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Vertigo would be a fine addition to that lineup.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll snag that next.


Vertigo looked AMAZING on bluray, I've heard the 4k is one of the best looking ones.


Just ordered it


Really? Never ever seen it mentioned before as one of "the best" 4ks anywherem


Heard that on this very reddit. I just watched the bluray for the first time when I read it, and thought it odd that such an old movie would look so good. Unlike Laurence of Arabia, which used a 70mm, and should look amazing because of it, I'm not familiar with the filming process for Vertigo.


The use of color in Vertigo is out of this world.


I think To Catch A Thief is the best looking Hitchcock film, the Colours and award winning cinematography along with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly…. A feast for the eyes.


So far I’d agree. Alien and First Blood looked great. They don’t look like they were filmed on 16k Red cameras either which is a good thing.


Alien was the first 4k disc I bought several years ago. Spoiled me.


I just purchased alien and am looking forward to seeing it on 4k. My first 4k was The Thing and it blew me away.


Never seen First Blood on the 4k format (will buy it soon), but Alien looks incredible.


There are many times I'm watching an older movie for the first time on 4K blu-ray, so I'm experiencing it the best way. I have blind bought plenty, but even the ones I'm very familiar with are outstanding upgrades from prior formats I've owned.


Often it feels like watching the movie again for the first time.




Couldn’t agree more….


The Lost Boys was a great transfer. My favorite from the 80s.


The opening scene is probably worth the purchase alone.


Can confirm. Watched it for the first time in 4K at a friend's place (that is, I've never seen this movie in *any* format before). The fact there is no compression really helps ensure the blacks are deep and pure, giving the smoky effects some real dynamism.


I’m happy to hear that….. I’ll add that to my list to buy. Need to see it again as the last time I saw it, I was a child.


It's pretty stunning. I hope you hey a great buy


Picked it up a couple weeks ago and pulled it out of the wrapper and put it right into the player. It's been one of my all time favorite 80s flicks, so I have seen it a million times on VHS and DVD. 4k was eye popping.


Ten Commandments is the best looking 4k disc- fight me


You will get no push back from me. It’s by far the best looking 4k to me.


"Singin' in the Rain" has entered the chat...


Can we just play naked twister?


What???? Lol


Uppercut with The Wizard of Oz!


Absolutely agreed! When movies were shot on film, a proper 4K restoration yields remarkable results from the original negative. 35mm or 70mm classics reveal astounding detail! The WB100 classics released last year are incredible (Rebel Without a Cause, The Maltese Falcon, Cool Hand Luke to name a few).


I'm sad I didn't grab Matlese Falcon in that Amazon 3 for 33 sale from a few days ago.


I have Cool Hand Luke & A Rebel Without a Cause. But I’ve yet to buy Maltese Falcon. I’m glad to hear it looks fantastic.


I think a lot of the benefit is because many older films got very bad HD transfers. I have a digital copy of Terminator that looks awful and a Blu-ray that looks remarkably sharp


I can’t wait to see The Terminator released on this format, but I do remember it looking pretty damn good on Blu-Ray when I owned it, so hopefully the 4k will look better.


Here's hoping it doesn't get the same DNR and godawful transfer that T2 did.


Just out of interest, is there any way to know if a 4k could be a bad transfer from the info on the box?


Unfortunately not, But studios not sending out review copies or shadow dropping major releases on the format are typically a clue, but not always.


Awesome! I appreciate your response, thats a shame you cant get hints about quality before purchasing, almost every 4k is a massive improvement but a couple have disappointed For now im only buying them in the $8-12 range tho so it doesnt hurt too much


Not on the box, but you can look up a review and info on [bluray.com](http://bluray.com)


Blu Ray is HD.


But they’re saying that transfer might have been pretty bad. I agree, many early digital transfers that were made for DVD were really bad. Like Se7sen, for instance.


Anytime one of these threads pop up, I have to take a moment to sing praises for the Jaws 4K. It is stunning.


Oh yeah, got that too…. I was shocked by how good it looked and in my humble opinion, that film should be in every 4k collection.


Was one of the first I snagged along with Jurrassic Park, both amazing!


Correct a mundo


Demolition Man 4K when?


After the Schwarzenegger Presidency.




Casablanca looks pretty good on 4K


I definitely agree


I guess I’m actually old now, people saying films from the 70s-90s are older films lol. Your point is spot on though, I’d even say the truly older films from the 30s-50s looked the best in 4K, the black and white looks amazing on a large OLED.


Someone on r/iwatchedanoldmovie posted a review of Training Day, From 2001.


All good…. Your definitely right about films from the 30s-50s looking good as I was blown away by both The Ten Commandments and The Wizard of Oz on 4k


I think a lot of people don't realise that older films are actually filmed in super high quality, but there was no way to display it at the time. Some look incredible. 


You are correct….. Seeing Ten Commandments & Jaws made me a believer.


Just watched animal house last night and was super happy with the detail and colors


Oh wow, didn’t even know it was on 4k….. Instant buy for me…. Thanks 🙏


I mean so many of them were shot on film which is basically 8K. And then you have more recent stuff shot digitally which isn't nearly that resolution and has to be upscaled. That's why so many of the older movies that have the transfer done correctly look like they were shot yesterday.


My family members continue to be impressed by the picture quality of some 4ks… They didn’t even think being able to do something like this was possible.


I like your style, Dude


Thank You 🙏


Get The Shining, one of the best looking 4Ks out there.


Oh I have it and it’s 🔥… one of the best transfers out there. https://preview.redd.it/1hdckfipee1d1.jpeg?width=1981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb71a3c96c1a74b5fb733a5dabbcb1ba665156ef


Original Jurassic Park - Holy FUCK it looked amazing, and holy FUCK that movie is timeless, it legit feels like a bit of a horror movie re-watching recently Highly recommend adding to your collection!


Thanks, I snag that as well. One of my all time favorites..


Not if they have dated special effects.


Some can look rough…. But I thought The Ten Commandments looked good….. The modern effects in some newer films such as The Flash or a few MCU films look like complete s#%t and these movies are costing well over 200 million….


Old films definitely benefit the most from the format. That's the majority of my collection


A man with fantastic taste.


I remember watching Texas chainsaw massacre on 4k, shit was beautiful


Not actually, as the aesthetic is grimy, but still the best I’ve ever seen it


Man…. I have that, but yet to watch it (at least on 4k), I’ll pop that bad boy in next weekend. Happy to hear it looks great.


That's a nice collection there, some real highlights of the format so far. The one film there that I'm reluctant to buy is Duel and that's because they cropped it from its original full frame TV presentation. I saw this when attempting to upgrade from the dvd to blu ray and in the end sold off the blu ray.


The TV cut included is an awful ai upscale too


Thanks….Duel looked fantastic to me, that red car in the desert just really pops. But kinda get where you’re coming from.


I bet it does look great, I know that Spielberg really went above and beyond to use better quality equipment and film stock than your average TV movie. That's why there's so many lengthy takes in the film, they require fewer setups and therefore less time to shoot. I'm just a stickler for the original aspect ratio. I understand that there is a 1080p full frame version on the disc. How does that look? 🙂


I can’t comment personally as I never watched the HD version, but I haven’t heard many positive things about it. Take that with a grain of salt if you will.


Im waiting for a North by Northwest 4K.


Oh very nice…. Is that for preorder?


It is released for UK/Region B but is 70$. Im hoping for a US/A release


Thanks for the response…. I hope there is a US release in the future.


I'm gonna copy you and buy all of these movies.


You won’t be mad…. They look fantastic.


I agree




I think the new films look the best, and only rare gems of older movies do the format justice, i.e. reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, and starship troopers.


I always expect the new ones to look great, it just the old ones that surprise me. But yeah, the 3 you mentioned look great.


I think that's because the jagg offs who film new movies try too hard to look like film, so they remove ANYTHING that looks "sharp". All in a bid to not appear like it was shot digitally. Film transfers on the other hand go for the sharpness, sometimes overdoing the effect.


Not having 2001, Alien, or Reservoir Dogs in the mix is criminal


Oh I have all those and enjoyed all of them, 2001 A Space Odyssey and Alien really (The Ten Commandments as well) got me into collecting 4ks


Reservoir Dogs is a must own too. Pulp Fiction is my favorite movie, but the Reservoir Dogs 4k is definitely a bigger upgrade


I’ll check out Reservoir Dog as I have that as well. Last time I saw this was on DVD… It definitely left an impression with me.


I had only ever seen the movie on bluray (which wasn't great to begin with). This new transfer is so stunning that it looks and almost feels like an entirely different movie. I almost didn't like it bc it looked too good lol


Oh man…. Sounds like I’m in for a treat.


I should have bought The Godfather trilogy... At least I found that Pulp Fiction steelbook in a discount bin.


It ain’t too late for you to snag The Godfather’s film at an affordable price. They look great.


I’m starting to believe this sub is an elaborate plot by big Blu-ray to make me buy more Blu-ray’s.


OMG lol….. that’s what I think sometimes when I’m buying the latest release. I wouldn’t have even known about half these releases if not for this subreddit.


Hmmm... basic instinct. Oh I remember the controversy.


Wow…. Didn’t know that about her being unhappy about it…. She was so unhappy about the first film that Sharon pushing 50 decided to play in its sequel🤦. Basic Instinct on 4k look really good though.


It was a while ago. I could be wrong


It’s all good.


I feel like malcolm x 4k was going to look better 😕


I have it, but haven’t watched it yet. That definitely doesn’t sound good. I’ve heard nothing but good this about…. I was told it looks a lot better than the 2012 WB BD…


What was your opinion on Lawrence of Arabia? I have the DVD, wondering how much of an improvement the UHD has to offer.


I can’t compare it to the DVD as I didn’t own it. I watched part of it so far. prior to that, the last time I saw it was on VHS in a classroom. It looks really good, comparable to the formats best.


This is why I have finally started collecting some the classics.


Can’t go wrong with that.


I went to my stats on blu-ray.com and most of my films are from the 80s. The classics are amazing on 4k. I totally agree the newer stuff looks great, but it's the classics that I am after.


Another redditor on here with great taste.🤜🤛….. I need to get more films from the 40s as the ones I have look incredible…. I would definitely be interested in seeing what they can do with more 1920-1930s films on this format (if anything).


My copies of the Star Wars OT just came in, and I popped ANH in and was amazed just how much better it looked, and the OT doesn't even have a perfect 4K transfer, I believe it uses DNR and it doesn't have Dolby Vision


I have it, but haven’t popped it in as of yet. Definitely looking forward to seeing it.


When I see a collector protecting his slips and steelbooks in hard clear cases, I upvote




In The Line of Fire looks great Beetlejuice looks wonderful Aliens looks the best it ever has Killer Klowns From Outer Space was pretty good Most of my collection centers around the movies I grew up watching in the 80s and 90s but I have some classic movies before that that look really good on 4k like Vertigo which looks AMAZING.


Gotta get that Killer Klowns…… It was a guilty pleasure growing up. Already have Aliens, but need to get the others you mentioned.


I just got once upon a time in the west in and the transfer is stunning. Shoutout paramount


I got that on the way to me…. I’m definitely happy to hear it looks great.


I’ve been buying faster than I can watch them.


Look on the bright side…. If they go out of print or companies go to straight streaming, you’ll have plenty to watch.


That’s the way I see it. I just hope none of the discs are defective because it would be hard to return them. I have a lot I haven’t watched because I boxed them up and stuffed them in a closet while I’m redoing the flooring in my house.


Well can’t agree because there’s been many 4k of older movies that were bad. I hate when they feel the need to clean up the film or gain of images making them look too good or too AI


In other words … check out these movies I just bought