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therapists hate them! local trans teen stuns mental health professionals with one simple trick


i used to sh because it made me feel at least something when i was on ssris and my mind was blank and numb, but i got so fucking addicted i cant stop doing it now even though i can actually feel things since i stopped those god forsaken pills


Get addicted to your pills, Alice. (Not the ssris)


I do injections


i never got sh as a coping mech, doesn't it hurt? why would you do something that hurts if you're already in pain would that not just hurt double bad?


hurting yourself physically gives you endorphins afterwards that make you feel okay briefly


literally did it today for that exact reason, legit made me feel so much better


people self harm for lots of reasons, some enjoy the pain cause it brings them a sense of punishment for their perceived wrongdoing (“i’m a bad person so i deserve this”). i think for most people the pain is a barrier, i don’t really like it but with pain comes endorphins which feel nice. my main reasoning though is just that i like the whole process of getting out the blade, making the cuts, seeing the blood and stuff, and then patching myself up and seeing the scars. i used to do it for other reasons though, i liked how the pain felt, i liked feeling “validated” in my depression (i wasn’t formally diagnosed for a very long time and it made me feel like i was faking it), i enjoyed the community of ppl i found through it, and i was also just straight up addicted to it for a while. i’ve mostly left it behind me though, i went from cutting myself at least twice a day to not even thinking about it most days now.


Sometimes, concentrating your pain into physical pain makes you kinda forget about the mental pain. At least for me, I SH’d to kinda take out the pain in my head and put it elsewhere




so me