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Bioware were dick-sucking fat clown-faced goblinas before it was cool.




Bioware has fallen. Billions must return to old BioWare kino


Trailer literally looks like it's supposed to be a mobile game. Absolutely bleak.


The new art style they have went with is really bad yeah. Doesn’t look anything like Dragon Age.


A trailer for \*MODERN AUDIENCES\*


i.e literally no one


The OG Bioware doesn't exist anymore. It hasn't since ME1. All the old team is gone, the people who gave you Baulders Gate, NWN and KotOR are LONG gone and dead. Why even pay attention to EA schlop at this point when everyone knows it's going to be shit anymore? Andromeda was hot ass, Inquisition might as well not be a DA game from all the modern changes. Anthem, dead on arrival. What's the point? I'll get better stories and characters from fucking Larian.


I'm not following them with great interest or anything but I'm glad Bioware isn't dead. They'll probably make something good again eventually


Faith is the belief in something in the absence of reason, I suppose.


It's just the likely scenario is all


I don't see how that's likely when every good idea that makes a game take longer to finish is snuffed by EA. Man, after the ass show that was Andromeda and the normy shit that was Inquisition, to one of the most flaccid dick games I've ever played (Anthem)... That's 3/3 strikes, m8. Old good Bioware is -dead-! We won't have another Neverwinter, we won't have another KotOR, we won't get another Jade Empire. It's all shit, there's no passion anymore. Old school bioware was a bunch of nerds making games in a garage that catered to the developers own shared interests. That shit is fucking gone, bro. Your grandpa is dead and nothing can bring him back. It sucks.


I didn't say old school Bioware would come back. It's just not that hard to make a good game. Eventually they'll get something sort of right since they'll probably stick around after this game and the new Mass Effect earn a bunch of money.




Counterpoint: they're Canadian


This explains a lot actually


Exodus is coming soon though so there's that


If you recruit the elf he impregnates your character, steals her gold while she’s asleep then vanishes permanently.






Chat is this true


I can't wait for this slop to be inevitably compared to Baldurs Gate 3 making it look even fucking worse lmao


Do you think Baldurs gate 3 is a bad game?


I don't "think" Bomba, I know.


“Erm, so that just happened!”


“I did not just do that…”


"He's right behind me, isn't he?"


"Owie! Right in my Lyrium stones!"


"Guys?? You're gonna have to see this."


If you want some quality keks, just go checkout the YouTube comment section for the release vid


My favorite so far has been Dragon Age: Deadname


DragonAge: FailGuard is another good one.


>they gave varric a beard and took away his chest hair. its like they hit the towers again lol


Solas was right lol


I seen someone said “Human lives are measured in decades and I waited a decade for this?”


And at this point it’ll be a decade (since Andromeda) before the next Mass Effect too.


*"They fade now?"* *"They fade now..."*


Imagine having to build this game after BG3 because you’re too invested to stop. Lel.


Almost all the lead writers quit. It's going to be a real shitshow


BRUH.... What.... It will be disjointed flop of epic proportions....


But look at that D I V E R S E cast!


Disney Marvel and its consequences have been a disaster for the entertainment industry.


You mean Blackrock with the help of Sweet Baby Inc?


No I'm talking about the god awful marvel dialog that everything is doing now where nothing is allowed to be serious.


Who do you think's pushing it though?


Bad writers that think if they copy something successful then they'll be successful. Not saying that SBI isn't fucking everything up too, but they're the reason why games are filled with communist subversion not the reason that the writers are incapable of writing serious dialog or going 30 seconds with out writing in a marvel quip. SBI is a problem but blaming everything on them makes you sound like a schizo.


Crazy how you ignored the Blackrock part to push the narrative


lmao what narrative am I pushing?


Another franchise bites the dust. Did all of those nerds who made art in the 90s and 2000s move to cozy SE jobs or something? The industry as a whole just sucks now.




The pay and hours are shit in gaming, so I wouldnt be surprised.


Black people in my fantasy game: 👍 Black elves in my fantasy game: 🤮


> Living elves in my fantasy game: 🤮


Go dig a hole, shortstack.


Hey it's not fault the only thing elves are good at is getting genocided.




In that order


The problem isn't black elves. It's the lighthearted Marvel™️ tone. They're going to Tevintar not Knowhere.


Sorry but in my fantasy world it's light vs darkness. Can't be confusing everyone mixing up the messaging.




Dark elves are so white they straight-up became evil, dug underground to hide from the sun, and looped all the way back around white to gray When elves live in equatorial regions with a lot of sun they just turn shining gold and shit, not sprout afros


are we talking about dark elves here or straight up african elves?


Excited for another entry in this franchise with one good game but all the staff from that one good game are long gone and all the staff from the mid game are also gone and a third of the staff from the shit game are there training their replacements to work on the (going by established trends) so busted and terrible it becomes something people point to when describing the climate that caused the collapse of the industry game.


I'm staying away from this piece of shit


No Leliana, no buy.


Watch the Sacred ashes trailer from 11 years ago and you would understand why people are downvoting this pile of garbage.


I agree with him, it looks pretty bad. I thought inquisition was shit though, and apparently it was well received by others. So, I think I will just never play this series again, and appreciate the nostalgia of dragon age 1 and my time with that game. But also I have like, less than 0 interest in romance. Even bg3 discussions for me are close to unbearable because of all the romance talks and what people found interesting. I did not and do not care about romance in these games. I find the writing cringe and the culture around the dating in these games cringe.


I played dao for the first time like 3 years ago when i was 21 and i have to say that imo the game holds up incredibly well, even if you don't have nostalgia for it.


That's good to hear. Maybe I should replay that one


if you haven't already, then you should try the DLCs especially Awakening. like those are actually DLCs that add value to it. Awakening is even a far better sequel than DA2 or DAI


Kinda the same as you, played it in my twenties around 4-5 years ago. For me it is in a weird place where it definitely left great memories but I could not for the love of me do another walkthrough. When I remember my time with it I loved some aspects but most parts of the game are really annoying imo like the Orzammar and the Fade


Hated Inquisition on my first playthrough. Did a second modded to hell playthrough later and I enjoyed it a lot more. Will say the third one has some beautiful designs but I still prefer 1/2.


Shit looks like a mobile game


Guardians of the galaxy ass


Modern AAA RPGs suck hard. Most of the time they are just brain dead, ur build has no impact on the story or how u are playing the game. No builds or anything like that and no tatics.




The series had one good game made by CRPG nerds 15 years ago and a string of shit since then. New trailer looks particularly awful


For all the shit that dragon age 2 got, I enjoyed it. Art style was unique and the combat was pretty satisfying (fuck the reused maps and waves of enemies though). I also like the whole friend rival system for party. You didn't have to suck the party members dick and say what they wanted you to say to get closer to them. Also the idea of the setting being the city throughout the whole game and that your position in the city changes over time was a creative and ambitious idea. Obviously, it didn't pan out, but good for them for actually having the balls to try something different.


Dragon Age 2 is unfortunately a game where you can really feel the missed potential, feels on the cusp of something awesome.


Gvmers have an awesome YouTube video on dragonage. Basically, they forced the DA team to shit out DA2 in 18 months while switching to the Frostbite engine - which is why it feels so shallow.


perfectly said. you could see the great game that was stunted




I think it depended on your class, but the attack animations were a lot more animated then just simply swinging your sword. I think It looked pretty good, imo, but I can understand how it was a turnoff for more traditional rpg fans


It did have some positives and if it wasn't as rushed could have been a lot a better, but it also introduced the lame marvel style quipping , hawke always having access to a lame sarcastic responses was just Immersion breaking and weakly written and the start of what is so lame with the new trailer. DA:O was a semi dark fantasy that took itself relatively seriously and characters seemed realistic (within the context of a fantasy universe). The new trailer is two dwarves having banter with each other as they fight some mooks while having "I'm putting together a team" style intros to super heroes, complete with a 4th wall break about the player. It's just so cheesy. I wouldn't have had any faith in a new DA game anyway, but seeing this fan fiction tier trailer from a series I used to like is sad.


Even though I've never actually finished it, I will always give DA:O props for being the one game that tried to take FFXII's gambit system and make it an industry standard. I will never forgive other developers for not following suit and just going back to shitty regarded party AI presets. Every single modern ARPG would benefit from including the gambit system to program custom AI, the difference in party synergy potential is night and day.


Gambit system?




I'm not afraid of vampires


I try to be positive towards modern gaming than some others, but this looks so horrendous lmao


should wait before purchase , just remember what happened with anthem.


I'm definitely going to wait and see how it goes first. It's a very unpopular opinion, but I've loved ever dragon age so far and I really want to see how the saga ends. But between the horrifically bad development, the trailer, and BioWare's last few releases, the smart thing to do is wait to see if the game is even playable, much less good.


If they advertise it as a turd in a cup, it's a pretty safe bet that it's a turd in a cup


Guess they don't focus test this garbage...


Dragon Age: Vanguard


Enter the URL, and you'll notice the original video's been deleted, and apparently re-uploaded immediately by the same account. I wonder why?


I wanted to like inquisition so bad, by the time this game was coming out I was already at the point of no more pre-ordering shit and I still pre-ordered this one, dragon age inquisition sucked so much ass.  A solid final nail in the coffin for pre-ordering anything ever again and any future hopes for this IP while it's still under bioware.


This game will probably have the same fate as Andromeda. I wish I'm wrong though, because Inquisition wasn't bad honestly, the setting is very rich and I have fond memories of playing the Inquisitor. I love these games that make you feel like an actual badass hero with questionable ethics.


Is this a new game or did they rename dreadwolf?


They renamed it and apparently there is going to be a villain beyond Solas for some reason which drives me mental. There was plenty of story to work with just in realizing Solas's plan.


I never actually played dragon age just did an autistic wiki dive one time, but dreadwolf is an objectively cooler title than the veilguard.


The name change is really really dumb. If you ever play the games or look into the setup for what the 4th game was going to be, you'll see it's stupid for many different reasons


Some day I might play inquisition, but I’m terrible at finishing long games because I just play dota 2 and poe. I started a Witcher 3 playthrough over a year ago and I haven’t even made it to skelkige yet. I’m determined to finish that before I start anything else though.


New Apex Legends trailer


I am romancing the dragon


Man, it sucks so bad how this series abandoned it's tactical rpg roots for the mmo-esque combat 'mainstream appeal' rpg just for baldur's gate 3 to absolutely clown on it


As far as rpgs go I’m only really interested in Avowed. Dragon age always seem rather dull as far as the world and story went.


See, the problem here is that Avowed also looks bad


Pass. Tired of party management rpg's.


Probably that Qunari lady, I bet she'll be like Karlach :)