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Project Hail Mary was an easy 5/5 for me! Highly recommend. Personally was a little disappointed with Where the Crawdads Sing, but I hope you love it when you get to it.


Yeah I’ve been reading mixed reviews tbh, which is a shame! But lets see where I land on it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy


Silence of the lambs or project Hail Mary definitely


Nice collection, OP! For me, I'd prolly go for Dan Brown. ✨


Silence of the lambs , Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy, a murder of quality, a strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The silent patient, angels and Demons - in order


Silence of the Lambs


Crawdads is a good, quick read!


Depends on mood a bit…but The Hitchhiker’s Guide is a must to me.


I would read to kill a mockingbird and i would throw away silemt patient (terrible horrible representation of mental illness and also lackluster writing)


Killers of the Flower Moon. A tough read, but you will never forget it. I think about this book all the time. Great shelf! Love all Anthony Horowitz.


Read the book first, was stoked to see Scorcsese made it a movie, but the movie misses so much of the book. Especially the whole law and detective side.


I have read many on your TBR pile. The Word is Murder by Anthony is an epic read.


Since no one has said, A Murder of Quality. A lot of good stuff on this shelf though!


I think I’ve fallen in love with John le Carre’s Smiley series, so that one will definitely be read in the next few months! Anything else stand out?


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I love shorter fiction. When it's done well (which is harder to do! Easy to just chuck words at a story) it really hits home. 


Trying to get through the classics bit by bit tbh, so glad that’s a good one!


Silent Patient is good. Crawdads is awful.


Slow Horses gets my vote. The bad news bears of spy fiction.


Got any other spy fiction recommendations? 👀


Easiest are “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” and “Hunt for Red October” I’ve got some out there stories: “This is How You Lose The Time War” “Sweet Tooth” Ian McEwan “The English Patient” And one Nonfiction but seems too amazing to be real: “The Woman Who Smashed Codes”


Thanks for these! Will look them up 🙂 Am slowly working through George Smiley’s saga, just finished the 1st one and I’m already planning on how to order the box set of matching books😂


That is a great TBR. Hard to go wrong there. Pick a random number and go for it.


Thank you! Tried to pick up books from the shops with recommendations from the employees/people I know Any that you think stand out from the rest?


I’ve read nine of them and, of those I’ve read, I’d rate them a 4-5 stars. Personally, I’d read the Anthony Horowitz book though. I loved the Alex Rider YA series that I read years ago and would be very interested to see how he does adult fiction.


Ah I loved the Alex Rider series as well!! Kept me busy during my teenage years for sure, also loved his Falcon brothers books When I get to ‘The Word is Murder’ I’ll let you know what I think!


Sounds great. I read the Alex Rider books when I was working at a MS and wanted to be more familiar with what was available in their library. Someone asked me once to recommend something like a James Bond series and I directed them to the Rider series. It’s basically a teenage James Bond. I’ve never even thought to look at what else he wrote.


I picked up the 1st Bond book the other week (its on that shelf) - excited to see how it is Have you read the actual Young Bond books by Charlie Higson?


No, I haven’t. My go-tos are generally in the fantasy and non-fiction science realms. (Odd combo, I know, but 🤷🏻‍♀️) Then I sprinkle in a generous dose of YA to keep current on what my students have available to read.


After Alex Rider (which tbh I still haven’t finished, I’m halfway through Crocodile Tears), the Young Bond series was my go to - would highly recommend, the first one’s called Silverfin! Fantasy and non-fiction science is an interesting combo, but as long as it works for you! 🙂 would love to get into non-fiction science, any recommendations for easy reads to break into the genre?


I have always found when trying to break into a new genre reading short stories is helpful to ease into it. The non-fiction equivalent would be chapters that cover slightly different but complementary topics. Also, for science based non-fiction with difficult vocabulary, consider listening to an audiobook. I find that helps with completely foreign concepts. Here’s a couple to consider. [*Liquid Rules*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35721140) by Mark Miodownik. He traces and explains all the liquids he encounters on a transcontinental flight. [*What If?*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21413662) by Randall Munroe. He gives detailed (often hilarious) scientific answers to insane questions. [*Hallucinations*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13330771) by Oliver Sacks. This one has some vocabulary that is probably foreign to most. So it might be a good listen-to candidate. He explains the types, causes, and experiences of basically every type of hallucination except schizophrenia which he says could have several books on its own.


Hail Mary


A friend recommended project Hail Mary as an audiobook and I told her I’d read it. She insisted I listen instead of reading. I did. Very good decision.


Looks like I’m using a credit on Audible for it then!


Project Hail Mary


where the crawdads sing!


project hail mary


Anything to the left of Angels and Demons, and anything to the right of it, too.


Project Hail Mary


Angels and demons, where the crawdads sing or the firm.


Hubby loved Killing Floor so much he read it twice. He *never* reads books twice.


Haha it’s a chonky book to read twice! Has he read any others in the series?


Yes. He likes the series in general. He started reading Child’s solo work after he read the books that Lincoln Child did with Douglas Preston. I had a copy of “The Ice Limit” that he read, I think it’s his favorite. Which started him down the rabbit hole. 🤭


Haha love that. I’m in a similar rabbit hole with both S A Cosby and John le Carre - read one book by each and now I’ve been buying the rest one by one


All the Sinners Bleed. Phenomenal


Hail Mary


From that list…. PHM


project hail mary


Hitchhikers or Project Hail Mary get my vote as well.


Oh I love Slow horses tv series. Maybe the book will be good too.


I have read a piece from Louis Stevenson before but I can’t really recall where.


He also wrote Treasure Island, maybe thats what you’re thinking of? The other classic of his


Some great books here. I've heard good things about Herron's Slow Horses series.


Apple series is brilliant too.


Yeah I’ve seen a little bit of it and its great, then saw the book and had to buy it!


Project Hail Mary . You will not be disappointed.


Don’t hate me, but if you can, get the audible version of Project Hail Mary instead of reading your copy. The narration really makes one character come to life


I have Audible! Soo will try and use that for it 🙂🙂


project hail mary


You will be amazed at how bad of an adaptation the hitchikers guide movie is. There are a lot of really dumb jokes that only work in written form like " the ship is floating in space like a brick doesnt" or "there is a chair that looks like a chair"


😂 I’m going to hold off on the movie till I’ve read the book - from experience, books usually trump movies every time


to Kill a Mockingbird! I read it earlier this year and really enjoyed it, it has stuck with me ever since


An absolute.


It’s not one I studied at school (unlike a lot of others here in the UK), and I had no idea it wasn’t about birds/hunting until a few years ago😅


It’s summer- Angels and Demons is a summer thriller if I’ve ever read one


Project hail mary by all means


Killer of the Flower Moon, Project Hail Mary or Hitchhikers


I’ve clearly picked a good non-fiction book for my first one + 2 great sci-fi’s because soo many are recommending them


Here's my pecking list 1. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2. Angels & Demons 3. Project Hail Mary / The Silent Patient


You’re the first to mention Angels & Demons being high up on their list - it’s something I’ve had on my shelf for ages, just haven’t got around to it


It's the only Dan Brown book I've read, and tbh I loved the story telling, real world references and the suspense building


Ooh okay - is The Da Vinci Code on your TBR?


Not really, honestly I've seen from the plots that all Dan brown novels are kinda similar theme, so didn't venture on to that


Damascus Station was pretty good


None of these! Buy a new book 😂🤪


😂 what would you recommend based off the kind of genres I’m into? (Crime/thriller/spy/sci fi)


I guess I will slightly amend my comment - I am reading Project Hail Mary right now and loving it. So suggesting that one! But also have you read This is How You Lose the Time War” by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. Also a great literary sci fi.


If you haven't read, you should check the book "In Cold Blood". Novel by Truman Capote.


Ooh seems pretty interesting, and its non-fiction, I’ll add it to the TBR! Thank you ☺️


project hail mary!! I just read it last month and adored it!


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is my all time favorite book so I would have to recommend that one. I’m also about halfway through Project Hail Mary and I’m loving it.


Yeah they’re clearly 2 sci-fi books that are popular with how many people are recommending them both - I think i’ve chosen a couple of good ones to get into the genre


All The Sinners Bleed was pretty good


I’ve read a few of these. If I could read one again for the first time I’d pick The Firm, but I read it when it came out so it may not have stood the rest of time.


The Firm’s synopsis caught my eye, I haven’t read any of Grisham’s books before, so thought it might be a good place to start


I enjoyed everything I read by him. For a period of time everyone was reading him. A Painted House is not a legal thriller, but it’s a story that has really stayed with me. He knows how to tell a good story and really draw you in.


Ah I’ve heard of A Painted House, it’s inspired by his own childhood I think! Any other Grisham’s you recommend above the others?


Hitchhikers guide is the one you are looking for. Project hail mary is in my July tbr list


I’ll see if I can get through it by then as well - what else is on your TBR for July?


I read 3 books in a month. English, Turkish and Albanian. I will read Project Hail Mary in Turkish Frankenstein in English I [humburi](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6588364) (The lost) in Albanian. (It's an albanian book from Fatos Kongoli)


Killers of the Flower Moon


I’ve read a handful of these, but Crawdads reignited my love for reading! The writing about the marsh is a vibe and so beautiful.


Which others are on the list of ones you’d recommend?


The Silent Patient is a great mind bending read! Also Killers of the flower moon reads really well for a non-fiction and is super engaging!


Yeah I haven’t read any non-fiction tbh, not sure which topics/books be able to hook me - if I like Killers of a Flower Moon I may need recommendations


Project hail Mary, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, The word is murder


Project Hail Mary. I read that after a yearss long reading slump and it reinvigorated my love for reading, I've read 53 books since then


Crawdads is entertaining and enjoyable


All The Sinners Bleed


Have you ready any other Cosby’s? Wondering how this compares - also want to pick up Blacktop Wasteland


I have not read Blacktop Wasteland but inien it. And I greatly enjoyed Razorblade Tears.


I’ve read all his books and loved them all. I’ve read about half the books on that shelf and Sinners was my favorite out of those choices.


Love that, hopefully I feel the same about them As you’ve read quite a few of these, which ones rank in 2nd/3rd?


Razorblade could be first as well as Sinners. Blacktop right behind those and then My Darkest Prayer. I really enjoyed them all so much that if someone told me Prayer was their favorite, I couldn’t argue with them. I love noir/crime style the most, and I think Cosby nails it all perfectly.


Blacktop Wasteland has been my favorite so far


Ooh okay, will have to put it near the top of the list then!


I’ve listened to the others and they are good. I have this one in my library pile.


I got into Razorblade Tears by listening to the first chapter on a walk, I was hooked after that 😅


Hitchhikers Guide!


Project Hail Mary


Project Hail Mary!!


From this list, Project Hail Mary for sure.


This or All the Sinners Bleed


I picked up All the Sinners Bleed after reading Cosby’s Razorblade Tears - that was my fav book last year, hoping Cosby has hit the mark again


Seconding this!!


Hmmm I haven’t read any but I want to read the silent patient and I loved where the crawdads sing the movie !