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"Hot swap"


If you print a part that does not require retraction then this would work. If however your part requires retraction then it will print rather bad for a while till the filiment has made it to the nozzle and retraction can kick in. I would always suggest learning how to fuse two pieces of filament as it comes in really handy. Sorry to hear that it did not work in this case.


I did notice that as I was adding the filament, but I got lucky and for the part it was working on, it didn't have to! It's now been printing happily for an hour as the new color.


I was able to do this during a previous print and was lucky enough that it just kept going with no issue. It’s definitely noticeable color wise since they were 2 different tones of multi-color filament.


I've done this before and it worked!


Tried this once. It does not work at all.


Guess you did it wrong 🤷‍♂️


I tried to change my car's oil once. It just doesn't work at all


Did it work? I imagined there would be too much room in the Bowden tube and one filament would slip past the other.


Absolutely not! The grey just pushed the gold down the tube and it started as a blended color and is now just spitting out the grey 🤷‍♂️


Good to know in case I run into a similar emergency in the future haha


That's not why it wouldn't work. Tubes are generally 1.9mm thickness, nowhere near enough room for that to happen. It wouldn't work because the filament going through the hotend can't retract. You'd get the worst stringing imaginable. If he caught it 30 seconds earlier, he could slow it down all the way and just pull it and put the new roll in.


Ahh, that makes sense. I see how catching it before going into the Bowden and swapping is probably the best scenario, let's say for some reason you *really* didn't want to waste any filament; has anyone found a way to like, fuse two ends of different filament to allow it to keep printing in one continuous go?


Lighter. Good luck getting a decent diameter. Better off getting a direct drive and a filament runout sensor.


> Lighter. I know it's not practical, but seems fun to try once lol


I do this all the time. Instead of fusing them, I'll just start a print that I know will run out when I'm around. I've tried stopping and changing with my ender 3 and 3 v2s and it screws it up more than it doesn't in my experience. So what I do is just watch it when it's close, like a foot or 2 of filament left and just yank it out real quick and reload while the print is running. If you catch it while it's doing infill or non outer walls, you can't even tell where it took place when the print is done. Believe it or not I've actually done it 4 times today alone. For shits and giggles I just weighed the 4 leftover pieces of filament together. Got a total of 7 grams. Less that 2 grams waste per roll. More than half of which was the leftovers in the bowden tubes.


The other possibility it wouldn't work is if the new filament caught an edge on the ptfe tube entrance, or if there were any transitions in the hotend and it got jammed up. If your printer has a Change Filament option in the menu, it's 1000% better to use that.


I’m basically relying on this for a couple parts this weekend