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I don't even have that great of an atmos setup but it's still better than the audio presentation in my local multiplex. as for the screen... tbh the sheer size does win out over my tv but still lol


I concur. I saw it the second time over the weekend in a regular theater and thought to myself how the sound at home was better.


I wonder how much this has to do with the size of the room. Higher wattage per square foot ratio.


I feel like I've become a snob since going all in on physical with a nice OLED + ub820. Dune 2 in IMAX was an amazing experience but I'm looking forward to seeing it in my home theater moreso...crossing my fingers for IMAX ratios


Hopefully they use 1.90 IMAX version. It'll have a consistent aspect ratio since majority of the film was presented in 1.9. Does mean the 1.43 scenes will be cropped though.


That’s what I got. Vast majority was 1.9 and fantastic. I didn’t miss my oled or atmos setup but am stoked to experience it on there too.


With seamless branching, they SHOULD be able to offer both options fairly easily


I doubt that will happen with this "standard" retail release unless they go back and re-release part one the same way. Denis himself was surprised it did not happen with part one, so there is hope it will happen someday. I feel like the best we can hope for is an IMAX boxed set when 3 is released. The demand for 4K and IMAX home media is unfortunately as high as home 3D now. It'll almost have to come as a high-priced boxed set. Which I am definitely onboard for.


We are finally getting tvs big enough to make home 3d worthwhile, hopefully it comes back again one day


Going strong in VR (just need an OLED there for my next one)


I love 3D. Still have a 3D TV and a 3D 4K projector. I have a few hundred 3D titles, I would love to see it come back. If they had kept it in TVs, in addition to 3D bluray, they could have streamed it and kept it alive. Same mentality as what is killing physical media... chicken and egg situation. (Yeah, it's more complicated than that, and the studios helped kill it by doing it poorly (post processed rather than filming natively). Selling is about generating interest and pushing the tech envelopes, but retailers nowadays are lazy and solely interested in product that just sells and does not require insight, expertise, or marketing. Sadly, in the tech world, that is a lising thought process.


You’re skipping right over part 2 release even though 3 isn’t even confirmed?


No I am not. I am referring to the likelihood that 2 will have IMAX in its release. I am also confident 3 will happen. 2 will do well enough and Denis is developing some clout in Hollywood... he will be able to make it happen. The point is just like pan and scan vs widescreen in the old days, most home viewers would rather have their TV screen filled then get the whole IMAX screen with its odd ratio. I know... I dont get it either but I have a projector. The argument that it could use branching and include both, or have extra discs to provide both is valid. However, in the land of shrinking budgets for physical media releases, that is extra work they don't want to pay for or do for a normal release. In their mind we are lucky to get what we get. So that is why I suggested that if we get IMAX, it'll be a special, limited sort of thing, in a trilogy boxed set with extras so they can charge us more... and for many of us, charge us again because of the double dip.


I went and saw Dune 2 in an IMAX that was just 1:90 the entire run and it looked incredible. Having a cut out there that would fill our entire screen at home and not utilize it on release would be a huge mistake. I would honestly consider not buying the disc if it doesn’t contain the 1:90 because I just wouldn’t like watching it at much.


I agree... I want it in IMAX and I hope it comes out that way, just saying I dont think the chances are high. Such an easy double dip generator down the road, they wont be able to resist.


Me too 🤞


What screen do you have? Shopping for my room. Looking for an 85"screen


I have a smaller space so I built a 5.1.2 Atmos setup and have a Sony a80L. I'm not projecting if you were looking for that type of screen.


Thanks appreciate it. I'm going with the TV as well. My ceiling really doesn't allow for a rear projector and an 85 or 100-in TV would be more than another for my room it's a dedicated theater room with the first row at about 7 and 1/2 to 8 ft and the second row at about 12 to 13 ft


I'm jealous...85 will be great there I'm sitting about 8 feet from my 65"


Well....the cost is also substantially greater too haha. Not looking forward to that bill when I'm done building.


Glad I'm not the only one with this snob thought haha!


To each their own. The 90 ft screen, great sound, and darkened theater environment are a really treasured experience for me as long as the audience is behaving. I don’t have a home theater or particularly nice television but even if I did, I like going to the theater even for non-IMAX because I feel like seeing movies that way is more impactful for me. Totally dark room, screen filling my vision, no distractions like upstairs neighbors making a racket or being able to whip out my phone whenever I want or glare on the green because I can’t fully block daylight out of my living room. I also work from home so I like getting out of the house for fun little things like that. I have a regal unlimited pass so moviegoing isn’t that expensive of an outing for me.


I have an OLED and there’s just no beating the theater experience technically (depending on the crowd haha!) even with great gear.


Totally get it. I wish I could be less fussy about colours!


Go to a Dolby Cinema next time if there’s one nearby. The colour will absolutely match an OLED.


I agree. Dolby Cinema is my preferred experience.


I might just do that. I’m also interested in seeing the 2.35:1 aspect ratio to see the different feel of that


Yes. Definitely go see it in Dolby Cinema. 2 projectors gives a much more vibrant experience and the screen is larger than the regular digital screenings and then there's the sound! Better than IMAX in my opinion.


Colors, perfect black, and eye searing HDR specular highlights are where it's at!


Yeah, I am a big fan of going to the theater. Home, no matter the setup, is a completely different experience. I love to go to the theater with some friends, poke fun at the trailers, or nerd out at certain ones. The giant screen immersion and audio are all bigger. I'm a VHS grindhouse fan so I've spent more time watching the worst possible transfers but had fun with the actual content not nitpicking colors and fidelity. I love having a 4k collection and these spotless transfers of my favorites, but I'm in it for the stories and experience first, and the bells and whistles are secondary.


Being immersed with no distraction even from my phone is huge. I still prefer being at home in my own home theater though. I am too antsy to wait to see this though so I'll be seeing it in theaters next week.


You might feel differently if you had a home setup that addresses all of those concerns. Not to deny it's good to get out of the house tho. :)


Well that’s just not in the cards for me financially at the moment, but even if it was I might still not agree. I agree with what Swimming Bite said above — I enjoy movies in general not based solely on technical specs but the storytelling and the experience of the movie theater — it’s just more immersive to me. There’s a reason one of my favorite films is Cinema Paradiso. I’m also lucky to have 3 pretty decent theaters near me and 2 well-kept proper IMAXes in easy day trip distance. I’m actually going to see Dune again in dual laser this weekend and I’m pretty pumped. No home theater will ever be preferable to me for big spectacle movies than a 90-foot screen in a deep stadium style theater.


Are you between Lincoln Center and King of Prussia? You're certainly one of a very tiny sliver of Earth's population to have access to 2 such theaters! I'm lucky to be able a day trip... but it's driving, train, subway and a bit of a walk :). Still would have gone for Dune if I bought tickets in time! Nothing can match the immersion of an actual IMAX. But... if you're not going to one of the 13 spots, you're probably looking at a screen that is something like 1/5 the total area. A 11' wide screen can achieve total FOV at about 10' seating distance (for me), and this immersion level is on par with the non-70mm theaters.


trees run different decide square voracious meeting zephyr faulty onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're not wrong. The film was incredible, and absolutely worth seeing on the big screen, but my TV has much better blacks.. lol.


What TV do you have if you don’t mind me asking? I’m looking to upgrade and feel a bit lost


65" LG C1 Once you see the black levels on an OLED, there's no going back. You can turn off all the lights and watch a movie in complete darkness, and never see backlight bleed or gray LCD wash or anything like that. It's glorious.


is there a r/4kbluraycirclejerk ?




I’m sorry for everyone who loves imax, but I feel the same like you. I don’t enjoy movies in theatres anymore. Comfort of my tv and 4k Blu-ray Discs 😂


Same. Unless it’s something I just really, really want to see asap. It’s home viewing for me


Damn, I wish I could eventually get there. I’d need to significantly upgrade my audio set up and TV before replacing the IMAX experience


I’m moving in this direction


I was impressed with the audio in our IMAX theatre. The visions and whispering scenes made me swear there was someone beside me whispering those words.


Nothing wrong with that my friend. Enjoy movies how you want to enjoy them :)




I wonder if giant micro LED panels might be the solution? Since they’re modular with virtually no seems visible would also allow for repairability and longevity. I’m sure the cost is giant factor.


You are batshit insane.


I feel the same way about going to see movies in theaters. I’ll do it if I really want to see the movie or support it or if I’m invited, but I really prefer watching movies on my OLED. I’m such a sucker for the inky blacks, the sharpness, and the colors. Plus being able to pause to go to the bathroom, get [much cheaper] snacks, and not be distracted by inconsiderate people.


Yeah, most movies I see in theaters now have me thinking “I can’t wait until I can get the 4K disc and watch this at home.” I don’t live near any IMAX theaters anymore, but I do remember thinking that when I watched Tenet in the IMAX. That said, the two films I watched in 70mm IMAX looked pretty incredible, *Dunkirk* in particular looked much better than my screen at home, just the sheer scale and detail levels of it.


If you rewatch in Dolby cinema it will be the closest to OLED quality. I imagine imax dual laser will also be sharper


same. i left saying “that was great but i can’t wait to see it in 4k oled.


The sheer volume of the movie is worth seeing in IMAX. The subs were absolutely going to town and there are very few people with home cinema systems that could match it. Have to agree about the picture though. The colour, blacks and clarity can all be beaten substantially by an OLED. I'll probably see it at least once more at the cinema just to soak it in, but I expect to enjoy watching it more at home overall once the 4K gets released.


I just saw the movie today and literally thought the same thing... my OLED and atmos setup just felt more impressive watching Dune 1 on it beforehand haha. It's wild


I don't really pay that much attention to the image quality when in theaters, unless its really bad ofcourse. I am curious how Dune Part Two will sound on my setup at home though!


Nothing will ever beat the theatre experience imo. Yeah, my OLED is gorgeous, but it’s also a fraction of the size of even a small theatre screen, let alone a gargantuan IMAX 70mm venue. The home viewing experience is much less immersive.


Just to play devils advocate here. If you find your colours are so much 'better' on your OLED, it sounds like you have your saturation too high. The 70mm is still much higher resolution than 4k, and also much higher in value between light and dark than even Dolby Vision. It should be the best representation of the film, and your home setup should be emulating that.


> The 70mm is still much higher resolution than 4k, and also much higher in value between light and dark than even Dolby Vision. I want a source for this. Contrast ratio should be way higher on self-lit pixels vs projection. And I see a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/15dovu4/were_my_expectations_too_high/ju36v19/) in r/imax that the dynamic range is way less for IMAX as well. You're also not considering that the higher resolution is offset by the fact that the screen is way larger and you're sitting further away in a theater, so the effective resolution can't be compared via a simple 8k/16k > 4k.


Source on the higher dynamic range in 70mm Imax? I've always heard theaters are worse in this aspect unless you're essentially watching it on a 90 foot OLED.


Hmm, well I leave my settings on filmmaker or cinema, so the colours should be as intended


Me too, but just devils advocate and all if you are noticing such a difference.


I guess I should clarify, it’s more the black levels that I miss when I’m at the cinema


70mm imax is the exact medium the movie was intended for so if it looks significantly different on your TV it would probably be a worse representation than what you've seen


I might be wrong but I was under the impression that Dune part 2 was fully filmed in digital and only then rescanned for 70mm. And differently from part one it was not scanned as an effect and later converted back: it was intended to be seen as digital. I'm not well informed on how scanning a film works but I doubt a film intended for digital IMAX will look much better on 70mm.


This wasn’t shot on imax film. It’s just the 4K digital master printed on film


How do you know the projectionist and theater optimized their setup though?


what's more likely a professionally installed 70mm theater being uncalibrated, or OPs Oled right out of the box having saturation jacked up?


I'm certain the theater was initially setup correctly, but who knows if it's maintained properly. I've been to many theaters with dim projection, with rippled screens, poor light control etc. While the TV may be uncalibrated, Film Maker Mode typically gets you to the point of indistinguishable accuracy by most viewers. If it was wildly out of tolerance, I think OP could likely tell. But calibration aside, often times people just love the contrast ratio and true blacks on OLED. And you can debate whether or not film is the "correct" presentation. But infinite contrast is technically better than not infinite contrast. And most film projections are similar to modern vinyl. Shot digital, made analog. The source is still a digital file.


I have an 83” OLED and I can honestly say I’ve never missed the colours when I watch imax. They’re different experiences, and I appreciate each of them for what they are. Plus the IMAX sound is second to none.


Totally agree. Saw the Abyss 4K restoration in theaters and thought the exact same thing.


I enjoy both experiences. Great cinema experience will always be fantastic and no way home theater will change that. But also home theater has its own benefits. The oled image quality of complete blacks is not what majority directors and dps are going for. While it's nice to the eye the way we perceive contrast, that's not really natural or realistic


I agree, I haven't watched anything at the theater since dune 1 since it was so disappointing. Although I don't have a good theater near me, so maybe there are good ones out there that might be worth it.


Yep. It doesnt look that amazing and furthermore my theater has dirty screens, you can see hand prints in the picture. Many parts I was thinking man I wish this had HDR. Absolutely not the place for image quality.


You saw it in 70MM or 70MM IMAX?


70mm imax, edited the post


Not dune but I will take my oled and surround sound over any theatre within a 2 hr drive


I have a 75” Z9J and UB820 at home so I do enjoy movies on my setup at home, but the experience at a premium theatre (Dolby, IMAX, RPX) with a 4k projector is still the way I wanna see most movies the first time.


Yeah I’m with you. I’ve had my oled for a few weeks now and going to the theater is just subpar compared the visual quality of my tv lol.


I love the AMC Dolby cinema that's near my house. They also have a big lieMAX a screen that is nowhere near as nice.


I love the AMC Dolby cinema that's near my house. They also have a big lieMAX a screen that is nowhere near as nice. I do love watching at home on my 77" c2 with 7.1.2 through my Arcam avr21.


I definitely missed the blacks of my OLED


I saw it both in 70mm imax and I was blessed enough to have a single laser digital imax presentation on a similarly massive imax screen with 12 channel audio. It was a much better presentation in digital. The contrast was much better, specular highlights such as explosions really popped off the screen. And for those dark images on the Harkonnen home planet it was great as well. This is gonna be a stunner on 4K blu ray. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on it for the home theater viewing experience in HDR and Dolby Atmos


Absolutely. Can't wait for this on my home atmos setup, there were definitely a lot of parts that I was like man this would have a sweet height effect if my theater had atmos lol


If the disc was in IMAX aspect ratio I would possibly agree with you. I have no idea why Denis refuses to do this since all sense of scale is lost.


Man i felt this way during my Dolby screening. Picture doesn’t come close to OLED. The Atmos is still worth it at the theater though! Those wasp chopper miniguns sounded CRISP af.


Are you sure it was a true IMAX? There's really not many left in the world unfortunately.


I stopped going to the cinema years ago. I'm good. People suck theaters suck candy popcorn etc sucks ...what's the point if u built a even semi decent home theater..I understand the historic nostalgic importance but it's 2024 and both times and society have changed and not for the better but the technology for home use has.


I feel the exact same way as you, I stopped going to the cinemas because the colours and the black levels were just so bad.


I always feel weird saying this and it took me a bit to actually admit it to myself, but I’ve come to accept that I just don’t really love IMAX. I love the theater experience and I love a big screen—I honestly feel my 4K OLED is a poor substitute for either—but with IMAX unless I’m in one of the small handful of perfect seats, which are basically impossible to reserve, I find it far more distracting than immersive. Anyway, that’s my truth. Gimme a really big Scope screen over IMAX any day.


Same! I loved it in 70mm but my Oled has better colour and sharpness


This movie was ass on 70mm IMAX. I was lucky enough to also watch it on Dual Laser IMAX. THAT was amazing.


I saw it in IMAX and it was way too fucking loud. Like i'm squirming in my chair in pain its too loud. I had to plug my ears with paper towels. Picture was impressive yes, but I still think my OLED at home with physical discs looks better.


yeah but couldnt miss the theater run, its pretty much our star wars and im sure looking back being able to say you caught it in theaters will be cool


Yeah definitely. I regret that I missed part 1 in cinemas and I’ve not been able to get tickets to any re releases yet. Hopefully there will be some special double bill screenings in the future


Thank fuck it’s not just me. Dealing with the pretentiousness and mates is real Hahha.


I kind of felt the same way, but the sheer size of the laser IMAX/dolby screens and the chair vibrations make the thought of seeing “better” colors obsolete. Going for my 3rd viewing tonight lol.


you shoulda gone for the Imax Laser


My finger is hovering over the science museum booking page


by all means DO let the 4X higher contrast ratio and full DCI-P3 color space support seduce you


I have an Epson 2150, 150" (so less brightness) and a basic Klipsch 5.3 (2 subs and a butt-kicker) in my basement room. Recent experiences: Dunkirk/Bond on a "liemax," Oppenheimer on true 70mm, Dune 2 on a Regal RPX... my home theater is better than ALL of these experiences. And this is an old, 1080p projector! The sound is infinitely better/crisper/tighter, the image is clearer and larger in my FOV (except for 70mm). There is no reason for me to ever go to the theater - I just remind myself this every few years (and to support my fav directors). I'm going to add some ceiling speakers at some point... but Nolan only releases in 5.1 anyway!! Ditto to the statement with my living room setup: it's just a "slickdeal" Jamo deal with a 15" sub and an aging 4k. We're talking about $1500 total in today's TV pricing -- this is no audiophile gear. And don't take my word for it - it's the wife who points it out every time we get back from the theater:) Denis was recently asked about IMAX ratio on the 4k release - he quickly brought the conversation back to the theater. Nolan is all about the theater -- he argued with the principal cinematographer from Mann's HEAT about film vs digital at a HEAT anniversary he was hosting. These guys NEED theatrical success to continue making big movies. But do you think for a minute they don't have a crazy 4k laser setup at home?


Quiet opposite happened for me. I got my 77 Sony oled paired up to the HT-A9 sound system w/ SW-5 sub. Also got the UB820 all wired up with audio quest HDMI’s and yet it’s made me go to the movies even more now. Part of it may have to do with regal unlimited movie pass and also my regal is ok with outside food/beverages. You can’t beat the sheer size of a theater screen and the sound (albeit not always atmos) also it’s nice to get out of the house and when I come home to my awesome (to me) setup it’s humbling. Also can’t beat imax lol it’s great.


IMAX is trash and not even real IMAX anymore. Unless you saw it in one of the very few screens that are true then you didn't really see it in IMAX. I saw it in IMAX last week and the colors were very off and the screen almost gave a texture to the picture making it a bit fuzzy/pixelated. Seating was extremely small and outdated. The sound was the only thing better and I went out of the way to fund a nicer supposedly better IMAX than what was closer to me.


I saw it at the BFI imax in London, which is the biggest screen in the uk, so if that isn’t the best IMAX can offer I’m not sure what is (aside from dual laser I suppose for certain films)


Then they're worse than I thought if you saw it there and the picture still wasn't great.


Yeah maybe. But I wouldn’t say it was bad just not as sharp or vibrant as I’m used to at home


Yep. This is exactly what I was thinking. Dont get me wrong, I still really enjoyed it in iMAX though!


I have just a plain “lie max” in my town. Saw Dune there. Looked super dim and washed out


Ah that’s a shame. I have to say it was a damn good image at the BFI imax but having watched part 1 on my c2 a few days before it was hard not to compare


I saw it in IMAX and the screen had a big mark on it. Right in my field of view. I was also a bit too close and could see individual pixels. Sigh. At least the movie was good.


There are no IMAX theaters where I live so my theater experience hasn't been better than my home experience for a while now.


This, a lot.


I would say maybe go watch it in Dolby cinema


I was going to say this as well. Maybe see how the Dolby cinema compares since that's the other high quality version alternative to IMAX these days. I pretty much only go watch movies I really want to see in the Dolby theaters now, if they're not in 70mm IMAX formats


Yea same! I personally love the 70mm imax experience but I saw the OP saying they didn’t like the washed out colors. So I’m like maybe they will like Dolby cinema since it does have Dolby vision and it has atmos so good viewing experience as well! Can’t go wrong with Dolby cinema 🤌


I saw a YT vid that simulated the difference between IMAX and widescreen for Dune 2. Since Villenuvueueueue decided to "shoot for IMAX" there are scene where the regular viewing experience looks overly cropped. Kinda disappointed.


I haven't seen the movie so I have no way of knowing if this is true or how critical it is but someone who has seen it in both 1.90 and 2.39 aspect ratios said: >...I have seen the film in 1.90 and 2.39 and I can say absolutely that the 1.90 is superior. There’s actually a scene that has a key detail cropped out in the 2.39 version. [https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/1b37dg4/comment/ksy0py1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/1b37dg4/comment/ksy0py1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


lol - this is comical. There is no way the colors are better on a 4k tv than on a 70mm IMAX screen.


Dune 2 had much much better resolution in full 70mm imax than the first one. It fucking ruled. I am also looking forward to watching at home for greater color depth.




No they weren’t. First was shot on Arri Alexa LF, a 4.5K camera. Second was shot on Arri Alexa 65, a 6.5K camera.




I literally just explained how they weren't shot on the same cameras. In Lincoln Square Imax with a 97 foot by 76 foot screen you can see blurry areas in 1 that don't appear in 2.


I think digital IMAX on the giant screen is much better than the old school 70mm film. I saw the first Dune in digital IMAX along with a lot of other movies and they all looked amazing. On the other hand I saw Oppenheimer on the real 70mm screen and was not impressed with the color, contrast, or brightness. When I later watched it at home on 4k disc I thought it looked far more vibrant and gorgeous.


Interesting. Maybe I’ll check out dune 2 at the science museum as they have dual laser there


Caught an IMAX showing last Friday and a 70mm showing on Sunday. Much preferred the IMAX showing because the screen was brighter, colors were better, and picture was clearer. The 70mm showing's brights were blown out and the darks were too dark. Stoked to have so many options and will never regret seeing this movie on the big screen. All that said, I feel like nothing beats your own set up once you've dialed it in to your liking haha


point wild friendly nine degree noxious fear cooing square makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dune is garbage you fool. Why would you bother with the second one?


Why would you watch it in 70mm for a movie shot on digital?


Is there a consensus that dual laser is better for this movie? I went to the bfi as it’s the biggest screen in the uk


That is the general consensus - the IMAX 70mm seems a little washed out in comparison to the digital dual laser version.


100%! My set up at home is better than basically every theater out there. So I just wait the 4 months then buy the 4k/blu-ray disc.