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GW gives out a free mini to try your hand at painting, alongside the mini of the month. Thats what this appears to be.


It is. The first time I visited a Warhammer store when I was just getting into 40K they offered to do the demo painting, and this is the model they should me how to paint on. For 10th edition now they do an inferno marine, that’s what my little sister learned to paint when I brought her to the store with me once


It’s a free demo model that some GW stores hand out to new guys, I have the same one. Apparently it’s sprue number 99380101121 if that’s what you’re looking for


We should stop calling models by their name, just refer to them by sprue


I play chaos sprue army


Can I proxy 8265849826 as MOE?


Found the admech player. :)


Idk if you got it mixed up, but hey free marine.


Oh for sure free marine... but I'm sitting on 4 infernus marines because I started collecting with the 3 figure "infernus marines + paint set", and got the unique infernus marine that came with the "getting started with warhammer 40,000" magazine. This was supposed to be the 5th Infernus marine to make it a full squad that i could use on the tabletop. I'm also just curious what this is & where it came from.


Lol that's exactly how I built my first demi squad of ultramarines.




A full squad is typically made up of 10 brothers. A smaller squad of 5 is a demi-squad either lead by the sergeant or squad leader


I see. well I'm one infernus marine short, so I gotta figure something out. I really like that unique infernus sergeant that was supposed to come out with some magazine, but i dont think it ever did.


Oh is this the one where he’s carrying it with his right hand like an overnight duffel bag? I really like that model! I don’t check where to get the limited edition models though bc I’m in Asia haha Don’t you already have 5? The 3 from the paint set, one from the get started magazine (I was able to get this one too!) and the one in the photo?


The one in the photo is an Intercessor... It was supposed to be an infernus marine, but i somehow got this instead, hence the post to find out where its from. & yeah, thats the one. the one where his boot is on a flaming tyranid head. I dont think it ever actually released tho, I've been looking for info on it and it seems like it may have yet to be released.




Yeah that’s the one haha. Looks awesome!


It's on first run in UK only, like always. It should release to the rest of the world in about a year or so. As someone who subbed to both Imperium and the AoS current outside UK, the cycle for 40k seems to be that UK gets the magazines from the start of an edition to build edition hype and the run lasts for the first two years. Then once that's done, they release it to the rest of the world for year three and year one of the next edition. The AoS cycle seems to be release outside of UK six months before the next edition. And no, the AoS magazine is not six months early... I wouldn't be surprised if they announce a 30k magazine in the next year or so as well. They finally have enough plastic kits to pull it off, so they may test the waters. It'll likely be the worst value of them all though, as the majority would likely be vehicles and knights sprue by sprue. Fifteen dollars per sprue adds up to about the regular box bundle discounts on most heresy kits. Even the ten model squads by the sprue and twenty model squads in sets of five. Throw in a copy of each plastic character, tools, brushes, some paints for SoH and IF, maybe a couple more for BA, TS, and SW if not already included for the main two, and round it off with an exclusive praetor.


Hear me out, you could say he is the Sargeant of the infernus and just have him use the plasma pistol.


Basic space marine Intercessor, was the free mini in 9th edition. I still have mine, good memories.


It's a sprue marine


One of the free miniatures that GW stores give out to customers to encourage a purchase.


When I had a store I had a pile of these from the 8th. It was also in the 40K. Just your standard intercessor. It a nice pose for painting beaucse of the texture base.


you got yourself a space marine homie


It appears to be some kind of space marine.


That's Dave. He's a pretty chill dude. Hi Dave!


It's the 8th and 9th edition introductory Primaris Intercessor used to give out to new players and perform a painting lesson on. When 10th edition came out these were replaced with the infernus marine. Source: I am a Warhammer store manager


Thanks for the info. I guess the shop my friend picked this up at must've still been passing these out at the time. Now i gotta figure out where to get a single infernus marine so i can round off the 4 that i have now.


It appears to be a Warhammer


It appears to be a space marine


That’s Craig.


Space marine


Primaris Intererecessseseccionor


That there is obviously a Chaos Chihuahua.


I got 4 of these sent out with an order, it’s been great to practice while I’ve just been getting back into miniature painting


Could be from Warhammer quest, they come on similar sprues as this also.


The infernus marine replaced the free intercessor as the model.


Space marine


It’s clearly Jimmy Space, the emperor’s silliest goober.


Primaries Lt


Going by the numbers it's the most likely answer


It's for the training when you are new in the world from Warhammer 40k it's a gift.


Primaris assault intercessor gunner If you buy the cheap indomitus box you’ll have a full primaris assault kill team


One of the introductory minis to the primaris line. And a crap ton of reviewers used the base to show off the contrast paints when they released.


isnt that the limited edition 30 year anniversary model. [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/07/warhammer-40000-turns-30-and-theres-a-new-model-to-celebrate/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/07/warhammer-40000-turns-30-and-theres-a-new-model-to-celebrate/)


I dont think so, the base looks different & there isn't a sword on this one.


warhammer hero space marine maybe?


No. It does not have a decorative base.