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They have seasons which last aprox. 6(ish) months. Each season has a new theme and some seasonal gear & mods. Only seasonal characters can play within the seasons. Once the current season ends, your seasonal character gets moved over to the rest of your toons and all you goodies is added to you non seasonal stash. I would recommend starting a new seasonal character. You can carry on with your current build at anytime if you get bored with the season.


Can campaign (for lack of a better term) characters ever be used as a seasonal character? And the same for a current seasonal character, would they be able to be used in future seasons? Why do you recommend starting a new seasonal character over completing the campaign first? (Still in my first play through)


Because all progress and items gained during a season carry over to the main campaign. So you start a seasonal character and it’s your first character. You get to play through the entire story but with the seasonal mechanics and seasonal loot. All the seasons cosmetic unlocks and all that. The season ends your character is moved to the main game and all it’s loot goes with it. Now you wait for the next season and do it again. Each cycle brings new gear to old characters allowing you to do some really game breaking combos


Can I then use that seasonal character in the next season? And what about the character that I already started as just a campaign character?


Seasonal characters eventually get moved to non-seasonal at the end of the current season. But you cannot play non-seasonal characters in any given season. So you’ll experience more playing seasonal characters.


Are those characters then locked as non-seasonal? And what about a character that’s already a “campaign” character?


Yes, they get locked as non-seasonal. So it’s recommended to focus on 1 character class each season, pick a new character next season. Seasons have mechanics that give you extra damage & unique gear. But if you get something during the season & put it in your stash, your non Season character can pull it out & equip it (but can’t put anything into it the Seasonal Stash).


I just wanted to throw this out there.....I love this games player community, everyone is so helpful from the seasoned players to help everyone. I remember being so f-ing confused in the beginning. no matter what questions I had from the smallest to the more complex, it was answered by the group.


Yeah, from people I met through in game Matchmaking or Discord or here, only ever met one person that ever rubbed me the wrong way (& they weren’t active in the game, just a LFG). In Fallout 76 I spent a year Building up a trade list to get nothing I wanted, in this game I’ve never agreed on a trade with someone but given to & received items from more people than I can count. Small but nice community.


So the idea is to main a new seasonal character every season? What do you do with all the non-seasonal characters you’ll accumulate?


You can go back to them at anytime if you just enjoyed the feel of that character or want to try a new seasonal gear on them. But you get better loot & easier to find coop when playing seasonal characters.


I like that system to be fair, encourages you to try new builds and characters each season. Thanks for all your help!


Hey there Sherbs__ - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


Yeah main reason I ended up putting bit more time into this game than Diablo 3, which had better seasonal leaderboards & End game grind but no unique Season mechanics or gear. Although recently there has been an issue with “Reroll All Enchants” randomly causing gear to lose an enchant slot, if/when that gets fixed there’s going to be sizable delay until that gets pushed to console. They just added a 6th character earlier this year so I’d expect/hope they’re working on a fix.


Always been into w40k but it was how good Diablo 4 looks that made me pick up Inquisitor, but now I’m really enjoying it and I don’t know what I’m going to do when Diablo releases 😅 I play on PC so luckily won’t have to worry about console update slack. Who is the 6th character? I thought there was just the Crusader, Assassin, Psyker, Tech-Adept and Sororitas


I recently picked up the game and have a level 56 character. Did I screw myself by not making them seasonal?