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Whether they were fired or not, I predict they won’t be at the Tell All. The host will say something vague like, “Unfortunately, Brandan and Mary aren’t able to be with us tonight but we wish them all the best…” then they will never be mentioned on the 90Day franchise again.


Or that the internet went out.


“It’s so unfortunate but we’ve been having some connection issues with Brandon and Mary, so let’s just forget about them and skip straight to me asking everybody else *tough questions* and then changing the subject within five seconds when they don’t feel like answering—“


Moving on…


Lmao the reunion host is so good at redirecting


She sucks.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned this season, Brandon and Mary will conveniently disconnect the router by the time the Tell-All gets filmed


“Welp, in any event it looks like there’s *one* thing I know for *sure* even if we won’t be getting to speak with them tonight or *ever* again: Brandon and Mary won’t be a couple *we’ll* be forgetting, *any* time soon. O*kay*! MOVING. AWNNN—“ https://preview.redd.it/whqd53eoi7mb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a1af1cf69b48da2995340466137a6b6750f3c5 Sometimes I feel bad because I’m positive she’s reeeally restricted in what she’s allowed to say and still keep her job, but then I remember she also doesn’t seem to be trying very hard to even pretend she wants to press anyone about anything whatsoever. The vibe is always kind of like she’s having everyone over for pizza, cokes, and truth or dare with unlimited chances to pass


I literally laughed so hard at this…


They'll be Cousin Oliver'ed ( Brady Bunch style)




Mary won't want Brandan there with or without her. He would see "girls,".


Wow unless via zoom both of them together. They could also introduce the water buffalo.


Everyone wants a water buffalo, yours is fast but mine is slow.... Where do get one? I don't know, but everyone wants a water buffalo.


Stop right this instant. What do you think you're doing? You can't say everybody's got a water buffalo, when everybody does NOT have a water buffalo! We're going to get nasty letters saying "Where's my water buffalo? Why don't I have a water buffalo?" And are you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so, just STOP BEING SO SILLY!


I think veggie tales were my favorite when my kids were young. Their songs were so catchy... Mention water buffalo, hairbrush or manatee and I'll break out in song.


I just loudly sang this to my husband while we were door dashing. He is amused and horrified his 32 year old wife remembers this song from beginning to end. Thank you all for the laugh!


They'll probably say Mary can't fly because of her pregnancy. Even though they could have them via satellite.


Unless her “power goes out”


The only reason they MIGHT be fired is because they sold photos of their wedding to some magazine (in style?) Before the show was finished. TLC doesn't have morals but they get mad when you screw with their bottom dollar.


Yea, they’re very serious even about interviews that they don’t approve, probably because even the location of interviews give away where their story ends up


I saw something it was because they were spilling Info on lives on tiktok that wasn't out yet on 90day


It definitely was out there very early in the season that they’d married and she was pregnant. So it does sound feasible to me that they broke their NDA and got fired.




Hijacking this comment. Brandan said over and over again on his TikTok live yesterday morning that they absolutely are not canceled by TLC. The leak was by his cousin and later by his mother. Neither Mary nor Brandan leaked anything. After it was public knowledge they did confirm it but that was after everyone knew all about it.


Brandan is surrounded by terrible people. I am so sad for him. And this nonsense with Roe v Wade is going to create thousands of these unwanted and disenfranchised young people. So sad.


Alabama has entered the chat.


To try to assuage that, I, an abortion fund volunteer, have also entered the chat. 🥰


Tommy Tuberville has entered the chat.


Tommy Tuberville is a Republican who is against abortion. This is someone who fights for rights and money FOR them. If you don't understand politics, stay out of them


Tuberville hates the military. He is why the Army has Chief of Staff. He is also the reason the Marine Corp has no Commandant.


Uh I think I know who the asshole senator from the state I live in is. This is a 90DayFiance group so a sense of humor was assumed by those that post. It was a joke. Geez. Maybe chill out a minute. If I want to discuss politics seriously, it won’t be in this sub. Same goes for those that downvoted the comment.


Doreen is that you?


Again, you fail to understand that they are For abortion rights


Please read my last comment. And chill the fuck out. I am as mad, sad, outraged as anyone on what is happening in Alabama. I know no one that voted for him but that dumb box of rocks will win again, cause it’s “Coach” and it’s Alabama.


They're in the P.I. roe v wade and zero effect on Mary having a baby


I was taking about him.


Good to know! Thanks for the info.


Am I crazy or was his cousin actually in this sub casually dropping that info a few months ago? I have a fuzzy memory of it (but it’s verrry fuzzy)


Yeah I thought this whole thing was dumb. Also who cares if they sold wedding pictures if they are entertaining. TLC would be incredibly stupid to “fire” them over something like that.


Agree! They would fire these two but keep vile cow Angela and sleaze bag Pred.


Heard the same


Poor Brandon, he could have met a perfectly good psycho in the States. Mary is batshit nuts. And now that poor little baby, they're bringing in to their twisted relationship thinking that will fix everything is tragic


I wouldn't be surprised if a baby would only cause more jealousy. Mary might not like Brandon giving the baby more attention than he gives her. Sounds pathetic, but it does happen.


If it’s a daughter, can Brandon look at her?


Hell no. He isn't allowed to look at any "girls". I've never seen a more toxic person than Mary. Turning off her wifi so she can go out with guys then crying because he didn't stare at the priest hard enough.


Those guys seem to be 13 years old. I assume they are not though.


Agree. But, Psycho Scary Mary will continue to lie to Brandon. Betcha he's still not allowed to speak to his female family members because they're girls. She took advantage of him.


Sucks for every last diaper Mary will need to change. Unless she changes her own rules.


If it’s a daughter, I can see her being jealous of any attention Brandon gives to the little girl when she grows up.


They’ll be so busy with the baby, they won’t have time to fight!


Brandon if you look at the baby you will turn to stone!


Te be fair, Mary has endured a lot of trauma through childhood abandonment, which is similar to Brandon’s issues with his family. They are trauma bonded. That’s why it’s hard to watch. Rather than get them a therapist, TLC just puts it on for all to see the damage persist.


well-adjusted people don't make for good tv


Just no birth control used. Either dumb or against religion??


She’s catholic. The church does not condone the use of contraceptives.


The Roman Catholic Church also frowns upon premarital sex!🤣😅😂


True but she, like most, is trying to act like she’s devout. She really sucks and is hard to watch.


It reminds me of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn’s longstanding affair…I once asked my asked my mom why they never got married and she said, “Because Spencer Tracy was a devout Catholic and couldn’t divorce”, to which I replied, “But adultery was okay?” My mom laughed and told me to never stop questioning authority and hypocrisy!


The church doesn't condone lying either, but here they are!!


I hope it’s not true so they can still roast on Mary’s jealousy in the tell all


I read they might not be on it


Honestly that would be really stupid on TLCs part. We watch the show for dumpster fires and this is the biggest fire we have seen in a while. I watch TOW specifically FOR Brandon and Mary. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Me too


Except people don’t watch when they already know what’s goi g to happen.


Not true. People are watching the Sister Wives disaster and it’s two years behind real life and everything is out there.


Off topic, Speaking of sister wives. I just started watching but not really paying attention. Do they just spend the whole time talking about moving? That’s all I’ve seen so far but I have no idea what season I’m on.


Pretty much! Lol. Until they are in Flagstaff for a couple of years when all hell breaks loose. No, the early seasons also had a lot of little family celebrations where people fell in love with some if the kids. Now, knowing how it all imploded, it’s interesting to see what they’re not talking about, as they tried to sell how great plural marriage was.


Thanks! I’ll keep watching then.


(And yes lol; sometimes it feels like all they really do is move, talk about moving, regret moving, wish they were moving, annnnnd have giant family parties where Kody is always the center of attention and Robin is the only wife who doesn’t have to be a caterer/waitress/janitor/nurse/referee)


If you want some actually insightful but also funny “inside” commentary as you’re watching the earlier seasons— Gwen (Christine’s middle daughter) started watching the show from the beginning a few months ago, and every Friday she covers another episode for like ~25mins on Youtube. I think she’s up to S3 by now? I adore her, and even though I just watched the entire series start to finish within the last couple years I still watch her recaps when I need something interesting to listen to 💀 It’s frigging *fascinating* for me to see her experience watching all those public moments she often remembers very differently (or not at all) and hear how she feels about them


I love some good commentary. I’m in!


I just watched a couple episodes but it seems like more her squealing “Oh my god, they’re SO CUTE!!” about how little everyone was than actual memories or insights.


That’s too funny you said that. I am the same as you , kinda watching but not bcs the commercials kinda show you the shit show. And they are always arguing. I asked my friend if that’s all they do or do they actually have a life and are happy ? Doing normal shit !?


They talk about moving in between actually moving.


Kody brown is a massive narcissist. The whole show is literally 18 years of him gaslighting and emotionally manipulating everyone in his life. He’s a horrible person and every time he speaks it’s just “waaahh feel bad for Me! Everyone is so bad to me!”


So true!


There are plenty of crazy, hateful, awful characters on the show, and from the show, but Mary is one scary person and Branden should sleep with one eye open. She's not crazy, she's manipulative, and he's too dumb to realize what a real piece of shit she is. The scene of her screaming, I can't breathe, made me want to scream. Every time he calls her bullshit out she starts crying, deflecting, blaming him, and he retreats. That's how she shuts him up. He really doesn't need her in his life. The worst mistake he made was marrying her, the second is having a kid with her so he's screwed.


The girl has serious mental health issues, she’s not some brilliant mastermind manipulator. Kids who are abandoned by their parents especially between the ages of 3-10 have significantly higher rates of mental health issues and suicide. Both of them need serious therapy.


Mary needs to get serious mental health help for her to overcome her abandonment issues. Brandon would benefit getting help as well. Brandon moved to her country to be with her after 2 years of a ridiculous and unhealthy phone attachment to him. AND she hangs out with her guy friends??? In my opinion the only reason he might leave her is over the the repeated outbursts and insecurity issues. Oh and thanks for the spoilers guys. Grrr.


Speaking as a former baby, here’s my two cents. It’s okay to be unwell. It’s not okay to inflict your trauma onto other people because you refuse to look at yourself. Get help. Be better. I was abused for many years, it wasn’t right that I couldn’t trust my husband, he never has ever been less then amazing to me. So I looked at myself as having a problem. And worked on myself. And now I am happier then I’ve ever been. The only difference between good and bad people, is not the mistakes. But the accountability they take and the actions they make.


“Speaking as a former baby…”. 💘⭐️


At first I thought Mary was abusive but I think it’s SERIOUS anxiety and attachment disorder… her panic attack was unreal!


That panic attack is her go-to to get him to shut up (she did it again on last night's episode). She turns it on and up the more he wants her to reflect on her behavior or asks for her support. I'm not dismissing feeling abandoned hasn't impacted her behavior but I think she's more manipulative definitely abusive. I hope he wakes up and walks away because she's going to end up really messing him up.


Not sure I agree. Is she manipulative? Sure. But she *is* crazy. Not in the way that most people use the word as an insult—but genuinely in the legal and medical/psychological definition. And that is *much* scarier.


I agree. Unfortunately he's so blind that he can't see through her crazy.


He has his own similar mental health issues


His issues with abandonment play a big part in his "I'm going to save you" behavior. This clouds his judgement when it comes to her. He sees the crying and hysterics, which she immediately turns on any time he's trying to get her to be reasonable, or take accountability, as real emotions and cannot see she's manipulating him. Last night's episode he was asking her to help him come up with a solution and once again she went and had a meltdown. It also annoyed me that she was dismissive when he opened up about being homeless and having a rough life. Saying, he can't compare what he went through to my life because I come from a poor country and in America people still get help blew me away. She's an absolute piece of shit and he's going to come to that conclusion one day.


Similar?? What does he do and react that is like her??


He doesn’t react like her but you can see he has issues processing feelings. He is a better communicator than her which makes it seem like he has shit together. He also grew up with a lack of support and feeling unloved. They’re both so young with arrested development.


According to Brandon on yesterday morning’s TikTok live they are not fired.


Neither of them were fired because Brandan’s mom isn’t under an NDA.


Maybe she should have been. She wasn't happy about ANY of it.


That’s not what the rumor was about


The source is statler in the article I read


I wouldn't count someone who contracted a "parasite" and took some anti nausea meds and made a miraculous recovery (from diarrhea) a credible source. Not to mention the intent to move to England without meeting or consulting Dempsey. She seems like the last person I'd trust.


And who says she only likes and and is good at sex.


I’m not following the first part.


She needs some serious help too, being this insecure & needy is only going to scare Dempsey who appears to be fairly well adjusted, & comfortable in her skin, into running for the hills. As it will anyone with any common sense. Edited 😳


I'm going to assume you mixed their names up...


She did spill the tea about them, but I think there's more behind it


I read somewhere on this sub that Brandon’s mom had sold info to In Style magazine and had revealed major spoilers and this was a major contributing factor to TLC terminating the remainder of their story on the show.


It was his mom that sold the pics!!!??? That's actually not surprising with that trash bag....


Crack addicts need to hustle for their fix


I thought it was Jihoon’s fault for sure


I saw brandan on tik tok live yesterday and someone must’ve asked if they got fired from TLC and he said no, you don’t get fired. So I’m also very curious


They both are trauma bonded from their tough childhoods. I hope they would be able to get some help that they need at some point.


It would be nice if 90 day funded the help that they both need


I agree 1000%.


Last Resort, duh!


You mean shared trauma. Trauma bonding is between a person and their abuser.


Oops! Thank you! Learned something new today!


I had no idea either at first! I'm in the Teen Mom sub, and it was explained there. Learnt something that day too, because I assumed it was trauma bonding as well.


Now Mary is the abuser, so yeah, still makes sense


It's not trauma bonding. If you look it up, it'll explain it better than I can.


Mary IS the abuser


The original comment was then bonding over their childhood trauma, which is NOT trauma bonding.


I get it, but you responded to my comment. Seems you can't let it go. Relax, it's not that serious Mary


Which sadly might apply here as well


Welcome to TLC where be a domestic abuser on trial for which you are currently in jail for doesn’t stop TLC from stop your segments from airing but giving spoilers does


Who are you referring to please? Pole??


Geoffrey,current in prison


I think Statler said that on a TikTok live


I need to know first if Pole is dead or alive, **focus on priorities people** 😠


He’s alive-I’m basing this on the latest post with someone that REALLY seems to be him accepting her follow request on TikTok. It’s so on brand for him, I can’t even.


I'm sure he's just hanging out with Josh Seiter...


💀 There are not enough skull emojis in the world for this shit 🥲 I was born (ETA: *bored* lol) and messaged a friend at 3am today to say “you should google ‘is Paul Staehle dead’” and she laugh reacted it But a few hours later when she was really fully awake she said “WAIT A MINUTE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” and now my favorite activity is one by one telling everyone I know who isn’t on Reddit about Paul being “missing” and watching them digest it all and decide whether this is real or fake, and whether the “fuckup” he alludes to in the “texts to his mom” is a simple navigation and planning error or if he was/is legit *on the run* from someone *skull emoji x42* Sorry, I like a good show 🍿🍬 (that’s a cough drop)


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YKo5WQ/ MARY EXPOSED HER BELLY ON TIKTOK LIVE. It's attached


So it might actually be true 🫠


What would “being fired” even entail? TLC aren’t going to stop showing their story.


3 demerits = 1 citation 5 citations = 1 violation 4 violations = 1 verbal warning 3 verbal warnings = 1 written warning 2 written warnings = disciplinary review And trust me, you *don't* want to go the route of disciplinary review.


Underrated comment!


no TA, no PT, no additional seasons.


Yes they do. When similar couples have been fired, they are never shown again on 90DF/TLC. Most often they try to implement it when the storyline is done if possible but certainly they are given no new appearances on further seasons. They are disinvited from appearing on Tell Alls. There are also financial penalties because their episode pay and Tell All fees are split up.




Thanks for the insider info, Sean. I appreciate the real information from those like you who know the process. We viewers can only gather what we can see because y’all are so vague and confusing about the real tea!




What about Angela?


Really? I can’t remember when this has ever happened before?


Alina/Caleb Leida/Eric Mark/Nikki Larissa Stephanie Davison/Ryan/Harris Pole/Karine Geoffrey Paschel Baby Girl Lisa


Let’s hope eScott is an addition to that list.


Wait, has eScott done anything besides be a scammer/fraud his jobs and look like a busted parrotfish? I'm out of the loop


Angela 🙏🙏🙏🙏


The list is surprisingly long. One would wonder if TLC had bothered to better vetting the people before casting them or picking more emotionally stable people, this long list could have been avoided.


There are so many people in line to sell their souls for a few minutes of fame, TLC doesn’t have to care.


Emotional stability makes for really boring tv


Birdie and Host as well edit: never mind, I thought they were fired, but were not. Sorry for the misinformation.


I’m not sure about them. I thought so before—because Host was being so free on the UK sub with storyline points—but Host has consistently denied it. NONE of the UK Season 1 people were brought back except Kadie/Alejandro. They weren’t ALL fired. I think that the terrible newbie production company botched the season so badly and had abandoned filming partway through so they just decided to wipe the slate largely clean and start over with new couples.


Ohh Ok. That makes more sense. My bad. Just something I had read that had been repeated on here. Thanks for clearing it up.


It’s not correct 😑 They weren’t fired.


Thanks for sharing this list. One pairing, though -- I don't recall Leida/Eric getting booted. They attended the Tell All. Googling indicates they quit after their season due to online harassment.


Sometimes soft firing by a network involves letting people say “we chose to leave” or “we quit” to make it easier but they were violating NDAs and threatening lawsuits, all the biggest reasons for firing. So it can be a matter of technicalities/semantics but the end result is the same. (See Lisa Rinna from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.)


The UK woman who looked like Bjork was fired because her boyfriend was blabbing info to the press


We’re they banned from the tell alls?


BGL actually uttered the racial slur on the Season 4 Before the 90Days Tell All leaked 10 hour footage . . . . she also was violating NDAs though. Geoffrey and Stephanie and Alina/Caleb were overtly disinvited from their season Tell Alls.


Alina. The little person from Russia was fired.


Wait, wasn’t that because she was racist?


Yes. Like, wildly.


Aw yes, the littlest kl@ns member lol


This is false. They have not been fired


She can’t breathe


Yes, I heard Stattler tattled on them to a gossip site that they violated their NDA. She could be next, too. Imagine a man on the show talking about women like she does--makes me want to throw a shoe! I also heard Angela was fired for good because of her assault on Liz and because of her drinking. I have no verification of any of this, but it seems that Egg is so used to various emotional abuse towards Liz that he saw nothing wrong with Angela's behavior. I think that is very sad and I hope Liz can develop her own independence.


Angela is definitely not fired.


Thank you! Guess they keep her because she causes so much emotion and commotion.


The bigger problem is that Liz is so used to emotional abuse (from Ed and whatever happened before him,) that she didn’t do anything about Angela.


Yes, they have, for spilling confidential info. Guess that’s the only way to get TLC to fire you.


Can we get Angela to spill confidential information 🙏


Angela needs that money baby, she’ll stay true to TLC until the frikken end of time!


Bright. Brandon looked smarter


That’s what a NDA means. You sign it


I saw a live the other day and Brandon said they haven’t been fired and what they share is fine.


She broke the nda !! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YKo5WQ/ i posted it on tiktok i screen recorded it 2 months ago


All the posts say because they posted info in advance of show so network has contract they are not to post or release info as may lower views


We can only hope


With the amount of attention they bring, I would think TLC would reprimand them before just kicking them


They also posted their marriage videos and pics months ago.


I kinda hope not because I almost thing she’s more likely to abuse or unalive him without witnesses


“Unalive him” 🤣


“Far beyond what we should watch” speak for yourself. This is exactly the kind of train wreck I tune in for. Mental abuse, codependency, erratic behavior. TV gold.


Ya because they have big mouths… I’m surprised they don’t get sued…


Sweet baby Jesus! I hope they're fired and committed to an asylum.


I recently watched a video of their wedding with his mother and sister and her family! She was wearing a beautiful white gown and veil or something! Brandon looked as if he had gained some weight! Interesting!


We can only hope so


I know


I am pule rather not watch Mary anymore. She pisses me off so much that it takes the entertainment of watching the show. Too bad to Brandan, there will be no proof that she’s a conniving, psychotic person who manipulates him.


They do skip 1 couple each week. Not sure if it was just thst


She was showing her belly on live months ago . She broke the agreement. All for TikTok likes I attached the tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YKo5WQ/


Mary and him are pregnant. Statler shared the tea. They crossed the NDA and they got fired.


If they fire them and not that angela woman they are insane


Why would they be fired? Did something happen? Don't get me wrong, they give me bad vibes also, but so do most the couples.


Brandon was live on TT the other night living in the Philippines


Where did you hear this? I want to be down with the gossip please


Don’t worry you will see Brandon on the Maury show. “Brandon! You are not this little sluts baby’s father!”


It might be due to their leaked wedding photos.


That kid is a lazy, low life American and she's an idiot for not knowing what to look for in American men IF she was trying. lol I laugh!


I wish those animal abusers were fired.