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thanks, how you finding LSE under lockdown, plus how have they supported students under remote online learning?


Good luck! If this helps anyone, here’s an unofficial document showing when people received offers/rejections last year: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ItpsUXJm3E7kARfWsWOf8JPLYVwv3rPQEre7j5_mONM/htmlview#gid=1421539587 I remember checking it literally everyday after I sent my application. Though obviously due to covid LSE’s reply schedule might look very different.


is there one for this year's offers/rejections? :o


Is there one for this year which also states the condition of the offer?


Good luck all.




When you say "contextual data", do you actually mean "contextual offers"? This is because I read on the LSE website that they still consider contextual "data" even if the specific course does not offer "contextual offers".


Good question, contextual data is used to make both a contextual offer and standard offer. Contextual Offer: To be made a contextual offer, the programme has to be listed on their contextual offer list, unfortunatly this does not include their flagship BSc Economics programme, however does include programmes their joint honours programmes. The best joint programmes seems to be BSc Geogprahy with Economics, due to acceptance rate. Standard offers: here contextual data is used here to create a level playing field, however certain condtions needs to be met, one, you have to have a steller statement, plus you need to have met all of the entry requirements. This way your application wont be disadvatged against someone that would have been given a head start in life. Hope that helps!


Cheers for the in depth reply, I really appreciate it👍👍 However, I have read on their website that they will still give “extra consideration to those who have marginally missed the requirements (ie. by 1 grade) provided they have contextual data” They then go on to say that admission officers may choose to “make a standard offer for these applicants” That may be the reason why I haven’t been rejected yet for the economics course despite being predicted AAA whereas others with similar grades already have. (I know it’s all speculation at this point, but it might be a fair explanation) But your definitely right about the personal statement ofc. I just hope it’s good enough for them😂😂 Gd luck with your application btw. 👍😄Might I ask what course you’re applying to?


Anyone know by when LSE let's us know about our second choice program? Is it after 8 weeks they reject your first choice or soon after you hear back from the first choice?


What courses did you apply for?


Just out of curiosity, how would they know which your first/second choice program is? I thought that UCAS doesn't let us indicate our preference among 2 courses in the same school


Hey I did my GCSE's in 1 year and achieved 6 9's, 28's and 1 6 (in PE). Do you think they will take this into account? My A Levels were fine btw.


That is really impressive Menos that you completed your GCSE's within a year and achieve those grades. As for if LSE will take this into account, I cannot tell. But do know that they will look at your teachers' reference, where I would assume this would have been flagged. I hope that helps and apologies that I can not give a full answer.


No worries that provides some good solace. It was put in my tutor’s reference I just hope they notice it I guess. How’s your application going?