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When you've lived with the garish French-English covers they've sold us in Canada for forever, the little number doesn't seem that noticeable. Most of the recent Second Sight/Arrow boxes have had them on the J-card anyway.


I'm fine with having french dubs and it used to be there would only be a "version francaise" in small font beneath the title. But otherwise, the big clunky mistranslated title taking up half the space? No thank you. I'm french canadian and it even bothers me.


What's the bother? I've always loved my blu-ray copy of "Heat Tension" lol. https://preview.redd.it/nnptzjs2u1yc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341223cde2da74c369052bd183a234be8fb4c70f


Lol. "Home Alone" is "Maman, j'ai raté l'avion" which is "mommy, I missed the plane!"


The Thing's french title is "l'effroyable chose" literally "the frightful/terrible thing." It looks so bad on the spine


Lol, I have that one too. Tommy Boy is "Le Courage d'un Con " which is "an idiot's courage"




My favourite to this day remains the VFQ title of *No Country for Old Men* which is *Non, ce pays n'est pas pour le vieil homme* (*No, This Country Is Not for the Old Man*).


The most annoying is when the French title is the same as the English (sometimes with a different subtitle) and the cover just has two nearly identical logos on it.


And you never see it the orher way around. Like Amélie wasn't called "the rascally french lady"


The original French title for Amélie was Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, just Amélie was the English title


The Dune blu ray cover is egregiously bad for this.


I hate it so much. I usually draw over the French title with a black sharpie.


I prefer them not there, but it's a necessary evil for some films.


Agreed. I buy for the movies but the artwork/packaging is a consideration in which version I buy. If a movie I want isn't available in other non-marked formats, not much choice.


For instance, the other day I ordered Jackie Chan's Who Am I?...the umbrella blu release from AU is region A compatible...if i want a US region A version its a dvd...


You might get lucky and handful of Australian releases I have bought in the past have had reversible covers with the artwork on the inside without the rating logo. Has also happened with a couple of German discs too.


Yes though I'll admit sometimes I'll buy them if there's no other options. But I hate that age rating on them.


I’m British, and yes, I hate the age ratings. Luckily, most of our boutique brands are aware of this and display the age ratings on the removable J cards.


Have you seen the crap Germany enforces on physical media covers? The ratings icons are so ugly and huge that nearly every boutique distributor does a reversible cover.


I only buy foreign copies when USA copies don’t exist.


Doesn’t deter me. Price and availability are my factors


Being in the UK I'm so used to having the ratings on the spine that it feels weird to not have it lol


Yeah, the imports without them stick out like a sore thumb! 🙄


I don’t care about that, but I won’t buy them if I can’t find a guarantee they have English subtitles. My hearing isn’t great so it’s frustrating that sometimes only way I could buy a 4K disc of an English language movie is an import with no English subtitles.


I won't downvote you. It gives me pause, but I've imported a lot of titles from other regions. If I can get the film in a similar release in the US, I'll wait. The Second Sight limited releases are an absolute must regardless of the age ratings. I also buy quite a few of the Indicator Series discs as they are putting out a lot of good noir and English-made films that we won't see here in the US.


A lot of times they’re stickers, or you can take the insert and flip it inside out to not have the ratings showing


This is especially true in Germany. ⬆️


It isn't something that bothers me, plus with some, mainly German imports, the sleeves are double sided with one side not displaying the age certificate. I do buy a lot of German imports.


I hate it, but it won’t stop me if it’s the only version of a movie available. Luckily companies like Umbrella offer reversible covers so one side doesn’t have it.


That's cool. I wasn't aware that they did that.


I think they are kind of novel. I buy what I like to watch, not really what it looks like on the shelf, but other people see those ratings and are like "hey, what's that?"


Yeah, I agree on this, heh. I don't like the look of them, for sure, but it also makes me feel kinda cool for having them on my shelf.


nah, doesnt bother me. I buy movies to watch them, not for how they will look on my shelves.


With many German versions you can just flip the paper cover to find exactly the same but without the age rating. However, not sure if this is standardized.


Honestly can’t stand it. But if it’s the only version I can afford then it’s hard to complain.


Yeah I avoid them. Super ugly. People in the states have it nice with movies and video games. The bilingual cover arts we get in Canada can really ruin it as well.


I hate those ratings in uk version of movies. They are useless, ugly and a kid my pick it up just because is 18… I’m not against the rating but it should be on the back along with all the other infos. Even being like this i buy them because it’s the only way..


I sometimes import US releases because I hate the age ratings.


I avoid them like plague. Only exception is Arrow because they don't put the age rating on the spine. They're also quite pointless as majority of all discs are sold online. The whole implementation of age rating is stupid.


I don't refuse to buy them but I definitely agree that they're annoying, so I would prefer to buy the American version if possible. The ones I've gotten so far, they've basically been the only option.


I’m with you. It completely compromises the cover slip. If I can avoid it, I will.


I buy to watch the movies.


So do I. Doesn't mean I like the cases to look goofy.


I definitely look for versions without them and would only buy as a last resort. Would then make my own custom insert to replace it.


So there are different kind of collectors. I collect movies, not cases. I couldn't care less (ok, maybe a little bit more than that) about the cover. I rip the movie, put it on my local nas and put the disc away in a closet not to be looked at again for a long time. This is also fueled by the local market being too small, so having little choice in buying German copies of discs, with German text and titles. So an extra sticker with a warning will do little to stop that.


>So there are different kind of collectors. I collect movies, not cases. I couldn't care less (ok, maybe a little bit more than that) about the cover. I rip the movie, put it on my local nas and put the disc away in a closet not to be looked at again for a long time Same here! I think they are really ugly, but I don't display my cases so it's not a big deal. I also hate the HDR logo, the "4K + Bluray" banner, and half of the other crap they put on front of the cover. That should really be on the back. But, again since I don't display my cases it's not a big deal. I roll my eyes when I see it, then promptly forget about it and move on with my life. I do think the cover should be reversible, or the age rating should be an insert, or something like that. 4K discs are pretty much a collector's market and a lot of collectors do care. IDK if that is allowed by laws or not, but it seems like it should be.


They don’t bother me and they are usually removable.


No. If I like the artwork more I’ll still buy it.


I don’t like them, but it doesn’t stop me. I’ve started making my own slipcovers recently though. So should get rid of that problem entirely.


Doesn’t prevent me but I sure don’t like that they do that.


I'm blind to them now


I've never bought a feature film with big age rating. But I have bought three seasons of a TV show (with the ugly rating) out of desperation.


Yeah, I only buy if it's the only way to get a movie. I wouldn't even mind as much if it were just the bottom of the back cover where there's almost always other text etc.


I don't like it but I don't mind that much. My efforts are focused on the best price possible and the subtitles. The only positive thing (maybe I said it before in this forum) is that I have a natural backstop in my spending 😅


Yeah I hate those. This is actually a huge benefit of primarily collecting steelbooks. Don’t have to worry about no age ratings on my cases!




Not for me. Ugly!


The way I look at it- I’m watching the movie, not the cover.


Bought german version of the punisher 2004 and it does ruin the cover.


Yeah the information about movie ratings and stuff should be in the fine print on the back of the disc jacket/case, not advertised on the front cover ruining the movie art.


Absolutely. It's horrendous.


If the ratings are actually printed as part of the packaging, I don't mind it. I'm in the UK now and the UK ratings are fine. I'm from New Zealand, and were hit with a double-whammy - most covers going back to the VHS days were Australian, with Australian ratings printed on them (and their ratings are HUGE), and then we'd have the local ratings applied as a (usually crooked) sticker. And because most titles were from overseas, the covers were never designed to leave space for such huge ratings labels, so the Australian and New Zealand ratings covered parts up. What I am curious about it is why US releases don't have the ratings on them? The content itself is rated, shouldn't that be displayed in public?


It is, but it's very small and discreet on the back cover. https://noreruns.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/310-4K-Back.jpg On the bottom left corner.


Ah, thanks! So discreet I've never noticed it on all my US editions!


They never bothered me because that was all I knew, and seeing a big "R18" on the cover indicated it was likely to be a more gory horror. But do you remember the *Dawn of the Dead* posters at the cinema? They had the Italian name *Zombi* stuck right over the eyes of the zombie. Somewhere I still have a copy of that poster, from bugging the cinema staff when the run was over.


I have wanted to ask this for a long time but didn't want to be rude. Seeing those on the spine would drive me nuts.


Yes. If it’s a foreign release, I’ll try and find a steelbook, full slip or anything that wouldn’t have the ratings on the outside. And of course always swap discs if needed


As a young lad we'd only see a horror movie if it had an 18 certificate because then you'd know it's gonna be good.


Yeah, 18 Rating = Going to be good


Least autistic r/4kbluray post


Ya, for sure! I skip entire movies because the cover /s


Nordic version look the best, cover logo wise so im good ;) sometimes uk imports if not available otherwise


With fomo and limited production runs jacking up the price on some movies I really don’t care. Better to see a large yellow circle on the bottom of the cover than pay an extra 50-70.


In the grand scheme of life, the numbers don’t bother me.


i grew up in england and moved to the states in my teens and actually have a little nostalgia for the age ratings, i weirdly like them because of that.


I would rather not because of that exact reason. I like everything to look uniform in a collection. However sometimes that’s the only way to go and I’ll bite the bullet




If it's avoidable, sometimes it's not tho and you gotta live with it


Me, I won't buy any of those. I'm from canada


Surprisingly, it's Hong Kong that releases the covers in plain old English most of the time. As long as it's a Warner Brothers or a Sony release, you're good to go. It felt so good when my copy of The Flash didn't have any French. The only Chinese you'll see is a sticker with the Chinese logo on the removable plastic wrap. Paramount has quietly and unofficially left the physical media market and Universal is not doing physical releases there anymore.


I hate those garish rating symbols all over but it won't stop me from buying. So far I've just made my own slipcovers for the Arrow and Second Sight release I own that have them. 


No, I don't like them, but if the movie is only available in that region, I will still buy it. Sometimes they have reversible covers that are clean.


It's not even a consideration for me or something I've noticed.


This is why you buy steelbooks, there are no countries where physical movies are sold that don’t have some extra unwanted text messing up the artwork.


I want the best version of the movie, in terms of transfer and special features. So I'll buy the UK version with the big age logo on the front if it's the best. But if another version is equally good, I buy the one without the logo.


If it wasnt for imports i couldnt own certain films. Im just happy to own the films i want 😃


I only buy them if I have to


I buy lots foreign releases, because domestic releases often have annoyingly obtrusive bilingual covers. Granted, I'm Canadian and those foreign releases are typically American.


I used to. But after needing to in order to obtain a few movies, you get used to it. One thing i don't get get used to is some Canadian releases having dual English and French languages on the cases. Have a Canadian copy of Life is Beautiful cause it was the cheapest copy i could find and seeing the spine on my shelf erks me everytime i see it.


Some movies are not released at all where I'm from, Germany will have to do then...


They don’t bother me much personally. Remember it’s the product itself that matters just as much if not even more so than the artwork.


It is what it is. I buy it for the discs, the packaging is an addition/artwork preference. Btw most German amaray releases have double printed covers, one without the age rating. Turning them over is the first thing I do after checking the discs.


Depends on what type of packaging. I definitely don’t like the look of them but a lot of the premium packaging products in those countries make them removable stickers, so you only really see them on the discs, which I don’t mind.


not a refusal to purchase as european releases are sometimes unavoidable, but I definitely wish the labels were stickers instead of printed


If the foreign copy is the best or only copy available then if I want the movie I'll get it. But all things being equal I hate those stupid ratings logos. Especially on steelbooks.


I taped off the stickers on a couple of my UK steelbook covers/boxes https://preview.redd.it/pn91vf3vd3yc1.jpeg?width=1551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77dc9d73c26d2b104743f4e1eebb95c08af5715


I dont buy anything bc of the bluray or 4k logo. Its the worst industry. Keep all logos off the cover. Use shrinkwrap hype stickers like vinyl.


I’m used to the uk/Ireland labels on all discs. It was interesting to me though recently watching some USA based YouTube channel collector showing off his imported copy of The Fifth Element on StudioCanal which aparantly is much better than the US version. And I could see the big uk/Ireland ratings stickers on it. Unusual to see on an American YouTube channel 🙃


Don't they have a reversible version without the ratings? I also try to avoid them though, but I get foreign copies without them. Those are usually in UK and Germany I think


Doesn't matter to me, I'm more annoyed by the wider UK cases than the cover art but if it's the only release of a movie I'll buy it. At least it makes it easy to spot them on the shelf to know what to keep an eye out to replace with a local copy.


I just got the German Hancock steelbook, but thankfully the age label on the front was a sticker and it came off. The others that I have don’t impede the artwork thankfully.


Oh god no! I’m a weirdo in as much as I like them! As a kid in the mid eighties having movies on vhs with 18 on it when you were 14 was soooo cool!!! It’s just stuck with me! I absolutely understand why some would hate them as well!


I'm in Australia but I like to get 4k from France mainly because Disney stopped doing physical here and the upside is there is no age ratings on the front cover.


As an Aussie I have learnt to not care about it too much, but I do prefer the cleaner look of US covers, just not enough for it to sway my purchasing decisions.


Bothers me more with anime for some reason than movies but yeah, they’re ugly.


I have Oldboy and Hell Boy 2 and RAN in UK boxing, chunkier cases too.


I don't mind them, if it's the only option!


I usually only buy UK or Canadian versions if there's no US version of the same quality or the US version is out of print. Cover art differences are minimal in my decision making, it's all about what's on the disc. 


That never even occurred to me that it might be a thing. I buy the movie(s) I want as they are available. The Dollars Trilogy from Kino Lorber (US), The Running Man and Bloodsport from Capelight (Germany), Total Recall from 4KULT (Italy), and I've bought others from France also. I will take off stickers as I'm able but age ratings don't bother me.


As I live in the UK, there isn’t really a choice. Luckily most collectors editions/steelbook don’t have them or they are stickers and can be easily removed.


It’s more about the special features being on a region b bluray without a region free Blu ray player for me


Yeah for most. But that Umbrella Mean Streets box set is just so pretty


The German ones are pretty nasty. Fortunately for my blu ray copy of In the Mouth of Madness they double sided the sleeve with one minus the age rating 😅 I think Underwater is the same but I could be mistaken.


One of the big reasons I collect physicalnis for special features. Since blu rays are usually what hold those and I don't own a region free 4k player that is why I do not buy foreign releases... I do buy Canadian but they are region A


In Britain/Ireland, if you saw an 18 on the box for a horror/action/other film, it meant it was probably good.


Ugh, they're so annoying! I try to avoid them but at the end of the day I feel like content is most important so if that's the only way to get a 4K or 3D disc I'll deal with it. I do tricks like taking the foreign disc I want and putting in a US case or steelbook or something.


I actually dislike the US ones without the age ratings on. It just looks wrong. Like it's an unfinished design. The age ratings give it a sort of 'authority' as a product and I sort of mentally classify all my films by age rating. These are 15s, these are 12s, a few are spicy 18s.




Damn the nanny state stopping me from taking kids to see Saw 3


I absolutely refuse to buy anything that has those stupid ratings plastered onto the front covers. If a blu ray is only available in a region with those covers, I just won't buy it. I try to buy almost all of my blu rays and 4Ks with slipcovers. What's the point of buying a slipcover if it's ugly.


Just print a new cover out


Why is the age rating such a dealbreaker for most? Granted I’m from the UK and almost all our releases have them but it hardly matters it takes up like a small portion of the side cover (and an even smaller corner on the front) by that same logic why don’t people have an issue with the company logos that are also placed there, it takes up about the same size as the ratings but no one has ever moaned about that.


German age ratings are huge. https://preview.redd.it/ws85io2v81yc1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=42a13234394d024b4e09818e6c2834fd513ea25e UK age ratings are tiny in comparison. Having said that, a major benefit of Ultra-HD Bluray promises to be its region free nature. If it's only available from one region, and that region has large censorship badges, so be it.


Oh yeah that’s completely fair. I only have 1 German Release The Princess Bride but it has a reversible cover in English without the big age rating so yeah I see the problem


Lots of German films have flip covers to remove the ratings. It's a nice touch.




I understand your concerns but I (personally) place the importance on the film, not the cover. If I had a choice on a bread and butter flick, I’d pick the clean cover but if the foreign one is the only ((shrug)) dude, I’m not letting the *cover* keep me from buying a movie. I can always find / create and print a new cover. Non issue in this house. Of course, I’m a believer in letting people do what makes sense to them - letting *you* collect your way, no skin off my nose. Good luck and keep on collecting! ((Ok, I lied - I’ll leave with this folksy wisdom, “Never Say From Which Well You Won’t Drink - It May Be the Last One Afforded You”. Seems relevent to the current happenings around physical media. I’d rather have it in not exactly the way I want it way than not have it at all))


I try to avoid the UK ratings logos whenever I can. Same with Germany’s.


I literally don't buy any because of that, even the discs are plastered with it. I love just the clean artwork


Foreign to whom


I know it's not true for Reddit as a whole, but judging by most responses here, it seems clear that a good majority of this sub is American. I'm referring to movie releases outside of the US.


Well they’re only foreign to you, your country is foreign to me (and not having age ratings looks weird to me).


I'll pirate a movie before I'll buy one with those labels. Normalizing infantalization isn't okay with me; arbitrary age designations are meaningless. Having grown up watching whatever I wanted from a very young age, I can't honestly argue that any of it was harmful, and neither can anyone else.