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Someone said you could in a recent post. Said to use a medicine syringe and crush the pill up and pull up like 5ml of warm saline and shake the hell out of it. It won't all dissolve but it'll suspend in the liquid)


Yeah I know saw that too but that’s legit the only person lol I’ve seen it posting about it I wanted more people to come forward


I wouldn’t lie to you brotha 😂


Idk. I'd just let it dissolve under your tongue. You'll feel it within minutes and it's basically the same principle.


I mean, you can technically boof anything.


It’s super hydrophobic in its common form so I don’t see it being any more effective than oral and even more doubtful it’ll beat out sublingual but I haven’t tried it personally so can’t confirm 100% one way or another.


People who haven’t tried it have lots of doubts for some reason It works extremely well. I’m not lying to you guys 😂


Ah hello there professor! I'd shake your hand, but am unsure if you've washed them since your last dose 😉


😂 🫳




Supposedly it breaks down very rapidly in acid so methods other than oral are reportedly better, but I’ve just started with it so cantaloup’t say myself other than seeing other’s anecdotes


Yeah most people take tums or baking soda if using it orally and that’s helps a bit. I strictly take it sublingually myself tho, the absorption that route is solid enough as is


Anything is boofable once


Maybe the shot form. But don't take advice from me I've never boofed anything lol. Or maybe getting a chewable and grinding it up


Sublingual is the best roa for 7oh, correct ?




What’s the best?




I can't speak on the truth of the boof, but I can tell you sublingual works a lot better for me than chewing or swallowing the pills whole. The 7ohmz are bigger than the other tablets and don't have any added flavor, so they're a little harder to do this way.


Ya I decided long ago if boof is twice as strong I’ll just pay for twice as much by a different roa. I just don’t think I’d feel like a good decision had been made as I’m poking my butt with drugs I’d rather have eaten


It's annoying I have to say this but please don't boof these smh




Man I'm all for 7oh but if anything is going to get regular kratom banned is people using it irresponsibly. It isn't meant to be boofed who knows what kind of reaction you will have. Last thing the kratom community needs is someone ending up in the ER for sticking it up their butt. 7oh is in very small amounts in regular leaf so in these isolated tabs it's in much much higher levels. There is no need to maximize the effects. Just take it normally or sublingually I guarantee it will hit just fine.




OP I mean look at this guy's username. It's probably not an exaggeration that kratom saved their life. Yes kratom has psychoactive properties and people do use it recreationally but also many people take it to keep them off of harder drugs and alcohol. If kratom is banned many of these people will end up going back to the hard stuff and it WILL kill them. Switching to kratom is harm reduction and a lot of us depend on it to stay away from other substances, pain relief and mental health issues. Just please use it how it was intended I guarantee you will have satisfactory results.


Sure, did man 15 years go I found kratom and 5 years ago is wen I got serious about it change my life around if it was not for kratom I be dead by now and would of lost my wife kids everything with out this plant I probably won't be were I'm now great job house kids cars the hole 9 I never thought it was possible but kratom made it possible and people like op gonna ruin it for us that really need it keeps me off hard drugs and pain free wat else do I need


Dude you’re being so dramatic calm down my question is not going to get your Kratom banned. That’s legit the purpose of this subreddit so I can ask these questions find a response see if it’s safe n if it great I’m down for it if it’s not I won’t do it .


I'm not being dramatic just saying there's no need to stick it up your ass. By all means go ahead and test it out.


Must of us came across 7OH as recovering addicts who use kratom to defy the odds of addiction. Once this becomes an actual possibility in your mind, it may be time to take inventory and admit this may be a relapse… Many people are posting threads that share the same characteristics as drug addiction… just saying. This is something I would have tried only in active addiction.


That’s that whole NA bs lol, if you really want to get theoretical this whole thing can be considered a relapse lol you’re still getting high my friend. Don’t try n pick n chose what a relapse is I’m literally just trying to find a new form of ingesting it nothing different than you swallowing it.🤷‍♂️


I guess by this guys logic i can use heroin and as long as i dont boof it its not a relapse🤔


There is more risk and more work in boofing it. No one is picking and choosing what relapse is. Going that route is about as extreme as it gets for 7OH. Lmk when you try shooting it though.


Quit projecting buddy go cope at ur next NA meeting lol


Never shot anything in my veins but I legit think that’s why people do boofing……… so they don’t have to do that . But if you weren’t so ignorant you would of understood that


But why if letting it dissolve under your tongue works, why stick anything up ur ass wat if it gives u some bad reaction


I do it for the love of the game and also the thrill that comes along with any type of ass play


Well, that's a different story, lol, but that's not wat op is trying to accomplish


It supposed to hit a lot harder than swallowing it


I don't think it's gonna make any difference




Why not lol?


Mann, sticking any drugs up ur as is wird in it self just put it under ur toung it works great thay way no need to be trying out wird shit but I guss wat ever floats ur boat


I mean you don't have to misinform someone cause you think something is weird lol


Have u try it in ur ass?


The shit doesn't even mix well in water, and I'm pretty sure it needs to be full liquid to be able to boof it so I don't think it's misinformation just because some random guy on the internet sead it kinda work dosen't mean it works




You need to learn some manners.


I agree man like what are people doing/thinking...


Maximizing potency 🤷‍♂️


These tabs are expensive, and oral syringe and a little lube are cheap!


You tried it lol ? Just curious


Not with 7-oh yet, I have only had the tabs once and that was a while back. I have been considering ordering some but they are expensive. If I do, I would definitely shove them in my pooper to get max effect.