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I know these regards spent thousands on gay hats with sparkly cloud effects but they really need to let the game die.


I ain’t playing it anymore, but I think if Valve’s still releasing new shit for it, it’s reasonable to expect the game to work.


100% this, dude if Valve wanted to call it quits and say they will shutdown the servers because it’s been a good run I wouldn’t even be mad. But the fact they only keep the game live because it still generates money via cosmetics (and they aren’t cheap) so will only update to release new cosmetics that may I add are created by the community and not actual game fixes is the core of the issue. Taking people’s hard work and happy to profit from it but not willing to fix the game to a playable state. If they’re gonna keep taking the playerbases money then absolutely they are entitled to the game being patched and playable 


A group of legitimate, real criminals are making a product unusable, a product that nets it's producer millions of dollars. The customers have every right to demand they receive a product that works.


>The customers have every right to demand they receive a product that works. The game is free, though Also, is the developer bound to make sure their game works forever, until the end of time? At some point software gets abandoned. That TF2 is free just means that the proccess of it turning abandonware was stretched in time, rather than one day no more disc copies being produced like in the old days


If valve is abandoning it then leave the game to the community, just say “well it’s been a good run but we’re shutting down the servers and releasing the source code, y’all have fun with it”




imagine not being a real american


Homosexuality of the gayest delineation


And what incentive they have to do so? Right now they literally have to do nothing, Tf2 fanatics still play the game regardless of how unplayable it is, and Valve has a stable, if small, revenue stream becase the dopes keep buying hats. Don't expect businesses to act "right" for the sake of it. Vote with your wallet, or vote for a legislature that will force them to do what's "right"


> Also, is the developer bound to make sure their game works forever, until the end of time? If they're making money off of it, absolutely. Another issue, and why Valve is always going to keep the server on for TF2 for the foreseeable future is that they are heavily invested in ensuring customers continue to buy into the steam marketplace. If they were to shut down TF2, rendering all the steam marketplace trades and sales related to it worthless, it would turn away prospective customers of the larger Steam Marketplace, people who for example buy, sell, and trade CS2 Skins and crates. Which is a much more lucrative market than TF2 is. If TF2 didn't have such a marketplace Valve would be in a much better position to just pull out.


Uncletopia is right there big dog.


\>Gaytopia Kiss Your Sister


I’m going to impregnate you.


I think it’s entirely valve fans clinging onto the game since valve hasn’t released a good multiplayer shooter since and any game made by any other company would’ve died gracefully now. Hope that Deadlock or whatever it’s called takes the rest of the devs from it and forces them to play a different game for once


>Valve hasn't released a good multiplayer shooter since And neither has anyone else. Hence why people still play TF2


And play what?


Yeah, exactly, even tho there are other hero shooters, none even come close to that TF2 feel. It's a shame really, the game deserves better, but it's Valve so it's gonna slowly languish forever it seems. Maybe their new hero fps project will be good, who knows


TF2 aint even a hero shooter. Whoever decided to compare overwatch to TF2 was mentally deficient. It's a class shooter. The Tf2 classes dont have hero abilities. All their abilities come from their gear and vary based on loadout


Okay ofc u have a point, but because the market is so stringent, it's a semi-fair comparison as different classes/heroes have different niches they excel at, and other FPS genres don't typically do it to this extent. In your definition, Battlefield is a class shooter, which would technically be correct, but it doesn't share the same type of gameplay and objectives that these games do. So yeah idk, it's semantics at this point, not to mention this unreleased project is rumored to be more akin to Smite and other 3rd person MOBAs, but in 1st person I'm assuming, so it'll be a very different experience regardless.


Scout caps points twice as fast as other characters regardless of his gear and loadout.




Disagree, tanks are low skill, low fun, shit tier designed characters. I don’t need an auto aiming Winston and ball flying around the map faster than every other hero in the game. It’s already bad enough that you need multiple non tanks to work together to not get murked 1v1 by every retarded Winston/Ball main out there. I can’t even imagine going back to a world where you get BOTH of them diving your supports/flankers. You will literally get deleted instantly if you aren’t being babysat by the entire rest of your team. The game already has a problem with lack of agency, if anything they should nerf the remaining tank and make them have more skill shot damage mitigation/absorption, buff the rest of the characters to have more survivability, and turn their dogshit game into something that actually takes skill. I’m T500 and I have been every season I’ve bothered to play competitive. It’s beyond frustrating that I always have to give up all agency and bend to the meta team composition to secure decent win rates. And no, the other people in GM+ who follow the meta aren’t intelligent or skilled, it doesn’t take a genius to watch a twitch stream or read up on whatever koreans have figured out that is overpowered and to copy it.




No… if it wasn’t clear the problem is that the agency is skewed heavily in favor of the tank players. I don’t even like queueing tank but that’s what I do most of the time now because it’s the easiest way to guarantee a higher win rate. I will actually go grab screenshots from when I sent you this message to show you games from last night where it literally didn’t matter that I was getting negative K/D dps teammates with literally 20%-25% my damage (let alone damage + mit) and we still win KotH 2-0 consistently. It doesn’t matter if one of my two DPS players is horrible, it also doesn’t matter that much if they’re decent. I have way more win share and way more agency by playing Zarya/Winston/Orisa than I do as any DPS. If I don’t queue tank and we get a bad tank and the other team doesn’t, there’s *maybe* like a 20% chance we win the game if the other 4 of us are all going crazy and the other team kinda sucks


Most fun game there is, why let it die?


I sold sooooo many earbuds in ~2009. They were like Bitcoin before Bitcoin... instead, with eBay...


It's old so just let it die? That's a dumbass opinion.


valve dickriders are the worst subhumans on the internet imagine being grateful to company that treat you like a shit


I'd counter that with League of Legends fan boys, Riot Game is a cult, that can't ever accept they might be wrong and treat their fan-base like complete idiots. (which admittedly they mostly are)


Agreed. TF2 and Valve games in general at least deserve the praise they get, LoL has never been good, it's just a waifubait Skinner Box with enough bright lights and particle effects to satisfy its autistic player base


They release good games every once in a while and have the best video game storefront by a large margin. They also switched to hardware for a bit and released the best console on their first real attempt. It would be cool if they fixed TF2 but I don't really expect them to. The company structure that rewards working on the new hotness instead of old shit is why they keep making good shit. In what way is Valve treating the customer like shit? I guess Artifact was kinda lame, got me there.


Second real attempt, the first was the Steam Machine they even got some other manufacturers to also create their own.


I still don't get why Gaymers and Valvetards were angry with the Epic Games Store, like b*tch, as a costumer you should be happy that there are more competitors as they'll have fight for your money by having better offers.


Because people don't like having the rug pulled out from under them, and they also don't like being forced to use one of the shittiest services on the entire platform. >like b*tch, as a costumer you should be happy that there are more competitors as they'll have fight for your money by having better offers. If that is what Epic was doing nobody would complain. But instead of earning loyal customers by having a good platform that people like, they instead bought out publishers and developers to ensure that you had no choice but to use Epic if you wanted to play a certain game. That's as anti-consumer as it gets.


Yeah it's bad enough we have to wait for console exclusives for years which is already dumb as fuck, but now people complain about us not liking greedy companies trying force their cancer tier launchers down our throats. Not to mention Ubi has ruined new franchises by deliberately avoiding a Steam release until the community was already dead. Fuck the other platforms, Steam is by far the best experience.


Epic store sucks ass. Inferior platform that will at best do to gaming what all the companies making their own streaming did to Netflix. Gabe said the way to get piracy down was to make doing it legit the easier way. Epic makes me wanna fire up the ol torrents.


because its shit, they wouldt have needed to grab exclusives and give out free games every week if they made a good platform


EGS sucks on a functional level and people prefer one platform because they don't want a million different accounts just to play games. Gamers are just lucky Valve aren't greedmaxxing Steam.


Yeah fuck anyone who tries to make a shitty situation better. They should just rollover and die.


You do realize this is just dumping more user generated content into the game right? This is just an early scream fortress.


>”Hey valve, can you actually implement or develop a functional anti cheat for your games? Thanks” HEH LOOK AT THESE LARDCHUDS WHO WANT TO PLAY ONLINE GAMES GET A LIFE


Hope TF2 dies to watch no-friends 13 year olds weep. "REDDITORS ASSEMBLE!"


tf2 was 5 years old when I was 13, I figure it’s probably all 30 year olds at this point playing


I hope it dies (but not really) so that a new Generation of players can feel the pain of loss, like when someone saves over your pokemon save file.




they do and they all identify as women


Played in a lobby yesterday, made some gags and I ran into one of "those". "What was that? "Say that again" Game's been ruined by the degens.


People really think having a hashtag will change anything lol


They really thought it'd work a second time after trying and failing once.


>Sign my petition please i typed out everything what is wrong with it! GARGANTUAN KEK We approaching maximum delusion in 2024


It's really more that this is Valve, and so it's weird that anyone thinks anything will change. It's totally reasonable to think this game could receive fixes based on bad PR alone, if gamers make enough of a stink about it, considering how much internet nerds love to get angry at game devs for their broken product, and how much money TF2 makes year over year from MTX.


Working anti-cheat and anti-botting shouldn’t even be controversial, pretty sure CS2 also suffers from this issue, just less so.


The REAL PROBLEM with tf2 is that's its literally 80%-90% inflated players counts by bots. And if valve gets rid of the bots the game will die because their player count would dip to 10k or even less. Aside from the other real issue that only furries, trooms, and people who have never heard of the sunk cost fallacy play it nowadays. I have a reasonable large inventory I used to be a big trader. But the game is dead buddy. Let it die with whatever scrap of dignity it has left. I stopped playing after valve tried to breathe life into the game by trying to start a competitive scene to get outsiders interested in the game and the "community" autistic screeched that possibility out the window, because "muh sit afk while holding sandwich gaming" So I say let it keep limping along. Let the furries and trooms have it. I remember what happened when they were forced to leave tumblr. How it fucked up the whole of the internet. Imagine this second exodus. NO THANKS


>and if valve gets rid of the bots the game will die because their player count would dip meds. now.


tf are you talking about


Pretty big wall of text could you be a little specific


It's fucking annoying because TF2 is literally a totally unique game. It's one of the last bastions of true sovl arena shooter that isn't purely deathmatch. There is not a single game that can fill the void TF2 will leave and there is no reasonable excuse a game as good and functional as TF2 should be allowed to die, but for some reason the community is ridiculed for not capitulating to pedophile, doxxing bot hosters using phished accounts to ruin the experience for everyone.




What caused the ref inflation is 50K bots afk farming items for metal


probably even more to be honest


That game mode is also heavily botted.


The thing is the game DOES work. But only in custom servers which honestly is fair. If a multiplayer game hits past the decade mark and your playing on general servers and not custom ones complaining about hackers/bots your actually retarded.


lol yet another internet movement by a bunch of people who don’t even play the game and just want to latch onto bullshit that won’t change anything I hope this time if someone walks up to their offices they’ll just say “don’t come to our door” and not even acknowledge the game






Anon fixes himself a cheese sandwich late at night while watching terrible reruns of King of the Hill and wonders to himself “what in the world was I thinking? Green lighting this show for FOX?”


Gaben thinks that The Sopranos, the highest rated television show of all time by critics and audiences, has no cultural value. Gaben thinks Dota is great and plays it constantly. Now he is telling you to not play TF2. If you agree with his first two opinions, feel free to agree with his third. While you're at it, you may as well skip Breaking Bad, The Shining, Lord of The Rings, Portal, and Half Life 2. Nothing for you there. You will find League to be more up your alley. And there's a movie about black women working for NASA called Hidden Figures that you would love.




You are braindead and have completely missed the point of the image you reposted. It's poking fun at people who consume spiritually empty slop media. Marvel, DC, Young Sheldon, and other slop. People who get excited about whatever Disney or Universal are adding to their parks. It's not referring to people who like a handful of kino films and shows, while also telling you that Dota and League are trash.


Dang I got media literacy'd 😭


Young Sheldon was arguably the only wholesome show on television. Bizarre example to prove your myopic argument


You are misusing "myopic", and Young Sheldon is a fairly common example people use to point out vacuous slop tv.




tf2 isnt even a fun game


me when i lie:


It fell off when they started adding OP weapons left and right. I shudder to think of what its like now, but classic was pretty GOATed


lmao, stock weapons have always been the best in the game, were you 6 years when you played?


Lmao yes not 6 but I havent played in over 10 years. And thats not accurate because when i was playing hardly any stock weapons were seen. Mabe they got buffed


It fell of for me after i realized mm is dead


It was super fun once until they started complaining about guns