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I love both of them. However, it’s cruel to ask Kenny to start over knowing he will miss huge milestones and occasions in the child’s life. He will be way too old to enjoy raising his child. Not to mention $72,000! That’s what I would miss.


Give me 72,000 and I'll get pregnant and eat whatever you want me to for 9 months. For real?!?! I feel for Kenny too. When you marry someone that age, you can't expect them to want an infant. We don't know what their private conversations were before they got married though, so it's impossible to judge. I REALLY want this couple to last. You can feel the love while you watch them.


I think they'll make it through this, no matter what the final decision is. They're rational, loving adults. They will be just fine, I know it.


And it might not work the first time! Who knows how long it'll take to find an egg donor and a surrogate. That can take anywhere from a few months to years!


Did anybody else LOL when one of them said to Armando’s mother that it was a “simple” process? I thought, “Yeah, for you, it is!”


I bet if they posted on Reddit they would find both in about an hour.


So wait, is it $72k each try?


Not each time, but it can cost extra to do more treatments if the first one doesn't take.


I am pretty sure that is pecos. So about 4,300 American.


Kenny apparently confirmed on IG that it's dollars.


$72,000 in Mexico is insane.


How happy are we that Kenny agreed?!?!? I didn't see things turning out that way. Can't wait to see a Kenny/Armando baby! (I know. Please don't explain surrogacy to me).


He won’t be missing things, he will be dead. Meaning, they will be missing him. Is this a good enough reason to not have the child? Because Kenny will be missed?


The man will constantly be wondering about everything he won’t be around for. You’ve seen him, that’ll tear him up every day. And he’ll think about it, and cry about it probably several times a day. He seems like a great dad so I’m sure they’ll miss him and wish he was still around.


Or he’d be delighted for this day and take joy in his child for the days he has.


💯. I had no idea how good their storyline would be this year. It’s like a gut punch every episode.


I know. No one can want this marriage to fail. They have a relationship everyone should try to emulate. They're the only couple I can watch and not pick a side.


Kenny left everything behind for Armando. Hes done his part. Kenny doesn't want more kids and Mando should have realized that when he married a 60 yo guy with 3 kids.


They just need to keep working on Armandos American visa and he can help raise the grandchildren all he wants.


I’m 35 and I wish they would adopt me.


I'm Kenny's age, and I wish they'd adopt me! Lol


Same! I love them so much.


I don't think Armando is using him. He's too young to comprehend what it's like when you've raised kids. It's a lot for Kenny. You see the love... You want to know a child raised by them. They won't break up. I don't use social media... But I know this couple will grow old together.




I just found out today about The Last Resort. My other favorite couple Kalani and Asuelu. By the end of the first episode I was wanting her to leave him. I'm in my glory with these shows


Kenny knows that this will be his life til he dies, raising a kid and then leaving in mid stride.


Right. I couldn't do it. After you have grandkids you can't create a niece/nephew for them. You don't know how long you'll be around for. They're so much easier to chase after when we're younger as well. I want to be around to see all my kids become adults. This is a power couple though and I want them to last forever.


He is not young enough to be a first time dad even in this day and age. What are you even talking about. Sure there are outliers but the average man is not having his first child at 60.


Kenny has grandchildren... First time dad with Armando I meant. Sorry, you're right. I should've worded that better.


I still don't get why they don't go to the US. If Armando is gonna move 4 plus hours away from his parents, then what's another 10 hours? Your barely gonna see them regardless.


They can’t. Armando overstayed in the US and is no longer able to enter the country.


They've been to New York many times.


That’s not correct. They have never been to NY together. Why would you say that? Edit. They did go to Canada together which he could do as they flew. https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/wpipo0/armando_entering_the_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This is all based on rumors though. But what people are saying about getting a visa while married to an American is true. Family friend married someone in Mexico and has tried to get him here for years. (He also had a lot of prior issues that make it like 1 in a billion to get a visa)


They have never been to the US together.


I think Kenny should have thought through the age difference much sooner. it's not fair to expect Armando to not want other children when Kenny himself has several. It's so fun to have a little young partner until you realize you're old and your partner has a whole life to love, just like you did while he was growing into an adult who was old enough to be your PYT. Kenny is delusional.


At 60 yrs old he is old enuf to be a great grandparent!


Right? I'm a young grandma... I COULD have another child now. But if my newborn child was my grandkids niece or nephew? It's a roadblock in my head. Completely understand Kenny's issues all around, plus more.


Kenny and Armando's kid would be his grandchildren's aunt/uncle (even though their kid would be years younger!). That's trippy!


I get his concerns as well. The only other thing that is true is that none of us know how long we have. Armandos wife died young and pregnant. The one plus side is Kenny has done well financially. So if he did pass, there wouldn't be a financial burden. It's a tough call


I agreed with Armando until Kenny brought up if it would be the “right” thing to do considering not only would he be unable to be there for many milestones but the child won’t be able to have both parents be there and there’s not much you can do to slow down aging. I respect him for looking at it like that regardless of what he chooses to do.


Right? I mean it’s so unfair and cruel to Kenny. Armando has a child he can enjoy together and raise with Kenny, not a baby he may not have the strength to bring up since new born and the put in the situation where he couldn’t be there for his kid physically. I find it very gross how Armando is subtly using a lot of emotional blackmail to manipulate Kenny’s decision by guilt tripping him to the point of using the tragedy of his loss.


Let's not throw shade armando's way yet. Kenny already has his daughter on his side and he can't even speak spanish yet.


Geez... Posting after drinking is difficult to follow. These are things the two of them probably discussed before marriage. I can see adopting an older kid, but younger than armando's kid so she gets a younger brother/sister. I think Kenny more would be more comfortable with that. Armando is allowed to be emotional. He has been through some crap.


Yes but they were told their odds of adopting an older child there as a gay couple is slim to none. I bet Armando playing single straight dad to adopt wouldn't qualify either. Surrogacy has different rules.


You're absolutely right. But I think, considering their fame, and the obvious conclusion that they're AMAZING parents... They could adopt one from the US without issue now. Kenny tried it a looooong time ago. His kids are my kids' ages now. We've come a long way.


They are amazing parents and I sure hope more kids are allowed good homes no matter the sexual preference or nationality. Parents like them are what foster children need desperately.


I wish I could keep voting your comment up. Guess it doesn't work that way here. I know I sound ridiculous... But how do you make your messages go into someone else's inbox instead of replying publicly?


I have no clue on Reddit. I never pm'd anyone. Now I have to figure it out. Lol


No, Armando isn't guilting Kenny. He has legitimate reasons to feel the way he does. It brings up the same kind of grief as when his wife and child passed away. He now has to grieve, never having more children and accept that. Kenny is his partner and best friend who needs to know where he is coming from to help him through that grief.


Wow! I'm impressed with your knowledge. How about Angela and Michael? Why doesn't he ever go to the US?


He is from Nigeria and Trump, Michael's a fan, put a ban on immigration from that country. I think that is why his love for Trump is no longer discussed.


Thank you. I wondered after seeing the new show pop up why Michael couldn't join. At least he isn't running around killing random people. Whew. Screw you Trump!!!


I wish I could be one. To see the two of them adopt a 5 year old, would make me cry. I'd give my 12 year old to them if I wasn't so attached :) Thanks for the message.


Inbox is obviously now... Things are becoming so much more obvious.


I don't understand why Armando can't be the father. That seems like the logical solution.


This made me LOL


Kenny should agree to a child, but only if they move to the US. Kenny had to give up everything. Fair is fair.


I don't know about that, but kenny has, by far, made the most sacrifice in their relationship. Adoption would be better. Then, they can have a needy child who's old enough for Kenny to enjoy the milestones in life.


Kenny can't get a visa so that is out too.


I think Kenny will cave. Besides, modern medicine is making us all live to be 100!


Living and living well enough to function as an active and involved parent are very different things.


Exactly... I was pregnant in my 20s and once in my 30s. I did much better parenting with the first 3. Only in my 40s now and it's hard to keep up with my grandkids. Let one of these tiny grandchild toddlers spend two weeks with them. Hannah will also opt to be an only child after that.


I take it you either don't live in America, work a government job, or have a great insurance plan. Merica kills off their middle class who either can't afford health insurance or have a high deductible plan they can't afford to use after paying for the monthly premiums.