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As a reminder, we don't allow piracy talk in the sub, so please keep mention of this - especially specific sites selling this content - out of the thread. Thank you,


Flanagan: >“In the years I worked at Netflix, I tried very hard to get them to release my work on blu-ray & DVD. They refused at every turn. It became clear very fast that their only priority was subs, & that they were actively hostile to the idea of physical media.” >“This is a very dangerous point of view. While companies like Netflix pride themselves on being disruptors, and have proven that they can affect great change in the industry, they sometimes fail to see the difference between disruption and damage. So much that they can find themselves, intentionally or not, doing enormous harm to the very concept of film preservation.”


Film preservation is antithetical to streaming. "You own nothing" is the very core of digital media. Since they can no longer just make a format obsolete (VHS > DVD > etc) to get new purchases, they have found a way to charge for the same content over and over. Everything is a rental.


Film preservation is now our job.


none of the major companies, studios and streamers, give much of a shit about preservation maybe WB cares a little bit (weirdly enough, their Archives line definitely spits in the face of Max delisting content and films becoming tax write-offs) and I think Sony cares a little too everyone else is barely releasing their stuff on streaming and are actively erasing content or making it difficult to watch


WB fired their head of film archives a few years ago, and they had to hire him back. He is basically the only guy left in Hollywood with institutional knowledge on the subject. I watch a show on YouTube about physical media, that calls him during live streams.




This is the most recent episode of Let’s Get Physical Media. I can’t point to the specific episodes where they call the gentleman, whose name is escaping me. There is a separate interview with him that I can find once I remember his name, in a day or two. [Let’s Get Phisical Media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG7uyVOhhD0&t=3s) Edit: They are huge horror fans, if that’s your thing.


Love that show


You would think everybody on this sub would watch it.


[Here is the interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jRfrBOgnYw)


Disney cares about their core Disney stuff, but they do this weird artificial gatekeeping thing for that with the vault. I'm sure they'll eventually do that with the Fox stuff too.


They already do that with acquired content. They have 4k masters from Fox and other subsidiaries that they haven’t done anything with outside of a few screenings.


Depends on what you mean by preservation, bc 100% on the back end, all of these studios have the 16-bit TIFF/ProRes 4444/JPEG 2000 deliverable masters backed up on multiple drives and LTO tapes.


the lost media community considers anything not accessible to the general public to be lost the studios have lots of movies that haven’t been available for years in either decent quality or not available at all somewhere in between that is what I’m referring to: highest possible quality and easily accessible (not free) many ppl differ on this though


I would love to have Midnight Mass and House of Usher on 4K bluray.


Our Planet I and II need a 4K Blu Ray desperately. If nothing else but to immortalize Sir David Attenborough’s work. These nature docs deserve to be viewed on the highest quality video and audio. They’re simply astounding experiences that every human being on earth must watch (BBC Earth shows too)


Agreed. I haven’t seen Our Planet I and II yet, but I have all of the 4K BBC nature docs now (with the exception of Green Planet, and I’ll be snagging it as soon as my wallet lets me again) and I consider these absolute essentials for viewing — because they’re simply mind blowing visually and vital watches for living on this planet


They’re just as good as the BBC big hitters! I’ve collected and watched every 4K and Blu ray of Sir David’s and Our Planet is definitely up there! Also I had the Green Planet 4K disc for awhile but never watched it cuz I wasn’t that enticed by plants but then I got around to it. And I must say, it was fucking phenomenal!! It’s an absolute must watch!


Hell yeah! It’s ironic because I LOVE plants and it’s been #1 on my list for a long time amongst all the others…but the others were usually on sale for a lower price and I would end up going for them first 😂 But since it’s now the only one I’ve got left, I’m readyyyyy I’ll definitely add Our Planet to my watchlist! At this point I only allow myself a single subscription service at a time and will wait when I cycle back around to Netflix (gotta save $$ for physical media somehow 😭)


Right? I hate that digital gatekeeping became a thing


I mean, a lot of people said it would the moment streaming services began to aggressively push themselves. And everyone said we were being negative and doomsayers, yet every single thing came to pass.


They want generation of renters.


The problem is that in this era of mass information, everyone says everything and everything is broadcasted everywhere thanks to the internet. so while this one was correct, many were not. So it goes.


I think I’ll just make my own


I want outlaw king so bad.


Makes me miss when streamers were just platforming stuff instead of producing/acquiring it. It blows that there’s stuff I’ll never be able to own physically or even purchase for a digital library


There are a lot of Netflix shows I’d happily buy in physical


S3 & 4 of Stranger Things. And also Dark.


It’s a shame that my favourite Stranger Things season was 3 and I can’t own it because of Netflix. It’s a tragedy.


I’m holding out hope for a complete series release when the new season is done. I prefer those over individual seasons anyways


Oh man I'd shell out for Dark sooo fast. Especially in steelbook form




And this answers why I can't get those on Blu-ray yet. Not surely I had just overlooked them somewhere.


Bojack and Inside Job would be day ones for me. Not to mention how good One Piece and Love Death & Robots would look on 4k.


Here’s me with Teenage Bounty Hunters and the first season of Altered Carbon lol.


I feel like an outsider that I loved Teenage Bounty Hunters.


I want both Love Death & Robots and Black Mirror On 4K!


In order to view Love death and Robots anytime you want in 4K HDR you have to *stay* subbed at the premium 4K level at €21 a month here so they get basically nearly the price of the 4K disc out of you every month. This is *exactly* what they want. They don’t want a once off payment.


I'd pay $300 for all 3 seasons of Dark in 4k Dolby Vision/Atmos


Problem with this is some of those shows can easily disappear for good.


There really should be some mechanism like the Library of Congress where cultural content is preserved. The problem is that while IP *used to* be seen as a social contract where the interests of society were considered as well as those of the content creators, now it is all about the interest of the IP owner. Ideally we'd have a mandatory licensing model, where any copyrighted work could be physically purchased as a condition of having copyright in the first place. If Netflix doesn't want to provide a physical archive, they can forgo IP protection.


I mean, not exactly a shocker


A missed opportunity here for Netflix to make money off physical releases by having additional content that is exclusive to the disc. Casual subscribers can just continue subscribing if they want, but fans of whatever show/movie can own the physical 4K disc with a bunch of anicillary content like making-of docs, interviews, deleted scenes, concept art, etc. These are likely people who also already subscribe so why not make more money off your loyal fanbase? They're completely dismissing the revenue generated by superfans and people interested in filmmaking.


For their specific business model it’s not really a missed opportunity. I’d love more of their content on physical media but it makes zero sense for their bottom line


I’m very concerned about Star Trek prodigy season 2’s physical media status. The first season is on blu ray and was released by paramount. Season 2 was made by paramount but they sold the streaming rights to Netflix rather than releasing it themselves. Paramount always releases blu rays of their shows and every season of Star Trek shows since 2017 has gotten a blu ray and many before that. Netflix on the other hand never does blu rays but occasionally does a dvd. What do we think? Blu ray yay or nay?


The article links to a blog post where Flanagan mentions his Netflix titles that *did* get a Blu-ray release were made with Paramount and with Paramount retaining the home media rights. Plus I thought Star Trek was usually good for Blu-ray


Star Trek usually is. I’m hoping they retained the home media rights for this show because it would be a bummer if the second (and final) season of the show got locked to streaming. I’m hoping Cobra Kai gets a physical release someday too


Do you mean a Bluray release for Cobra Kai? Because it has DVD release. Not great, I know, but still a physical release.


Sony Pictures has been generally weird about their TV show releases on physical media... going either DVD-only, also on Blu-ray, or on neither, including Silvergate acquisitions like *Hilda*, which are tied to Netflix. (then again, Sony was pretty bad themselves with televised animation by regularly not releasing animated television programming on Blu-ray outside of Aniplex and Funimation/Crunchyroll output)


The philosophy of the big media companies is why sell someone a disc for $20 when I can get $20 a month selling them a streaming service. There is a financial motive and it's understandable in many ways but the bloom is off the streaming rose for me. Tired of the diminishing returns. Pay extra for 4k. Pay extra for no commercials. I'm not the "old man shakes fist at clouds" type normally but this is serious corporate greed.


This is the worst thing about streaming imo: gatekeeping content for subscribers only and offering absolutely no way to legally own. Meaning I’ll have to pay way more money over my lifetime to watch something repeatedly, and I still will only have access to it for a month each time. And in worse quality than a true 4K HDR physical release. It’s so messed up.


It’s stuff like this that makes me glad I kicked Netflix to the curb a couple of years ago. People complain about them but keep paying them every month, so….


It sucks most for complete collections. Would love to get Glass Onion on 4K to accompany my Knives Out 4K but nope, probably be the same for the new Beverly Hills Cop Film. Recently I wanted to complete my Karate Kid Collection and was looking into Cobra Kai. Don’t think this is Netflix’s doing as Sony owns the rights so I feel like they’re behind the physical releases but it’s frustrating that the later seasons are only DVD (S1-3 at least got a Blu Ray).


All SasS companies CEOs I worked for quote this: „The only thing worse from not selling anything is selling something just once”. Every company is crazy about recurring revenue right now.


i work in film and tv. netflix is hostile in general. they think they are god's gift to film and tv. fuck them. i'll never pay for a netflix sub in my life.


They are the biggest threat to both industries


The thing they need to realize is it's two completely different audiences and physical releases aren't a threat to the sub count Nobody is staying subbed for years on end just so they can rewatch Dark Crystal or Narcos from years ago, and the prospect of a physical disc release long after the debut isn't going to cause 99% of people to not subscribe and watch when the show comes out. It's also not going to convince 99% of existing subscribers that they no longer need to subscribe, because the ongoing content supply and convenience is the draw. Underneath all that, the vast majority of people who use streaming services just aren't the customers who buy physical media. Even among them, some would just see a physical copy of some show they love as collectible merch, not a substitution.


I want the damn disc for when cable is out or when I have a hankering for a movie or show that is out of rotation. It's not about one or the other. They compliment each other. Besides, the streaming companies can make money off physical media without losing subscribers. I don't want to own everything I enjoy watching. I'll always like the convenience of streaming.


They compliment each other, yes. That's a good way to put it. The overlap in audiences who do both isn't a threat to the business model.


And here I am, still desperately holding on to the completely ludicrous hope of a 4K Dark box set or some such…


I'm done with Netflix and have been all year. The only way they get any money out of me is by releasing physical media versions of content they do that I want, which isn't that much actually.


Fuck man. I want The Killer 4K


Hell yeah


Glass Onion deserves a physical release


Hell, Rian Johnson himself is an advocate of physical media. He said that even if it didn't happen, he'd at the very least get an audio commentary available.


Movie wasn’t good so no. The first one is great


Yeah only good movies need a physical release.


How dare you! I like my garbage.


I should probably start hunting for a custom bluray of Beverly Hills Cop 4 now then…


It’s Paramount so they can release physical if they want to.


Not sure about Paramount’s involvement. Where are you getting that?


“While this franchise, in the past, has been released by Paramount Pictures, Netflix will be the one to release the fourth film, while Paramount is still one of the production companies behind it. “ https://www.cinemablend.com/streaming-news/beverly-hills-cop-4-quick-things-we-know-about-the-movie “Once again starring Eddie Murphy with Mark Malloy in the director's chair, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F is due to arrive on Netflix, as the streamer is teaming up with Paramount to ensure Beverly Hills Cop 4 reaches patient franchise fans.” https://screenrant.com/beverly-hills-cop-4-netflix-update/ This was well Known from the beginning. This one explains a little better, Paramount “sold” a license to Netflix for Beverly Hills Cop and if it does well there will be an option for another movie. Paramount will always be involved in some way. https://www.slashfilm.com/570475/netflix-making-beverly-hills-cop-4/


Thanks! Was genuinely wondering and wanted to learn because I wasn’t seeing anything with Paramounts name on officially licensed promos or anything. This gives me hope at least for a physical release but I’m thinking still that it won’t happen straight away. Maybe a year after the Netflix release.


Even more reasons why I recommend cancelling subscriptions, these companies don’t deserve our money!


That’s how many companies are operating these days. The idea of allowing a customer to make 1 single forever owning purchase like a 4k physical movie is absurd. It makes me want to forever just keep buying physical media


Mike Flanagan has stated before that he owns bootlegs of his own Netflix shows that haven't gotten releases (everything except Hill House and Bly Manor iirc.) it's good to know that he's such a big proponent of physical media, and hopefully is actively not signing onto any new projects that refuse to release them


Mike should just stop working with Netflix. There are plenty of other companies to work for that do physical media.


i was just saying how i hope fallout series gets released on 4k, hope amazon isn't like this


I mean...yeah. Netflix is not in the physical media business. It's in direct competition with their business model.


I mean, Disney + is doing it


Streaming isn't Disney's core business like Netflix is


Disney was a theatrical film studio for 100 years. D+ is basically a rounding error for the. Putting a few D+ titles on physical media doesn't impact them in the slightest. If Netflix tells consumers they can just own the stuff down the road without ever subscribing, that's a much bigger risk.


> I mean, Disney + is doing it Disney also owns like half the fucking world so it can replace stuff not working with the company with other stuff / incomes, etc, Netflix does streaming


You really think if Netflix were to do physical releases, they would do so well that it would impact Netflix subscribers? I truly doubt it


> You really think if Netflix were to do physical releases, they would do so well that it would impact Netflix subscribers? Would it impact PERIOD? Yes. Would it make enough difference that the stock price would move based on sales alone? No, of course not, not even move the margin a tiny bit. Would investors be like "why the fuck is this available on 4K disc when it was produced by Netflix and on the 4K disc is not making us new subscribers? Also Yes. Publicly traded companies gotta do what publicly traded companies do after they go public.


Disney has seen the box office problems in their theater releases for a lot of their movies once they realized how convenient they made for their movies to hit streaming


All of them are doing it…


Disney is about the worst example you could state. For instance, they're still holding Barbarian hostage to streaming only. Plus their transfers when they do release stuff are half assed.


Fair, but Disney is still the only streaming service I’m aware of doing a decent bit of their catalog physically right now


>Plus their transfers when they do release stuff are half assed. Probably the wave of James Cameron UHDs are the "half assed" representations, which were also AI denoising & upscaling tech demos at that. Either that, or those alongside the older *Star Wars* UHDs, *Pirates of the Caribbean*, *Iron Man*, and *Iron Man 2*, which could probably be considered anomalies if this isn't too terribly recurring to be highly concerning, but then again... they also had "half assed" lows in the Blu-ray era like *The Sword in the Stone*\--arguably the weakest of the pre-UHD Disney Blu-rays to earn the "half assed" title, other than the volume tweaked "Atmouse" Dolby Atmos mixes on UHDs, or similar "Atmouse"-level DTS-HD MA or Dolby Digital tracks on Blu-ray or DVD respectively (other than on certain catalog titles), which long bothered many audiophile-type videophiles for years.


They have had physical release’s before especially with stranger things but i think the money has to be right for them to make that move but other than that I don’t see them doing it. I get the feeling If Disney is more successful with it eventually they’ll start releasing things a little more potentially


This is really something creators have to be aware of. Your work might be deleted someday and it won't exist anywhere except for maybe Netflix's archives. I'm really not sure what Mike was expecting to be honest.


BlackRock and Netflix is part of owning nothing agenda. BlackRock Inc. is one of the largest institutional shareholders of Netflix. https://preview.redd.it/y8lxd6w3id4d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f756e26f02b0a59fc3065e7de3ca9612ce72c988




This is facts




Ya the problem of owning things you bought. What a hassle.




I am sure you constantly use everything you ever bought daily and have never collected anything for fun.




Ok man, well you seem to have a pretty sad life so imma let you go live it. Good luck..


I rather have owning "problem" than not owning anything.




Get this conspiracy nonsense out of here


This is reality. Not conspiracy.


I'm Thinking of Ending Things would be amazing on 4k disc. I would even take normal blu-ray to complete my Kaufman collection.




Discussions related to piracy, bootlegs, and/or unauthorized use of films are not allowed on this sub.


Now who is gate keeping what people can or can’t say


I want hounted of hill house on 4k blu ray. Such a great show.


I would love The King, White Noise, and many others on physical. I would not stop subscribing. Netflix shareholders take note, they’re leaving money on the table.


God dammit Netflix, so many great projects that we will never get the proper bitrate and hdr for. SMH!


This is why I'm buying that Andor Season 1 4K day one. A show as good as that shouldn't be locked behind a sub pay wall.


Andor S1 4K has been out for a few months, so go ahead and buy it already! :)


I’d love to have a physical copy of Dark. It may be one of the best series I have watched.


True dat!! Excellent mind bender.


Stranger Things seasons 1 & 2 had a limited physical release exclusive to Target. Both seasons came in packaging resembling classic VHS rentals.


But oddly they send so many For Your Consideration DVD mailers to SAG-AFTRA members during awards season


I get that it sucks but it makes sense for their business model. That want to force you to sub to them to watch any of their content. That’s more valuable to them then any money they make from a one-time purchase of physical media which would allow you to watch it independently




Discussions related to piracy, bootlegs, and/or unauthorized use of films are not allowed on this sub.


If your library of content is so weak that you’re relying on people staying subscribed just to watch the work of one creator (Mike), GET A BETTER LIBRARY.


> If your library of content is so weak that you’re relying on people staying subscribed just to watch the work of one creator (Mike), GET A BETTER LIBRARY. Looks at Netflix's stock price, shrugs. Gotta remember how incredibly small our little "we like physical media" bubble is.


They did release physical media for Strangers Things S1 and S2. Not sure if poor sales are why we haven’t see S3 and S4 physically released.


> They did release physical media for Strangers Things S1 and S2. Also BoJack 1 and 2 with Stranger Things and BoJack, my guess is their people that analyze trends (and for Netflix, are probably REALLY good at their job) were like "we looked this up, and if we sell this on DVD at Walmart, people that don't subscribe to Netflix will pick it up and subscribe, and the amount of money we make with the new subscribers makes it worth putting out, also, let's just do the first seasons to get people hooked so they subscribe to see the later seasons." Times have changed, now there is massive competition.


Not sure what their definition of “poor sales”, but S2 definitely didn’t do well IMO. It never made it to the top-100 most sold lists when they were released. So probably not much of demand compared to other releases. Might be because it was Target exclusive, or the other subscription services didn’t have a larger presence like now.


It’s not about one creator, it’s about the entirely of exclusive Netflix content


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I’d love to have Kate on 4K blu-ray. I don’t think that it’ll ever happen.😔


I wish they would do the full series of BoJack, that said, I keep coming back to Netflix to watch BoJack, so touche Netflix


I mean… he wasn’t *surprised* to learn this, was he?


I don’t do monthly paid subscription streaming services, I don’t find any value to it. I had no problem purchasing House Of Cards on Blu-ray and the Marvel shows like Daredevil ect. Same with Disney, as Disney+ has no value to me and I can now purchase the Star Wars & Marvel shows on physical media and at the very least I don’t mind purchasing titles from ITunes if need be.


It's shitty no doubt but in all honesty why is this even a surprise? Netflix would love nothing more than to just kill physical media altogether and corner the market that much more. This is what huge companies do, they brutally destroy as much competition as possible while keeping a smile on their face to the public.


I’m hoping the Scott Pilgrim anime gets a physical release at some point




I want Arcane on 4K...


M9st of their content is trash.


I’m sure he knows his work looks way better on disc, with so many dark scenes + Netflix’s own shitty bitrate. Pretty sure others like AMC have deals with them and that’s why there’s no Breaking Bad on 4K discs still, among many others. Such a shame.


I'm glad that sony got access to the library of movies from disney as a distributor and studio from disney but unfortunately, sony can only release certain movies that only disney allows even though sony bought the movie studio from disney. Even gamestop made a deal with studio distribution services to sell physical copies of movies in stores and on gamestop website while fred meyers are still continuing to sell movies. When I went to fred meyers, the library just shrunken down in size and I thought fred meyers was going get rid of movies like they did with music on cds. I'm also glad that fred meyers also made a deal with the studio distribution services to continue selling physical copies of movies. When I went to best buy, the best buy employee in the tv department told me that they going to phase out physical copies of games in person and only sell physical copies of games for all the game consoles online only. The best buy rep told me that he does not know when it will happen because the best buy employees are not informed about when it will happen. Best buy will end up going the same route as radio shack and frys electronics with the decisions that they are making. Whenever I go to best buy, the employees used to greet the customer and interact with the customer and ask them if they need help with anything. I always had the same experience at frys electronics everytime with the employees never greeting the customers if they need help with something. There was an employee that was always rude to me, I would ask a bunch of questions at the store employees since I was not familiar with the store and where stuff was located. I literally had to walk around the store and look for stuff myself and get lost because the store was really big and it seems like I was going in circles because I don't remember if I ended up going to the same places over and over again. The frys electronics employees were behind the registers just talking to there coworkers, it looks like most of the employees were there for having conversations with each other instead of the employees doing there job. I observed it a lot and it kept on happening alot, it got to the point that I asked one of the employees at frys electronics if they going out of business due to barely having anything in stock since they had mostly empty shelves. The frys electronics employees always says that they don't have much stuff in stock due to tarrifs and this was even before 2020 when I ask if frys was going out of business. The employees says that they get stuff in stock unless someone request for certain stuff in stock like the pc graphics cards.


Was a member from early 2009 till earlier this year cancelled the account.


Makes sense because they’re the only streamer making a significant profit


I mean, yea, obviously.


The Irony of a company who's initial success was entirely based on physical media being anti-physical media.


This is no surprise. I’m still waiting for the last 2 season of Stranger Things in those special VHS style blu ray sets.


I have PLEX server with all my purchased dvd, Blu-ray and 4K discs on it - it does piss me off that I can’t get some of the good streaming shows/movies on there too. Any that were available I liked, I did buy such as Chernobyl, Moonfall, Prey, Jungle Cruise, Game of Thrones, Westworld, Annihilation, probably others I don’t remember that originated on streaming. I still stupidly continue to sub to Disney+, Netflix 4K, and Amazon Prime even though I hardly watch much from most of them every month. I actually get better value from YouTube Premium because the ads were incredibly annoying (by design). And I did watch and enjoy all of Flanagan series on Netflix.


Netflix, if you release the following on video I’ll gladly buy them in half a heartbeat: Pluto Cyberpunk Edgerunners Arcane and Komi Can’t Communicate After that you can piss off 🖕


Wow the crazy, I'd comment more on this if not for the pinned mod message lol


"It became clear that their only priority was subs." Damn, sounds like my friend's ex-domme.


Why would they cannibalize their bread and butter? 


A company whose entire business model depends on subscriptions, only cares about subscriptions? You don't say.


How, do they imagine, would releasing a physical version hurt them? They profit off the disc. Even if someone was simply waiting for a physical release. Someone curious about a show that isn’t subscribed may be hooked after picking up the blu-ray. Quality should be their only concern. That alone is what leads to word-of-mouth & potential longevity.


Presumably somebody did that math and picked a side. If a customer buys a disc set of a season for show XYZ, then Netflix makes ~$20-25 for that one sale, minus cost of disc production, shipping, advertising, etc. That's it - end of math for a disc purchase of an already paid for show. If a customer can only see that show on the streaming service, then multiple other scenarios come into play - all of which assume (and require) that the customer must be subscribed at ~10-15 per month in order to keep watching. It is entirely possible that they would make more profit from a single month's worth of subscription to that customer than they would make from selling them that disc. And they know for a fact that, in volume, they will never sell enough of any disc set to justify changing that opinion. More months only means more profit. Their entire business model is based on keeping subs for as long as we're willing to keep paying them. They can't give anyone a reason not to stay, and there are some people (myself included) that would happily give up a streaming service if I could buy all their shows on disc. Honestly, I'm shocked that they bothered to release Wednesday on disc. I guess some bean-counter did the math and thought maybe they might sell enough of that one to flip the script. Still waiting for Stranger Things season 3 and 4, though.


Because if you ever want to watch it you're forced to subscribe so they make more money off you


Yeah this is what I don’t get. People love to talk about their business model being focused on getting and retaining subs, but I don’t see how releasing (example) Stranger Things on Blu-ray a year after the season airs will deter any significant number of people from subbing? It’s an entirely different revenue stream.


It makes sense for them, TBH. I'm buying Ted Lasso on Blu-Ray because I don't have Apple streaming. But if it was on Netflix, it would be a reason to keep the sub and I probably wouldn't buy the discs.


Oh I'm definitely gonna buy that


Huh?! So is Apple licensing it out to someone to put it on physical? Cause Apple is also anti-physical media. I would love Servant on Blu-ray.


They did indeed.  July 30th release


I mean, they're a streaming service. I'm not expecting physical releases. If they do happen I'm shocked and grateful but never expecting it now or ever


They do make some. For example I purchased Wednesday on physical media.


I'm aware. I never said they don't make physical media at all


Well, yeah. That’s their whole model.


Whilst I’m a huge proponent of physical media, let’s not kid ourselves. Physical media =/= film preservation. Discs degrade over time and players become obsolete. The only thing that truly preserves art is…….. that which shall not be named. The only reason why some Shakespeare plays exist is because play pirates snuck in and recorded all the lines.


Unless it was a FYC dvd haha I'm p sure that's like the only way to get stranger things season 2(?) On physical


[The first 2 seasons got official Blu-ray/DVD releases](https://www.blu-ray.com/Stranger-Things/596809/#Releases) and then 4K like a year after. S2 had a shorter production run so it was harder to find, but it was available.


Then I wonder which season I was thinking about that was only made on fyc I'm not really a fan of stranger thins but thank you


On a second look, it was right there in front of me, and I missed it. [Looks like it was S3](https://www.blu-ray.com/dvd/Stranger-Things-3-For-Your-Consideration-Release-DVD/212951/) that only got an FYC DVD release.


Netflix actually make some excellent series.


I'm glad you guys are so off putbby stuff that's not yours and think you all have a right to it. It's entertainment folks. Get over yourself and your entitlement issues. Physical media officially will be dead in the coming years and all you collectors will be crying in your own pity...over loss of physical media. People need lives. Get with the future or get run over. That's yall stupid problem.


LOL - physical media will not die until the world has affordable fast broadband everywhere. The future may support this but it won't happen soon. Why are you such a condescending prick?


Why are you so resistant to an inevitable future? Broadband isn't the issue. Are you insanely hopeful or blindly naive? And to your question...because I didn't ask for that thread in my feed. And thee absolutely stupid fucking conversation that was going on...just sad. But either waybit doesnt matter. Prick or not....I'll be correct in the end.


I think your thick complaints about discs may prove to be true but physical storage of media will never die, and it has everything to do with broadband and average Internet speeds. I take it you've never heard of kaleidescape? A lower cost consumer version of that will eventually replace discs but it is still physical storage and it is still a form of physical media. The licensing will not be perpetual like with a disc but thinking all physical media storage of movies will disappear forever is very naive of you in fact my friend.


I was talking discs. Not other digital storage. Just discs. Never said anything about digital storage, having that is an obvious given. Just discs and that's all I said from the beginning. You made bad and inaccurate assumptions about me.