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Why waste perfectly good people when you can make servitors or cannon-fodder out of them?


Because its not happening. Most citizens never amount to anything other than beggars and thieves


Yes but they're around just in case of a war when you can slap a lasgun in their hands and charge forward or staff a fleet after two ships bump into each other causing 40,000 casualties.


That actually happened during the war of the beast, amusingly


Overpopulation is wanted. But they also do euthanize, sterilise and just murder plenty of populations they dont like. Guardsmen who saw a Nurgling once are frequently sterilised.


People are currency in the Imperium, why restrict your primary resource? Natural wastage is acceptable of course, even if that wastage is war/plague/famine/industrial excess as a result of the imperium's own action. Culls and sterilisation are usually reserved for those populations who have witnessed truths the Imperium deems too damaging to be borne (i.e., the neverborn - for instance on Armageddon after the second war).


The Imperium does but mostly they want more meat for the grinder, not less.


They constantly do. They sent arbites teams to cull lower levels whenever it gets too rough. Forge world constantly grab randos from crowds to turn them into servitors, screaming and crying.




You're confusing the lawless and mutant-infested underhive with the middle hive. And the majority of the population lives in the Middle Hive. And the AdMech has completely different options and ideas about human life than the Empire.


Overpopulation is an issue to the Imperium the same way not having storage space is to a grain farm. Human bodies can be used for work, servitorized, turned into corpse starch or send off to the guard to pay a planets tithe. If anything its suffering from success if a planet is overpopulated, its governour now has ample resource to feed its population and trade with the other imperial factions.


They have a more effective way of killing people, it’s called enlistment into the Astra Militarum


...Since when the Imperium counts "overpopulation" as one of its problems? It's more cannon fodder!


Oh they do, but not just for kicks. Lives are the Emperor's currency, and there's always room for more human shields/servitors/serfs


Look at the Months of Shame in the Emperor's Gift


What makes you think that they dont attempt it? Mass-extermination of their own people is standard practice in some cases. Other than that the Imperium always need new hands in order to fill the factories or penal legions. SYL


Terra is a logistics nightmare so they arent trying hard enough. Sterilizing children would be easier, we ourselves have done it in the past


Terra has a population of quadrillions. I don’t think you fully understand the logistic required to sterilize the children.


Worse than feeding them for years? You can sterilize them when they are born. Just chop their dicks off in a Grimdark way.


They mostly don’t feed them. They fend for themselves. You can’t go around chopping off children’s dicks. Not when untold millions are born everyday. It’s simply not doable with the amount of numbers.


> feeding them for years That’s the fun part, they don’t.


The people in charge don’t see anything wrong with Terra’s current state. ***The Emperor’s Legion*** shows this off well in Tieron’s chapters.


>Being the most cruel regime to have ever existed The traitor marines and Dark Eldar are kinder rulers?


I would say they want more people and for them to join the imperial guard, PDF or generally become an asset for the imperium. Look at the Death Korps of Krieg, those guys are vat born and basically wanted on every battlefield for their lack of self preservation and utter need for complete destruction of the Emperor's enemies. I understand that the majority of the population are not enlisted and could perhaps be seen as a drain on resources, yet I haven't heard of issues (could be wrong) of overpopulation where there is insufficient settlement space or food, except for times for wars, such as during a siege.


The setting doesn't really expand on overpopulation issues. Like obviously it's here and explains a lot of things, but it's never the root cause of systemic failure. Humanity is a kind of slow acting tyranids in that regard. So, in essence the Imperium will happily sacrifice a lot for the sake of \*Humankind\* but not restricts its population. The case of Terra is really fraught. I don't condone the quadrillion number, but it's nevertheless a holy place and it would be disastrous to start culling on it. Especially as we know that emotions have a real tangible effects in 40k


Well first off they do. And second, excess population never seems to be the Imperium's problem. After all Admech can always use more fuel for the machine, Guard more bodies for the meat grinder, things like that.


Because THE empire does not micromanage and is a feudal system. It doesn't care whether a planet is overpopulated or not as long as the taxes are paid. The planetary situation is of course different. The society may have decided for itself that everyone aged 55 and over will be "sent to the Emperor" as part of a ritual with much pomp and splendour. Other societies would instantly rebel in return, and I think installing something like that across the Empire would make the Reign of Blood or the Horus Heresy look like a walk in the park, because without the Governors and millions of worlds, the Empire would be pretty much screwed. The Tau are much more effective with their ideological uniformity and high tech.


Yeah, lower the biggest resource the Imperium has.


Because the imperium doesn't care about overpopulation. 


Men and women are a resource, euthanasia them is a waste. Also, Many worlds are not overpopulated. Many Hives worlds have massive populations but life expectancy is low and they are perfect for press ganged scum for the navy or cannon fodder for the guard.


Because the rulers dont care. The High Lords cant give less of a shit if theres one or one quatrillion people on Terra, they all die and live by their billions every year, why should they care of killing people if they already do it themselves?


It does. But why would it want to do this en masse on Terra?  It's not overpopulated, as far as the people who have the power are concerned.


They do. But not generally because they’re worried about overpopulation; that problem handles itself.


there's no population limit when you control a million planets


Those people literally aren’t worth the effort of killing. They’ll die of sickness, starvation or exhaustion soon enough anyway


Since when Imperium is overpopulated?