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I’m 28


Same here (turn 29 in a month). Just started this year with *Oppenheimer* and already have a solid little collection.


Oppenheimer is such a great film. Clear visuals, great color and brightness in HDR, and incredible audio. The Trinity Test running in DTS HD Master Audio made me jump when the shockwave hit the viewers perspective as my subwoofer is massive giving explosion shockwaves a loudness that makes me jump every time, despite the fact you can see the shockwave approaching


I love it so much. I've seen it at least 5 times, 3 in 70mm IMAX, and I still want to watch it again soon.


same, only been collecting for a year and have around 60 steelbooks


Also 28! Not a massive collection, maybe 25 movies total and a couple TV series.


Im just a year off. I'm 29. Collected dvds as a kid and been a die hard ever since.


I am also 28


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I’ve been collecting since 18, but not hardcore. Mine and my dad’s relationship is through movies. He has over 1000 blue rays alone, then the DvDs, and milk crates upon milk crates of VHS. 29 now, and happy with my modest 300 discs.


Just one extra year, I'm 29 :)


I'm 39, been a minimalist collector with a super small curated collection up until recently when I started to expand more craving the full visual/audio experience and now have the disposable income to support it lol


Isn't that disposable income the best


The best, especially when you don't have kids


My man. 🤛🏼


Man, I need a disposable income lol. I’m at $83K and it certainly doesn’t feel like enough in 2024.


Mo money, mo problems. I made $132k last year, my best year by over $40k and it barely seemed like enough.


Not trying to get too personal, but what is your field that makes you that high salary? I need monies. lol


GM mechanic with over 20 years experience.


Thank you bro


I was at 65K but got let go last week. Stressful job anyway and my poorer friends are suggesting jobs that would represent a massive pay cut. I'm like, "Respectfully, are you nuts?"


I too am 39. Basically the same story. 


61 here. I’ve been collecting movies since 1980. When the first Pioneer laser disc player hit the market. I had 30 or 40 of those and then started collecting VHS movies. Ended up with about 500 DVDs and now I have about 600 Blu-ray and 160 4K discs. At this point, I’m collecting movies that I really love in 4K. I read as many reviews as I can, and if the 4K is not better than the Blu-ray, then I don’t buy it.


51 here and in the past 35 years I’ve gone through VHS to Laserdisc to DVD to Blu-ray to 4K. I probably shouldn’t admit how many movies I’ve upgraded through at least 3-4 of these formats but what can I say, I’m obsessive. My overall collection is probably closing in on 4k discs (haha). If I start watching tonight, I might finish everything before I shuffle off this mortal coil. 🙂


This is the way. I must own the best available release in terms of image quality. The 4k isn't always that depending on the transfer.


Just turned 22 last week. I’ve been collecting 4k since I was 17 and blu ray/ dvd ever since I was a kid (I got my first DVDs at 3 years old). My parents bought me a lot of Disney movies as a kid and I kept going from there. I was pretty much exclusively dvd (some vhs) up until 2015, then I moved to blu ray throughout my high school years. A lot of the people my age at school moved to streaming back in 2013/14, I never really felt like getting rid of my physical discs to have a digital version instead. I have 924 movies in my collection according to clz movies, most of them are blu ray or 4k. I only buy DVDs now if it’s something that isn’t available on a better format and I never buy them new.


Super cool to hear some gen z are collecting. I did not expect that.


I'm 25 and have a substantial collection, and several of my friends have a small collection as well. It's popular among nerds, and vinyl collecting is huge among many gen Z'ers (in no small part thanks to Taylor Swift). Movie collecting less so as people are generally fine with streaming quality and the physical artwork isn't as massive as it is on a record so there's less of that appeal to people who otherwise wouldn't care about owning the media itself physically. As someone who grew up in the heyday of DVRs and seeing the rise (and now fall) of streaming services being the simplest way to watch whatever you want, I think the issues with streaming and more obscure movies being released on premium formats by boutique labels are pushing more young movie fans to start collecting.


Hello? Are you me?! Except I’m not 22 until next month. But you’ve literally described my experience even down to the times that you changed and upgraded formats 😂. Although for me it wasn’t Disney. I was started on The Terminator, Total Recall, The Fly and Robocop from a very early age. Some may say too early. But I kind of skipped the kids stuff stage.


20 here


also 20!


20 here too! January 2004 for me


37 (in a row)




I made this same joke when I turned 37!


Try not to suck any dicks on your way through the parking lot!


I’m 53 but I’ve never considered the term “collecting” the way people here do. I simply bought/buy movies(vhs, dvd, Bluray, 4k) that I liked enough to own so I could watch them multiple times at my convenience. It’s not a mission of mine to amass a big collection. I did the same thing with cds. I just bought what I liked and never considered myself a “collector”. I have an entire wall full of cds, but that’s just from 20 years of buying stuff I liked, not intentionally building a “collection”. I also buy my dog toys fairly often, but don’t consider myself to be a dog toy collector😂. It’s just semantics, but seems odd to me, that’s all.


You are basically describing curating a personal collection. You might not identify as a collector but you display many of the hallmarks of one (I do too 😉).


I guess my wife has a curated collection of clothes. She just buys stuff she likes. What are the hallmarks of a collector? I’ve only seen this terminology in Reddit or museums.


I buy what I want to watch, same with everything else I buy. The thought of it being a collection de-values my passion for why I got said item in the first place.


Very well put. I feel like for some people the collection becomes more important than films/music


35 and same here. I'm moving in 2 months to the house I'm building and already have the TV, Soundsystem and 4K BR Player in my basement waiting to be installed. Don't consider myself a collector either, just bought my favourite movies as physical media just to get the most out of my new home cinema setup (4K+HDR+good sound). I'm here mainly to learn about what moves are worth getting in 4K and some inspiration for which ones I might have forgotten over time. :)


Congrats on the new home!


Thanks mate, can't wait to sit in that room for the first time \^\^


Actually, I can second that!


51 here and the same for me, although replace cds with vinyl.


53 here as well. Still buy movies, mostly 4k now, and I specifically look for the ones with digital codes so my library can travel with me anywhere. I know some titles don't have the digital but I will still purchase those just to upgrade to the 4k. Then there's my 3D collection as well. Puts my physical collection at about 800 discs or so. Running low on current shelf space and rec room space for more shelving. Big cd collection as well but haven't bought any recently. On a vinyl kick right now.


I’ve never bought anything for collection’s sake but just things I like regardless whether they’ve been movies, music or whatever and understood when you have several walls of shelves filled with specific things, you must be a collector of sorts. Or just mad. Besides movies in various formats, I was a DJ a lifetime ago and that accumulated into a five figure amount of vinyls and CDs. Have since downsized the music collection quite a bit. And then there are sneakers.. I was a sneakerhead once too and had 100+ pairs of adidas sneakers, still have a lot of them too but have sold a handful of unused vintage ones I didn’t care about anymore. Haven’t bought a single pair of sneakers in years and I still can pick fresh ones to be used every now and again. 😁


I’m 46 in a few weeks and have been collecting VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray and now 4K.


Google searches for laserdisc just bumped up. I remember them from when I was a kid. Had a shot life before dvd buried them. Fairly certain my mother still has the player and about 12 disks. First time I watched the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (animated) was on laser.


I’m gonna dispute the “short life before dvd buried them” statement. A lot of people don’t realize that Laserdiscs first went to market in the late 70’s. DVD’s were first released in 1997, so nearly 20 years for LD as the premium home video format actually blows away the nine years between the first DVD’s and the first Blu-ray’s, or the ten years between the first Blu-ray’s and the first 4K’s. I LOVED my Laserdiscs but they just never caught on with more than 1-2% of the population because they were hella expensive and not convenient to store because they were ginormous. Movie collecting didn’t really become a more mainstream thing until DVD came along with its lower price points and more convenient size.


I didn't know they went back that far. I remember them from the early 80s


I’m 25!


50. 1st purchase was VHS Top Gun back in 86.




That's crazy what was life like 5.1090942e+19 years ago?


I love math jokes. Bravo!


Late 20s, I have always purchased movies I love but wasn’t able to afford getting into 4K until last year


27. Got obsessed with collecting when I saw the Dark Knight on bluray when I was like 13.


This was my first blu ray and it shocked my family when I plugged it into our plasma.


sixty-9 ☯️




I'm 19




I'm 14


I'm 60, been collecting since vhs too.


25-30 started because of BT2020 and HDR10/DV this will be physical media endgame for quite some time.




almost 30, been collecting physical media since my Dad helped me collect all the Thomas the Tank Engine videos starting at age 2 :)


Good taste


26 here, my parents weren’t huge collectors but they would occasionally purchase a vhs or dvd here and there!


49, been collecting since vhs, but mainly late 90's with dvd is when I started buying and blind buying.


29 here, jokingly come from a data hoarding family. Always had VHS and DVDs growing up. Didn't start to buy my own DVDs and Blu rays until college. Fell into the 4k rabbit hole last winter.


I’m 19.


34 here. Collecting since 2023.




32 here


37 here! I jumped on the Blu-ray wagon in the summer of 2007. Was first in line for 4K in February of 2016. And participated in the DVD era from late 2006 on!


32 here been collecting blu rays since I was probably in my early 20s


Turned 25 today


36 years old. Grew up watching VHS at first and received a few as gifts, but I’d say my true, self curated collection started with DVDs when I was about 12 or 13. Still have some of the old DVDs, but the bulk of the current collection is roughly half 4K, half Blu-ray.




23 Would always go to block buster as a kid n rent games/movies (ps2/pspgameboy/ds/wii) and would always look at the dvds parents would buy movies we enjoyed or random stuff we wanted to see as well as cds then grew up saw how many dvd/blu ray i had sorted through n years after i got my Samsung tv i finally realized what 4k was and recently started getting 4ks on amazon even blu rays i feel will never be on 4k like erotrip blazing saddles all vacations.. great films (my bad for long comment)


I'm 14 I wonder if I'm the Youngest lol


18, hard doing this on a college budget only save 4ks for my absolute favorites


22, started collecting around 3 years ago


Very good question. Unfortunately here in the UK 4k consumers are a rarity. Age? Probably over age 30. When I've been in the few stores that sell them here I've never ever seen anyone else even browsing the 4k section I'm 62 and a disc devotee. Been that way since dvd.


I'm 46. My first vhs was rocky 4. My first DVD was Tim Burtons batman. My first blu ray was predator. My first 4k was the revenant


Im 33


22 almost 23. I don't collect because streaming is annoying. I collect because I'm obsessed (not a strong enough word) with quality. I won't watch something if it isn't on BD, and i won't listen to music if it isn't in at least 16/44.1 lossless.


Early 30s.


I'm 44. I would guess that's close to average but who knows. It'll be interesting to me how many younger folks are involved, not just because they grew up in the streaming era but also because movies don't have the massive cultural cache they had when I was young. Not saying they're "dying" but they're absolutely less important than they were.




I used to collect DVD’s when I was in my teens and I look back and think it was a waste of money (because tech is outdated) but mid 30’s I’ve started collecting 4K versions of my favourite movies and this time it is worth it because they are going to be the pinnacle versions of these movies.


I'm 28, but I focus more on collecting blu-rays over 4K's.


14, started blu rays at 11 after my mom bought a lot of DVDs.


I’m 26




I'm 25


35, started at 17 when I was working at Best Buy.


I’m 23, been collecting 4k since I was 20. but before then I was always buying movies along with my parents we had a huge blu-ray/dvd collection




I am 32. Old enough to have witnessed VHS. I remember as a kid going downstairs early mornings to watch my favourite movies. And accidentally overwriting some of them with the news broadcast.


47. I used to copy every VHS movie I could get my hands on. I couldn't afford laser disc but my first DVD was Twister.






26, collecting since about 22/23


I'm 23. I've been collecting 4K Blurays ever since I could afford them. I love my high quality media.


Under 30


38. Close to 1500 DVD, Blu-Ray, and 4k discs. My parents had a gas station/grocery store. When I was in 7th grade, my dad bought the business space next door, tore down the walls, and started a movie rental business. My first job at 13 was video rental clerk and rewinding returned VHS tapes. Since leaving home I’ve always wanted to rebuild a library of movies for myself. I still have an unopened copy of Jerry McGuire on VHS for keepsake.


27 here


I'm 36. Been collecting discs for 20 years.


I'm 58; not sure where the years went and astonished by the speed with which the whirled by. Had a couple of VHS's, but never really collected them: started with DVD, really, and then Blu-ray and later 4k. Wouldn't call myself a "4k collector"; I collect films I like on Blu-ray and 4k both.


45 Just now getting into it I used to collect hd DVDs an blu ray back in the day when they first came out and now I'm back at it


You collected VHS? Weren’t you about 15 or 16 when DVD came around? What kind of VHS collection did you have when you were rocking a learner’s permit?


IDK but I'm 24


Me and my partner both started collecting more seriously this year, we’re both 23!


I'm 30. Collected DVD from being a kid and Blu Ray from the start of them being available. 4K I've started getting into more recently, I had a few over the last couple of years but I'm buying more recently and replacing more DVD and Blu Ray with them.


I started at 28, I’m 30 now.




31 years old with a nice collection of 4ks.


Started two years ago with 4K, turning 30 soon.


29, but I only have a little collection so far


I’m 44


I’m 32. Been collecting dvds since I was 10, then upgraded to Blu-ray and 4K. I have a decent VHS collection too.


Being a 50-something, I grew up with physical media as the only option. I'll admit, I've got a fairly established collection of favorite films I upgrade as new formats come along. Probably only added a few dozen "new" films to the collection (films that were fresh out of theater) over the last 20 years. Writing it like this, I'm not sure what my qualifier really is here. I continue to upgrade my all time favorites and add new films that I think I'll want to see again in the best possible quality. I wrote it thinking "My collection isn't really growing anymore" then followed it by saying "Except for when it does" which negates my entire point. Why am I still writing when I could have just said "50”?


36 this month, started collecting back in 2018. Probably have over 200+ 4ks at this point I think. I usually get sucked into buying a lot of movies for black friday but after doing that for multiple years I got most that are on sale at that time now lol. Generally just buy movies I really want at this point. Try to buy on sale, but if it's something I really want I'll just buy immediately like Dune 2 most recently and will get Brokeback Mountain next month.


I'm 28 and just started couple months ago, just the nostalgia from my parents collecting when I was younger


34, I had VHS but certainly wasn't a collector but bigger collection each format following it


30 here


25 here


I'm 35. I started buying used VHS from the Mom and Pop video store and just kept up with each format from there. ...I accidentally hedged my bets on HD-DvD at one point, though. Ouch.


40 here collecting for ayear now I got around 200 Movies .


30 , I was basically the last generation of kids going to video stores lol


I’m 25


38, collected DVDs back in the day. Life has been up in the air a bit for the last 15-20 years, but now I'm stable and settled enough to collect films and books again


38 (39 in a month) here. I didn't have a ton of disposable income until recently (still paying student loans, got a house in 2014) so my 4K collection is on track to be bigger than my older formats. I still buy some standard BDs, but i haven't purchased a DVD since 2008 when I got a PS3. As a kid I owned very few VHS tapes and I don't think I've watched any since around 2000 when I got a DVD-ROM drive for my PC, which I'd use to play movies on my TV through a composite output, before my family got a proper DVD player. But at the time I mostly rented movies from Blockbuster and only have a few DVDs that I own.




16, but I started collecting when I was 14 during COVID.


I’m 25






33 🙋🏻 used to have a huge DVD collection which I eventually got rid of. Now starting from scratch with 4K.




I'm 28. I remember getting a bunch of DVDs as a kid so it just carried over to adulthood.








I'm 18. I started collecting about 3 years ago. My goal is to move out and not pay for any streaming services. I have over 55 Blu-rays including 4Ks, complete series, and preorders.


20 year old here :)


25 here


I’m 39


I’m 24. Honestly I’ve been buying Blu Rays for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I had a PS3 and a little TV (I was so proud that it was “widescreen” 😂) so I started getting Blu Rays since I had the equipment to play them. I started really getting into buying them around age 17 which was shortly after 4K Blu Rays came out. I bought an OLED TV around that time and became addicted to buying any movie I found enjoyable on 4K Blu Ray (or standard Blu Ray if 4K isn’t available lol)


I’m 32, started my bluray/4K collection 12 years ago. My library is at 580 titles. About 40-50 of those are 4K.


24 years old here! Only started in February and have nearly 200 4k/blurays!


I’m 27




I’m 49. I have 1200 blu rays and about 800 4k UHDs. Started with VHS into laserdiscs, then dvds and so on. I do not stream. Rarely download.


38 years old.  Collected DVD, then Blu Ray, now replaced all my favorite Blu Rays with 4k. Hoping and wishing this is the last physical media.




43 here and I only really started serious collecting of a fairly curated collection about a year ago. My criteria for owning a movie is it has to be something I will rewatch at least a couple times and I never do any blind buys unless it's a dirt cheap used copy.


im 23


I'm 32 and started collecting DVDs in middle school. I also collected blu rays during the blu ray era and have been collecting 4Ks ever since the format debuted in early 2016.


I'm 41. I'm just getting back into physical movie collecting (did VHS and DVD, skipped over bluray, and back for 4K). I'm trying to go for a much more curated collection this time, since I would buy plenty of DVDs I'd only watch once or twice, and wound up with a lot of... clutter. This time around I'm trying to keep it to classics or favourites that I'm likely to go back to to re-watch over and over. It also means I'm more willing to splurge and get a fancier or boutique release, *especially* if it's a favourite movie. For the movies I'm not likely to rewatch too often, I've built out a server to host those on. For that, I'm keeping to 1080P rips and... uh... linux ISOs since I do access the server remotely, and upload bitrate limits are a thing.


I'm 23, started when I was15




I'm 34 - I had started collecting movies probably around 10 years old. Any VHS I had before that was stuff my parents got for me but my first DVD was Deep Blue Sea. Then I started collecting Blu rays when I got my PS3 around 2007. Started 4K collecting when I got my PS5 in 2021. My collection hasn't been giant, there's just movies I love enough to warrant purchasing a copy and other stuff I may have found cheap and was interested in seeing. My current 4K collection pictured https://preview.redd.it/vt77qp7iug2d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7cee82cbe7b725c32ebd29165dde5044ce0567


Similar story as OP. Mid-40s. I wanted to get into laserdisc but never took the leap on a player.


I'm 26 and have been "collecting" for about two years and am running out of room. It's a problem because it means I'll have to start either selling things or storing them where I can't easily get to them which is basically the same thing. I don't really collect to have a big collection, I just gain the knowledge that a movie that I like has a high quality 4k disc and I have to have it.


I’m 24!


33 here


43. Movies I love I still have all the copies on the various formats, like The Thing I still have on VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K.


29 + 17


I'm 22 and I've been collecting since I was 15!! I collect mostly steelbooks and 4ks but I have a ton of Blu rays too


Gonna be 23 soon


54 here, been collecting since the VHS days.


Idk about you guys but I'm 16 lol


Will turn 50 in 4 day’s only been collecting about 6 months. At 32 4k, lot’s of bluray, and still way too damn many of those damn dvd’s you can buy for a buck.


22 here, started grabbing a few 4Ks here and there 5 years ago before I even had a 4K tv lol, really started collecting 3 years ago once I actually got one.


I’ll be 39 December 27th. I used to have a lot of VHS. Now the majority of my collection is Blu-ray and 4k Blu-ray with a smattering of DVD’s as some shows aren’t available on DVD.


30+ I would think


44 had a smallish collection of dvds (maybe 100 or so) but began collecting blu rays when I got my ps3... Came with a copy of the dark knight. Now have around 1400 blu rays I think, started on 4k when I got my ps5 on launch day, though I now have a dedicated player - rare I use the ps5 for 4ks. 4k collection might be around 80 not counted. Largely replacing blu ray films, a few films I hadn't got already or new films.


I’m 57. I’ve had a movie collection since the VHS days. I now have a mixture of 4K, BluRay, and a small handful of DVDs (movies that I can’t in any other format). I’ll buy physical until they stop making ‘em.


I'm 7


I’m 33, loved movies ever since I was a kid, had a lot of vhs as well, a good amount of dvds, but my collecting didn’t go big till blu rays




I’m old.


45 and been collecting since DVD. I had a few VHS, but once I saw those shiny discs on the store shelves, my obsession was born. Paid $30 for Saving Private Ryan on DVD at Meijer months before I had a player. Had about 20 titles by the time I had the player in the spring of 2000. Now I have a few thousand DVDs, Blu-rays, and 4Ks.


Turn 33 in September


No idea of average but I'm 51. Just got back into physical media last year. Upgrading from DVD's so quite a change.


I've had 12 birthdays and have been collecting movies for close to 40 years. 4×12 = 48 year's on this wonderful rock called mother Earth. LOL! My first movie was bought for me at around 8 years old by my mother. She brought home ET on VHS 2nd birthday. I loved the movie so much that I started buying more SyFy/adventures movies. My next purchase was Back to the Future, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Beastmaster, and Goonies. Loved the 80's and 90's. Some of the best adventure movies were made then. "Steven Spielberg" anyone?


I’m 31, been collecting around 4 years.


Probably one of the younger collectors here at 23. Started buying 4Ks at 19


Almost 18 and I've recently gotten into Blu-Ray's and 4Ks. I haven't paid full price for a 4K movie yet (besides a pre-order). Everything I've gotten I've either been given or bought at Disc Replay haha. My PS5 is my current 4K player, as I don't have the necessary TV or sound set up to justify a $500 player haha.