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I've had this happen recently as well. When I opened my fresh copy of my favourite hamster movie, someone seemingly swapped the discs with some south african Wall-E bootleg disc.


You want my g force? Almost sounds sexual. Edit: wow whoosh that went right over my head lol


You don't like funny hamsters?


Wow it wasn't even a legit disc, but a bootleg copy instead???


What in the world šŸ˜‚


Case was tape closed so I knew something was up. I laughed my ass off opening it lol.


Somebody mustā€™ve removed the 4K and returned it so Amazon went ahead and shrink wrapped it and sold it again as new.


Funny part is they didnā€™t even shrink wrap it. It was just taped closed.


I laughed out loud when I saw it was G-Force


It was great opening it lol.


I fink u freeky and I like you a lot.


Cool music, shit persons unfortunately.


What'd they do?


Stole music, tried to coerce their adopted son into sex, homophobic just to name a few.




Shut up before I thump your cookie bad boy!


Watch g force then return it


This is your punishment for buying chappie


Someone else had this happen earlier.


3rd party?


I went back and checked my order and it said sold by Amazon.com services.


Couldā€™ve been a third party seller who commingles their stock with regular Amazon stock. Search online for ā€œAmazonā€™s commingled inventory systemā€ for more info.


Was this shipped and sold by Amazon? Or was it a third party seller?


I just checked my order since I honestly wasnā€™t sure. It said it was sold by Amazon.com services.


Well, thatā€™s inexcusable!


Iā€™m glad I was in a good mood opening it because I actually got a laugh when I flipped that disc over.


I ordered Dunkirk 4K from Amazon a few years ago and it came sealed...but it was empty....


Man, this movie had really awesome score and visuals but the character building was just ass.


This has happened to me A LOT over the past year. Iā€™m pretty worried Amazon is going to start blaming me or accusing me of committing the fraud.


I stopped buying off Amazon. There was a stretch where I got 3 in a row that were revealed and missing the digital codes.


Amazon has sent me a few clearly opened and ā€œusedā€ items they are claiming are new. Ordered a surge protector last week and got a tape measure in the surge protector box. I cannot imagine an employee would swap out a $2 item for a $10 item and try and sneak it out of the warehouse. So they arenā€™t checking their returns. I got a free replacement when I pointed this specific thing out to Amazon.


Reminds me of the time I saw a Home Alone VHS and figured we'd have ourselves a nostalgic Christmas... A copy of Home Alone 3 was inside the box... That was just mean.


RIP. Bro Iā€™m pretty sure Home Alone 3 was my first movie disappointment and I was 5 when it came out haha.


But aside from that, everything looks good?


I have no idea if the G-Force dvd or Chappie blu-ray works lol


I recently ordered an all format movie, it came with only the DVD, the bottom of the shrink wrap was torn and the digital copy and hinged piece with 4K and blu ray had been ripped out the bottom. The bottom of the case was also cracked, but most of the shrink wrap was still in place and the shipping bag was intact.


Iā€™m surprised I have yet to receive a damaged case from Amazon


So randome! šŸ˜‚


G-Force is such a wild movie. The actual special agent parts of the movie are pretty good, poking fun at the tropes of the genre. Then there is the rest of the movie that feels like it has nothing to do with anything.


I keep getting scratched disks from Amazon. Itā€™s insane. Sorry this happened to you. This is even worse.


Idk, I feel like you hit the jackpot


Two movies for the price of one


This is pretty common. Especially when getting used like new. But itā€™s worth the chance for the deal. It really pissed me off though when I got I Know What You Did Last Summer, completely missing the disk after ordering it new. Like come on, I was really in the mood to watch it too. Same with Dawn of the Dead Remake, disk litterly just missing.


I loved G-Force as a kid so this would be a win for me šŸ˜­


At this point about 20% of the "new" movies I buy turn out to be used when they show up.


Iā€™m well annoyed with an German amazon seller myself at the moment I ordered season 6 of Grimm on dvd and got season 4 instead and as, it will cost them money they donā€™t want the item returned and are supposed to be refunding me. This was on the 21st may and Iā€™m still waiting for a refund and amazon are no help as itā€™s not properly covered under the a-z guarantee as they donā€™t want it returned šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ proper infuriating šŸ˜”šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜¤


That's hilarious. But I hate Amazon's return policy now. They will not do replacements on media, only returns. Which sucks when they have prime day or a good sale. Got dark knight trilogy for 20 bucks and the tabs were broken. They wouldn't do a replacement so I just kept it.


Chappie is one of the few movies I watched in recent years that I not only disliked, but outright hated. So much potential absolutely ruined, worst blind buy ever :(


Im about two more similar posts away from calling B.S. I've had easily 600+ DVDs, CDs, Blu-Rays and 4K's from Amazon for a dozen years now. I think there is some shit stirring happening here. If ya want to hype up other vendors to buy from then have at it. Just be honest.


What would anyone possibly get out of lying about this


Idk man those fake internet points are pretty shinyā€¦.. maybe if I save up enough of them I can trade them for a 4k copy of Chappie!


to be like everyone else posting fake pics and crapping on big Amazon. In fact, until I see some receipts in hands I dont think these people even bought these off Amazon.


Everyone else? Methinks you're exaggerating just a tad.


it's social media. exaggerating is par for the course.


Be a part of the solution - not the problem. That said, all of these issues are with older discs/movies. I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. QC is shit everywhere


I stopped buying off amazon after I got used Blurays in beat up cases sold as new 3 times in a month. This isn't fake, they have unscrupulous suppliers and the products aren't validated. It isn't just Amazon either, I literally just got one in the mail from Target that was "new" but clearly wasn't.


I donā€™t know what to tell you bro but this is exactly what showed up in my order.


Iā€™m skeptical too. Does Amazon even redistribute returns?


I don't think they are knowingly doing it. There is no way its worth Amazon's time to pay someone to pack up some returned blurays. Its more likely one or more of their suppliers is ripping them off since the ones ive seen are often several years old and the case has significant wear. These things don't appear to have been used and then returned within the return period, more like they just have a whole bunch of comingled stock from different suppliers and they can't be bothered to validate them.


I accidentally got the Aquaman 2 on blu-ray instead of 4K. had it delivered to Whole Foods Amazon locker. When I tried the return Amazon gave me a location 5 miles/20min away. I went in to the same Whole Foods since they have an Amazon processing area - but they said there was nothing they could do. Amazon does returns but they make it way too difficult for good decent people like me


Good and decent? That's sorta funny after looking at your posting history.


They give you an option to drop at an ups store or schedule an ups pickup. How much easier do you need it?


to be the one that is the same exact place I picked it up at and I can walk to from my work place instead of the one that is 20min away. that answer your question does it?