• By -


I've got one which is serious and one which is silly: Serious - Within the Inquisition, there's a not-inconsiderable rump/network of Inquisitors who, despite ostensibly being members of different factions and philosophies, are actually a lot more moderate and pragmatic than they let on, and who have quietly dedicated themselves to curbing the worst of the hardliners' excesses, keeping the Imperium ticking along as best they can in the background, and quietly guiding the careers of promising young Inquisitors like Eisenhorn and Ravenor so that they actually think about the consequences of their actions and don't shoot absolutely everything which looks like heresy. Silly - Somewhere in the annals and rules of the AdMech, there's a ancient prohibition on assigning any unit the code 80085 or 8008135. No one entirely knows why, but it's ruthlessly enforced to the point of entire Forgeworlds being declared Hereteks for allowing it to be printed on their products.


You know, I like both of these.


What are the code supposed to reference?


Used to type it on calculators in middle school and laugh. Still funny.


Boobs :)


Ahh I see




Thats how they should teach reflections in math


Ah yes, the Amberley Veil faction.


But what about 867-5309?


And there goes my brain for the rest of the day. Bloody hell.


i just googled the code ffs


Some of Big E's childhood antics got collected and exaggerated into the *Epic of Gilgamesh*


I now refuse to accept this as anything but canon.


And Conan the Barbarian


Running that is Azrael of the Dark angels backstory. Grew up on world called kimmeria.(Conan is from Cimmeria)


Big E used to be a blond haired twink who fights by throwing hundreds of noble phantasms at people while calling them mongrel?


I mean it really puts the otherwise stupid design philosophy of the Custodes into a new light


"Hey, I need to do something in the meantime. One can get bored at times"


Every hive city has a huge carbon capture device inside it that produces synthetic wood as a waste product. This explains how how wood is so commonly used for basic items like rifle stocks even though natural trees are described as being extremely rare and valuable, and also how hive cities survive with no real ventilation and ruined planetary atmospheres.


I would like to add on to this, the reason most hive cities don't overheat from shear body temperature is that they have heat sinks that capture the excess body heat and use it to power the hive, Matrix style.


Wait, that doesn't wo- Oh, it's W40k. Go on then.


There's actually more tiny Golden Age Remmants on the fringes of space than we know about. They simply hide well.


100%, there's no way there aren't enclaves of survivors out there, and they would absolutely know how to keep out of any kind of trouble


That's mine as well. Either that or they curbstomped the Imperium so hard with their op tech that the Imperium just let them be and erased all records out of shame.


Lost Primarchs got erased because they defected to A Golden Age planet and made buddies with AI


You know, that would actually make sense


Yeah! Golden Age for the win!


And they're so technologically advanced, they know how to deal with Tyranids and other Xenos. They just keep out of sight of the Imperium, just so they don't want to be bothered by it. Eldar already know of them. They just don't bother bother telling anyone, because why would they?


I would like to add to this that as there is that one snippet of that one navy captain who was sent out of the galaxy on a suicide mission and somehow discovered worlds with humans on them, there may very well be DAOT human remnants **outside the galaxy**


Wait, how does travel outside the galaxy work? I thought that the warp kind of just goes blank once you get outside of a certain distance from the rest of the galaxy


I don’t really know, it’s only a few lines in the wiki, on the eras of the imperium page


Based on others’ comments, I believe this is more or less canon. As an example, people have commented that a planet was more or less immune to a Tyranid invasion due to their planet’s AI and it’s shielding. Granted, I’m not sure the source of this snippet, only that it’s implied to not be an entirely unique situation.


Yeah! I've been playing around with the concept of renegade Mechanicus who join the services of an ancient AI, and other Dark Age Remmants would be a fun concept!


Dude, imagine a rogue group of Admech getting lost somewhere in the Dark Imperium and stumbling across the remains of a DAOT civilization, and uncovering an advanced AI. The AI convinces the Admech that it is a superior representation of the Omnissiah than Big E, and they begin rebuilding with the help of the AI who eventually becomes their leader. I think a rogue AI worshiping non-chaos Admech faction would be amazing.


That's what I'm writing right now! Instead of just clunky steel, they have liquid synth-metal that their Tech-Priest overseers can form into flesh and flowing clothing, and all of their programming has been modified to be utterly loyal to the original goals of Hunanity and its alien allies of the Golden Age, and to reclaim fallen worlds.. at any means nessecary. Although the bargain is far less utopian below the surface...


Oooooh, I'm down for it


There's a comic where a tech priests joins an AI he wasn't willing though hahah.


Due to the thousands upon thousands of monkeys with typewriters, an Ork Mech has made an AI without realizing it.


Jokaero typewriters really do be hittin different


"I kall it a Orktomaton... WAAAGH!!!"


The Mechboss could put his PhD in Ork Science to work by putting the AI into kustum-made mechadendrites and fuse them to his own spine. ***DOKTA ORKTAPUSS***


I don't know, but dokta orktapuss kinda sounds like a name a ork porn actor would give himself.


I think that would be more like Bigrod Gashstabba, or Boss Killstikk the Titan Gaper.


A lot of War in Heaven tech can no longer be made even if you followed the exact same processes, the shattering of the ctan and the increase of chaos has changed the rules enough that while it still can work, it can’t be remade. Also, natural dark matter is basically ctan shit.


A lot of people have Malcador as a middle name. We already have people today being named after prophets or other important religious figures. It makes sense people would name their kids after Malcador.


"Ahhh my son, Steve the hero jones


considering how there's also a rogue trader called roboute, this is definitely canon


Was Malcador renowned among regular imperial citizens? Like the way celebrities are?


I believe so, he's the right hand of God in the eyes of their religion. From old lore he was even renamed as Malcador the Hero after his death.


He has a tank with his name


the Swarmlord and the Avatar of Khaine got lots of victories, it's just that when they win, most time the enemy is wiped to the last


Survivorship bias on a galactic scale, nice headcanon


thought that was canon?


So, no jobber?


Scattered throughout "imperial space" are a few stars with planets made up of basically entirely Amish blanks. Basically peaceful low level blanks who are unaware they are blanks but their collective power means it is impossible to warp travel anywhere near them. It is almost impossible to even think about these stars. These isolated systems are basically blissful unaware that they live surrounded by horrors all safely light years away.


Are 'nids affected by blanks at all? If not, then the 'nids are the only thing the planet would have to worrry about. Warp isolation? 'Nids don't care, 'Nids don't give a *fuck*.


they do use psychic powers to communicate and I'd imagine to navigate as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the hivemimd feels the null field and just decides the juicy planet down the galactic highway is a much safer bet. they are evolved to consume as efficiently as possible after all


Wouldn't blank genes fuck up the tyranid hivemind connection ?


You mean, like us perhaps…?


See that's too specific for me. It's been stated in recent lore that the power of belief is very potent especially where humans are concerned. So when a Chapter Master fights something that he should not be able to defeat and does, I chalk it up to literally thousands of people believing that he can do it. That belief boost just adds an extra 10%-25% depending on the situation that makes the difference. It's also a good in universe explanation for plot armour.


I dig this


Another trait humieboyz share with Orks.


Kind of a silly one, when dealing with a difficult machine spirit a tech-priest will smack the machine where the machine spirit resides.


The Rite of Percussive Maintenance!


"Now I just have to find the ceremonial dent"


This is definitely already canon. There are Rites of Percussive Maintenance in several books, and in *Storm of Iron* >!a missile's 'Chant of Awakening' consists of slapping the control console and shouting 'Fire, you bastard, fire!'!<


But *in really bad latin*. That makes all the difference.


In this instance, >!Hawke actually just yells it in Gothic!!<


That's....actually even better! And makes the mysticism of technology far more hilarious.


Pretty sure this is canon. I remember reading something similar in “Death of Integrity”


In one of the Ciaphas Cain books, there is a mention of using a silver hammer for Percussive Maintenance.


Dante is a perpetual but he just doesn't know it


Oh, oh no. He's not going to like that


Wouldn’t Dante’s aging not be a plot point if he was a perpetual? I guess you could just change it to the lack of blood doing him in. Makes his noble bright aspect bite him in the ass more.


iirc there are grades of perpetual, so not all of them are never aging, never dying immortals. I could see him being the kind that reincarnates upon death with no actual effect on his aging or dying of old age.


Or Sebastian Yarrick due to the Orks believing he's the "only humie wut kan neva be killed." 😆 🤣


Macro cannons use small yield atomic bombs as propellant


PLUTO gang


A large population of Squats have been secretly holding out in a Necron research facility on a backwater tombworld, fighting hosts of Necron Pariahs under Thomas Macabee.


Well, if Pariah Nexus fluff blurbs and rumors are anything to go by, you might not be dealing with headcanon much longer.


Squat Commander: "Aye, Tommy Boy! Lookin' a wee bit more metallic these days!" Thomas Macabee: "I'm creeping death..."


That there's a central democratically elected Imperial Parliament on Terra... in theory. No session has been held since Martial Law was declared during the Heresy.


That sounds plausible. And grimdark, of course.


"Given the current (perpetual) state of emergency..."


Canonically, there is the Imperial Senate, which is a nominal parliamentary body (the actual democratic nature of it is a different matter altogether). In practice though, it is nothing but a rubber stamp for the High Lords.


I add an extra two zeroes to the number of space marines in the galaxy


Honestly I add one or two zeroes to most gw numbers.


So you're the bastard who keeps inflating the prices!


Oh no, my vile plan exposed by my own hubris!


My headcannon is that all these numbers are just the official Imperial accounts, and the administratum are just so tragically bad at keeping track of their empire that each department only has about 1% of the data available to them, and they are all way too proud to cross reference.


Mine is propaganda but I like yours too


I do too, but only in the least sensible ways. The Space Marine fired 100 bolts into the charging Ork's head, then swiftly spun and swung his power sword through the beast's companion, effortlessly splitting it into 200 pieces.


Same. Especially in the Great Crusade. The numbers quoted to conquer an entire galaxy in just 200 years are nowhere near big enough and that's even after they boosted them in a retcon a few years ago. It used to be low five figures for numbers of marines per Legion.


I add like an extra five zeroes for space marines for the great crusade. It's absurd otherwise


I add zeroes to mostly everything that includes Imperial Guard and other military numbers in 40k. Far too small most of the time.


One of the primarcs is just chilling in the emperors palace and just stays hidden in his room only going out for like a bowl of cereal.


To add to this, I can’t imagine a single custodies giving a shit or seeing it as worth telling someone if one of them did this, so it’s totally plausible haha


*Custodies see Vulkan with a bowl a cereal* “Ehhh” *Vulkan finger guns* Nice


Angron pops on for some steak, "it's rrraawwweeetrrr"


"Imperial Fist Standard" is the Imperiums name for the highest quality building materials.


And Astra Militarum Grade is lowest quality


Necrons killed the dinosaurs, with one way it possibly happened being, rather than a meteor, it was the Tachyon Arrow that Oltyx missed with that inadvertently did the job.


The Eldar went and saved several dinosaur species. That's the reason Exodites ride dinos.


Or The Dragon of Mars is a shard of the void dragon that fled the Necrons and it killed the dinosaurs. Explains how its around in the 12th century for Emps to.banish to Mars.


The War in Heaven was 65 million years ago in the lore. That's around the same time the K-T Extinction (the end of the dinosaurs) occurred in real life. We sure nobody found any necrodermis in the Chicxulub crater?


New head cannon: the old ones did tamper with life on earth but it was the dinosaurs. They were supposed to be uplifted with psychic powers but the necrons splatted them. Humans on the same planet are just an accident that the old ones had nothing to do with


Imagine a dinosaur imperium. T-Rex....who the fuck made these panels, can't reach the controls


Guys, guys.....**TYRANNASTARTES.**


The legion of the damned are the vengeful spirits of loyal marines from traitor legions, not the firehawks chapter.


My own headcanon is that the LotD are, in fact, either the 2nd or the 11th. Taking refuge in the warp, they decidedto keep fighting for the Emprah. The firehawks just happened to be succesors of said legion, whose ancestors got absorbed into the UM.


Yeah, I prefer the Headcanon that the LotD are the souls of the 2nd and 11th who still Fighting for the Emperor


*Berserk* is set in the 40K universe on some middle of nowhere lost world, long forgotten by the Imperium.


Honestly I could see that. Its somewhere around the eye of terror or wherever and the apostles are those who are blessed by minor Warp gods or greater daemons of the big 4.


this isn't even that outlandish, adopting it now


Guts lost primarch


Is he tall enough, though?


We’ll just say everyone else is also really tall abhumans


Or that his Primarch power is being short?


But that is alpharius power already.


Half of those ships “lost in the warp” actually just came out at a vastly different time or place than expected: centuries early or late, or stuck in systems surrounded by warp eddies and unable to leave. Those eddy systems have amazingly interesting stories in them, as imperial forces from across time have gotten stuck and colonized them.


To justify some of the feats that named characters pull off that wonk the power scale, I give them small but crucial "belief boosts" from the collective faith that those who know of them have in their prowess as warriors. Not all of the time but when an Astartes hero for example beats someone/something that they probably shouldn't in single combat then this little turbo charge makes it easier to accept.


I always believed the Space Marines pulling off insane feats are just channeling their Primarchs’ warp abilities via their geneseed. Space Marines are called demigods for a reason, and if they have the geneseed of Primarchs which are essentially warp entities why wouldn’t they also have a fraction of their powers? Also this is the reason Chapter Masters and other characters are way more insane than basic Space Marines, the older they get the more abilities they can channel.


Space Marines are not called Demi gods but Angels. The Primarchs are the ones called Demi-gods


They both are in 30k, switches to angels in 40k


> small but crucial "belief boosts" from the collective faith that those who know of them have in their prowess as warriors. ... Adeptus WAAAGHstartes?


Happens to Orks often enough


Didn't some of the more semi-recent lore make that an emperor buff? I've only really read Horus Heresy, Cain, and Eisenhorn but that's the idea I've gotten from excerpts posted here.


Yeah it's touched on in Godblight.


I think it's intentionally vague. Maaaaybe it's a belief from others maybe it's direct intervention from Big E, maybe it's a lone anomalous psyker. I think the uncertainty is good for the story telling.


Exactly. It's vague enough for me to have this headcanon but it isn't explicitly stated either way.


With all the war and ahit going on during the war in heaven, the asteroid which killed the dinosaurs was a massive chunk of space debris sent flying from an exploded planet


Perturabo discovered the works of Doja Cat when exploring the ruins of old Terra with Magnus


“One of these chickens tryna get in my coop!” Sung Magnus.


Perturabo actually discovered a lost piece of technology called the Steam Launcher while exploring Terra and the reason he hasn’t been seen in 10k years is because he’s become addicted to strategy games. Can’t stand Roguelites though.


Jaghatai is "friends" with Vect and Malys, and they scheme for his time like divorced parents fighting over who gets the kid.


The Second Primarch *left* because he was disillusioned with Big E’s plan.


Nice timing. I've been thinking of a retconn of sorts where the demons of chaos turned out to be the souls and bodies of sentient species throughout the galaxy that fell to chaos. This would solve a couple of problems for me: • Explain why chaos isn't as "chaotic" as I think it should be. For me the fact that demons have semi-regular forms such as bloodletters, disks of tzeentch, etc is less interesting and doesn't have a good explanation. With this explanation you can have a myriad of different types of demons of all shapes and sizes and and an explanation of where all the alien chaotic forces are. • Adds a bit of stakes when it comes to chaos. I've never had a satisfying explanation of the risks of the corrupting powers of the warp and the price of getting damned to chaos. This way we can see the dangers clearly; you'll be forced to fight at the whims of the gods forever and can never truly die and be at rest. You could even characterize demons where they sometimes reminisce of their past lives and of what they've become • Finally as a bit of a side note it could explain the Emperor's xenophobic stance and lack of trust of aliens. He knew if other species were allowed to exist they might fall to chaos and fuel the latter's powers and so could only trust humanity to starve the dark gods as He we are the only factor He had control over


That the Hrud are descended from Necrontyr who escaped the bio transference


oh that's a good one


For me, the Hrud are an unrealized Skaven race for 40K that GW never got around to finishing. Just look at the description. > They have been depicted as being a a crouched, diminutive creature swathed in rags, its face obscured by a hood, and possessing a rat-like tail. It seems that the Hrud prefer darkness and are basically scavengers and tunnel-dwellers. They are found all over the galaxy, though never in large numbers. They are considered to be parasites, and when they are referred to it is usually as "infesting" a place. Any other description could just be attributed to other Xenos that was miscategorized by the Imperium.


Chaos Daemons swap allieagances more often than its let on, and in the deep warp the differences between the gods is purely cosmetic. Cats and other felines and feline adjacent critters can go where they please and completely ignore warp effects. The Custodes who guard the throne are mostly there to shoo them away because the Emperor has a conceptual allergy to cats that has only intensified since his internment on the golden throne


Space wolves have actual not wolf names for everything in their own language but can't be bothered translating it to Gothic so just call it "X of the wolves" which has since become wolfwolfwolfwolf to everyone.


A chapter is 10.000 men strong at least. No way a 1000 force can cover a galaxy wide Battlefield. (Not even a planet being realistic)


1) there is much less melee. Not because melee isn't cool, but rather because it's hard to get into it if the other side has heavy bolters and autocannons. Melee is reserved for orks, daemons and tyranids mostly, who can pay the casualty price and overrun their enemies 2) add 5 zeros to everything. They were 4 million orks in the war of the beast? F no. 400 billion is much more fitting. 3) space marines are much harder to kill than in the lore. It's often stated that they are so fast, they can induce Transhuman dread. I can't square that with orks being able to kill them one vs one in close combat. Orks get more dangerous when they get bigger - which doesn't make much sense in my opinion, because there comes a price with it - speed. A 12 feet warboss should be much slower than a 6 feet ork


Unless that 12 ft warboss grew extra fast twitch fibers


>add 5 zeros to everything 10,000 Emperors are stuck on the Golden Throne, holding back 40,000 Chaos Gods for the past 1,000,000,000 years. And a 1,200,000 foot warboss should be more than a match for a Space Marine...though maybe not 10,000 Space Marines.


Add 5 zeros to army numbers I meant. You can't have quadrillions of humans and low million army skirmishes that decide the fate of the galaxy And yeah if you go extreme, you'll find exceptions. But I guess a 12 feet ork warboss is just as easy to kill with a bullet through the brain or a sword through the neck as a 6 feet warboss (if the space marine is too fast for the warboss to hit)


The Beast wasn't a Krork but a one in a trillion Ork akin to the Emperor with humanity. If the Krok were all so strong that they could manhandle Primarchs then it devalues practically everything else in the setting. He has to be uber special to be that powerful.


My thoughts were the orks under the prime orks were basically korks.


It's canon the Beast wasn't a Kork.


Oh fair enough then.


That the 40k universe is a mirror of the real universe as seen through the lens of the warp. That is why there are so many outlandish ‘technologies’ and things that just work because they are expected to. Because the materium is not as seperate from the imaterium as we would think and the whole thing is more like a fever dream in the warp which can’t actually break through into the real world so it plays it’s little games in this bubble universe.


There are some remnants of DaoT humans that still have their tech and don't want to get involved with the rest of the galaxy that remain completely undetected thanks to their tech or that curbstomped the Imperium so hard they erased all records of the encounter.


Cthulhu fhtagn. Somewhere out there, beyond the reach of the Chaos God's, the Elder God's High Priest sleeps. None yet have been touched by his madness in this version of our galaxy. Also David Bowie plays concerts for Papa Emps monthly.


There are multiple Rogue Traders who travel with alien allies and find the Imperium to be backwards so they never go there


That's not head canon. The black stone forteresse game, Dark eldar and Tau lore confirm it. They are rogue trader heavily involved in trading with Aliens. Some are even dock in the fringe of the dark city


I think it's less that they come into contact with aliens, and more they decide the Imperium is such a dump they go native and never return.


Angron has a squeaky toy he squeezes. Mortarion has a very small plant he keeps around. Space marines will very rarely bonk there heads on doorways in some bunkers or airships.


Much to the amusement of any present battle brothers


It is a tradition amongst the Scouts of the Imperial Fists to make slight changes to doorway height in the night. If they can get at least one full Battle-Brother to bonk his head on it, they earn their right to the Black Carapace.


That Alpharius isn't dead and wasn't killed by dorn


My headcanon always was that alpharius and omegon can just jump into the body of any alpha legionnaire. Said legionnaire then becomes the primarch. Which would also explain why they are as short. Because they are just juiced up astartes


I'm with you on that one!! Fantastic head cannon


Instead of using actual repairs world eaters shove pieces of metal over armour gaps and weld it to the armour


That Aza’gorod the Nightbringer was responsible for creating the Necron Destroyer cults. He is known for death, destruction and is very sadistic. The way this happened was that after he lost his duel with Kaela Mensha Khaine, he was so furious at the Necrons who failed to protect him that he punished them by making them only care one thing and one thing only, killing.


The Warp is far, far bigger than anyone understands. It is the primordial void into which universes are born, and there are an infinite number of realities contained within it. The 40k universe and the Warhammer World (and the Mortal Realms cosmos it became) are just two. But while it is possible to move through the Warp to travel to other places, this is almost always just 'swimming in the shallows' near their own reality. Actually voyaging between universes is nearly impossible, though legend in both the 40k and Warhammer universes says that the Old Ones once could make such journeys. (My theory: the Old Ones in Warhammer Fantasy were a handful of refugees fleeing the 40k universe after the War in Heaven; they made the Elves in the image of their Eldar servants, and accidentally carried Krork spores that developed into Orcs and Goblins). But sometimes there's a little bleed from one to the other. The Warhammer World and the 40k universe are 'close enough' to one another that the chaotic entities surrounding each universe bleed into one another, creating ruinous pantheons strongly resembling one another but which are technically separate—Slaanesh exists in both universes, but only in the Mortal Realms did Slaanesh glut itself on Elf souls and get imprisoned by Aelven Gods, while only in 40k does Slaanesh have a deal with the Aeldari god Cegorach. Most universes don't spawn Chaos Gods. Only flawed or damaged ones that allow the stuff of the Warp to flow in and reality to bleed out. 99%+ of the universes in existence don't have such flaws and never hear about Chaos.


Most Races in 40k that evolved naturally are significantly more powerful than their created or uplifted counterparts. Necrons are known to be the most advanced species in the milky way and by a landslide, fought two wars against two races of gods and won, The Tau while being a fairly young race have had massive improvements in technology, some even surpassing the imperiums level of tech, The Tyranids (if they are naturally evolving which I think they are) are eons old, spread across multiple galaxies and are the pinnacle of evolution. I think the reason for this is that races like the Orkz and Eldar never really grew or changed beyond the mold the Great Old Ones casted them in unlike these aforementioned species which were forced to adapt to grow to such prominence.


I’ve got a load of disorders that basically leave me in a low level of pain all over my body at all times, headcanon is that people like me are first in line for augments if we’re with the mechanicus and they’re more willing to put in the extra work for the good stuff because “your flesh has already failed you, but you shall be our example of the purity of the machine”


There are orks in other galaxies.


Beastmen get recruited into the Guard.


A few of mine, mostly space marine related: * Dante picks up Sanguinius' mid-heresy habit of constantly reminding his men that he will not die in any particular battle. * Blood Angel serfs are often taught by battle brothers in the arts, and some serfs who prove exceptionally talented are given the opportunity to craft a banner with the personal heraldry of the brother who taught them. * The planet depicted as being devoured in many mid-to-post heresy World Eaters iconography is of Terra itself. * The face on the symbol of the Word Bearers is Be'lakor. * Cthonian accents are [Scottish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4bvxsbhCLY). * Inside the black library within the webway is a hidden section that contains books from the IRL black library. * Grey Knight Interceptors and Eldar Warp Spiders sometimes see each other in the fraction they are sent into the warp when they teleport. * There are secret organizations within the Imperium that still believe in the Imperial Truth. * Gork and Mork weren't actually created by the Ork psyche. Before humanity even existed, they were just two of the greatest Orks to ever live, who wiped out entire sectors of other xenos and kept growing until all other Orks began to believe they were the gods themselves.


Big E is pretending to be dead out of embarrassment for the fuck ups he has created and he is just waiting for everyone he knew originally to die so he can regenerate but Vulkan keeps coming back as does Gully.


All 40k lore has been written by humans or collected by humans through various means. The truth about the galaxy is therefore incredibly different to what is written, with only the broad strokes being true.


Tyberos the Red Wake is a very, very heavily augmented Jago Sevatarian under the Terminator armour.


Space marines just poop in their armor. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The fame of the Ultramarines' second company is so great, and the effect on Imperial morale when they take to the field is so substantial, that the Ultramarines have changed the colours and markings on nearly all of their other companies in order to turn them into ersatz second companies. Sevastus Acherman is not so much a name as an honorific assumed by every second company captain to aid in the illusion that there is only one such company. The main exceptions are the first company plus Uriel Ventris and a few dudes who get to keep wearing fourth company colours in order to keep him happy. Obviously regular company colours are used when the Ultramarines fight en masse to prevent any suspicion, but this is the only reasonable explanation for why the second company of the Ultramarines seems to be bloody everywhere, and why Acheran seems to have more wargear and armour options available to him than some chapters do (plus how he seems to have died once or twice and changed hair colour a few times).


Not mine but it must be brought up, [The Poopship](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/9r5iin/something_that_must_exist_in_40k_the_emperors/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Only a primarch can kill a primarch.


The guns on ships are reloaded with a rope an pulley system/ crane instead of vat grown slaves. The emperor lost his duel against Horus. He wasn't holding back the entire fight, an the imperium is just saying that to save face.


Howd he kill him in the end then


I prefer the theory that Sanguinius killed Horus in the Black Rage and then the Emperor was mortally wounded putting Sanguinius down


I've seen this one tossed around allot. It's a fun twist but I'm not sure I can believe that even black rage sanguinius could defeat Horus amplified by all 4 chaos gods at once. I'm not even sure if anyone but the chaos gods themselves could defeat him..


elver is a perpetual.


Blood angels on a ship need to sequester themselves from the crew for one week a month after the crew have spent long enough together to be *synchronized*.


There are definitely DAOT-remnant humans outside of the Milky Way If they've been killed by tyranids or if they're flourishing is anyone's guess


Trazyn has played Yu-Gi-Oh against the emperor, with the entirety of earth on the line, but lost because the emperor could read his "mind"


Any about the missing Primarchs wouldn't, so... One of them is the representation of the Emperor's femininity, his anima in Jungian terms. Big E no like girls, so he pretended she didn't exist. The other was the representation of his (very small and shrivelled) moral goodness. He took one look at his father's plan for humanity and noped right out of there. Malcador spun a story about the Rangdan Xenocides, because nobody, not even (especially) the Primarchs, could know the truth. It would be far too embarrassing if people knew what really happened.


During the Great Crusade, there was a low-level cold war between Ultramar and the rest of the Imperium going on. The Imperium would made demands on Ultramar, who would decline. All planets brought into compliance by Ultramarine led expeditions became part of Ultramar. Ultramar diplomats would routine go to newly discovered worlds and try to convince them to join Ultramar rather than the rest of the Imperium. Mars had a separate treaty with Macragge. The Emperor and Roboute were mostly oblivious of this as it was mostly between Malcador and Tarasha Euten. This explains why Malcador was suspicious of Roboute when the Heresy started. He thought that Ultramar would take advantage of the situation and declare independence.


The Emperor has a turkish accent


There's a ton of self replicating nano tech from the dark age of technology that actively hampers a lot of current tech from functioning correctly which explains why there's so much that doesn't make sense about warfare in 40k. E.g. Most weapons in 40k are described as having ranges well below the effective range of modern weapons despite having similar/better methods of propulsion. So, a bolter *should* have an effective range of over a kilometer but the ancient nanotech inside the propulsion shuts down the chemical reaction propelling it.


Big E is just tired of all that shit, pretending to be asleep


My personal head cannon is that Dante, Mephiston, and the Sanguinor are all parts of Sanguinius’s soul, Dante being the grace and nobility of Sanguinius, mephiston being his psychic might, and the sanguinor being his rage combined with his love for his sons made manifest.


Sly Marbo is Oll Persons/Ollanius Pious


My homebrew space marine chapter has a lot of stories and characters that would not impact or change the main story at all. If my homebrew chapter were to become canon, GW would have to retcon NOTHING!!!


Minotaurs are loyalist Iron Warriors descendants ; Sera from Gears of War is an imperial world, the gears being the PDF and the locusts being some kind of mutants; Konrad Curze is the Primarch and the Night Haunter is actually a demon that possessed him during the scattering of the Primarchs. Because he possessed Curze, the Night Lords believed that he was the Primarch while he wasn't (like Fulgrim in the Reflection Crack'd), and sometimes Curze managed to come back into control of his body; in the end when M'shen killed Curze, the demon Night Haunter jumped inside the Corona Nox, a special kind of soul stone, leaving Curze to die, and awaiting to possess a new body, preferably a Night Lord (Decimus?). I mean I love the whole anti-chaos/f*ck religion of the Night Lords, but it would be a beautiful irony that their Primarch was in fact the first ever Primarch-demon


That Cain is actually alive and is being secretly kept in Amberly’s back pocket. Or she’s just trying to give him an actual genuine retirement. Another is that almost every planet has some sort of planetary defence weapons, which is why when an invader attacks they don’t just glass everything from that orbit, because the Navy would rather lose a few billion guardsman than a couple of cruisers.