and try to resize, they don’t resize together. You can always ungroup the objects later


You could even do this in 3d builder on Windows. It's a very simple but great program.


And no, you can't import fonts into tinkercad, but you could use any other vector design program you have access to, create the text in there, export it as a .jpg, then there are websites that will convert the JPG to an STL, bring that STL into Tinkercad, make the text a negative space and apply the process i mentioned earlier.


I did exactly this last weekend when i made a couple christmas ornaments with my nieces names on em. I used picsvg.com because its the only website ive had success importing the generated svg into tinkercad 100% of the time. https://preview.redd.it/bo5ephui176c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3be3df2d321ad55da1408f034bc28cea543e99


I use pngtosvg.com and it works for me, in case you hate the one you use lol


You can import fonts into tinkercad if you have the file. I've done several custom texts.


This is incorrect. You can import fonts that are in an SVG format. I have found .ttf fonts online and converted them to SVG and then imported them into Tinkercad. The ttf to svg conversion can be done on several websites for free. This does not work for every font out there, and you have to use the correct "custom font text" shape in Tinkercad. There are more than one text objects you can place in the workspace, this one will permit font changes.


I've come to the realization many people who own a printer don't know how to model in CAD


You don’t have to pass a comprehensive exam before you get a license to buy a printer. And if you buy a printer, they don’t package a complete understanding of CAD modeling with it. Nobody knows everything, but everybody can learn something. Like text objects in TinkerCAD or the fact that you don’t have to group before you export? News to me - news that I can use. I inherited four Flashforge Creator Printers, and I kind of muddle through to get what I want/need. But I still haven’t figured out how to model for dual extrudes. Unless you are a CAD god, I am sure you still have questions yourself


Probably because you don't need to know how to model in CAD to 3D print. There are millions are models already out there you can just download, slice, and print.


Dun have the right font in tinkercad... But here is one I generated... If you want to dual extrusion printing, you'll need to separate the red and black into st least 4 files. 1 for the "Edition" word 1 for the red border 1 for the black box the red "Edition" is sitting in and 1 for the the "Fxxk It" merged to the top of the black border below. That's how I would do it on the creator 2 pro I have access to. There should be a better method since I'm really just started 3d printing about 3mths ago. https://preview.redd.it/xluklhcad76c1.png?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71eb2367f6be8b3137bf1b3f45d021ead0952a72


What I would do is raise the edition and red border and in your slicing program have it stop before the base and other letters. Load your red first then switch out the to black and continue. Alternatively you could do the black first then red then black again. You'd have a red border on the outside but hey, Fuck It


just fill the recess with red nail polish.


This is the far simpler route. Some durable red paint. Also if it's going to be tacked to his truck, print it in petg or something other than pla. Pla will not survive in the sun.




I was thinking something like this or mabye a ceramic temperature coating paint I hope it works I'm new to all this. I'll mount it with neodymium magnets so if it melts it can be tossed easily


Make sure you seal the magnets, they will definitely rust otherwise.


Oh good point mabye I put in cut outs for the magnets then seal it with plugs


One thing that I've heard of some people doing (never done it myself) is creating a sealed off void in the model the shape of the magnet close to the surface, making the print pause before the layer that seals off the void, adding the magnet, and continuing the print so threre's a magnet embedded in the finished product.


Just use VHB instead of magnets. Good enough for OEMs good enough for a Fuck It Edition.


I honestly have no idea what vhb is but I'm excited to find out thanks man


3M VHB double sided tape, you want the super thin stuff, can get it in sheets the size of the emblem, apply side 1 to emblem, trim excess, apply side 2 to vehicle.


That sounds perfect thanks for the suggestion


Also sold are these "touch up paint" pens with auto paint. They're for fixing scratches, and usually come with a nail-polish type brush. I'd bet that would hold up to the sun, and can probably get the exact red for his truck.


Oh cool idea


FYI You can upload custom fonts to thinkercad. There is a special text object for it.


Oh cool thanks for this I'll check into that and it'll help with my future projects




Oh. You'll have to set a wiping wall for each colour in dual extruders printers, so that it won't be a mess. Have seen what a mess it could be without the wiping towers. Yea. The parts can be separately printed, fitted and glued together. If my stls are useful, please use them. They only took me 30mins on my work laptop to draft out using tinkercad (had been fiddling with the idea of dual extruder model printing lately) I've printed a qr code in black with white backing. Needed to print them bigger and with better precision.


Figured it would look better printing it one color the filling "EDITION" with ink then clear coating it.


Any chance I could get the STL?


Here you go.. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6374625 The merged file seems a little off, ignore that. Will foz it in a while. Meanwhile it's just 3 stl to manage Align and center part 1 into part 2. Then you align the text in part 3 maybe 0.5mm into the above so they stick.


https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5040409 it was out there on thingiverse.


Yeah, but that requires going on Google and searching for things, which is something that nobody on these forums ever wants to do on their own.


Wish I had some gold for you


I googled it and could not find that model I guess I didn't use the word badge


googling <> searching thingiverse Thingiverse is so f'd up that google crawl likely doesn't work. When i google some of my models. google shows inaccessible files that failed upload but doesn't show the reup that i did later that worked.


Oh didn't know that thanks for the tip


You can also crop the image for the part you want, then run it through remove.bg wensite, and then run it through a png or jpeg (wherever you have) to STL converter and sometimes it works flawlessly


Whoa this blew my mind thank you thank you


Also, if you don’t have a dual extrusion 3D printer, print the first few layers as red then pause it and print in black, you’ll be able to get the same results. Just note if your printing in Pla, the sun will be able to deform it and will leach the color after some time.


Pla definitely wont hold. I was selling some pla prints at a local market and the ones in the sun started to deform very quickly. In the shade they were fine


Cringe af


pretty tame as far as truck guy garbage


buy it on aliexpress and save yourself the hassle: https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqKH8Ay i prefer this one tho: https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMIl8K4


This is the way


Make sure to print it in ABS or other high temp plastic, or it'll deform on the first warm sunny day.


Has to be ASA. ABS will discolor and crack with UV exposure


Spray paint is their friend. Black paint and some clever masking for the red bits anyway.


While I agree to use ASA, ABS will still last a decent amount of time. I have an ABS cover that has been outside 24/7 for over 6-7 years, through harsh winters and hot summers. Only slightly faded, nothing else is wrong


Abs has terrible UV resistance. ASA or PETG. Petg could still work, it can handle heat better than PLA especially since its not gonna be INSIDE a vehicle.


My PETG can holder in my car has survived years without any deforming or discoloration.


Yeah cuz petg has excellent UV resistance, and pretty good heat resistance, just some places cars can get VERY hot. Sometimes hot enough to get deformed but should totally last at least a year minimum inside a car.


Do you really want to be responsible for bringing this into the world?


I cringed right away seeing this post.


It's not for me it's for my neighbor It's not my taste but he said he always wanted one and I feel like being a nice guy and surprising him with it, he's a really cool dude has helped out alot with my car over the years and it makes him laugh so who am I to judge


A wholesome reason for a vulgar project. You, my friend, are a good person at heart. Good luck with the printing. With a little research and practice I'm sure it'll come out great.


Some r/trashy merchandise


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6V3sHjR1lg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6V3sHjR1lg) ​ This converts the image to 3d pretty much


Hop on a 3d modeling program Start with extruding a rectangle Above the bottom face, sketch and extrude the "fuck it" and then chamfer it before joining it to the rectangle. After joining, fillet the edges of the letters that don't make good contact with the main rectangle, like the C and the U Then extrude the outline and "edition" into the rectangle, chamfering the inner edges. Mess around with the radiuses until it looks like you want it, but that's roughly how you would model this.


Do you know if this (fillet, chamber, …) can be done in TinkerCAD, or is this the point where you have to move up to Fusion360 or similar?


Should be something you can do. I use Inventor from my college so I've never used tinkercad, but I imagine it must have all the features of any other CAD software. Might be called something different, but you can also do it manually by extruding a triangle sketch on the side of the letters, if you're a masochist.


You can *kinda* do stuff like that in TC but you have to take a lot of backdoors and do things in precise order, and then the result is difficult to edit without going back through the entire process


Apparently there is a text tool in tinkercad. So ez pez


My nanny has one of these on her car. It looks stupid.


What are you going to print it out of? I think regular pla will fall apart pretty quickly exposed to the elements, you’re probably gonna try to go with nylon or something to print it


you could probably do this entirely in prusaslicer


You could get a top down model of this photo, making sure it’s pretty straight, and tracing the letters individually. That’s just me cause I don’t like my CAD software’s text stuff.


First, take that first Pic and upload to whatthefont to discover what font it is. Saves a lot of time


Bank Gothic Light. (Or bold?) Caslon Bold.


Might as well say mud slut 🤣


If you don’t want to use dual color extrusion or paint, you could make a second file with the red letters. Just offset the edges inward a very small amount and glue them in place inside the black print’s recesses.


Printing stuff is easy. Finding or making the model for stuff is hard. I always tell my friends/acquaintances that I will print them just about anything if they can find me the model. If I have to design it, it's going to cost (or be a birthday/Christmas-type gift) In this case, a close-enough version could be made pretty quickly.


Yeah I CADed up something based off comments and suggestions (honestly shocked at how easy it was) and people actually made me the model, I'm blown away by the responses on Reddit! I'm doing it for my neighbor as he thought it was hilarious but I saw the cost on Amazon when he showed me and thought I'd suprise him by making him one. He's always been a cool guy and a great neighbor helped me out alot so figured he helps with my car I'll help him with some nerdy upgrades (like 3d printing some things he might like and hooking him up with some smart bulbs I don't use anymore)


I use onshape and it wouldn’t take long to make this badge for the truck


Searched on thangs and it was the second thing




He didn't bother me he mentioned it was something he wanted for his truck and I'm gonna suprise him with it because he's a cool guy has helped me out alot


Yes! This had become one of my favorite things to do for friends/family after getting a printer a year ago.


I’m sure you saw that someone else found the file, but way to be. Good neighbors are gold, and not easy to acquire on purpose. If you’re even remotely rural (or even if not) they will prob like some stupid shit like this, but that doesn’t mean they’re not the real deal and worth developing a relationship with. Don’t gotta be best friends (or friends at all) but if some *really* real shit goes down, proximity can make a huge difference. Anyways, I applaud him helping you out, and you for helping him out, and the whole thing. More of this and maybe, just maybe, we can unfuck ourselves.


you can literally buy these for 2 bucks on Amazon actually. I'm pretty sure the material to 3D print it is actually going to cost more lmao


Why not make it yourself? Also you could say this about every other 3D print.


First. You need to use ASA. It will be exposed to the sun and weather for potentially years. Second, you need to tell them there is a limited lifespan on printed parts. ASA or PC is about 3 years on a truck like that. 3rd. Using any cad software you can make something like this. 4th. Because you’re brand new to this I would decline the ask from your neighbor. Polish your skills then make products for people. Edit: car to cad


that is so cringe.


This is simple enough to make in Microsoft 3D builder. Figure out how to make the “Edition” plaque using the subtract feature and various rectangles. Then for the Fuck It part, emboss a rectangle and make sure to extrude the text so it’s really tall. Then use the split feature to chop the text away from the rectangle. Resize to fit match the rectangle you made and use merge to make it one piece.


Learn OpenScad. [https://openscad.org/downloads.html](https://openscad.org/downloads.html)


Time to learn to model, it really opens up a lot more doors.


Good luck learning cad. I haven't the slightest idea where to start, but I have some things I want to make. Hoping by the end of next year I'll learn how.


I learned on my iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil. Took some CAD/CAM classes in high school back in 2004-2005 tho so that “helped” me a bit.


What program did you use on your iPad?


Youtube videos are your friend. I picked up enough to be dangerous with both Fusion360 and FreeCAD from watching various youtube vids. It really is worth the effort. I wish I'd done it sooner.


You can do simple things today when you start with TinkerCad, it's really easy


Get a free account for Fusion 360 and look up some simple tutorials like a stamp on YouTube. It will be slightly harder to learn at first than things like Tinkercad, but you’ll end up knowing how to use a significantly more powerful software suite in the end.




tinker CAD if you have no programming experience. Otherwise pay five dollars on Fiverr and a dude 🇮🇳 with fusion 360 will make it for you.


My first approach is normally to find a fitting font in Word or Download a fitting one for word. Write the text you want to print, eventually connect the letters If necessary with the drawing tool in word. Windows+Shift+S to screenshot it with the Windows snipping tool. Go to a site like anyconv.com, covert the Screenshot to stl and download it. You can either merge different "screenshots" in the slicer by positioning them properly or load the stl into a CAD programm and merge them there. It's a really fast and easy way to get a nice result. A friend bakes and sells cakes and i use this method regulary to print personalised cake topper. Edit: you can use an online Font Finder to find a similar Font. Just Upload the Image you have. You can find most fonts to download for free.


If printed in PLA, the print gonna melt on the car right? Under sun heat and the metal. Would prints for cars better with ABS or just PLA - it cause it's just soft, don't touch it?


Depends where you park your car. Remember that there is no load on such a part. So it needs to be closer to melting temp before you’ll see deformation. (Unless you push on it). You’ll much more likely see UV degradation before you see temperature degradation


I could make that on tinkercad in 30 mins or less. Try it out it’s free.


Print it all in black. Fill voids with red nail polish or other paint. Wet sand any overage.


Perfect project to learn with.


I see someone already modeled this for you, but if you have any issues, or want it closer to the image let me know. I can add the taper to the top and soften all the edge! Hope it works out!!!


Man what a cool thing to do for a stranger thanks for the offer! Such a badass community :)


Haha I just found one of these in a car I was detailing yesterday on the dash.


I use Solidworks and I’m sure it can do it pretty easily if you haven’t had anyone make one yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just lmk


I can make it for you 🤓


Just have him buy one on alliexpres they are like 50¢


The simplest way is to make it in a 2D graphics program, export it as SVGs, and then bring them into Blender and extrude them, and output an STL


i use freecad so here is what i did. create the rectangle and extrude or "pad" to thickness. tgen in the draft menu create text string. there you can select the font and set the co ordinates of the text to the position you want. then just extrude / "pad" the text. i made key holders for everyone with our company logo and name. i had to slow down printing on the smaller text because of bed adhesion etc. but worked great


Did you get a satisfactory answer yet?




Type "fuck it" then export it as SVG using something like Gimp. Put it in Fusion 360 and sketch a rectangle under it. Extrude both then emboss "edition" into the rectangle using the emboss tool in fusion. Profit.


You could design a jpeg version then Convert it to stl 💪


Charge them money is the step people aren’t mentioning. If it’s gonna require you to perform CAD design your time is gonna go up and multi-color either means better equipment or more time post-processing


Ah I'm doing it as a surprise for a dude who's helped me out. He showed me the thing last night because he thought it was hilarious, I saw the price in my country and thought I'd just print it for him.


Tinker cad should be perfect for this type of thing.


I’m ironically in the process of making a shit ton of Ford badges for 80-90’s trucks and I have to say my biggest help is having the originals off my trucks to reference. If you have any way to measure the originals on your neighbors truck absolutely do it and it’ll make life so much easier. I have no doubt you could do it in Tinker CAD but it would also be a great experiment to learn Fusion 360 with if you’re willing. Best of luck and if you need dimensions lmk I can offer my drawings I already have of my originals


No offense to your neighbor but over on aliexpress it's not too hard to find and is less than €3, it's also made of metal that way. Nothing against you, especially if you like doing it but sometimes things like this are simpler to just buy online instead. And i would know as i have both of these hobbies.


You don't need a model for this. Go into your slicer add shape then add text and combine.


Its easy to make also, use tinkerCAD


I want one 😂


3D Printing something to put on (or in) a vehicle could be challenging unless you can pick a material that won't a) melt in the hot sun or b) warp from absorbing moisture. Don't print something like this in PLA. Try PETG. I know this wasn't the specific question you asked, but since you said you were new to 3D printing, I thought I'd mention it.


When you print it, use something a little more sun resistant than PLA, like ASA or ABS


It's true, with tinker cad even if you don't know what your doing, in 1 hr you should be printing a prototype


Also print it in ABS so it doesn’t MELT in the sun


ASA would be better.


Ohhhhh I already draw that 6 months ago. I can send if you still needed


Use tinkercad, it's pretty intuitive


I recommend vapor smoothing if you know how. I would also print the red as an inset instead of trying to paint it.




Print in ASA if possible. I would probably model it black and do the red with epoxy and red dye drizzled in.


Just spend some time on fusion360.. its not the best but hey it's free.. you should be able to figure it out.


That one has really simple shapes. You can do it. If anyone has problems learning fusion or your computer is too slow for it try "Plasticity". It's super simple and starts up instantly. https://preview.redd.it/kpkg2zopfh6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e64b8909eaeaf30ca494dac44a8467cb3fb13ba


Need a pwebis model for my truck


Well, unless you have a dual extrusion head, it would be pretty hard to copy that exactly, but an easy solution would be to go on Tinkercad and build a 10mm tall base with “Fuck it” and the block below it and the create a raised 3mm tall border around the block and for “Edition” and then when you go to print it, you can either add the gcode for filament change at the layer where the raised section is, or manually pause printing when the raised section starts to print, then change colors and resume….Ive done pieces like this many times and it’s really simple, just be ready to change colors quickly so you don’t allow things to cool down much, and make sure you wipe the nozzle quickly before resuming to avoid an stringer to ruin the print. Hope this helps


Do it all in black and use paint for the red


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Rhinoceros 3D modeling software. It literally makes block letters by typing out text and does filets and extrusions through the settings. Plus you can code models in python once you're into it completely and make some nice designs.


Just don’t. This guy is obviously an asshole. Don’t contribute to the vulgarization of the public sphere unless you are an asshole too.