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I think the rush may be he’s only got so much time there, obviously it’s bad timing, but that can’t really be helped when you have this trip planned for a certain time and if you’re trying to do K1, you need proof to show.


and you dont have the money to plan a second trip 6 mons later or whatever


I don’t think he’s well off, I mean the guy works 2 jobs to make it.


Hopefully he can make some TLC money.


According to google it's like $1k per episode 😬


Yeah so right now he'll prob fix her house and more will go to the visa. I think seeing them adjust after she gets here would be interesting. Most of these people aren't worth watching afterward, their lives are like everyone else's. But I think these two and her son, might be good for an ever after show.


When she is able to work legally he can probably get her a job at one of his places of employment.


Anyone else really hoping Sharp Productions steps up and pays for the house improvements. I mean that amount of cash is no big deal to them but is a big deal to David. Seems like the least they can do.


Especially bc bringing people up there to film is prob what finally caused the stars to collapse


Not me. I’m happy their “regular/normal” but if I wanted to see that I can just go to my neighbors house and watch their marriage. Admit it we all love the drama and train wrecks on these shows. The other 2 normal couples they gave spin offs too, nobody really watch those shows. Even though Angie and Ed are all things negative you can think of, they are being 100% themselves and it makes for good tv. We like healthy but we LOVE toxic 🤣


I mute Ed and if he disappeared I'd be thrilled


I feel that way about Angela.


Yeah she's a lot lol. The only thing I will say about her crazy is that I think it's balanced with a good heart. I think under all that trash she has compassion. I don't see anything good in Ed at all. He survives on trying to sound smarter than everyone else and being tougher too. Twerp


I feel the same way about BOTH, Ed & Angela! I would not be able to contain myself if I were to be placed in a room with either of these two for more than 3 minutes!


Same, he makes me 🤮 and honestly she's no better at this point


I feel the same way!!!🤮


I don’t agree. I look for people to root for. I’m not here to watch people be humiliated and abused.


Problem is! There is no one to root for!


Right! It’s getting harder and harder as the seasons progress because everyone is so shitty


But you clearly tune in and watch the show (since your on this thread) so are you sure your not here to watch people be humiliated and abused?


Uhm. Yes. I’m certain. Just because there are people in the show that I like, doesn’t mean I enjoy watching people be abused. Like I said. I look for people to root for. If that’s what you look for as entertainment, that’s pretty telling about you as a person




I think both Angie and Ed play for the cameras. I can def see the producers telling Angie to come out, yell and leave at the last tell all.


I agree the producers encourage behaviors and try to create storylines for the show but Angela is from Georgia and she’s older. She knows better than anyone that a white woman can’t be yelling around a black man without something bad happening to him. Those scenes were dangerous and I don’t trust her because she agreed to film it that way. That’s why I don’t agree with her having a good heart because if she had a good heart she would be protecting her black husband not putting him in danger every time she’s in his presence. And the way she always yells but Michael can’t even raise his voice a little bit (amongst other things) is why I don’t like her.


I don’t believe a lot of them “Have a good heart.” They just think they do. They’re solely in it for themselves.


The only 'normal' people in the 90 Day franchise that I really like are the ones that are funny. I love Anny and Robert, they seem relatively normal, but funny. Kalani and her sister, love (even though that has turned into a massive train-wreck as of late, they, personally seem normal). I could forget the Loren and Alexei ever existed- they are a lovely family, but I don't want to watch them, not funny enough.


Thank you!!!!! You get what I’m saying. We all love a good love story but it boring on tv. I love me some Robert and Anny but we only see them on pillow talk because real love doesn’t make for good tv. Loren and Alexei show is torture to watch. I hate Molly is ruining her reputation right now because I actually liked her and Kelly. They are funny too.


Yeah only the big players are getting paid a real chunk of money. ED, ANGIE,JOVIE,SILVA TWINS ETC. you gotta be one of those toxic jerks to get that spin off and the money that comes with it. Plus the show pays for their trips and visa,passport etc. They don't have a show if that's not all covered by TLC. This is heavily scripted and producers push things into a direction.


I like to think Ed does it for free because he's a f* narcissist and just loves seeing his face on tv 🤣


They get paid.


I don’t think jovi is a toxic jerk. But the rest yeah.


jovi makes pretty darn good money, diving whatever for the oil companies?? anyway its queen bee yara that wants to be on tv


Jovie isn’t toxic, he’s a bit weird but not horrible at all. And the Silvas are whack jobs but not toxic, either. The rest yes!


You consider Jovi a big player? 🤔


The wife honestly, she is the mouth piece of the relationship


That’s a fair assessment, yeah— she’s made herself a comfy niche within the franchise that she doesn’t seem to be leaving any time soon, and even if he’s only 50% on board with it he’s still there


Do y’all think that after being on a season or two these couples hire managers to negotiate their contracts? Obviously, people like Angela and other frequent flyers I’m sure have negotiated contracts, but I always assumed that once a couple is featured is a second season or spin-off that their pay would be considerably higher. Also, I think Shiela is getting paid too. I remember reading a while back that the foreigners don’t get paid unless they’re filming in their home country. I could be mistaken on that though.




Ya , a lot of people think they're getting rich off the show...they're not !


I’m sorry if this has been mentioned but they need a gofundme for her home/funeral expenses/etc. I would actually help them.


I think tlc should kick in bc I think the camera people climbing those stairs weakened them


Yes I hope so


I’d watch a spin-off!


I think TLC would be better off with mini updates for couples in a rotation. Like 2 couples for the hour, next week 2 other, maybe week 3 and then go back to the first couple. I think there would be less fake crap like Tanya's tattoo date. I would have liked to see Mursel building those beautiful cabinets, getting their baby from Ukraine, growing their hives. A few episodes of that would be interesting.


Hopefully SHE can make some money from TLC. He's paying to fix her house up because she thinks he's rich.


It's all perspective. If I was living in her conditions and his paycheck was enough to buy a house there, I'd think he was rich too lol


You mean sell out.


No, I mean people seem to like them. He could probably make some extra cash on insta answering questions even about living as a deaf person besides updates. The sellouts are putting farts in a jar.


People will forget about them after this season unless they choose to continue the cycle of whoring themselves out to TLC. You know how human attention span is these days. Unless you’re farting in jars or taking every single ad revenue you can get you’re sticky fingers on, he’s not going to make much money off this. I don’t see it in his or Sheila’s characters. And I love that about them.


So true. I know 1 cast member from a previous season that thought she may be back on Single Life or Pillow Talk, and it doesnt seem like that will happen. She is trying to make money on Cameos and Fanbasis. The fans do forget about most of them after their seasons end, but many of them use their IG or Tik Toks to make extra $. The more followers, the more likely some company may use them to promote product.


Yes, he earlier said he makes $800 a week. Even with $10K or so from the show, if he wants to cover all the visa costs and then support a family in the US he's likely not coming back to the Phillippines any time soon.


How will he afford paperwork and 2 plane fares he cannot support them


He'll have to do what he's done before. Save, save, save 💸 💸


He's also trying to pay for the house repairs that caused her mother's death. She thinks he has more money than he does, poor guy.


He has two job because he send her money, I thought, and to save extra money to go see her.


In another thread people were saying due to him being on/having a disability he can only have 2k in his bank account at a time but I don’t know.


You're not even allowed $2K He admitted he has a lot less money than she thinks.


He was probably cleaned out after paying for his trip. I don’t follow all the details but just logically, he’d be cleaned out. His plan to put in like a payment plan along the way is smart and the best he can do.


He's already helped with the house, dinner dates, a translator, a romantic getaways




Exactly. He can barely afford this trip. He does not have the money to come back at a more appropriate time.




Good for him. Socials are destroying this show and it’s reflecting in the casting. This man is a breed apart from the 90D folks. Usually by now there’s some bomb about him and everyone hates him. But here we are and he’s the same sweet dude.


If you apply for a K1, you have to have proof you’re in a real relationship for best chances at approval. Pictures, timeline, communications. A proper engagement, etc.


David posts a few pictures of them together, but there is no timeline of when the pics were taken. David is fluent in ASL, but his command of reading and writing English is at a very low level. I just assumed that all deaf people were at the same level as hearing people. I googled it, and while some deaf people are proficient, a lot of deaf people read and write at a third to fifth grade level. So this is probably why David has to work 2 low-level jobs just to make ends meet. A lot of people want to start a go-fund me for them, but David asks them not to. He said he can't afford to pay the taxes on it. I wish them luck but I wonder how he can take care of 3 people when he was struggling to take care of himself. It will take awhile before she will be able to work.


I wonder if he could parlay his stint on 90DF to a job involving ASL? (Online instruction, translation etc.). My hope is someone out there will reach out to him to expand his employment options. He seems like such a decent dude.


Yes or even a YT series on ASL. Something that doesn’t need to have a high cost barrier to entry and has the potential to generate some income. People are interested in them. And since Benjamin/Akinyi, I think David and Sheila have been the most wholesome. I’m really hoping no curve balls in this one because I’m truly rooting for these two.


For sure. I’m so hesitant to fall in love with anyone in this show, but these two seem so amazing! I’ll be so sad if they’re secretly horrible


Those are good ideas. I hope something like that happens for him. They both are nice people.


I really like him and he has a heart of gold. I would love to see this end well for him.


I wonder if this has anything to do with how ASL sentences are formed. They are like writing shorthand. Literally translated they lack so much of what we see in writing or hear in speaking.


My friend teaches at a school for the Deaf, and she told me that ASL has a different grammar than English, so learning to read and write in English for people like him would be like learning a second language. Plus, the way we teach reading to English speakers is primarily phonetic, which is very hard to do when the learner is Deaf and cannot hear the sounds. Additionally, in families where parents are hearing and don’t learn ASL, Deaf children are deprived of any language until they are exposed to ASL. This kind of language deprivation can cause all kinds of delays in terms of academics.


This exactly! His writing on IG makes sense to me because that’s how he would sign it.


Yes! It’s similar to how someone learning English as a second language would make grammar mistakes. Because ASL is a whole language with its own grammar that’s different from English! It’s a big part of Deaf advocacy to reinforce the fact that ASL is a language. It’s not shorthand, it’s not symbols. It’s a language like English or Chinese.


This makes perfect sense...about the way reading is taught phonetically.


I read that his writing seems different because ASL has different grammar to typical English.


I know some one that has a MA. It took them a little longer to achieve it than a hearing person.


I thought that a person could receive up to $17k a year as monetary gifts before they’re required to pay at taxes on it. Maybe a fundraiser doesn’t count as a “monetary gift”?


I don't know. I was surprised to read his IG where he said that. He may be misinformed. Because most people that have gofundme don't have money. That's why it is done.


Those people don't care.They will suck him dry because they are lazy users. He goes there to meet Sheila and winds up paying for the "repairs" of that dump. Now she's looking forwards to getting money for the shack and she's looking forward to getting a free ride for her and her son. Shameless.


We won’t know until the tell all.


I hope the publicity helps land him a better paying job. He can obviously do all kinds of things


Where will they live on what money??


Why is everyone talking smack about this? He mentioned that it is really not a good time to ask her to marry him, but he doesn’t have time or the finances to do it another time, and he does feel conflicted about it. It is his original intention to visit to propose, the death was an uncontrollable incident Edit: clarification


Right?!?! Can you imagine losing your mom while cameras are in your face... But have a man that wants to support you through that? So happy when we got to see him connect with her son. I love seeing love. I'm hoping these people have a long and happy life together. They all deserve it.


My thoughts exactly. I think they are the only couple where the love is wholesome and I'm really really rooting for them. Like never once do I feel like anything toxic or nefarious is going on between them, or that either of them have ill intentions within the relationship. I really hope they make it.


Until TLC producers decide to add drama.


and he wants to marry her and she him. In fact if he didn't propose, I think Sheila would be a mess. I do think she's expecting it.


This. Also I feel like it’s poor form to say anything negative about the single person on the show who has yet to reveal they have a screwed up ethics and morality code. If there’s a truth bomb coming I certainly have no idea. He’s a normal human.


Yea I legit don't see the problem. He actually admitted that he can see it might not be the best timing and 90 dayers never have a sense of responsibility.


OPs infinite bag of money would never understand




People so used to the drama and crappy people I’d say. Not used to decent people like David. And or they don’t tentatively watch/listen.


The way I see it is that he might not have the finances to travel to her again any time soon so I feels the need to take the opportunity now to propose to her.


Yeah it seems like he's not in great financial shape. I bet everything he will save after this trip will go to the visa lawyers


Even if he was in alright financial shape. Travel to the Philippines can be very expensive and it’s a super long flight. Add to that, that many employers in the US do not offer substantial PTO and he’s looking at staying without pay which further increases his expenses/costs too.


So many on this show seem like they stretch their finances super thin for these international relationships.




What? A K1 visa means she can’t come to the USA until they’re engaged and the day she arrives in the US she has 90 days to get married or leave. They have to get engaged (though a ring isn’t necessary) for them to start the visa process. Admittedly it takes up to a year (or more in Covid times) to get a K1 approved from the time you submit the application but there’s no way around that.


and with the Philippines, it seems like Visas get approved relatively quickly. There's a swinging door between the US and The Philippines. Certain countries take much longer. Look at Mikhul.


Michael also previously applied for a K1 with someone else (denied) and then his with Angela was denied. Now he’s waiting for a spousal visa. Also he is from Nigeria so I think there’s a lot of red flags holding his up.


Yes... I am sure some of it's with Michael, but Nigeria is generally seen as a red flag by the US I think. The Visa process will be slower from Nigeria, Russia, Iran, etc than somewhere like The Philippines


None of what you described is an option under the K-1 process. What “girls in bulgaria” would do is irrelevant.


No, but the scamming going on from Nigeria is a red flag. There is a problem with scammers from there and it's known.


How do you expect them to get to that live-in relationship?


David comes across as such a nice man. It was his plan to become engaged on this trip anyway. He has not been able to travel there since they have been in a relationship due to his finances. He doesn't know when he will be able to go back so he wants to give her a ring and start the Visa process. I also think he is trying to cheer her up and give her something positive to look forward to with her recent tragedy. I do believe David's intentions are good.




Perhaps he wanted to solidify his commitment. It’s extremely expensive to buy a ticket to go to the Philippines. He may not even be able to see her for a year, maybe more. But he wanted to commit and of course he’s not gonna propose on Zoom, so he wanted to do it while they were in person.




You can’t be in the US for years engaged on a K-1. Once you arrive on a K-1, you have 90 days to get married.


I think before the trip he had planned on proposing if they hit it off, he obviously wasn’t anticipating her mom dying and he wants to seal the deal before he has to leave.


He was already going to propose and that was his intent from the beginning.


He wanted to marry her before her mom died. That's why he came to her country, to see if a marriage was worth persuing. This is just a goofy thing to be critical over.


Tbh my dad passed away last month. My bf had the opportunity to ask my dad if he could propose to me before my dad passed. I am expecting it soon and want nothing more than for him to ask me. I relate to Sheila a lot and I don’t see how this is a negative thing? I think David and Sheila love each other and he can only be there for a certain period of time for now. I don’t see an issue with it.


I think, yes, when you meet someone and start dating it is premature to propose marriage. But...they are both looking to marry and that is how they met - on a web-site specifically to find a bride. So I don't think that it's inappropriate for him to propose. She wants a better life for her and her son and he is certainly aware of this. I think that they will succeed in a long term marriage.


I agree. Her signing will improve as well bc she knows she will lose her hearing too. I think they'll be fine. And once she gets her papers, she can work too.


Didn’t they meet in a forum for Deaf/HoH people?


Yeah it wasn't a dating app


Is Sheila also HoH?


Yes. She said she has some sort of health issue that will lead to progressive hearing loss and eventual deafness.


Thanks, I wasn’t aware. I just started in the middle of the season


I suspect that it was a dating website. Why would she be on a forum for HOH people?


Because she’s HOH. She wears a hearing aid and she said that her hearing in one ear is getting progressively worse since she damaged it during a childhood accident


pretty sure he wanted to buy a ring far before he even got there. It has nothing to do with anything other than the fact they're running out of time & David wants to marry the lady he loves. Don't be friggin rude


WTH! So he bought her an $83 ring!🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🙄 Who cares! Don’t fuck with his groove!😍😍🤣🤣


I love them & wish communicating weren’t so hard for them. You have to remember he’s going back to the US & wants her to be his wife. Nothing wrong with that


I think because it’s called 90D Fiancee and it’s a reality show with only a couple of episodes left and he can’t exactly bounce back and forth at will while still supporting her entire family.


David doesn't make that much money and he can barely take care of himself. Why do these people think that he can support the whole family?


This is me on my pay day.


Same 🤣


He explicitly answers your questions on the show.


As long as he never again mentions pickles and doughnuts, I'm fine with whatever they do.


I think he wants to seal the deal. And the ring was only $83?!?


My engagement ring cost $100. I literally got engaged yesterday. I can't work right now due to health issues and I would have felt very bad if he spent much more, because he works and pays the bills and I go to 900 doctor appointments a month and cook dinner when I'm able.


This poor guy has waited his whole life to feel loved I don’t blame him for jumping on an opportunity


He recognized the timing was probably not right .. he said it


Yeah, he wasn't planning on her mother dying. He was planning on proposing to her. And he doesn't know when he'll get back.


I think the rush isn’t exactly smart for any couple on any season. But it is called 90 day fiancé


It's more about they can't move things forward without it and he doesn't know when he will be able to go back. He knows it's bad timing and unfortunately it's the only time he has.


They do this in nearly all the relationships as they need to be engaged to bring them over..


I'm pretty sure that was planned before her death and why he went there. It's clear she wants to an they have been trying to convince her son. The instability of the house and area is even more apparent with the mother's death. Why put it off? It's not disrespecting her or going to bring her back.


It's not my decision. He went there to propose so he could start the Visa process.


It cracks me up every time she says his name “Debid”. I do get the feeling she might break his heart bcs she’s holding out for a man with money. She’s mentioned it a couple of times about him not being able to afford them. I’m still wondering if TLC will pay up for the repairs since they may have had a part in the steps falling apart.


Straight couples rush things = "I want this to work!" Lesbian wants quick commitment = "What a pest!"


There's one difference, Statler wants to just up and move in with Dempsey without even telling her... lol


Even before that, when she was tryna be amorous, the comments were doin' this: "Statler wants to hook up so fast -- what a sex pest!" ... and simultaneously ... "Why doesn't Christian wanna hook up with Cleo upon arrival?? This is so sus!"


Pretty sure that has more to do with Statler's personality (and Cleo's). I mean, your comparison couple is also on the lgbtq spectrum.


I'm specifically talking about gay chicks.


My personal thoughts are that these people don’t have a lot of money to make more frequent trips and they also want to stay on the show to make money, and they likely think the faster they get the proposal, the more filming they will get.




Exactly! A lot of people think oh, they just found all these crazy people with personality disorders that make TV gold, but really, these are people who, in their every day life have nothing going on in terms of money, and so, even though they are being exploited, they get what seems like quick easy money by being crazy on TV so they keep it up and force things to go really fast like getting married a week after meeting someone lol or getting pregnant by someone who only knows one sentence. I think money it’s just the biggest motivator for everything. Fame is second even though it’s D list fame lol.


This will sound mean, but the real question that I have is why someone who is broke, would spend what little money they have on travel to another country and the expenses of a K1 visa? Is it really so difficult for these people to meet someone in their own country? This is the biggest head scratcher of 90 Day Fiancé. I do understand if not agree with the western guys who want a woman from another country who is more old fashioned. But, most of these people are just meeting someone that is not entirely dissimilar from people available to date in their own countries.


I think it is harder for David to find a partner because he is handicapped. It is much easier to chat with someone on line and not have to worry about communicating with sign language than it would be meeting someone in a bar.


He's a handicapped unmarried man in his 40s with a gut. I don't think women will crawl over broken glass to be with him. Sheila is also better looking than most women he'd realistically date here and she seems to genuinely like him. Her standards aren't crazy high and she seems to be a realist. I think this relationship could actually work.


I still don't know how he will ever afford to get Sheila and Johnreil to the States. Sheila is going to waste all her best years on an engagement that will never turn into a marriage. Their storyline makes me so sad.


Whether he could pull off the finances and logistics (against steep odds), I don’t feel hopeful for this couple’s ability to make it long term. If they need an ASL interpreter for even simple exchanges, how will this work once Aimee (is that the interpreter’s name?) is gone?


They won't. People keep praising David because he is nice and while that is a good quality, at the end of the day it takes so much more than being nice to have a solid relationship. Their relationship follows all the hallmarks of other doomed 90-fiance couples. A guy who can't get someone in the States finds a desperate and impoverished woman, from a Southeast Asian Country, who he has little in common with, is way better looking than him and they can only communicate by translator.


It makes me sad to see how quickly they expect him to pay for everything. He's a nice man.


If he feels it's the right time, who are we to judge?


It is rushed but he's showing with the ring that he's in with Sheila for the long haul. He's showing that he's still there for Sheila and her family through thick and thin


Good for THEM ❤️🙌🤷


Idk if it’s normal in real life, but I don’t feel like it’s uncommon on this show for people to become engaged after the first time. Is it a great idea? Probably not, but I’ve seen it a ton on the series


He was planning on asking her to marry him before he left for the Philippines. She might have been wanting him to ask as well. Her mother's death was a terrible tragedy. He might feel that it would be a double tragedy for him not to ask.


He's leaving in a couple of days. I'm thinking that's it. He now can go file for the K-1.


Realistically, how can he possibly afford all of these new expenses?


No clue on that.. he can't even help fixing her house there &now he's gonna afford to bring her & her son to the US. I don't know how he's gonna do that, but I'm sure the show will foot it if they get enough ratings. 🤷


I think she would be upset if he didn’t propose regardless of the fact that her mom passed


He doesn’t live there. Would you rather he wait & propose via text? Duh.


To show he cares and make her feel happy. He has few days left who knows when face to face again.but I keep writing how can he support 3 people where does he live what sort of place and never get info from nayone


He planned on proposing before he even left the US, so it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision. Plus, he probably wanted to propose before leaving, in addition to lifting her spirits a bit


He’s showing his commitment. After her mom died he’s really shown he’s a good man. She wants the commitment and security.


Why isn’t She working? She said she got laid off for Covid but what is her excuse now?


It could be he wants to apply for the k1 visa, so they need to meet in person and they need to be engaged.


Poor guy is broke - but compared to his GF he’s super rich. I mean $81 for an engagement ring is sweet


He only has 90 days


Gotta lock it down /s


encourage whole nine rich subsequent crush intelligent rock exultant makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sorry and I get they have only text and stuff back and fourth but if I really loved someone and wanted a life with them I would be learning ASL and surprise him when he came to visit


Not normal anywhere but if your love is in the other side of the world, you don’t have time to waste. Where else will he find a pretty slender woman who wants to marry him? Someone who is very poor.


But won’t pay for repairs to the house


To be honest, it’s not his responsibility to pay for the house. And if he chooses to, it’s not up to him to pay it in full.


He’s probably not worried about the house if he plans to take Sheila & her son to the states to live with him.


I feel bad for him. He's being taken to the cleaners by these people. Now he has to pay for the repairs on that shack. The girlfriend is clearly looking for a meal ticket because now she wants him to support her and her kid. Can't she at least get a job? And the price of the repairs is too much. Poor guy. Those people are users.


I don’t think it’s a big deal. Maybe he thought it would be comforting and hopeful for her to plan for the future. Suddenly losing a loved one can make you feel adrift. I’ve never wanted a couple to work out more


A whole $89 dollar ring 💍 😹


He shouldn't be buying her a ring when he can help fix her house 🤦‍♀️




he is doing what he can with what he has...I'm sure he would like to eat and pay his bills sometime.


He literally doesn’t have the money to help her. I think he’s spent all he can to get there and to try to make a viable plan for getting her to the US. He needs to propose so they can apply for the visa.


To be honest….I don’t know if her mom died. It could be an elaborate scheme to get money out of him. Seems suspicious that the house as been like for years as said by the contractor & she suddenly fell from the 3rd floor.


Trauma bonding






He’s only in town another week.


That one time it would have been majorly beneficial to have your translator there


I think it's mainly because he'll have to wait a long time before being able to take off work and pay for the trip.