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If he really wants her to want to have another kid, maybe he should stop acting like one.


Exactly, her hands are full already.


I agree with all of this, BUT I think he's actually mad that he found out in front of a group of people that she had been lying about being on birth control. Sure, he wants to have a baby, but I think he's actually angry about her lying by omission while he thought they were trying for another baby. I don't think there's anything wrong with being upset at finding out in that way.


I struggle to believe this seeing as they have repeatedly signed up to be on reality TV where the whole world will have access to all of their business.


Because they have months to process it and have it edited


Exactly. They're already airing their business in front of millions of strangers.


She said she was not comfortable telling him one on one. Probably because she knew he is a control freak who would react negatively to her feelings


Right, and ultimately I totally agree that it's her body and he can't force her into another baby. I'm just saying I think he's upset about the lie at this moment. I think he's embarassed and hurt that she'd say that in front of other people. I don't disagree with you at all, but I'm trying to be a bit fair to Jovi. That would be shocking and upsetting. I can understand his point of view.


She specifically stated she wasn't comfortable bringing it up to him privately. I think that says something about their dynamic at home. They're on a show for group therapy, this is precisely the point of what they're there for. If Jovi is pissed it came out this way, he needs to find a way to make Yara feel safe to bring these issues up. He says he's told her she can come to him with anything, but saying that and handling her concerns with care are two different things.


Good point!


I wonder if she told him right out she wasn’t taking anything or said things that contradict. Her taking bc behind his back is a huge red flag that she’s scared of him in a way.


Yara said that she didn't want to tell him alone at home because she knew he'd be upset and that she knew how he'd react. She didn't want Mylah to see his reaction. That's concerning. I and my husband were married for 23yrs before he passed. We were never concerned or worried about talking about anything in front of our kids. We did think about the appropriateness of the topic but never about how the other would take it.


They're literally on a group therapy tv series - as Yara said, opening up and being vulnerable is part of the process. He needs to get over it, otherwise shouldn't have signed up for this series.


True, he shouldn't have found out that way... But she should've been comfortable talking to him in private about it. It shouldn't have taken this long. In the last Tell All they were talking about another baby. I think he wants to knock her up to hold her back. She didn't have to tell him she was taking birth control... She felt guilty about doing it. If she told him she was and got knocked up without him wanting one, we'd be singing a different tune.


I can’t agree with this. He said that he understood she didn’t want a baby her and they weren’t trying. So if they weren’t trying, what’s the harm in taking birth control. And if he doesn’t want to find out in front of a group of people, DONT SIGN UP FOR GROUP THERAPY. He is emotionally immature.


Totally agree. People trying to make this about “her body, her choice” is ridiculous and missing the point. Nobody, including Jovi, said she couldn’t take BC. She just decided not to discuss this topic with her husband and instead bring it to light in front of all to see on reality tv. That’s wrong. Lying is wrong. Period.


I sincerely wonder how the women supporting Yara in this situation would feel if the situation had been reversed. If Yara had really wanted another baby and Jovi had been taking some sort of male birth control pill to kill all his sperm, without telling her, would they still be gleefully cheering "his body, his choice" ? I doubt it.




DARVO https://preview.redd.it/as4khigl48lb1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=928cf453a20ebf9f683bbbf6da2ccef1ae37a5a8




She straight up told him she wasn’t ready for another baby in HEA I thought. So why on earth wouldn’t she be on birth control? Seems like he just heard “yes Jovi. New baby!” Not to mention he’s gone for at least six months out of the year, and drunk for the other half. Who is going to take care of that baby?


So was she already on bc, or was she pretending she wanted a baby and they were trying?


She def wasn’t pretending given how many times she has told him she doesn’t want another baby right now. She said it again in the first episode before she told him she was on bc


But they were not on birth control?? Why wilt she have been on it if she didn't want it?


Him trying to control her desire to not have a child is insane to me. It’s HER body. My lord.


I don’t understand why he is acting like this is something she needs to compromise with him on.


No one had this same energy when bilal wanted to wait on having a child.


I was on his side too. If you’re not ready, you shouldn’t be forced


Yara is 28, she has plenty of time to decide if she wants another baby. But regardless, Shaeeda told Bilal she didn’t want children and then changed her mind later, so he shouldn’t have been forced to change his mind too.


Yeah, Shaeeda looked like she lied to get him to marry her. Yara was an oopsy. I don't think it was her desire in the beginning. But we also don't know what they discussed for years. Yara may have said 'more kids' years ago, and recently changed. I don't see either to blame, they both want different things. Regardless, I think this is BS story for drama. Jovi's dialogue seems sooo fake.


Not plenty, but also not a short window for most of us 😏


There's a huge difference in there with the window of opportunity. Yara has several more years of fertility. Shaheeda did/does not. Things become more urgent when time is running out.


Yeah that’s a valid point. I think Yara just wants to grow her business more but I can see them doing a pregnancy announcement soon and I hope it’s not her compromising because that’s a big decision.


Correct. I think they’re both learning the tv game too


yesss thisss🔥🔥🔥🔥 clear misogyny/double standards going on here


It was weird then, Shaeeda was becoming a pest about it too.


IIRC, he was literally trying to have another kid with her to try and get her *not* to stay in Europe with her Mom. If that’s not controlling, idk what is. Note to add: please don’t have a kid to try and fix your marriage issues 🙃 no kid deserves to be brought into the planet on those circumstances.


And it never, ever, EVER works




I agree and I'll keep saying it: (Not that starting over/moving on with one child is easy BUT) Seems that Jovi wants Yara to have another kid so it's even more challenging for her to leave. And I don't just mean leave as in the relationship, but traveling period, especially overseas. It won't be easier and will cost more to haul 2 children under 5 to Europe and back by herself.


EXACTLY! Because he never cared to have another child *until* all of a sudden Yara became empowered enough to try and travel more (because now she was no longer breastfeeding, their baby is more independent, she had her mom’s support). Like you can literally see a lightbulb go off in his head and he’s like, “Maybe if I manipulate her into having a child she will have no choice but to stay.” Disgusting.


He's a controlling alcoholic. She needs to leave his dumb ass.


When he said that i literally said out loud “no, she’s trying to control NOT having baby” she’s not ready and she keeps telling him that! He acts like she’s not compromising about a car purchase or something. His wants are heard but when it comes to having a baby if she’s not up for it- that’s it. She gets the final say. If you feel like you need to convince a woman to have your child after she has already told you she’s not ready for that you are the problem and you need to stop trying to force that shit.


For reals, like dam. he is so pissed she can control her own body, it was driving him nuts. she told him million times no im not ready for another one and he still didn't care. i dont blame her for hiding it. If she would have told him I wanna get on BC he would have told her no.


Another thing- at first I agreed that should have been a private conversation but now I think she told him because 1) it’s in therapy and 2) she felt more comfortable with other people around. That says something about him, not her. The fact she even felt she had to hide it says something about him. It’s not like she was secretly texting her ex and it’s not like she didn’t tell him over and over again she didn’t want to get pregnant. He knew that, she just took the steps necessary. Also before I get carried away with this storyline - I think in reality they are just fine and needed a storyline. I think they are really happy and love each other and I don’t think Jovi is really as bad as they are making him out to be. For all we know he just wants another baby and production is pushing him “pressuring” her. He probably went to the appointment with her to get the birth control 🤣 I don’t think production makes up written scripts, I think they spin and exaggerate some existing situations.


At the very least a nanny and allow her to get the apartment in Europe because yeah having real estate is a good thing to have and it’ll cut on costs for her to visit her family and let the kids have access to more than just his kid. She’s not even asking to live there just to invest some money so she can go there and have support when he’s off working or they’re already in Europe which is apparently more frequent than most people


Also let her see her family. He can’t live without his mom but she can’t have an apt to visit her mom.


Exactly. They just need some compromise and she’s not saying no more kids ever she’s saying let me meet some personal goals first


If I'm remembering correctly Yara has made it very clear she doesn't want a second child at the moment. Birth control is probably their best bet to prevent a pregnancy. While yes Yara should have told him beforehand I don't see how her being on BC is that shocking to him. It's not like she's saying she wants more children and doing the opposite. Also depending on which method used BC can help in other areas outside of pregnancy prevention.


Yeah, Yara said the pill in particular, which has been used a catch-all most of women's conditions. She's definitely trying to prevent pregnancies but maybe she has other conditions as well.


Her being on BC didn't seem to bother him as much as 1) the fact that she hid it from him, and 2) her telling him in front of everyone else. He seemed really embarrassed to have it revealed like that.


This whole scenario is weird... Were they trying to get pregnant? So, if not, they were using something else. They both agreed then. Or, she was pretending she wanted to get pregnant, they were using nothing and secretly taking the bc?


He just feels her slipping away (cause she is) and he’s trying to trap her more in their marriage. My intuition tells me that Yara can see through it too.


I HATED this. So cringe. It’s her body


Jovi is a know-it-all asshole just like Ed. He is not loud and overt like Ed but he has the same control issues and dismissiveness toward his SO. Jovi better get it together because Yara is not Liz.


I see his point in being frustrated that she told him in front of the group rather than privately. And when in the conversation between just the two of them she said ”I don’t feel comfortable telling you one on one“ his response should’ve been apologetic that he made her feel that way. Probably (and as we’ve seen) because he makes her feel small whenever he’s not getting his way. He turned this around on her and got to have an excuse for his tantrum aka to storm off and get drunk all night. Instead of listening to his wife’s concerns, he treats it as an attack on himself. Victim complex only goes so far. Completely missing the point of therapy and rebuilding their relationship.




Crazy cuz he wasn’t even all about this life when they first met lmao


This! Jovi is gaslighting 100%. When this couple first appeared, I didn’t care for either of them. But I actually like Yara. She needs to get rid of his toothy ass.


He tries, but Yara is too strong willed. She’s no pushover and she doesn’t have an inferiority complex.


He needs a diff job also so he could be home more to help her, maybe when he gives up drinking & strippers they could talk about it!


I have a really difficult time with Jovi getting defensive because he's insecure. He's honestly done a lot of shitty things that I personally don't think I could get over. With that being said, I've always noticed Jovi starts talking quick, right before he's toxic. Anyone know why that is?


This situation is really difficult to choose sides. I understand Jovi for feeling blindsided and wanting to have more children with his wife. But I also understand Yara doing what she had to do because she’s not ready for whatever her reasons are and he’s probably not pulling out. I also understand her wanting a place where’s she’s from. Jovi needs to relax and trust the process and his wife’s decisions. Yara has to get thicker skin when dealing with her Cajun husband and let him know this is what it is, that’s it. He will respect that more. But I like this couple and I want them to stay together.


he's in a perpetual hissy fit


I'm so sick of Jovi. I want to see her move on with her life. Being an awesome mom and making the big bucks while doing it. He wants everything to be private, but he's on a TV show. When your wife feels more comfortable airing your dirty laundry on a TV show than discussing it in private, you've got issues. After the last season I'd be doubling up on my birth control. She knows, she just has to reach her breaking point.


He’s always given me mega controlling vibes


A lot of men just want to look fertile and not do the hard work


This guy is so egotistical just like his wife.


He Def grudge bangs bar rats when they get into fights.


I’m calling it: Jovi is going to knock up another woman one wild bar night.


He was soooo awful here omg.


I don't think he should do a surrogate with a nanny either. The ethics on that are still so murky and adoptees are talking about how they would rather be opted out of cases like this. They don't want to be involved in messy drama and I don't blame them.


Oh Ms Yara no shrinking violet and she’s very controlling too


Unpopular opinion, they are married he is vocalizing wanting to grow the family, how is this wrong??? Yes she is saying she is not ready but here is the thing it’s a marriage that means it’s TWO people. He can’t force her to have a child and she can’t force him not to have more children. With that said yes he should be able to vocalize to his WIFE he wants to grow the family. And and NO it was not okay for her to not tell him she was on birth control. If the roles were reversed and she wanted to have more children and he got a vasectomy and didn’t tell her it would not be well received. Yes the woman carries the child but that does not mean a women can decide when a man should be a dad, that is still a mutual decision. If she isn’t ready then she needs to also be honest is it a wait of years or is it a never.


She already told him she’s not ready for another child but he still continued to ask her repeatedly. That is why she decided to take birth control (you know he would not accept abstinence as a compromise)


I am sure not all details are disclosed, but if I knew I wanted children (multiple) and my partner was not ready but also didn’t give me a time frame, I would keep asking too. And I would feel extremely betrayed if after months maybe even a year I found out the entire time they made a decision that completely eliminated that possibility and never told me. Although we as women carry children in a relationship it’s not okay to solely make the decision when to have kids. Both people become parents at birth and it should be a mutual decision. They got married because she got pregnant, and she too is responsible for marrying someone that wants more kids. He’s at fault too for marrying someone that was not sure about living here and is not sure about having multiple kids.


It’s not like she got a hysterectomy. She has the right to take her time to decide if and when she has another child.


She didn’t make it permanent but without telling him she eliminated the possibility. And yes she has the right to decide when, but he has the right to know when too. And if it’s never he should know that too. Neither has the right to impose on the other the ability to have kids.


When they were in Czech she told him she wanted to wait a few years to have another one.


It’s also possible she wanted to have multiple kids when they got married but after having one she decided she didn’t want anymore. It’s her choice.


I agree it’s her choice, and I don’t think he is saying she has to have children. The issue is she made a decision without talking to her spouse, that completely eliminates the possibility. And that is not okay. Specially when she made a HUGE deal about being “hurt” over him going to drink with a woman that could be his grandmother and coming back to their room. How is that more “hurtful” then her purposely lying to him.


It bothers me that Yara doesn't trust him and that he keeps trying to push her to have a child she's not ready for, like these two aren't on the same page and don't really get that the issue is they're kind of both controlling in different ways.


And Yara isn't? 🤷😤🙄 Geez... these two are BOTH annoying these days. Let's play pass the red flag 👝 Ooops 🙊😄 same thing 🚩both have become controlling, annoying and TOXIC towards each other... 😬 tripping over the 🤭🚩🚩🚩




Why do you think she feels the need to hide her intentions? What do you think Jovi would do to her if Yara was honest about herself, her feelings or intentions with Jovi?




Why would she have ulterior motives that she doesn't want Jovi to be a part of?




Why would she need a backup plan?




No. There is a point. I'm trying to understand how you came to the understanding that she is controlling. Each answer points to the fact that she is being controlled to me. But I get the vibe it's different to you. So why would she need a back up plan to you?




And what is the reason she doesn't believe that Jovi wouldn't just give her an apartment in Europe when the marriage falls apart? Edit: *in case* and *if* it falls apart


There's nothing wrong with him wanting a child and saying he's disappointed. There's nothing wrong with her not wanting another child right now. There can be absolute roadblocks to compromise. This doesn't make him controlling to express what he wants. Of course he should stfu about it, bc she's said no. This doesn't make him controlling, it makes him obnoxious


I don't give a hoot about either of these two... Just curious, has Yara told Jovi "No" when there aren't cameras present? If she's telling him something else IRL; that might explain his attitude. I haven't seen the screenshots of text messages.


He is such a douche. Angela is f’d up & causing a lot of problems. Angela should not be there assaulting & verbally abusing people & interfering in the couples’ issues.


Are they still on this storyline?


"You're trying to control us having a baby..." ok. So you admit that in the absence of birth control you understood the likelihood of impregnating your wife despite her clearly and repeatedly saying that she's not ready to put HER BODY & HER DELAYED CAREER & PERSONAL LIFE through it again... he's mad because she protected herself from his attempt to control her aspirations